Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1968, p. 10

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by Bernard Rodriguer of New stages so simuh the heavy hitting are have two gametin hands lladssons accruals deliveries dined tho CirOp Mart with his issmrnates hitting as the winners lagged Bayiicld laser John Bean for dozen bits The greenfind goldvdsd leadersvath in lead over six inning before padding the sroirrs couriers Crowds Increase ill Queens Diamond sy cams AYLorr THE LONGDELAYED arrival of more reasonable weather in Central Ontario is proving big boost to the softball squads over at Queens Park Despite the figural desire to go and soak in nice cool pool or been stimulant to the attendance until 10 days ago the writer recalls only one nl ht uring the 1968 softball season when the fans coui relax in their shirt sleeves The blttercold and rain also dented scheduled lay as numerous postponements were forced during he first four weeks after the midMay Openers An addedinterast for softball fans is aserles of draws being conductedrat team and lea levels The Lakevlew Dairy team project of distribu tickets for merchandise and voucher prizes as they pass the fill the collection at home games is proving very popu final tramc Reynolds and Smith bagged ooasemtlvc THE ssmoa ciRCUiTrhas tickets nvaiiable with prizes of $150 and $100 for some lucky fans These are currently available from layers team mansieement umpires and league eirecu ve The draw will con ducted at Queens Park one week from too ht July 24 during the regular senior softball double cader Tickets are also available this week from peaszona es Universal freezer ageven nel of the intermediate lea including seven cubic piece set of Town and Countryrcookware and an eight cup automatic coffee pgcolator the latter two irorn West Bend licketaior ese are being sold at five for dollar or 25 cents each Barrie City Soccer Club retained their means defeated record th There are three with Coliingwood for the division crown Next action for the local senior seccer squad isSaturday July 27 pm at Agricultural Park when they meet lace Crangevilie filth domain nu re as have the makin of onteliiderlJ this flrn for numerous smaiseasons in Eastern Football Conference porters an appear to around af After unmercifuliyfman rum awcek ago tomorrow night howeveras thorough Hamilton ilgepCats provide the pair opposition in an exhibi tion encounter kliiIeflloggntodclériijtékes érip zestxearly next wee an roun on reached ran meg will be BC Lions The longsuffering Argonaut fans will have chance to see five Canadian Football League rivals at the ONE park when the real action starts Eastern sec tion rivalsottawaltougb Ridersand Montreal Alouet tes play there twrce and Hamilton once Edmonton Es kimos and BC Lions ate in at Toront dur nIed eastern trips mg med can ithlsisiierksismsd Whitilwglllkll iiiiilgiigcg 35m panficelgeifiiifiwtig nEiiaophone The CBC announced ifidftihfiiigfioiehatat liliylaflifiiéiienil Chevrier on the national Tvnetwork SPORTS NEWS IN BRIEF CHESS GAME DRAWN MALMOE Sweden Reuters lherrixilh game in the semi inal of theworld dress charm pionsbipcontondensWDurnaa ment here between Soviet grand master Boris Spassky and Den marks Bent Larsen was drawn two in the hostello series CHAMPION VISITS xing mesda appearances Benvenull British Trimaran no July ammo nv invocrronr into Newport Tuesday iinidring BEACH the 80Wmile singlebanied call from Plymouth England 1931166 began June Forbes arrival leftloniyihree of the Lstarting boaisunacmunt They arethe 25foot cutter riggadllrimaranAInistlid sailed Talbarnl 1751 won his knockout over Chip Johnson night at Miami sears Yorkst vzsfootdugsaiivrlsged Jester salieduby Miohaailll obey of Englahd the lbhoot sloop Goodwin ii safledbyAir Mdttason 95 iiicvohin gles and Hodgson bcidout for the presence of 90degrea best this week has some ey are now do and are enragping one the dungeons of the ndling the inept Winlpeg Blue Bombers 351 at CNE tad the Scullers stock has arisen Will meet much more severe test onthclnhome guests of Calgary Stampeders and monton and seven at Hamilton Thwday