Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1968, p. 4

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meat with 20 rinks entered on idarr Humiliation EMMY Illle 16 Bsyfisld Strut Burris Ontario it Published by Canadian Newshoun Limited Willlsm Tomi Consul Managing Editor icons no now wneu was trauma new r02 rue PART Good Plcice Oi Metropolitan Planning Orlllia PackEt andTlmEs The firstTEoction of Oriilians to the recentlyreleasedvreport of the Metro politan Toronto and Region Transporta tion tudy was probably one of disap point ent or even resentment that Orlliia was not included In or illlas seemingly endless struggle for growth the city of Barrie to the south has always been the gauge by which this community has measured itself And here Ontario planners see Barrie as cityof between 50000 and 100000 by the year 2000 and as regional centre for huge metropolitan area around Metro Toronto with population of 6600000 All this with special govern ment assistance and fast transports tlon network while Orillia struggles long as poor cousin in the north out of it all Then as the Orlllianreads further that resentment is replaced by sense of relief For the picture the planners point ofthat sprawling overpopulated Metro region is not one in which He would like to see his community This after all is what Qrilliaus have been trying to avoid by living here ra ther than Toronto where the monetary rowardsymay be more lucrative but the environment is far less desirable Barrie and other centres unfortunate ly nearer than Orillla to the Metro mons trosity stand according to the report to be envelopedby it With the fast trans portatlon envisioned they are in dang ger of being dormitory centres for the Domini10min EARRIEs CENTENNIAL YEAR Barrie Examiner July 10 1953 Dr PhilipBernard Rynaid 0rilhawill con test Simcoe East riding for Progressive Conservatives in this summers federal election opposing Sitting member 5liani RobinsonhKC iheral Lf Mid land DeVilbiss manufacturing com pany of Windsord cided to buildnew plant ianarrie citing rapid industria development within Cana smain rea son for move In so or softball at Queens Park home runlby Doug Mobns aided Leo Labinss threehit shutout as Legion beat CGE Mrs Claytonl Stewart and Albert McFadden won Stephens Trophy for Barrie club at ual mixed doiibles lawn bowling 0115 Alfred CrosrLind opened office in Barrie for prac of general surgery Ralph TSnelgrove owner radio sta tion CKBB addressed Kiwanis Club on value of advertising Mr and Mrs CeciliNorris and Mr an Mrs Howard Felt left for monthan Britainwand Eur sailing from New York on Queen ary Jayceesbegnn autosafety drive in Bar W01 DonJMcMnrlin of Moose 102 quadron Air Cadets wonflylng training scholarship Heavypol ut in micro Kempenfelt Ilaay shown in mples taken by Dr 0mm mom Leader 13 For was NICHOLSON omwi nu tedmi flfimd fin incur as an his and man sensltl lob sun um to ss Idership ad one of Csnsdss unique organiulioos fhe many of Young Cans niaiu The coin any is dedi rated lo coounu hiiy development in Canada or abroad through voluntary Ice Reporting to the governing couocll lbs successful candt dstc u1ll be responsible for tie veloplng policies and programs while giving direction and guid snclofito staff and volunteer in ur ng out approved pans Duties will also cenln on ii son with senior governmentu clnls private agencies and oth ers thr ghoul Canada The executivehe will have proven romrd ofexec competence prdarshly gained in socioeconomic setting He has keen awareness of and empathy for the challenges and opportunities facing the dlep nrale levels of our society Pre ferably bilingual he has an ability to develop good relation by use revelations in of the runner in which $2831371 of their money bumble the government cm the éYC budget by half out lists this year Maybe it was the suit of ps1 executive dircdors More likely it on the fault of government in isllln adequate guidelines There obvlniuly place for wcllorganlud and decisive led youth movement in Can encourng eds today Successful examples ogrsms oi of the various posslhls mnnller lotions out be seen in other Ai lanllc oaumrlcs and in some cases are longestabllshcd sml nenlly successful and sled without huge stntn sii idles Britain has its beneficial Boys Clubs run by universities and schools the US hasits Peace Corps and significantlyth rsth cr similar group in help under developed Amarlrans at home theJob 00117377 LEADERSHIP NEEDED The key to success in those fields appears to be that deci sive leadership was provided leader who poses as blppy among hippies may turn out be noneader The mostsue cessful youth movements are those whose philosophy provides moral substitute for war musicring the panoplyol war spent last spamming but Young Canddlans oumrs Parr Men With Expertise In The Legislature means mom An Additionsi Wyn comment on on of the Iowritlel and investment mam IWPNVHB merited sdlpr they luer qualifications for 50b5 and become Wis mentors of the national OM 0W £1iiithiSlSTORY We T°Res¢vé fiendishRailway 503 BOWMAN During the depression in the 1930 then war popular song ealled Brother Csn YouSpsra Dimol There was verso about man who had built railroad and mode it run but now he was standing