stagciirrevince SChedulefMeeting LIFEGUARPS THOMPSON LEFT ANDTBOOTHi SENSE OF DUTY DQY At Means More Thcin Tan Io Guards Spending all day at the beach and gettingpaid foï¬l may seem like an easy job to sum but to lifeguards Shiriey Booth and Judy Thompson the soft touch ard work and responsl Ability Only the mostresponaiblo should ever be employed to watch over swimmers they say fSnme people say badges lont malre lifeguard said Judy but the only way to get these badges is to prove our respon sibility Training is very realts tie and not everyonermakes the grade The beach is under surveillance seven days week rorn it always six tifriguardshn duty us have splinlug the end of theday from looking at sunlit water for hours said Shirley if you think that all life guard has to do is sit and watch dny starts when they arrive to clean up the beach removing pop bottles stones and sUelra from the waters edge During the day they watch the water true enough but iheyalso watch the beach to prevent any horseplay that could lead lto on accident The sign Media the centre of the beach says If you cant obey the rules swim else where and it is strictly cu torced The authority at the llieguard at the beach is absolute and it has to be We couldnt possibly do our jobs without it siad Shirley but that doesnt mean we mis use it Weotten taketimettr ex plain why we wont let child do somethingenli parents real ize this is for their protection so they back us up Andewhnt about pet peeves Do lifeguards have any7 My main one is inflatable to use them as lifebellsnnd this is not what theyre for Children wade into deep watertrying to catch them when they blow out We dont allow them psidh the buoy markers The buoy markemcordon oil an area of water for which the lifeguards are responsible But that doesnt mean theyd ignore call for help from outside it Parents who dont supervise their children is my pet hate said Shirley Many of them simply tell their children not to go in the water and leave it at that if tiley realized howlittle it took to cause tragedy theyd think and at differently suppose migdrtï¬ake moï¬ typing in arr office said Shir ley but this jobis chi lenge and the pay is good enough for me There hasnt Vheena drowning beach in as many years hs the accident at Johnson Street the water youre wrong Their toys said ludy Peopletend lifeguards have been on duty Huroma Symphony Gets $500 Arts Council Grant The Humnia Symphony or diestra in existence just one year has been awarded grant of$500 by the Ontario Council for the Arts The 36 member orchestra which gave its premiere perform ance in Novembervis conducted ey John Montague The Council has awarded the orchestra an operating grant of $500 on matching basis oi one dollar for every dollar raised by the orchestra from private sourc es This means that the orchestra will have to raise an ampunt manual to the provincial grant through ticketsales and money receivcd from and private industry Theprovinciai grant ill be given to the orchestra when pledges or the actual donations are made The Ontario Council municipalities grants for the Arts did not specify that the grant would be made annu auy Mrs MTiElIAtEpei mem ber ot the orchestra association executive said yesterday that me budgetfor next year is $10 000 of which 50 per cent would be raised by ticket sales 0p werating costs 111 be divided be tweenrgrants and industry rchestra members come from Barrie and Orillia with the majority living in the Barrie area ixteen orchestras in the pro ce represenetd by the Out ario Federation Orchestras receiv hey are as awarded 512000 Kihgsto London eachreceived $8250 bead received $5000 Kitchen er Waterloo $430 and $500 was awarded to Deep River East York International which includes Sarnia and PortHur on Vdistri Peierborough Rich mond Hill and Sudbury grant of $1000 was made to the Red Barn Theatre at Jack sons Point to assist in the pro duction of Canadian play dur ingthe 1968 summer season grant of $1000wns made to the Elliot Latte Centre tor Continuing Education to assist in its arts programs in the nu rounding season These granisare thesecond to be made by the Ontario Arts Council from its 1968 19 appropriation women WANT Ans PHONE melts Rene Bruno lie provincial lands and forest minister said proled planning has been askéd or comprehensive report nn recreatbnalposalbilitier for the am The report has been distribu led to several cabinet ministers including highways municipal affair his own office and Wald gl Beach councillors idol policy for implementa tion has not been determined Mr Brunelle said Wasaga Beach is on Georgian Bay 00 miles north of Toronto Townships in the are whldr could be affected by the plan in clude Fios Nottawassga and minnldnle Ontario oahinct mhnirters will