on the 57th move Spasky leads by four points to MONTREAL OP Nine Benvenuti world middleweight plon arrived here fora series of public sported bandaged left hand Mild has forced postponement of sched boot in Toronto against Art liernandez lie was socompanied by hiswlfc Juli an and his managerBrim ior of Naples Fla Tuesday rlum Tribami knockeddohnson Thimfi ii Wt BIN mK Tourney MWthoixlnihs ibo annual Barrie Coiitry Club mens senior golf tourn amentorlginsliy scheduled to tea off at noon hour today has been panhandler one week The onediymens competi ttbn for liardc Country Club members over the age of 50 has been remodeled for Wed ncsdsy July 24 starting at madam Thaliocstlhrenictlrlrfi vying or Brown Trophy Billi STARS PltcblngDenny Mdaldbe Nit Tigm boom the mas ors first lsgama winner by Oakland Athletics 40 on eight him for lab ninth straight completegame victory gGlenn Beckert Cubs extended his hitting streak co games with nrnscoring angle in the sixth inning then drove in the winnlugmn with single the Hill asOhlcago edged Philadelphia Phiiilu SOFTBALL Future liner ibnight Lakeviaw at Woods 190 Newmarket at imp Eastmnn 830 ihinsday impEastman at Newmarket 930 Snde WMI It Nottawa 900 INTERMEDIATE an an Universal Mmfldfleafing UE Clarkson Lari Nights Score coon Bayfleld Future Games Tonight Yanch at Borden MW ay Claran at Bay field 700 Coflp at UK 95 ONTARIO LADIES SENIOR laat Nights Scorn Tor Carpeilnnd Barrie Future Games Tues July nGuelpb at Bar rieQueens 830 Norman Choice Earnings Title TORONTO Alvie lliomns first tournament victory since leesin the Maui toba Dponlastweekend gave him the lead in official money won on the Canadian profession al golf tour this season ibovlotoerydfogl the Tfiroglto Wiring prof on brougt oitlcial money winningsbo tip 114 during thefirst four cham pionships on the lNAournament Mir Moe Nariden of Gliford Ont still leads in total earnings Nor man baswodflm in official money and $1117 in unofficial earnings Thump if no unofficial earning liionuison and Wilt Honicnuilr of mnnipeg are the only two golfers who have automatically natallticd for the 31500 Canadian tour championship at Wood brldge Ont in Septerrrberby virtue ofihelr victories on the drcuit Football OWner BlamesTVBaci MIAMI Fla AP The owner of BaltirnoreColts of the National Fobihali league said ihesdayg that television net works were at fault for higher pay demands voioh ledto strike by NFL players Amr Montreal beavywelgiltvEddic ninih pro more firstround tedlnical have been paidby CBSto the NFL for broadcast ml or on of dough uglind tiicoutdernfinds of the yerr got no unraalis tic Rosenbloorn said in en in tervlcyvat his homehere Beforc television uhs made more moneyifian they do Millviia said Everything3 so mudr worse When they see spmcthin opd everybody warns tosot all be can wssamorox airman Joe Coleman 20 tries to pro toot home plate as theva By Tim ASSOCIATED PRESS When Minnesota pitchers got the word to start running for their money Donn Ch wasnt caught standing still And neither were LhoTwins hit ters JoltEd by pregame blast di reeled at hepiichlng staff by club President Calvin Griffith Dresdsy night the Twins orupi ed for six first inning runs and went on to cruslniosion 123 be hind Chancns sixhltier The victoryonly the third for the Twins in tirelriastlz games cent them from seventh to fifth place in the American League standingsz wwigt Detr oils Denny illeLaiu breezed to his 18th victory tops in the malors as the frontrun ning Tigers blanked Oakland Athletics so ending three gamc losing string and holding thdr Gllgome edge over second place Baltimore Orioles ilhe Orioles topped Xilcago Guards continue Lorig July Drive ran ASSOCIATED raises St Mule cardinals may chuckle all the way to the World Series over those persistent re ports that they are overdue for reversal of fortunes Lou Brock was the hero Wednesday night as the Cards whipped San Franciscos slump ing Giants 61 Nelson Brilcs picked up the Lvictory on threehitter It was the sixili straightfor the Cards whove been beaten only once in 14 games this ynionth Brook delivered three hits two runs two RBI andt hrec