GOODJEIIJH Elevating Feet Can Have Beneï¬ts By JOSEPH DIXIE MD tear Dr Molnar Healthwlae Is there any beoeiit In sitting with ones loci and legs eie voted as on an ottomani have been told it is conducive to bob ter circulation ItCL Generally speaking wed all be better all it occasionally we put our mi up and relaxed It wont necessarily improve circulation in general through out the body but it certainly can help it there is any impair meat at circulation in the test and legs and that is usuidly the ï¬rst place such trouble de velops it it is going to develop at all Why Just the law oi gravity Blood can flow downward to the act very easily provided the blood that is already there will move hack to the heart again There comes the rub Blood that has flawed in say your big toe hastehushed about tour ieel more or less to reach the heart It blood vessels have devel oped some flaws ii any degree oi varicoserveins hns developed it there is any interieronce in the circulation the return oi this blood irom legs and feet he comes much more diiiicult it you dont get that old blood hacl lo the heart lungs and kidneys ior puriiying then there isnt room for lresh blood to now downward Sitting with the ieet raised morer means that there is shorter distance or the blood to be tilted by your circullliory system of course reasonable amount 01 exercise also helps Sometimes other measures are called tor stripphlg out vari cose veins so the work is trans terred to other healthier veins sometimes is urgent Sometimes medication can he used success fully to stimulate iaulty circula tionl But in answer to your ques os putting your ieet up numlno Framer JULY mo aii Males pan Classic Hecret Storm 9Perrya ma llxonln Hood eao thermal 15 ur FTCruth or nnse uencla 1month 9K Love Luci llGllidiilnl Hind 5017 IOll Satori dMln FNIll Undo 7l DWI LIIC DMuvlfl lllnyhndv My Gal llhlala roni Uncl rn mi in And queries liNaws Weather Strum too lNews Weather Spam no aNew eNewa in SVOYIIE taisya ano loo no lMovlo Portrait Mobslari SATURDAY JULY 13 MORNING AND AFTERNOON qu snltx The cu tsnnrlse senator nso France inno zsanlson 1ionmey moo Hartmns Harbin Kmart 759 dar Mara llahiadamolselle Parla axon 1Clutch Cargo riioctlec Shin Harmon Playhvttsa molt zitareulca airankensteln ir oCartonn ilitawkeye itzno man an 7Georse ltaieta lawn aNews aiir Maloo LHerculnida Hanoons itnohln Hood 1Esatlel Dlidoli icon inno zplnlr Tracy tsaum TFopeye ilno Allen JWestem 4Yolt and itLsume SATURDAY JULY l3 EVENING ciao ocsnaotaa Fisherman oMter Foul llDennis The Menace eJn 21 vtimnali billion BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO HAMILTON eanr Weather Soulh IHiDduix treonla Are min zws Weather aGien Campbell ltPetttoeat Junction cwtld Wild TThe Wizard llBilliardl tnoeunlentary oitl av an inn Nam ilCimmon strln 2star Trek aGot snout eGomer Pyle oiAl Zmee troe spun Gaoat ltltoobv Tim ian Dick 7Klnx trons ORook inn rrlenas ZAtom Ant ssum Heroes LSupemaa bTile neaurs Heal aiccool aOn setrt tlulln neruy Jamboree Familv 1Chamnlnn Bowlinl TMovla Triumph or Michael strolled Hlintatonea llsmer oneatnvuieyn 3slnulonl iiihitw raising tint one leg 1le the otbertlaagoodwaytoenr courage circulation Dear Dr Mailer Our WI 20 is away at school and the doctor says he has too much uric acid Thats what causes gout but he says goat is no longer asso ciated only will the big toe but with all oi anesiolais What causes uric acid Can it be eliminated and how How serious is It indict as well as walk important