Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1968, p. 6

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SHElLEY SHOWS HOW Eight yoar old Shelley Weigand of Toronto shows how its done as she twirl three BallAltina gers around his her ankle and ersta Shelley invented the toy rubber ball attached on large brace lot by length of plastic cord TO SWI alterwatching an old Laurel and Hardy movie in which the two condos fooled with shell and chain Photo Regular Smear TeSts Detect Cure Cancer Barty By JEAN SHARP CPWomens Editor TORONTO OP ta dis covery of Pap smears and the development of birth control pills are two of the most out standing benefits for women to come along in this century says Dr Henrietta Banting She says if women would have Pap tests done often enough from the time they are about 10 cancer of the cervix could he detected and sitagauShc cured atan earl comparedthe possibility to the control of tuberculosis made possible by chest xray and cancer lacks the element of contagiousness to compis cate the problem Dr Banting is head of the Womens College Hospital cancer drtection unit in Toron to She says cancer of the cer rvix was once rated as the mrmionest cause of death irom cancer among women Now it can befidetected years betore anysymptoms appear and can be prevented from developing The ditlercnce is the soealled Pap test devel oped by Dr George Papnnico inoux in 1941 EASY TO DO Quick simple and painims it uses smear taken from the cervix to show whether or not Elmer is present even in its earliest manliesiaiion It is technique for find Jng the eaLliest changesin cells in tissue that mayialcr develop cancer and heinre symptoms appear With early enough detec tion she says there can he iflflpcrcent cure rate for can cer of the cervix The test can he done by family physician and in fact Dr Banting says she would like to see the day when there is no need for her clinic to ad minister it Ideally this should he BRITISH ROYALTY Princess Anne daughter of Qnecn Elizabeth II is shown quadrilla at barlschooivin ABtntndep LEngland She is wraringa noblemans costume lrom the 18th Century com posed oirhreeches agrey hro cado coat Japot at ulé Registration Weekly 82 part of regular examination that patient should export from her farnlly phydcian 1L he does not do it its up to the woman to ask for it its cost is even covered by many medical loa ura plans gt Why dont more women have the test done regularly Dr Banting says she thinks it is combine ion of healthy persons apathy about having medical check ups and the widcs read is nf cancer Many people have an old iashioned and dcepseated fear of cancer They have the conviction that cancer is in curable and once they get it nothing can he done There are women who know they have abnormal bleeding or lump in breast and they hope it will go away or they resign themselves to what they think is their inevitable Dr Banting says Pap tesu should begin when woman is about 30 although the cnncer does sometimes appear in younger women When woman has had one or two negativa tests think she need only get one every three years until she is 45 Then the incidence in creases and think she should have it every year it is possible to do selfex amination for breast cancer The Canadian Cancer Sociey can tell you how to get infor mation on the simple pmcess Then if you do find lump go to Ihe doctor imme diately and get on expert opininm it might be iusta simple cyst or lump host can be watched Breast cancer has bad cure record but think its because it isnt found early enough When it is there is reasonably good chance of succcssful treatment Dr Banting says gastro intestinal oancors now have the highest death rate for can can among both men and women followed by breast cancerthen cancer of the cer vix among women She says regular examina tions and prveentive areas ures as recommended by the Cancer Society can reducetheJ toll of all three Advise Horses To Bargain amnion orbV Nurses dont know mull about outloo live bargaining the Canadian Nurses Association was told Thruway sheila Quinn executive dlrnc lorof the lnternationalfiouneil Nursesptold the DNA conven on gt We have to toads nurses and nomic welfare and bargaining and wewould do well to take lesson fromtha trodesunions in Tucson mo em apLL EWARTCDMMUNITY HALL out 664 tnlrn 45 The and Hammered Inst have the wrong his left and na Mymifs replisl eryboa the have eiprrsed