mmmmame or Angus have been enioying camp with ï¬rst and Second Famous Willdrd Hoitél Closed Byviflcdnonnqs WASHINGTON AP lle Willard Hotel where presi dents once slept and The Bottle llymn ol the re nhllc mascara posed has o1 its doors Locatedon 14th and Penny vaniaJivenuc loss than two blocks lrom the White House lha Willard survived the wear and tearoi the Civil War veelions and dbpressions since the first building went up about 1350 The original hotel wnslï¬rn down in 1901 and the current structura replaced it itnat year But the Willard couldntlight nth Century economics and the prospect ol urban renewal and its managers ahutdowndhaes tahllshment at midnight Mirna day night The hot owners were not avallnblgv liar mmmt but spokwnea acknowledged ithat ï¬nancial dimetu for the last NEW YORK AP Congest 9d air trafï¬c over New York airports has led the Federal Aylaiion Adminiflraï¬on to alli lion obse vers in control towels toseeil air traltic controllers are delibelutdy slowing down takeotis and landings lihe FAA warned Mondnylhat the Evervlncreasing air trallic here mayforce theIUS govern ment to regulate airline sched ulegr it airlines do nottakeseps to limo incoming and outgoing fllghis Flights at Kennedy international La Guardla and Newark airports bavebeen de layed as muah as three hours during the last three weeks Ilia excesive delays have been blamed in part on air tralg llc controllers who announoed last month that they would lol lWflle hook on regulations to enforce safety regulations lines ofï¬cials said The controllers are seeking more control tower and have said privately that ere no longer chtllng corners handle the traffic But her has been goo public unknowiedg men or slowdown But hath airlines and FAA ol ilolals agreed on the carer oause of the delays has been that airponls are nearing their latulation point in airtrafllo Cr Walk Jr manager ol the FAAolden lnNew York said Kennedy and In Guardia might reaahlhe saturation point by January Seen one lately Aslerimhat is Whentnutorkd rtallr timotorlhoWaleoma an Hostess to arrive wi its ffor baby and nelplul Intor matinnlor the new mother But sineelha sterile numbertho Hosiesses coma Wagon needs spott tohelpout Baa stork spotter or sun neighborhood our oil esses wlll appreclate your help and an wlllrtha new mat am To reanrlstork algnilnwceu malady GIRL aurora AllLston at HoeDoe Valley redeem cenlre near Utop la monflzs resulted in shutting down the operation other reasons enclosing the Willard were ollered as we April riots the PoorPeoplea Cnmpalgohbothof which were blamed by nodunerce leaders or damaging businessand the threat of mndemnationtn make national square It wasnt always thatwair AL most assoon as theW lard Brothers moved lrom New Eng landloutha cnpjlal nityand put upra hotel it hemmo he to armshlngun sod and hour PIERCE was 511 lhaflm oi the longrllne of presidents to slay Willntds Hotel as it was known then was Franklin El He moved ln after Nov her wily cleetlon and stayed ntil in and FAA regulates alrllria flight routes and rates but not schedu La Guardia whldi can andla Mmol 865000 flightsa year had ï¬lm in no norom First nomad Girl Guides complain of Girl Cuidea from lvllmming group was dv Allistnn and Vera Deinpder lnsruetinn plaurosglo pond area him Kay Born auguralloa the following March gt Then followed James Bucha nan and Abraham Lincoln Later game Willlam ll Tait Woodmwllsoa Elvin bol ldgo and WarrenBalding They weret all politicians the guesm who stayed at Willardr Walt Whitman was there So was Mark Twain Viotor Her bert John Philip Sousa and Oarltï¬andberg Another guest in mm was Julla Ward Howe Allcr watch lng Union troops return alter the disaster at first Bull Run singin tlre Vahoiitlonlst tuna John Browns Body she re broad to theWlllpnl to set new wordslo the melody She called it The Bhttle Hymn of the lie puhllc Another lamous line also was reported to have been coined at the Willard As the story goes Woodrow Wilsons vicepresi den omas Marshall stood the hotels lobby and enrag at the price or Wil lards tobacco standpsar Wharthis country needs good livecent elgarf roomhoatelry resulted in unem ployment lor zoo workers They were provided with bonus but no severance lihevlsoguesis were hold of their eviction When cards were slipped und doors tehng them to move DRILL active Friday Sirols said are HI shutting down of the 45 af Angus were lndiarge Ex wilder PM Véegll Cancels Reooveq litlenlpl 5s minnow TRY PHONE 718 des Conééssions Heddilli MONTREAL spokesman or Man and ill World says Jacques Aselln iorrner head of ounces sions and llunslng at the city exhibition was not llrcd la weekend bit was laid 00 roport had said eorilzr that Mr Aselln hadsent lane to