Is AucTIoNSALEs applicants should apply in person to Mr Kennel the Canada Manpower Centre mice in Dunlop sum in Danie gtWomen Loié Avon lYou nn Ioveithei pleasant way to fine NINE an AVON Representative For inlormation please write Mrs Toni sauna Box more nt hour min fill cflï¬omtfli For intent Tl when Mn rm and run tins onenhmrlor Inditnwlth own Innswmuon an M75 warrqu required Ior 1m mufï¬nL unnriwfynlemï¬gm our run on to llIHou Restaurant Bay Held street Bum Imimuaan wanted or Irach experienced mo an Irv and reammlaslon share rpm mun Telephone 72am mar hours minor HITLY EXPERIENCED housekeepu wanes ndhrnellu Telmhoul 73561 Tar appointment uncutru need nonunion EnIc India In dlreet sun or ommc makeup Dru fashions are won ConStu lndlriixstrlgs ï¬n 323 hen ml nve Iilrreisuy Cir Ticlpml Vriteflex no Bamn mmlnen EMPLOYMENT WANTED in Tsu crm nter wmï¬uh mi naintl and root mlnlllnl Tele one no IADY baby nu willie mother works mm to pm in my home North Collegith Iron ennne Wisow alter nan Arrsz nnmn and moor hotelsales clip me me Gent nnn Ia years old is years in hotel bar Ind legroom management denotes lupplled wnun to rev IncnIc Phone time Aurora 7176670 MALE HELP WANTED TOP POSITION WITH FUTURE one of Canadas tgromng acceptance fwe have an ideal positionter young man eager to advance in the business world Must be well groomed have grade 13 anding and over 21 years of age As member of Avon Deltas Istati you willbe ottered excel lent promotional opportunities as well as full complement of company beneï¬ts Call in person on 26 Dnnlop St Wor phone to arv range an appointment MECHANIC To work on construction equip ment and trucks Steady em Iplnyment Apply smear EQIJIPIIENT and SUPPLIES IIlD Telephone mm joanLIA TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF INNTSFIL Tender for Five Ton Truck Sealed Tenders clearly marked IIender Tor Five TonTrucil will be received by the under signed until pm mesday the Eurodaybr July 1968 lor the snpply at Five Ten Truck lor one lnnisEii Township Fire Dci partment Tender and specification forms Imst vessarily acceptedw GEO Clerk Township of lnnisfsl STROUD Ontario AUCTION SALE gSatnrday July20 at 1230 pm Sharp for the ESTATE of RITCHARDWN at STONE 511 ETMVALE JANET ISal of hoiisehold mume el ectrioal appliances dishes an AUCTION SALE JfllDAY EVENING as All RM sunny dorms mm mm rod 406 Hemyst at the rear of the property Sale of new Ivliuld lumiture electrical and fistulas etc Terms Dash Noyrveaerve LIEERY UOUGHIIIEN auctions Wateh my oifarm machinery 45 acres oi tures and frames Fem stands Bedroom tables and odd chair articles too numerous to list niture sells at and antiques MALE FEMALE HELP wont mains tutu outlined on mini mum pm Em an Wirni°iri goons niniTi AUCTION SALE standing hay household Inna ture including antiques The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions mm GARNET ARNOLD and the Estate of the late CHARLES WHITEHEAD at WT CON ENNTSFIL TOWNSHIP one north at Thornton Vi mile east High WN 27 on Saturday July 20 at pm sharp to sell the allowing MACHINERY Ann mum era Model D45 tractor in real good condition Cochshutt seed and Tort er tractor drill on rubber I5 disc good as new Mdteevlorage harvester Allis Chalmers power mower ti cut in good condition Allis Chalmers furrow hydraulic tractor plow Allis Miners hydraulic tandem tractor disc Forage wagon and box com plete International tractor ma nure spreader Set of section drag harrows complete with draw bar John Deere side de livery rake Set of chain bar rows Chalmers 50 Gom blne with pick up AIIIsCimm ers root end loader for tractor zoogallon gas tank Quanlity of scrap iron 15 It Forks movels Ipes and other smaller es HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Oval dining room table Kim on chairs 2eatherette uphol stered senses IIIottaI 4bnrnar electric range zood as new Coldspot cubic refrigera tor in good condi on Viscount eIeotrie washing machine with autumn and divarware Pots and pans Cooking uten sils Dining room table and chatrs living room upholster ed arm chairs Upholstered Chesterï¬eld to match chai Round coffee table Crosley Zl inch TV in good condition Side tables living room rug i2 Cot Electric lamp China cabinet lawn chairs iV table Singer vacuum clear er uith all accessories brand new Tru Antique oval to Me Antique rocker and chair to match Antique An que parlor chair An tique stool Bed mattress and springs and dresser to