stolen bases as St Louis held onto its game lead over At lanta Braves who defeated Houston Astros s2 Pittsburgh Pirates ended 10ltgarne losing streak by stop plug New York Mets 32 Chica go Cubs snapped Philadelphia Phillies winning streak at seven 43 with Glenn Beckerts vtwln hill 1mm Wadiington Scan havanvohad go nine innings re York Yankees scores in the fifth inning of the opener lnlast nights twlnigiit thltuSox 42for their seventh successive victory Cleveland lndians nipped California Ana gels 2l in 10 innings and New York Yankees swept ntwlnlght tors 40 andrifiln oger AL lion ORDERS MORE RUNNING Griffith convinced that an outofshapn pitching staff was responsible for theJwins re cent tailspin into the secorid dl wsion ordered more running for tho hurlers our pilohershave got to get their legs in better shape Gril iiili said How many pitchers coolly cant remember any for long time Chance then went the route with ease backed by an early inning barrage that sentthree Boston pitchers scurrying for cover before Jimlionborg fi nnlly sLlilcd the Tvins bars All 12 Minnesota runs were scored Fairlys grand slam honier guided Los Angeles Dodgers ast Cincinnati Rods 92 in other allocal league activity ms or rrrcrr 13ch was hit by pitch in the first inning then stole see and before eventually scoring on Mike Shannons sacrifice fly In the second Breesz 2run single broke 11 tie He then stole second again and came in on Curt Fioods single Willie McCovcys 23rd homer produced the Gianis lone run Pittsburgh relied on Jerry Mays iwoout twoltrun double in the seventh to end its tailspin Mays dechive blow came after Donn Clendenon walked and Bill Mazenowski heat outs slow roller The Meta who lost their fiflhstraight had taken lead in the fifth on Ron Swo bodas tworun single Fairlyflsgrandslamfirst by Dodger in four yearsenabled Los Augelrsto breakifs fivew game victory draught it Was the Reds seventh loss in row Sf lonis Atlanta Philadelphia sari Francisco 45 45 1500 14 Chicago Cincinnail Pithburgii lies Angcles New York Houstonr Baltimore Jakn Gibbs doirbloheaderlbouruucamo in on paged ball bat is theYankee Horace Twins Smother Red Sex After Preside Holdinl ii is Leoture in the first four innings against loser Gary Bell and relievers Bill Londis son Tony Ollvas tworun triple and tworun homer hyJohn Roscboro were the big blows in the first inning burst ollva dou bicd home run in the second and Rich Reese and Rick lien lck contributed tworun singles in the third and fogrdjL respec tively Mdiain scattered eight hits and struck out nine while run ning his unbeaten string to nine gamesqril iuliroute Jobs The Detroit ace 132 did not permit and Jerry Stephenl Bramaiea laiis By Huge Margin TORONTOiCP Mississau ga trounced Bramaioa micel slurs 193 Tuesday night in the Ontario Lacrosse Senior series Association one attack with six goals and Bill Manley scored four Doug Sills scored three and Rick Dudley got two Dave Grist Ron Wannamaker Bob Hard and Ken lesgatt soorodone each Garry Johnson Julie Kowal ski and JimlllcCliire scored the Bramalea goals Nlllondiv Angus Petbe 59181556 49 551 SW 45 41 523 l2 44 41 484 15V 42 45 483 15 47 466 11 42 49 462 17 41 49 456 15 33 52 422 21 Tuesdays Results Atlanta Houston Chicago Philadelphia New York Pilisburgh no Aiigeles Cincinnati Elliinning double and Don is 37 510 an The defending néilonalladies senior solitball champion Toronm Carpetiand team paid their sec ond visit in Barrie invas many weeks last nightTheir presence attracted the largest Queens Park crowd ever to witness an Ontarilo ladimSeuior League game Beavers niiredzin the base ment of the eight arn provin cial circuit responded wnh an other first class exhibition of sofmil astheyonce again re fused to give any ground to the Toronto powerhouse Despite tali ing on ihesiiort side of 50 score Beavers played extrem ii erasing tho son of Sundays home field star against Fort Erie huge crowd was reward plenty of excitement in es Carpedand pitcher Arlene has made dramatic bid for nmhitter trying to dup licaietlfo feat of teammate Hel en Dobersieinjusi one week ago in tense lo duo overBarrie southpaw gtAnn