control armor I1 JAY BECKER South dealer Both rides vulnerable ï¬ght wasr um K93 1152 ion was 012 out 59343 12 sauna Allan you out at mï¬ddinx South West North am Put 5N7 Para 49 Put so Put 1m Opening lead seven ot dia moods RUGBY nus roun minm Ray Rutherford Robertson spent weekend on to hinosonee WELCOME HERE Welcome to Mr and Mrs Holmes and Rev Mr and Mrs Harley to our community The liolmes have bought Keith hichods arm and tho Harleys acquired Alvin Andersons home GRADUATE STUDENTS Congratulations to Susan tic Lead who was head girl at East oro School and to Doreen Langman Margaret Davidson and Sharleen Crawlnrd who were also in Grade graduat ing class Mr and Mrs Lynn liltng worth and daughters of Preston spent he weekend with Mr and Mrs Art and Jim Langman Mr and Mrs Ted Blogg and Karen Barrie visited her par ents Mr and Mrs Albert and Earl the holiday bus tour ston Toronto were visiting with Mr and Mrs Everett and How ard Horne WEDNESDAY JULY 10 EVENING Simtab ll ltlate as 3° hlerrv Prob mriisi llrtenln Hood tswfl 10 sMm Gratini JUnslfla Down 4rrnla or Conreuuenoes 7wna alll nlrlrcoa 9l Davo Lucy TrWD mo 1Huel soalrtart txlneord 7Nn1 500 30n starl anlrn Fromflocle 11 Lovo Lucy iMovio tcrtue queen tlGlil imm Uncle 510 oerlam arairrnan 7Movte Coroner creek 1Marrhlll Dillon 00 94Newl er Sula Listurn Weather Do llPlcrro arrton TAveriuerl oravanera llLaerosso run oHulalules oMovle THURSDAY JULY 11 MORNING AND EVENING 4Canolrl camera 30 IWindovv 0n Till erirsi Senses uucu mm llMovla 1min Lands 7Nlm weather Home Ship son lCaptnin Kangaroo llSchnltzels Home Eirl rat to nvc yet AL uzoo oToroatn 11 SlNawtd at caper raiilimr or iitompnrtr Room llEd Auea 930 2Dobie Gulls dStrlkcs slum are ocartwn Playhous llHawlreya nahid It so mean 7nowltene llsnnshlrle 1210 Hench llauaa 100 JLurlcheon 4249 rn 7Per1ect or llPopeye mmanr may 11 Evach no zMatcnea luater aBnc Cl Islc 45mm tom aPerryu Probe llltohln rroon mo aMerv orulln SVuellton rlme rnrtnor Luce 700 zlrml sTnat Girl Consequences 4Movle 7wnc alll Hickok Lucy llPleaae Dont cat Daisies 110 iminn as er iiillhi 9M ri lwuiv in ma hm IlGili tram Until ssa srllm Featuro lMovk 4m Terror the Tanrrl 62W MNewr was sou allNawr Weatner norta Ls Trek Lrlv llluavle ruo zlmnalde aTerercon 1monton Norths Biackwood bid is surely Whenyouaratoeedutthe reclaim eepedatlytrua when the contact in mod aiamladyouunnotatiordto overlook ev remote possib VBy JOSEPH plenumMp itlty reasonable enough but his tail uro to inquire about king alter South responds with three aces detiea explanation South could count twelve tricks atter dummy appeared The chance at ttoding single ton king or spades or hearts was very small so South planned his play in the hope that either opponent would have to guard both kings in which case legitimate squeeze could be developed against him and holding his hands by his wrists for one hour This has rought no results in six months Can you recommend anythingtltuv It takes more than main Accordingly he cashed live clubs and four diamonds at which potnt this became the position it 3m Deciurcr now clashed the nine or diamonds discarding spade trom his hand and West was tion to know exactly what ails child or grown person but thu situation sounds very rnuch like that of hyperklnetie child Would most certainly have this youngster examined at child guidance centre childrens hospital or medical contra which would have experts in this ï¬eld The hyporkinetlc