those very sentiment in this oohzmn on nlmorntis occasion PSYCHOLOGICAL Dear Ann lenders accepted ran Mann nxnnhhnnhumuir 1le 1s ms PEOPLE AND PLACES Call mi Starr Smith or Mrs GIRL GUIDES On Wodnsday but at Girl Guido Camp at Earl Rowe mgwal Pmfiiilston Calm oners era Campers relatives and fliends Joined to gether to witnessth Enrolment of Rangers or the is lnnisfii Connery camp illrs Joyce MoiseyCaptain of the Rangers enrolled Cathy Fisher Julianne Booth into Gunman ey were present with their Ontario lint Pitu by Susan Wilson Anne Booth was then presented with her Bind Watcher Stalker and Woodman cum Audrey Couison at noose Guide to do thk in Kempenfeit vision Anne was the recip lentoi many giftsand greetings among which was aldeconated cake provided provided by the Campers andétba Rangers The evening concluded with Fire Permsslon to hold these ceremonies at Camp was kindly given by lira Bubara Emcs the Camp Commandant comment in potluck supper opened the July meeting ofPalnswick Wov mens institute held at the borne Badges also her Woodlora Em biam However the prime mrpose ii the main was to prwent Anne Booth with her Gold Cord Anne is thesewn girl in lnnlalil to be awarded her Gold Card but Anna through hard work earned hers whilst she was still 14 years old the let flange or ConcertRam Play Transcontinental Musical Chairs HAMILTON indie last eight years Patricia Elliot and Jocelyn Pritchard have given ibout so concerts as twopiano team During that time they have never lived closer to one an other than L700 miles and their arrangement with their coadt Bani Roubakine makes the whole relationship sound like game of transcontinental musl cal ehairs Mrs Elliott is the wife of Rev Dr Clifford Elliott formerly of Hamilton now of Iloronto Mrs Pritdrard is the wife of Rev Blake Pnitehard formerly of Edmonton now of Vernon EC Mr Roubalrlue lomeriy of the University of British Columbia now is on the rarity of music at the Univer ally of Calgary The women met and first playedtogether at Unied Chinch general council meeting in Edmonton in 1960 They agreed on the spur of the mn meat in help out the meetings lone organist We just clicked Mrs El ott says IN royal BY MAIL For several years after that they met to work with Mr Rou bakine whenever he was in Ed monton Now the only time the three can get together is when he happens to be teaching or adhidicating in city where the women are playing The pianists must work on their own with only frequent exchange of letters as guide augmented by What Mrs Prit chard calls several days of wild practising before each concerts They arent sure how many concerts they have given 50 is gun Mra Elliott it really boils down to tours twice year Wecant leave our fami lies any more thanthat We get homesick about the lit day and cant play We also get ho mesick on the same day and we nlsh home ctosan ALl DAY MONDAY or Mrs Carri with is mero hers and guest attendingrDuri organized bake sale among tho mcrnhcrs Alter the bus iness portion the group partic ipated in program of games in the garden directed by Mrs Sid Stark and Mrs Carr The making of bazaar items was demonstrated by Mrs Smith President Mrs Carl son closed the meedg and extended thanksrto thehastess for the use of her borne and garden new look or Autumn aims is this land pewter rattle moulded into elongated hodice above bouno tierod ing the sessionMra Carr same washable twpiece cordu owlédgéd gs ahologioal loin wlii that corduroy and she will mmwmnmutm oflherblckBothaohllll that die is neat and clean and dont seen several dresses hanging in elem be By CAROL KENNEDY CPiTha venerable th rs Uninn law scorching reappraisal of its basic principles as re sult of its Canadian branch deciding to admit divorced mothers to membership The Canadian decision set the cat among the pigeons in the worldwide in founded in the 1870 within the Anglican Church to uphold the ideal of Chrislian fondly life One basic rule is that menu hers rernaln faithful to the marriage vows But the Canadians arclnot alone in feeling rcsllve at the bonds got the munbership qualifications New Zeiiand and South Africa have also in dicated desire for change Australian ooinlon Is divided and even the Britishmove ment is by no mennsnnant mnusly wedded to the old principles Later in July there will be lively exchange of views as too Mothers Unon delegates loom around the world gather here for the conference which