match Cane mair Antique stand Wall nurror Anti ghost of drawers with antique mirror and stand on top Mantel radio Large quantity of new electri cal small appliances never been used iron beds mat tresses and springs complete Easy Boy rocking chairI Gar den tools Carpenter tools Earthbird garden tractor com plete with cultivator plough etc good as new Garden hose and many many other smaller Terms cash No reserve as the farm is in the hands of real estate and the estate must be settled Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Owner and the estate will not be responsible for accidents on the property day of sale Please notice household tub share AUCTION SALE THURSDAY EVENING JULY 630 pm sharp for the estate of the late BOAKE 79 Mary Street Darrin ale or household furnishings including electrical appliances Terms cash No reserveas the estate must settled Watch IHEiP YOU WRITE want same get mun manner no you WWW IB AUCTION SALES be In no prod Lion by next June sity says John Pennachettl chairman and aï¬Eneroon the comp he and his bmthers formed atyde vdop their prongs Dominant sources at lightweight aggregates and these are fan running out Our main supply shale rem aCoolvaIIe steel plant Engine quality is drop price rising Some thing had to be done Clerks Fancy Quality 22 ll researdi is to be broken Aug washrooms 639m Has N0 Interest In Plant OTTAWA tGP The Cam dian Frees reported enoneousty in dispatch human no won on July that Canadian named Edward Gague hnd rnocrved $5000000 loaNliom Canadas Export Credits Insur The idea was born of neces oi General Concrete unï¬r RUNNING our Lonaere oomph needs mum Plant corporation ofï¬cial says the loan has made to Taiwans to national omistance eommision or retired scrvicemm rolloning an applimtion from Canadian Trch Technical Serv ices Ltd or Vannonver been expanded slag and so once Corp in was tor aiTaiwan family MAS Reymida and children Mr and Mrs Ken nedy to srd at Manns axni wen the Sex tonreimon on Sinner Gordon Gallagher and son New York also vliited there Darcy ONeill anddtrs Moran were hospital patients for some days moantly Dr nndItlrs Dormld Horn andtamily Sionrnerside RE are visiting this week it ily Mrs Doug Hickling spending tow weeks at not tage near Vaeaga Beach gt Mr and Mrs 17 Bradley and family Toron lagher and son Nevaork re cenfly visited Gerald and Miss Mae ONenL Damn it BONANZA cars TANDING FOOD VALUES aasi auw SAVE so 45 oz tine airman TOMATO JUICE Firiiiiiéiiiii EAIICI PEAS VMAZVOLAVOIL sasr BUYI SAVE 10 MOIIARCH 32 oz iar SAiAD DRESSINii iiiiliiiiiiir fit iii inns lira Reef 29c nan it wnirr naiviauito laws or 01 ms Star 99c Dn BTL 896 53 VWlENERIlOltrS Apron HIGH LINER FROZEN FOOD FEATURES mm HADDocK FISH HDNELESS Hrsncu Enters Genus 63c iron PKG IIIIIII IIIIIEIIIInss missions oaonoiaNoiZ PEACHES swnnrlfwniint wants No1 SPANISH ONIONS XTUIIIY stream IEIIONSjj nonnonownan on POTATOES I0 III Bog 490 Funny wungsnIEN LEAGUE Doors Most people wish at one the or another they could getaway lrom it all but iewmoke the etlort Nell Russell retired naval OI BUTTQFJfligWEEK Clinch Tull Nun VAcuUM PACKED Reg $ll9 VValuel lLB Tin IJIIFFEE f89° DELICIOUS summit DRINK sauna ICED TEA MIX CHRISIlES VANIIIADEIIGIITS REG $109 TOHNIDNS BABYAPOWADER soc Valuel Golden Houd Imported Cello Bags BISCUIT FEATURE surname aRAND FANCY BISCUITS one as WEsIoII Ior25c 15 oz BAG pin 536 15 02 Economy Tin NEWLSANITARY NAPKINs KOTEXPLUS VARIETIESI 22 OZ or LB Cutaneous tic ySKINlESS WIENERS In coteSLAwsHor Ys ticcr 1mm Halifax his land lubher wite and their our children made the effort and set sail tron Halifax last on toher tor the Eahamasahoard their Moot ketch Sea Whole 5AVE3°CI MAPLE LEAF PICNIC SHOULDERS SAVE 250 their iron the Bahamas the Russell and two at their dilldren Elizahedund Bruce are shown visit to Kingston One this week Wirephotv TIz Lin $129 nonm PREMluncheoIi Meat Inst save lite strenuous swear MIXED 15 oz nits PlCIitES McLarens SAVE 49 AZ NEWPORTFLUTFS sash aim snvn as renews The Tea ThnIDuresf aesr aim Save 131 WHITESWAN BATHROQMTISSUE 2ior65c sentence 49c MNPKQ aesr BUY Regular sine Value GIANT SIZE l5 OFF PACK FAB DETERGENT FEATUREI lSpaciaIIySeleetadttiannda Grad TURKEYS Evlsepratbd lb swear ennInIuML my books SMOKED PICNIC no SCHNEIDERS ramousnabnma nnAND scannmnns MILD saasoNnn 8mm nos LUNCHEON MEAIs MTXJJZ MATCH ALL BEEF POTATOSALAD DIFFERENT TZ ol PU It NERsShoprys snorsvs BOLOGNA for 55 lea fol55¢