or hyperac tiva child is one who is driven by some inner compulsionyto be doing something all the limo not necessarily constructive He may chatter incessantly pastor those around him have to he North in deep trouble spade discard would per mlt South to cash the ace oi spades and win the last two moving constantly olten lump ing from one activity to an other He may spill things hat them tricks in dummy while heart discard would allow South to cash the ace ot hearts and win the last two tricks in ids own hand Actually West discarded is heart in the hope ot linding East with the queen and South had no trouble winning the rest of the tricks So Norths prog iiorne Mr and Mrs oti lnhn nosttcation ointhirteen rtrlcks actually came true which would seam to indicate that it pays to live dangerously Moms nursnno BARBIE BUFFALO amaze TORONTO ll HAMILTON around bang thingstako them apart jitter walk around con stantiy bcdevil those around him Hes problem at home when he reaches school age he sometimes impossiblea bad child who wont respect the rightsot others or the peace and rules of the school room Yet he cant hell it This trouble hypcrkinesis ac cording to experts who have studied it in depth is tarmora onmmon than nnvone realizes in varying degrees that is If this youngster We are talir ing about today is indeed hy perlrinetic holding his hands or an hour at time will not help him It will only frustrate him and build up more ot this seat tergun nervous energy which Some cases are extreme someL zKnlt Music Hall llHonemnonera Hllntstonu lloraanet zvualnlan alaoal rn Snlca llhiotherslnLlw roo JMisslon Impossible llrrot Lino title One that Go Amy tlzso Hancentntlon SFrlendiv clant scnu urlene aaeverlry alunuues 1olelr Cavett la Spenser zPerannauty alur Drossuo 4Andy Grimm zHoltvwood Soullcl 4Diolr Van Dyka oUncla nobhy 4way wsather zlatlra Douche rolnrnrow 7Tteasu 11 uoay oNewr Weather Sports lithh Chaparral lnllli OI mlmiï¬ oclslnr Nun snanlrl anone SNYPD 75econd uncured Years liloat Girl ano an Heroes Nun Either Costello Story ottr Hannah 300 0Star All TMDVto lint nod to Hell sun Choch of Future lilo Ind Sh 102W znun For Your Lila 4Dom Delulsa 11Merv cruror 1030 3lts square Vhrld Lsports not sue limo it 41m Weather art liPlerra her on 1110 Hflhnny Carson BChaclrmata Holy Bishop 7Movla loomnoel strike Dawn 9Perrva Probe oMovla what Lady Person rather llVlsa onrovls the Purple mot llPhnto Finish mo JMflvie was awry Woman Knowsi rail lure n1 llalllre oorlas 200 Lnayrol Our Li 4Lovo Many Splendor mar rvewlvwed Gama Lilith Douala 210 zDocton 4Houss Party 73m Gama 9Poople In Conflict 11nermden iii 0th or Llea to 525° iii it cos oso Ill oMwmm court 310 2You Dont Say MErlaa or Night 7Commnudcr Tom Blts Your luova llPaota Finish Today School For Date mum atch moo 31an Thomas Movie tThc Hellional lThat Girll hgolcnorcera 2nrarnet 7Peyton Place 11Merv Grlmu moo1d 160 SMerv Griff 7Nowlywrd Gama oMan in suitcase 1010 The Ellington 11 16hr lispmm ea er llolerra aerlon ilclu iltJnlm cirr JMDVIE Return at the Fly Hoes Ebhon 7Tirna For American 1uMavio tiles Boy Hey Gtrl tlerrlva Probe ma Anil Smolthyl llseawa ullwtlcossz RENTED rr V9112 can To INKEY LIKE ontvel 11 Innocent he is compelled to discharge it takes careful analysis to stinguiah these casesat times is it real byperkinesis or Kaaatpnnhlirunlar 1th an nant got away from civilizationso completely that lost all track of timethats why roll week late