traditionally accompanies eaoh lembeth conference of Anglican Church leaders loe whole shapeot the movement may be changed anad Earls New 1001 niiatcraliy Er officials regard her as having and gathered skirt with an abundance of how at the neck lineihismidnlght mood is by Nogv York designer Morton am FOR TOMORROW scienuftc and musical lines but confidence in himself snontsndau atomsstiua on fill mm her hangup your prob hadsic ii it starter your husband wouldnt bavotoboacrank Mothersllinxigni ASSeSSes Membership Of DiVofced virtually opted out Only onedflegate has been invited to pit Canadas case to the meeting Mrs Philip limoinn son of Winnipeg presldent of the Canadian brunch We hoped very much that they tthe Canadiansl would wait for the conference but they didnt feel able to do that and went ahead with the rule change said Mrs Llewellyn Davies central secretary fihey realized that they were opting out and asked whether we would find some way for them to remain elfili atcd We have never forooe moment lost our link with the Canadian branch Normally wives of Cana dian bishops clouding the Lambeth cohference would have been invited to the Moth ers Union meeting in their role as diocesan presidents but they noware really no longer entitled to attend said Mrs Davis After the subject has been debated at the July 2245 unionwiil set up commie slon of clergy union members and legal experts who will ex amino the findings and decide what stops should be taken it might be that the rules will be changed or that com ponlal allill ll ill be madefor thos want therin changed Mr Davies 55 THE STARS SM asmnurm good day for finishing in completed tasks and taking ac tion on projects you have been postponing In all matters how ever follow welltested proca dares so as tn eliminate the possibility of error Care needed in romancer in dealing with the opposite sex generally= FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates bright prospects for success during the next 12 months provided you are willing to take on soma ad ditional job responsibilities Ac cording to thestsrs you are slated for advancement in both your occupational and financial concerns tw December 15th and February 15th with further boosts in your career in dicated in into MarchMay and mm June Also an unexpected token of recognition for past efforts which you may receive in Sep tembor should give youraplrits quite lift Along monetary lines besides the midJJecemhermldtlahru any period you are slated for gains in idte April May June andJuly However it would be wise to be ultra consenstlve uring intervening months eapeclally throughout November and the first two weeks of De cember Those engaged in crea tiveenterprlses should flndSep temberDecember next Febru ary Marchvhnd June highly profitable and should he the re cipients of gratifying recogni tlon during the same mootba Acllild born on this day will be highly talented along both will have to overcome lack of Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles hdndvahullogmhtannyprnmtoiflhh pesorm MthMfia mm mum round Ian3 hauling subnah with the ab ty tn Ihnnk mot rhoidadminlmly ltrcilovtsitrhin melded onion is In up health ma olema onus in an altar one while ti nliavin sin actual maul shrinkage tookpiaco Most impunint of up mwthomughghtthhimgovo msntwumamtsinodovaraparlod olznanymonthp ran wu accomplished with ills lulu hlnl hnl calla ltimulstta newts nyBiobyhomdhoinh Propantion Aak foritoatmalidnufi oryouraloaay lubttnnco BioUm amt gird it is quite certain thatliuh will be kept Mrs Davies said the find lay of the conference would be sent bank to dioceses around the ark for fgrlther disuisslon Inn on branch she paid is one of tho amallestlfln the mooomm ber movement with shout no members mi Modiera Union has ways stood forlfunliy life on the hdtumhhs inexamg lhalt marr she said The union had um ms in Africa to instli principle Christianmarriagein place of polygamy Countries likeSierra leone andNigerla look to us for land she sold an nova NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE Zenith oust gt DRYCLEANING SHIRT SERVICE STORAGE MOTH PRODPTNG WM RANKIN NUSERVICE crsaurns FARM EQUIPMENT lntolnotlcnai omSarvlcoVParn gt 73min PLUMBINGCr HEATING gt mom SANDG GRAVEL ctlrs yancoa VLIMITED lidl0 STSNEMASON memos manoeuvres PATIDS smawsura nurvawxrs SHANTYBAY STONECO Hwy TRAVEL SERVICE

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