Mrs Gout has been associated with the big toe because that is the commonest place ior an attack it can attahh other Ioinul Excessive uric acid tlvhich also contributes to kidney stones and should be controlled ior that reason toot results tram metabolic disorder but the exact process is not yct clearly known Medication ls cilrciitcly eliec live in reducing the uric acid level but reasonable dietary re straint helps ion Dear Dr Molner noticed the letter about using or to per cent iormaidehyde solution to prevent excessive sweating oi the tool tried everything in cluding that with one of my sons but nothing worked untfl irirnd told me to try wool socks but they must be all wool to absorb That solved it tar as QW Thank you The same meth ods dont always work ior every one but the wool socks idea is sound and has been used by 0th ers HIT BY TREE reins out didnt hit the three the tree hit me said Edith Purdy oi RR Paris alter an accident near here She said llghlnhlg struck tree as she was driving and the tree crashed onto the top of the car pushing it oii the mad There were no injuries ll EVENING dMovle ranted lliPnutleals lxavlk loo Law or Merv 1wtii sonnett llltflo INBC Nawa Special lltduvr Grimn moo ll Newa Weather Sports nwl Weather snort llPierrl aerton Ell anon Hmth 7Tnhlutlll To mum to IMo Ma at llMovle minim Ilaliln stvlet bMovle Separate Tablul sPerrys Prob auto Showitnit shuntnevi loo 1cu and Track ioooortonlty Lina Tenawentnit too and ZEasabail th°° mm lhrsnta And The ltwrestUns ZJI 1aiovla lliha Giant Behemoth 100 zi Drum or iunnta itOutoeon Un limited son 7nlltlsn Open 11Deteotlves Disy LSolana Heron up lPetumal Junction 7Hollkutd raiec illha Saint Dilth Mr and Mrs Evelyn and Marian entertained Mrs Filliaxhaln and Claude Mr and Mrs Hamp ton and daughter Carla oi Est ons Rapids Mich Mae Smith oi Grimhay on the holiday weekend hire Carl Dmry and Alisa Muriel Duck accompanied Mr and Mrs Charles Diuryon motor trip to the west coast Mr and Mrs Drununond and childrenol Montreal holl dayed last week with Mr and Mrs llarry Wright welcome is extended to Mr and Mrs Word and totally ior merly oi Timmlns who pur commissioner By JAY BECKER Your right hand opponent bids One Diamond both sides vulnerable What would you hid now with each at the iolinwirlg live hands witness 6K7 35 ms 096 N97 41mm 05 All 4N no wm 6K0 ï¬lm groan serum 96 M0 Double When an opponent opens the bidding the custom ary way oi telling your partner you also have an opening bid is by double To overoall with one at suit implies that you lack the values or an opening bid An overall at one spade would hardly represent the promise at this hand and sound game contract might theretore be missd typical spade overcall would look more like the some hand without the A4 at clubs The usual purpose or one level suit overcall is to com pete ior apart score not game The takeout double indi cates the possibility oigame Pass Wl2illl5 hand WDtildrquElilyBS an opening bid as dealer the best policy is to take no action over the dia mood bid double is likely to bring heart or spade response from partner and you are not prepared ior either it in out of the question to overcall with two clubs on such shabby suit severe penalty might lveil ensue OFFICE HOURS You wouldnt he so calm about waiting for thebou to ace you if you knew what know ht crossword ertaglan alsneltmo side Heatllation sound Hlniul aChineae oynuty TElection lnacra Elmior one luthering ILAther 133tylish osllppanom ioswrr 19 