getting back from my vacation only cnosswosn Acnoss LAasiaLa acme 9EllKlislI author 10Beverage 1100nLIillcd 12Etght 15Hurem Mm 16Spolled child Cover Italian river Cached Enriching Wing contrive ll Haw aa cattle 13 Feline 14 Put forth Elton 10 Kind of choose Pills 19 Fashioned Portal 20 Roman to be emperor 19 subterfuge 21 Narrow 21 Placed road 22 Never way poet as Size mm 15 Foremost 16 Dwart 21 Pueblo Indian mull as aalutolg it Mother 32 King of Baahan 33 Dashes 34 Light bedstead 3531011 31 One who greets the guests 38 Belora 39 Banlahment 51 Father 42 Garden bowrr 1Payl Million II za Exclama ï¬lllï¬llll ll resonantultra Hyperaotive Child snuldllefrnnlned raully may Mme or on rich front bickering or other domatlc problem up on cm will do any goodbut tor rea swioy his arm at cvnrythlng he can reach on the table dmur ch or cabinet lie Also takes every thtng apart 115 In extreme Tranquiliaers are seldom the 13 good memory however loos not very well understood certain medications make rte answer They have been tried and occasionally help but otten otten succeed in helping the child mobilize his unruly energy into usetul activity Again the socaiied hi energizers used in combattlng depreulon and thus in sense are also rtl mulants can do the same thing When the childsenergies be come missed on normal acttvt ties he stops having to warlo his forces on littering pester ing destroying Some pediatricians and en eral practitioners are la or with this problem othersaro not That is why suggest get ting an expert diagnosis when hyperkinesls is suspected Cor rect control with medicationcan make lite so much moro en durable both or the child and all those around him Dear Dr Itlolner am taking medication tor thyroid deï¬ciency read on article stating that taking thyroid lab lets constantly would cause blindness is this tracthire RC No Dear Dr ltlolnerula it tian gerous when moles turn black have three or more that hays black color am to and my mother says should see doo torhirs 11 agree with your mother See your doctor Black moles or moles that turn from brown to black can be very dangerous BEATLE SELU HOME LONDON Reuters Beatle John Lennon wants to 5611 his housecomplete with psychedeh to walls circular beds and cardboard butler in the window it also has doordrnoclrer shaped like womans bottom take dog withvplastlc Iangs and playroom tor three tiger cubs Lennon is asking £40000 $101000 23 Juona zl Flowed noisily Cool de Vice showy pretense ruleam Answer sorely Sortionntcl tton latton 30 Wellknown 37 Passeslye grandma pronoun Siam 406113 cold IIVA IDWEYDU rllase MiLESTHAT5 stxrr csnrslrmokm DAremnlaoalvem MOVIE poNALp nucx SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA VBLONDIE JULIETJONES Ht GRANDMAI WHATltHA ACTUALLY TWO THINGS VVILBUR GIBSSNOU lolol macsuwosso Ta or warnlwc lM uslNrs MY BELT MASSAsER ANDALSO MAKING MILK SHAKEFOR LUNCH lulr gt OF flï¬cm YDU MAY tGEl THE HUNDRED manner PON IITAKl Bradford sol Barrla save ON THE CAR SAVE 0NTHE OPTIONS PONTIAC 9N BUICK LTD TODAYS GOODWILL USED CAR 1966 Cnrvair analslant it tonlatte ndiowlalc grog Gala can tow Influx ca 15Mon ll $1595 onl rzslaos WHATS nlls sch ouyoue also common nutter wouu £5 MWOUR more we nous sole asvwasmo rewr tussunvrvolervesws ME lrt tiMMVOESD AclllALLY lT DOESEVEKYTtME EVER common DIVEBELOW zoo FEET THATS WHY Imam YOU DOCTOR varsawnumcae mourn KKKIJPWH JtlerBSERwNGt WIS Ptsury Bustins Nor Easvm sravour OFltooo rumoelunts