on street corner holdingpul his hand audit wuqiven to Dr lien for Sbuinisnior good per Cndit that was de served Recognition also should be flvun to leusl Donald Deacon Mr Deacon also knows Ilseinv veflmsnt business inside out and gave vary able criticism of the uvsrnnunt Talmud mlfliber in has of onto s2ka house He hm his my in the diluent world and his remarks were mum live and intelligent coon prom Leslie Roomsu mloillr financial and commercial lain also is knowledgeable in this field of course so that for change lbs house uwn bish rsiihrs discussion of the loud cate world ol fihlnce One of the falling of tbs scmblits in our pulhma lystem is that this is chem of of possible vanes more nwncyuslr John Ms ed id was willing but some members of his cabinet refused sir John did not always get his own wsy On April is William Van Horne who was in charge of the railway coMLruetlon work seat telegram to Stephen saying ships with individuals groups inwards the peaceful ends of and organizations in multitude mnqumfiml 01W Own Nudity of sewngs H5 mung um 35 Here in Canada therswss an opportunity to confront some 150mm the war on poverty of the maiorchsllcnges in our CYC chulifllly has vain mm and Play 51mm sblo role to play in this war To Be Out With that they would lose their idente lty their spirit in fact all that which makes community something special It has already happened in Brampton where most of the residEntswork and are entertained in Toronto Few really give damn about Brampton and the community surfers sort of not because of it Whenthe Drillinns look at thiscrowd ed supercity to the south as envisioned in the year 2000 they can only be re ileved that this city would be out of it In the constant press for industrial development of Orlllia townspeople have become so engrossed in the means that they may have lost sight of the end huge city that is little more than asuburb of Metro is not what Orllllans would want here on the shores of Lake Couchichlng and Simone steady moderate rate of development enough to keep this town nilveand vigorous is what Orillla needs and what it now seems to be enJoylng If the planners are anywhere near correct in their tore cast of the tremendous growth of On tarlo in that period there is little doubt that Oriilias growth duringthat period will besuhstantial But Separated fromthe Metro region with Ora township as buffer Oriliia stands to remain separate entity And in the year 2000 theres still hope that thiacommunity will bearsome resem blance to the attractive city in which we live today of Siméoe He in Unit Tenders called fors Ice station and restaurant atCookst Cloverleafof Highway 400 nominated agai ntest Duiferin Simcoe for PCs Simcoe County Council inspected Midland shipyards 11 Simpkin of Innisfil Notes wrote to about attendinngsorn Derby while 15 1tingEngland Among members of 45thA ank Regiment picturedtrai ing at am Petawawa were Sgt Sta Bobbelte gt Lorne Wililams Sgt GerryKinse11h SgtMajor Jim Ross Mr and Mrs Archie Goodall cele bratedviis YEBISVOf marriage at their lMary Stresidence First entries picw tured Chamber of Commerce beard growingcontest forlCentenniJ Old Home gWeek included Graydon Cole Llewellyn Beaver Ari HarrisHerman Tomlinson Ross Rodge nd Sandy Coutts John Livingston Alliston lawyer amedrassistaut to Crown Attorney Wil amMvThampsonwili move torBarrie Ernest ARyan formerly of Barrie jreceived degree Mas gToronlo convocation Director 3AllenFi rplanned ig Centennial con cert at BarrieArena featuring world famous trumpeter RapiinelmMendez ot iMexlco Canadian concert lanist Reg inaldGodden and Toronto incer Zens Cheever new mm my Have no means oi paying coffee In fact he could get two Eel cups my to edicts relief we must stop those days do not be surprised or The railway might have been blamn inc if an immedists and the CPR in 1311 just as it was most serious catastrophe lisp sparring industrial giantHeftlifntr Hon Earl Rowe ter of Surgery at cant part in their resolution BUDGET REDUCED flhc Company of Young Cana dlsru proved to be one at the outstanding flops the starry eyed Pearson rcglme Taxpay ersln all parts of Canada were AROUND THE WORLD CZéch Move Disturbing To hrth name Foreign Allahl AriIN Those who fearonother Hun gary in Praguea crushing oi the new liberal communists oi Czechoslovalda by Russian troopsshould he comforted by the thought thal thosetroops numbcnnormose thantwo re ans They haverindecdflver stayed they should have left on July the day after Warsaw Psctmanoouvresendcdin Czechoslovakia and they are still there claiming that the lack of repair politics has made their trucks unusable Ii lrue this excuse should give heart to the Peniagon Moscow has now formally declared that the troops will be withdrawn immediately it is sale to guess thatlliere are those in Moscow who object to the withdrawal of the troops What is happening in Czechoslo vakia is pmfoundly disturbing for other Communist govem menls PISS fr ed in Prague has pro ed such things as defence of lmre Nagy the Hungarian premier who led the Hungarian uprising in 1955 and was killed during the Russian repression Mr Nagys successor and present premier Janos Kadar clearly does not like having his dirty linen washed in publirby the press