Gus ACROSS 1o Belonging tonmdlaul hill 11 Slhlped molding ldllle 1LMoalern title 15 Detinlte article ll0haerva 1711th letter 18 Extent canvas imsatino Itchinese nnsodu asstnlrwny pant 17 Molsvaolor 28Merriment 29Polnt llined at 3014 nlnnnnnnnnn allowII gt it gr Vs Std 555 it 35 JULIET JQNB rig E5 are $72353 fortune to tumble from tier icy doI Sunday breaking month Mr and Mrs Earl Kenny Rachmantixtivlsitad the weekend with Mr and Mn Gerald Keooy waiver in occupants Nauru an eighthuarrrriio atolt lathe Paulie now itlnde peodentirnm Au Two spades The lamp overcall is second way oi showing strong hand but it isgeaeralty reserved iorhands likely to pilybest in the suit named Ponder need not res pond but he should do so with moderate values One notrurrrp Still another way oi announcing good hand is by on overeat oi one no trump This is the most precise oi all competitive hlds it Is very similar to an opening hid oi one notrump it shows is to la points balanced distribution and all amuld strength as pectally in the adverse suit lTiahaDd is the high card strength for doulde hut just as in theprccedtpg case an eilort ls mods to pinpoint the exact type at values held Double Here we have solid suit of our own but de spite this we go through the motiorfoi indicating uncertahl ty about the proper truinpsult The double serves several pur poses It not only alerts part ner to game possibilities but so may induce response tho might be varyrhelpinlriataronr in the bidding Thus it partners response were one spade we might well undertake game contract in wades or hearts right away ii partners response were two clubs we would simply hid two hearts and thus allow him to passat low level with poor hand mu nonna on Ila hrovia lion at cm loirenoulmn DONAon nucx SECRET AGENT xj GRANDMA BLONDIE stress iM HOPELESSLY ft ADchrEDro FOOD RANDMAI SOON WILL HEX SHOWTIME SWEETMEJRT COM 1W0 WEVE 60f ON6IBISLET FINISH war we suesre run msk WIDETRACK WSALE silveoN THE cart save on THE carious gt Aim Bradford Sh Barrie PONTIAC eotiTlac allch rm claimlass TODAYS GOODWILL USEDCAR W1 1965 Pontiac Parlateaae am Hardtop cinematic commentin gammy meevilonaliy clelrl onnnlsssr olilflii mid IT BUT SDICEIDtI DONT WINT VESK JOLWERFWMMEWJMTYDII BE FLIT our DIZLTIIE TEMPORARY DISABILITY REHREMENT LIST WITH 20 PERCENT DISABILITY WE HNBWIJ SfllLMVE YES TDTIIE SOME CHEST DAMAGE BREASTBDNE FROM THE WOUND Oli GOT ltl VIETNAM MMNDER sKaleino snort aWloe wl Sports itolltdnorsmn eits Acldemlo Harrison Gotill Dnom DrLulie 323mm HEIDI Ihhr 33Warpyarn MWritillg fluid angle unit bitmaps t0Ktndoi cheese ALIlaunching intonation temporarily loop lMO lc itemlo or in Lost llhlovla lDlrbys Xllllefl mo aille saint niitril Cnnnoarral ermoner ttMovia titer liltit me Ttluttitmrtott olpttrr some roe 500 aNn Action sMopy Dick owaarenr nowllns 1Wlld World at Sports llVovatte azio zCeiearity nlillsrns lFrankenatcln Jr auto alniercom SSeaway 4News Wea Snort oDanny iimmna uthtiest Hobo mo zi Dream or Joanna INews limo LIONNew Weather Sport susurcr no wean or course 26 Smart 01 13533 Pcitinli tutmili viï¬ll llGiinamolte ttao 25teva Allen Show tiinvie theatre in llle Dust Jlliovie itive Miles To Mid llnlti eLilnle Pitsmot auiz shwvsre does BEFORE ntEIilYSICAL Eusvilnsrloit scorn DEVIImam luvall mo zanie Tin Errand Boy LETS sse WHAT sons in THIS MAD MAD woaLn ssNAls Fossss MINIMUMWAGE LAW LUNCHES sooas MOVIES HAIR00s smar Henss Your WEEKLY SPENDING mum HAVE KNWNAFIERTNE THINGS ETDLD ME THE OTHER DAV saunas AND sxensn