CALGARY STAMPEDER passcatching cnd Terry Ev anshen tights oil one Ottawa Room Rider ladder and rule or his arm to word all another during CPL exhibition game ataxiano MAWi Calg and Ottawa Ratify to this uhibi guano it duet hctn in yeara quarterbacks ot the canad an Football leagues and Weatem cooler auu 415an Ottawa to anon open Golf leaders CARNQUSIHE swam AP liadera aiter the second round id thOIBrillah Open Goil championship Skerritt ire Thomaaon nus that ended in 1515 tie here liitnday Wirephoto Frgnk Douche Is nae140 7277144 7074144 7272144 Carper 175 Jacklin an Barnes Eng Charles NA Player Nicklaus US Thomas Waiea ti Benihridge Eng Brewer us Huggeil Water Mills Eng ll Bannerman Scot Bonaiiack Eng Knish Scot Miguel Spain Palmer US 7971 7175145 7473147 7511147 7116147 74031 7071147 7L74148 7175148 777118 7111148 Webrter Scot 777i149 T6 mm no aéncttn mehnt gh quarter to lead 1514 with tea thanythtce minute to go But ynightinalhedg was wiped outwith single by Larry Robinson on wide tieid goal attempt tor Cai gary Jackson and Caigarya Peter Llske threw two touchdown passes each and Ottawas Do Sutherinhooled tleld goal But two unsuccesstuiconvert attempts by Sulherin opened the waylor Calgary to Hell up in the dying rainqu JBCkSAlirDiijlidi qtiarte act in the Eastiast yeart hit ihtt maker and Morgan Adkins or his TD alrikes Liske last years top player in Canada threw both his scor ing passes to Terry Evanshcn top Canadian player last year Jackson had the hetier ot the passing competition completing at 25 Ior 29a itardst Lishe plated to at 24 for 256 yayda Each had one interception 0n the ground Ottawa ranup Ills yards to Caigarya as WINS aPANtsu cur MADRID MP Barcciona won the Spanish Cup soccer tournament hy healing major league champion Real Madrid lP in the finalgame Thursday mg Tap Women GoliersiCompeté To Decide Amateur ChampiOn sr Carnamttm rcpt Marlene Stewart Streit ol Fon thill 0ntand Jocelyn Boar aaaa of Shawinigan Que meet today in two rounds of match play to decidethe lane Ontario win over Pat hlcCielland at Thornhlii 0nt Miss Helleur reached the semifinals with oneup victory over Jane Kirkv patrick of Toronto the hac nine die Thursday loilowtng his vi schedlried nine races Gaspar Leadsgarnish OpenWith Fine Styte VCARflOUmE Scotland or San tiy Ca who rays he has dieted way feces put on an aauome sp ay gait Thursday to pick tourmoire lead tor to any third round ot the British open call championship Carper reta course record on themurderous lanyard Car noustie layout with louhun derpar so tor tworound total ottto lie ahol the 36Myard trnnt nine holes in 31 the lowest on record and then held on tnpar ï¬nished with tireflnir es Fottrhtrokes backiot Casper were Britains Tony Jackiin and Brian Barnes and Bob Charles at New Zealand Jack Nicklaus ol the US Gary Playcr at and Airlca endgade Show irciand were at its Seventy players in the lieid at quaillied lnctudlog Toron tna Al Balding at 50 Casper the leading money winner on the Us tour has taken to diet at lish cold sliced peaches duck and grape innit Io helpconqucr his aller gies llannt the ï¬rst lime the lilor monpreachcr tram San Diego has tried his medical problems Acoupie oi icara ago lalo Casper birdied the first tourthuliltb eighth and 1812 hotel on his way to his so which equals the score shot by teiiow Americanhen Hogan in 1951 special foods to help big on but elk and deerfrnmtlz Carnous club member Bi0rrowéd Boat Will Represent Canada InSurmmer Olympics boat Ior the Olympics alter 1th per had clinched victory Phcian had one ï¬rst tour acc onda and third inthe trials while belourocau trailed the field with one second andrua thirds KiNGSlONtCP in lawa asailmakerrand bar rowed boat will represent Can ada in the Dragon class sailing event at the Summer Olympic Games in Mexico Skipper Steve Tupper at Van couver Yacht Club his brothers iniaw Tim lrwin nl Kingston Yacht Club and sailmaker Dave Miller oi Vancouver will make up Ihe crew They will he sail ing Paul Phelans lilia IV in the Games at Acapulco thiatnli Tripper was declared the win ner ol the Dragonclass Olympic trials at Kingston Yacht Club TV in the alternnan race which gave him record or live firsts and second after six ol the Phelan TorontosRoyavl Alex Norrie 1955 Butiloean and Noeri rhot their mark be fore the course was rebuilt so Casperr Kora stands at ma ant Nicklaus the ttot ferocity here tired brilliant 69 which put hirntln the picture even though he was live shot ott th Barnes the neariyanknownaa pro who was liratround coieadl er shot 14 Thursday Michael Bonaiiack the other opening4 round coicaderriumped to 71 tor pNV Roberto de Vicenlo the tr3 ge ntine defending champions who sailed to 77 in the tirata round tought back with Thursday for tie Kei Nagle or Australia waa also at 109 Bruce Devilnwaai tied with Balding atrial and Bobby Cole ol South Alrlca waaw at 151 The onlywther Canadian hed sides Balding on the coursel hidntreals Al Johnston taiicti to make the cutnlt with so il andround so that gave him 160 total Beiore nightlall this lot of in survivors trom an original lieldT of 130 will be reduced to the 1m 45 and tie for Saturdays in hole the Discover the