meet Wasaga Beach cpunch lors next Wednesday to discuss recreational land use plan or the area Deputy Reeve Fred Martin said that plan pr soil by the Wasaga counc would concede 40foot strip along the entire beach front to the Ontario Government but would attempt to leave the rest of the area to privaterdavelopera except for some selected plots Project Planning Associates of Toronto which prepared an Ontario government plan have kept their proposal top secret spokesman for the firm yeslt terdaysald theta clause in their contract barred the reieasa of information by the ï¬rm Project Planning Associates is lirrn specializing in town plan ning ineluflnanv towns ur ban renewal and park and rec reationywork it has worked for municipal Provincial andfedcr al governments OTTAWA sued June 26 theday after the federal election says soldiers and airmen maybeposted to the and environment of Can adas unified lorces without vol unteering The June is directive counter to one put out by the de partment last January just be fore Canadas three separate services were officially merged into single unllled force The January directive said flnose in the army or air force will not have to serve as member ofa ships company except in special cases such as postal and dental corps person no who have traditionally served in all environments BarrieIPohy Club ill Mohawk Kelly The Barrie Pony Club came home with several ribbons yesy terday after three days at rally held at Mohawk Raceway this week David Levison in Shanty Bay won first prize in the class of stadiumdump ing competition He also placed filth in the highest overall num ber of pointsout ot 25 riders and also filth in the combined classes of dressage cross country and stadium jumping He wasriding Grand Rouge at the rally Pony Clubsupcrvisor Mrs Susan Levison said that the re presentativu attending the rat ly were required to no written andpractlcal tens to deter mine whether they would enter the or class ot riders Cathy Heelesp who went longas helpcrL received 3rd in classof 30 on the written test andwas awarded tin prize for the helpers Bradley Watts received at in stadium jumping in the division gti Mrs lotism saidthat the rid ers learned great dealand iauranta and other properly Several speculative vlaad deals have taken place in the flstrlcl since previous plan was pre pared and dimmed several can ago Mr Brunelle said spec ll the area and the purpose in min the lan wet it to avoldas In thin as pos Iible The Ontario gï¬emrnmnt has my am as it became available and if the was reasonable local rep dents and cottagcrs have com phined that buildings lorihtha new government propery ave been allowed to deteriorate have become rdugeg for hippies and itinerant and eventually are boarded up The government has bought motels cabin camps and res LOCAL GENERAL HELP AT OPENING Yellow shirted members of the Hunters and Anglers Con servation Club will be evident at the opening of the cw Can adian Tire Store ad ion July 20 They will be selling draw tickets on patio furniture set RV 1100M The board of directors of the Barrie Kiwanis Club has pass eda motlento Tpply $700 worth ofiurnlshlnga for prt vale room in the new wing of Royal Victoria Hospital COIN COLLECTORS The next meeting of the Hur onla Numismatic Association will be held at 730 pm in the Loyal True Blue Ball on High Street next Thursda SOtDIERSlllllM£Nffl ow Can BevPosted Tesea EDENVALE ME 11 Wfliiam McNahb 70 who has rciorested 139 acres on land on his farm near Hwy 17 taker brief rest from hay lug operation Mr McNabb liam McNabb of Edenvale says Wallis McNeice Angus Depart mentot lands and Forests for ester Mr McNabb has run program of planned forestry on in th hhaooacre farm for 50 years largely at his own expense started in 1030 and since that time have retorestedllv acres Mr Mdvabb raid in an interviewryslerday This work involved planting thousands of trees manyof them by hand He is 70 years old but he still works his own farm although his son Alan has taken over 100 acres He still plans to do more refores tau It is testament to Mr McNabhs forethought and lint not have to serve lnlhe infantry or nirrnen in ships unless they volunteer under the act that created the unlï¬al service CHANGES PLANS The shortage oi personnel in the naval environment has changed the plans defence ofti dais said Thursday The June directive on the posting of airmen and soldiers to ships says Because of the small number personnel involved no gen eral callfor volunteers will be issue The new order applies to less than 100 men many of them radio technicians cooksand stewards Wellington enter Qfleenl Hotel Continental inn Bayrhore Roxy Imperial Shanty and Drivein nouri Drivein pioyrn possi LoliNGEs The Bernie Early The Spoken FounTrio Carmel