Kearsey iilow evcr Mus Best failed loreth that nuiostonc despl lngCarpetlaniis seventh sh outdeolsioan pa ect first place record l4 The no itspoiler came from drew walk Miss Howie groun Beavers in order over theloltier iiinglorontn to lustsix hits an unusual sourcei Pinchdllttérr Ann Gray who has seen little action in her first year of ior ball wiihBcavers was call adu to hit for Bettellet weiler dingofflthe last half of the rim She promptlydrove solid single through into cen tre field Miss Gray however was forced out as second on Lyn da Millers grounder Beavers tried to break 1he shutout with Miller speeding to second as the throw on the atom ed double play was wild Slurry Howie fouled out and cry Eeriheloita poppedfup to end the garn Beavers also threaten to score in thethir wlbh ti out Detweiler reached first onon error by third sacker Cherie Teddy BearParncll and Miller adieu to endilic chance Mr Best proceeded to set down sevennames as Howie pitched extremely we in defeat for Barrie lim issuing flvc walksphilhng one batter and gaining our strike outs DeaVcrs hcl Carpetinnd hitter Tuesd in check for four and tw innings Lorna Messeoar led off with hunt attempt bobbledfhbe ball Afterio De hrannon struck out Carol Fyfe drew walkPiiyllislt gt Bomberryihe colorful Car land catcher whoformerlyplay ed ibr Ohsweken Mohawks grounded out Danna McGraw followed with ground Check to thlr and Miss Howie base and Miss Detwelier misfortune hr throwinfo at first pcrrnit runs to score in the niuih Carpoilan era ploded for three more runs ah exhibition of ionghail hit iing arneli led off with walk and Messecar lefthanded pull looied tirelleaver fielders wrong field horns run end of herbal deepimo field Debrannon andl=yfe ere onsecuiive strikeout vic elore Bomborry cloutad another homcr into left field Next action for Beavers is next ay July 21 Wiil€i host Guelph Green Ghosts grnflarpetland 000 mu 0035 me meritorious614 Bomh opener so Wiroflsoto Oakland ire Cisr New Yorkxworr tbs Nude Mb £61m iiia gstweekr mp equa as rookie with Ea siu he not complain its nothing likeihc ilnanual problem be faced in the Cana dian Football Manic uys Cop petelii who was that leagues top centre last year The cxllamliion flgcrCata lineman said his complshru and CH were mainly monetary Besides minimum munme is scan Kale slammeghhk ml 4r Sunnimot antlve said Mme 53310891439 the car otfercdlno pay for exb 503 cum 53M hitionfgarnosjiio salary for pro bib and ii gum in Grey Qrppiayoff gums and the is innings be lasted mm mm Andy Etehebnrrcns fifth Anagrams while chair play bomer sentihe Orioles in front sr for Green Bay Psaars got to stay at aiicago andright $15000 for winninng Super bender Jim Hardin tackled the Bowl die winners disre White Sox on slxhiii The vicio ths Grey Cup was only moo ry W0 SWIM 1° 01 Those were the main reasons Earl Weaver Baltimorer new In laid in MM shined The loss was the White PM Sox first in four starts um be no the Tiger an Oakland runner past second base Tom Murphy had held the ln diansiothrechilsovcrthsfirst nine innings scan Williams was the winner in relief of am McDome other rookies to worry about if Rocky Coiavito damned ihreerunhornr in Manda game as cc Steve Barber who scattered lo hits subdue the Senators in the opener at New York JooPepiz mnestworun blast in the sixth inning of the nightcap eraseda 32 deficit and gavereliever Fred Talbot his first Victory after eight setbacks busyooninet suinlyiro inseam nicer Vny Tuncswaninwrncsa deteiand or it story is 41 523 10 42 45 403 ll 42 is 471 ms his 477 ins 41 477 my lo 435 is so 55 isatrs Boston Minnesota California New York Chicago Washington Tuesdays itsmlts Washington or New York 44 Boston Minnaota 12 Cleveland California DEtroit Oakland Baltimore carom utemuomrmsnr Toledo lbodiester Jacksonville Columbus Louisville Syracuse Buffalo Richmond iuerdsyr itsnils Syrawse Buffalo Toledo in Rochester Jacksonville Columbus Louisville Richmond Discover itho rful World curds For The Outdoor ThsWoridsFlnsii TRAIL BLAZER CAMPER models pgiccd tic Regular trim Exclusive to the soRfSAMrf

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