of sister Communist re public next door Five Communist governments including that of the Soviet Union complained to the new Czech regime about news paper article entitled 2000 Words which urged the people to act against hmctionaries sti piiice lihis article an attack on the profession bureaucracy that is Communism In all Com munist countries practically ev erythiog is runby people wini have made it their career to be members of the Communist party Beings party member is Elba flatrte Examiner is siytieidstreei Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash heturn postage guaranteai undays and Shtulory Holidays xcepied Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekly 42600 yearly Single copies inc By Ernie $2500 yearly Ontario 51200 year motor fl $15 year0ut dde Ontario 314 year Out side Canada British sionn $15 year US lforeign $32 yesr National Advertising Offices ALSUIIlvelsit Avenue Tonin lh 640 Ca cart St Mont teak Member of the Canadian Pressond Audit Bureau of continuous The Canadian Press is for repubiiestlon of all news dispatches inthis paper cred ited to it or ihsAssocinted Puss or Reuters and also His 10ch newspubllsbed ther and That advertisement seeking new executive director for the CYC significantly seeks candl dates with pmven record of executive competence Tids in dictates leadership Emphatically not to be over looked is the proud record of To Liberalism Communists Ia lob It involves technical training in party schools and the normal roule to power Czechoslovakia lls not only giving positions of power to tcchnocrstswhn are not party members but allows attacks on party members still holding key posls provided theyrare But the word discred ited is dangerous one It could be construed to mean unpo lar and in same cases in Czechoslovakia regular party functionaries were demnled for no other reason than that they were unpopular For bureaucraLs throughout the Communist world the Cmdi movement towards liberalism as disturbing as university dis content is in tlie more staid members of North American solt ciely Communist bureaucrats are the establishment very conservative establishment and they intensely dislike dissent criticism atlacks on hailowed iraditinnI challenge to authority and dcmnnstralions by students in Czechoslovakia ac curing Communist goveniments of ber ing arms dealers and militar ists To have young men spe scornlully of military service is somethingthst the unr bureaucracy had never era beginning to run Although the company had received millions of dollars fromlhs federal gov ernment its financial situation was desperate Construction costs had been far higher than expected especially the dioxin Knorth of Lake Superior sud through the Rockies The situation in dis spring of 1885 was so bad that there wasnt enough money to pay the workers There was slrikeal Eeavermouth in thrllockics and eight Mounties held back hundreds of men who were 77 threatening to overrun the camp Fortunately pay car or rived in lime and the men went back to Work CPR President George St phen was spending most of his time in Ottawa trying to per suade the government to ad BliGHTv BINGO BARRIE ARENA iiiviisiiiiv inn Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc peeled to hear NWV ll in tuwmt DRIVEIN 0i EMF sses Now PLAYING THE SOUND of MUSIC Starring Julla ANDREWS ChrlsiopherPLUMMER First DriveIn Showing of Regular Ram CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Vi BARRIE HUROI DRIVEill THEATRE CINEMASCDPEOOLON thflDXE us sranrsar ousK pemn Normally politics dont at tract men of wealth and partic ly men with expertlu in ti ctnce Jhis house is exceptional in that it has three such men finddhewbliwltlem fhi lnT vesting public should benefit through better legislation Add administration IIle THREAT Still soother union is trying to threaten lhs position of dis CIVil Service Association of Onario the sole bargaining agent for civil servants new organization the United Government Workers of Ontario is doing its best challenge the CSAO as the rep resentative oi employses It the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital it is doubtful lhsl it will make headway The CSAO now is wellestablished and one has the impression that mosi civil ser vanls are well satisfied with it mists THOUGHT And when in bad lifted up their eyes they can no mln Ian Jesusooiy Take your eyes and mind off of circumstances and get gem on ChrisL Look to Jesus Ho will iccvyou through JUlY 9th The Filth Season starring JACK nox arrive ditty rite Air Conditioned with High Fashion DUFFY Curtain LOWER ms Riven usrturnout UCILLEBAliLy There have been very sub slsntial wages and coa dilions in civil service due largely to iLs efforts And it has brought about these gains in responsible manner withou strikes or hysinrlcs With the situation now the government bargains with this one group for all employees it undoubtedlywould not wsht to have to bargain with on Is snrimeot of unions RED BARN THEATRE 763 JACKSONS PblNT to Mill Hit Comtdy Show gt KEN JAMES stasis TOMORROW errraiauisohweew 300i diminutioner ems IIDGE Blue Ribbon Award by As Outstanding Family Entertainment For lYour Caution SHOWING EM nd 910PM

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