Wonderfuiworid Outdoors ngr The Outdoors gt The Worldfs TRAIL BLAZER CAMPERS 7models priced from $29900 Yacht Cluhand Gerry Letountcau ot lilontrcaia Royal St Lawrence Yacht Club wnmena amateur champion ahip lira Streit tourllmc winner Viceipresident OfvJets 14 rtaetiotas CANOES Okointorcad wooden gunnels WNNDEGiCPi Winnipeg Jets Thursday night announced appointment at hockey hailol tamer Frank Boucher as vice president and executive direc tor The Jela this yeariwlil play in the newlycreated Western Can ada Hockey League declared an outlaw group by the Cana dian Amateur Hockey Assocla tion and Houchcr said he sees the new league as the only sal vation tor hockey in Western Canada Jets owner Ben Haiskin said Bouchcr 66 former National League star who has had an ex tmsivo career imamateurhoclfl since his playing days will air tor the Jets at most gov nrs meetings of the WCHL the breakaway Canadian key Association termed this year in rilt with the CARA aver junior eligibility age Bouchcr last year was com missioner of the nowdefunct Western Canada Junior Hockey league to which the Jelshe longed He was tired last spring in dispute over playth but told news conlerence an anti cable agreement has been reached on his contract andlta expects tohe able to work har moniously with the new league which will be composed largely of former wCJifli teams The wcaL was iormed thin year alter the CARA under Na tional League pressure reduced junior eligibility age tram to 19 The new league wiiilrecp players under its wing to the ag oi Zi Boucher said the new CARA aga limit amounta tn onlorcing brand ol Juvenile hockeyas the only thing availabiejto West ern Canada madame FEARS EXODUS T0 v9 That means the exodus will he tail to the United States NHL teams aaid Boucher ilnieaa we can produca topnoteh braral ot junior hock ey see no lutura for hockey in the West Boucher fledgling league would he should the NHL atick to in agreement with the CARA and boycott Western Cao ada league players R°SS lones Goals Pace OShéIWa To Lacrosse VictoryT ran cANAmAN rites Ross Jones and Oahawa Green Gaels both did it again Thursday night Jones scored eight goals to widen his scoring lead in the Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior series and the Gaela detected Long Braoehull to maintaintheir undefeated rec DX Jones now haa 73 goals for the season and Oshawa is undefeat ed ln ls gamer Toronto Marlboro edged lastplace Mimico Mounties 14 13 in overtime in the nighta only other game Robbie Patton scored three goals or the Mar llea including the winner at oi the laminate erdra pr Osbawh captain Jim lllggr and Phil Clayton scored three ioNEBOOK lssFoR PHONE NUMBERS CALI cinematic Two or three weeks on dont forget totake old call 7256539 and ask us tomail he Welilbeyhappy to oblige gnalrapicca tor the Gaels whiia Larry Lloyd Ken Cunningham Larry Shrigiey and John Clay ton addod two each JocKraa nay and Chuck Ll got the nth era For Long Branch Bruce Tod man scored livetimea and Paul Warden added two BllIShee nan Al Rimmer Joe Smith and Stan Cox got one goal each Bob Smith and Paul Suggatt backed up Patton with three goalsAeach ior Toronto while Bil Coghili added hwoDave Roach DennisGriil and Brian iilcCuicheon got the others Charlie Henderaon scored our time or lilimlco and Kevin Ellis and Jeri Burgin added two apiece Danny Moher John Mober lan Blanch Bill Foot andh Joe Mammy Icoredcne oac diatom vacation hnd youll be new manor womanlBut friends like BLONDlEand DAGWOOD along Just rrier hdlora Enaminer to your vacation address you 96 andtallhlmthair yoir hit delivery raatarted ohtha event advanced to the ri naia Thursday by dcleatlng Betty IngramÂ¥MBctiettile tour and three in the quarterï¬nals and Kay Helleur at Toronto ï¬ve and our in the semiiinal round Mrs Streittaok an early lead against Miss lleileur endgalter the sixth hole was never in dao ger Mlse Bourassa heat Pnm Mill er wholast year deieatedjhar tor the title three and two in the aemltinal She got off to bad start against Sue Higgs oi Londtm in the quarterilnals losing the ï¬rst four holes but went on to win three and two 12th putt on the zoo hole gave liliss Miller quarterï¬nal Stormvagei Leads skippered the two oth tries in tile event gr assume janitifliiace annvamuamoa West Ger many APt The 73foot South Atriean ketch Stormvogci medium westerlywlnd liliing her soils was the tirst of 33 contendersThursday to passthc halfway point in lhe mmmile BermudaTravernuonde yacht ing race Skipper Bruynzecl look lull advantage at the winds to cover son sea miles during lheiasl 24 ha arthe escortingtest Ger man navy tender Vestwald ra dioed here Phclarpoltarcd Tuppcr his TRY FISHERS earners ho EWAITING Fpiifa lIAlRCUT You JN wean wrrn ramp is comm smear Hwy 27 North Followthe New Lane to as ribs and padded seats piieguinr $13900 Exclusive to the while they lead There is akind man who tries a2 or He limps Au mine Vvhen its damp Everything he does it gives it the full shot loopercent My friend there is hisky like that The full shot GoldStripe hursl $9900 Dial 728le our Doorstep Ifyoure not afraid of little honest maybe you should try Gold Stri And get thefnllsho Canadian Rye Whis