DeLasalle The unitrains Movies gt The Green you Mine hue Ours lhe Sound osmosis Ingrown TONIGHT in Without effect to his malhaspirations the order adds But accepting lhe uosslt nature Shortages In seagoing trades that prompted the June order could not be foreseen officials Sal naval branch with the advent of common Him that he has riot onlyplanlcd thoussnds of trees der is JL addEdJEBL 56110 MW 5323 2222 the but he has also done consider or able work pruning and trimming err futured iurarLbchr vlglue He it as evenun erl geprn move wrll provtde EC gifonllmadglg drainage Wm anne an rough low wunwrm as er area planted with spruce Mr McNeice said Mr McNabb practices mixed farming He has lived on the farm all his life His father cleared the nd an 100 More persons had left the ago 353 pine and spruce to improve Itsjlrst little short of be unification than had hit the inga centennial farm he said other service arms Some short age had also developed because of the overall reduction in serv ice manpower to the $100000 man le masunsas site or nine son ritxss MUNICIPALITYOFTHECITY or BARRIE Thereforestéd land is basic DAILY WEEKLY ECONOMICAL began his forestry program 30 years ago doing much of the work by hand at his own ex pense Hes Planted 140000 Irees0n Edenvaie Bdrm More than 700000 trem are plantadeach year on privateand government lands in Simcoe Countypas part of die depart ment of lands and torestkre lorestation program Perhaps one of the most out standing examples private re forest inn that ally sandy dry pasture that had outlived its worth The land supplies him with lumber poles and firewood Wildlife abounds or the pastvmhny of the Scotch pine were sold tor Christmas trees Whamiltlr McNabh finishes his reforestry work he will probably take advantage of new system of Department of Lands and Forests austance program This was not available when most of his trees were planted Under the Woodlands 1m proverncnt act of rose the de partment will sell trees for centapiece and plant them for you providing an agree ment is reachedthat no cutting will bedone for is yes Where the land is ny or hilly trees arerplanted by machine The department own tour Iplanting Imachine repute in the chino planting contracts All the trees must go in in sixweek period starting in midApril it they are to survive in the past it was an ex pensive pmpositinn ioncre lot would cost land owner 5100 or trees $250 tor machines and $400 for hand planting The Department of Lands and Forests only plants areas larp er than five acres smaller lots canget helpfrom the Simon County Conservation Authority earns 7266474 29 Bradford st BARRIE omitsMAR the judges wereirnpressed with Notice is hereby given that by virtue of warrant their ndms ability issuedby the Mayorof the City of Barrieunder 311 3ng W2 15 591 his hand andtlle seal of the said Corporation wï¬n gay gillamï¬rfl hearing date the20th day of June 1988 by public musical rue auction sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Barrie will beheld at the Council Cham bers City Hall MZCol rStieét Barrie Ontario bommmN at thafhour or oclock in théforenoon on the Dr mom ugng maiden 9th day of October 1068uniess the taxes and costs gt of the Barrie Kiwanis Club aresooner paid long with club members WilI iam McCreary Frnie walker Geoff Davies William Bilin and Robert Hadley was among the 20000 Kiwanians and their TAKE llama THAT The Council of the krporal of City of Barrie intends to applynto The onta Municipal Boardny approval of the purchase of trunk sanitary sewerline from The Bri tish American Oil Cmnpanyttdgiin lot Cone 16 Township of lnniarii now in the City oi Barrie at aneslimaied cost of $5695157 whichernouni shallbe raised by the sale of debentures payable out oflthe general rate over period not exceeding 20 years Application Will be made to The 0ntarloMun pal an order to disch with the assent ofthe eletv If necessary art adjourned sale torstothaiundeitaking ofthe said worksLAny ratepayer same time and place 16th 19Gï¬whereat th oi Barrie wi purchaseany and all parceisof lan fmnggflgflnuï¬fï¬ 12 the3price offeredis less than the one and co week accrued yttlslatuithttbe toftheicct shailtugiam assen ora no rs The of lands or 5313 for arrears 0f taxes was quired andmsy approve of thee works but beior doing FARM published in the ontano Gazette on the6th day of my mom Mme and mm for hm Jtllyu 19 and Pie the 531 5t 1113 be had when anyoblectlons willbe considered Monmtcr eminent Ice Darenalueclooranrnuumu to retail carton algamvernge weighted pricernuoud by the departmentrof agriculture is of unionism Thursday large 41 ary nsoréd to talk manurers Office CITYCLERK dlurn am small with Ted Bren president the Barrie Rotary Club or yesterdays mellng in the vnorroommnonlmmjv