each ol li inspectors working BELKLNWINSH MlLWAUlGIE Wis lCPAP Mike Bolklnof Montreal top seeded nonAmerican deleatsdr alon Bull of Albuquerque NM 64 64 as the us Lawn Tennis Associations clayecourte championship opened Monday The No loreign seed Jaime Fiilol of Chile deleated Lesler Sack Clarhdale Mlsslpnz so on LEAVES ALounms MONTREALXCFI BobSl rais naslstant in Montreal Al oueties= general manager linny Golab and puhliclty director for the club this season said Mon day he has resigned hls post el EasternFoolball League club and hehad failed to reconuie differences over his enact duties ill cringe new dollar hill will he ginera away hgfli with salary patrolman noes one exhl Manllndliis Woodmanpd under hlmadvisng them of his migration Mr Asselln denied the report saying that ho had not resigned but Musing further comment onthe advice at lawyers An official the public rela tions departmlent oi the mild tlon said that Mr Anselm had boen laldolLss result of stall cuts being made both at the ex ecutive level and among young simmer unployeea lllr Assellna work had essen tiall been complete wnen the ltlon opened May in sa gt Meanwhlle av spokesman for Moonoesslmairea on the exhi hltlon site said in an lntarvlew boutique and restaurant opera tor at the fol are in seri ous situation Maurice Noveir president 01 the camionalres association blamed poor attendance in the site lor their problems And thesZMflmember Union Genernla Etudlsnte du Que bete union represenung French and Englishspeaking Quebec studentcharged that some 1500 gstudeots had been tired from their summer jobs at midSt Lawrence river lslandll lhedail since it opened May 17 by lea network said Soviottroopeeross this bar dér into Poland rum 1th day topdelsnosnlllclal Commriniqation Woesg Face wasrnnnnou AP Both nntlonalf political conventions the EMJla threerweeka oll are throzened with new oorra nmnlaallom woes that eould al televislon and broadcasting Flaming for the Dementia conventionaohululed or unini go Aug mallearly isleellns Ihe impact strike agahist llllnoishellielqaiione Co Party leaders any they me have to pick another city poss hly Miami Misha ol on BWHWMg hat Wells Aug Thelnhw threat whicher allot not only Chicago and Miami Beach hut anyelty big enough to handle political oone venilonroamealo llglotjlilonday Ameuimn Telephone and Telegraph Co warned cus homer ol the possibiliter mike by $1000 longlines in stallers whoare members of the Oommurduatlonr Workers of mAlrtErioa union amkman AFFECT NEWSS RVXCES Such snakede afloat TV and radio ladliilm and teletype equipmentmele that used Ices hava heen nego Exhibition diredor Guy Hunt said in an interview only don students have been ï¬red hylhe city andzoo more have quit ins thaling with Tum for live weeks on ajwaga reopeoer clause in thethreeyear con tract that expiry in non roua raawous antes was room mesons ll gain 0N Cillil NEXT PURCHASE Jilin Soviet Union will delay eldemedmshvakla Salimz departure of tho Why the tarp ably llghterwlth only sququ were Warriw pant manoeuverr in ammo last math Al Wirephotni who dial said iiiWolds out that live more dun About 5000 Conventions Negotiations in New York are being held on daytoday basil and thin lsnovstrllro deadline at the mom union spokesman said there has been uopmgress despite presence ot lederal media and lrlngehoaelmhefore re coat contract settlement men in moatlemproyee in the Bell System The spokesman estimab ed the value oi that sottlmnt is 1953 per mm and sold the longlines workers who average slightly more are not about Bottle or less The spokesman laid commu nications already hntalled and mm ninth needed already is ln Miami Beach unuid not he arreaed no he said repair andsang services would be out olltnihewantolaatrlkm Corinnllnloatlona miremav maged 53161 an hour in wages Busy Timeslace wetlandcm roar connohnnfrm 71 The Welland Cainal is expecting increased trafï¬c in the next lew days as unbound ships ontarethe canalilrom Montreal and down hound vessels enter lromLalre Erleapd the Detroit Blur By nmtoduy or the 51 ahlx which remained atvannhor during the 24day senwny strike hail moved down the canal Uphoitndrlralllc alas consider nine ships seeking passages Shipping oilieinls say so ships still at anchor at Port Coihorne will soon he joined by as many as whiuli were anchored in Erle lor theslriire Saventeen ol the so shim at PortCoylhorne aroloreignf DEAD STOCK SERViCE DEAD 011 CRIPPLED aonsas corral nose zl rm oars NICKS oeaosrocic sonar saltch 8TORAGE gtwukrnoormn rNussnwcr CLEANERS ran2411 FARM EQUIPMENT international SalasServlreParis MILLER Hwy 11s 7235530 PhUMBINGEr HEATING ms WW curr VAReor LIMITED omens nannncuas 1105 smawn nnrvnwnr SHANTYBAY arena 7264 705