ilaarrtc 5i32aminc with Publish wmnm mm General Manager McPherson Managing Editor MAY JULY ImPAGBA Last Octoher Allan Ontario Pay Half Iv varaux Nicaoison WAWA ihe Imam me new or mediuyl care Ibrine which he came wallWe July Ir those ed provinces width and to partiupate The tax bill for this universal health pdogram as designed by the Pearson government illus trates vividly the mace in Iwhich the broad hack of gag taxpayers carry of or Just Society upwards to prop those Oniarlans who are aomlc separatists urglitithat Canadas banner province should do what some Quebec kers are merely talking about daclare its indqiendencefrem Confederation and go itsiowc prosperous Way gt MIc Eachen as minister of health fold the House of Commons that the national average cost of medical services was $1783 person year Ottawa Re port criticized that figure esti mating that the cost of notion al mcdicare plan at that time eco would he at least 30 per cent THE DARK mv ammosumth us not mnuitmwa Consumer Price Index Keeps Going bfle9nlLthiumost people know it keeps going up all the time The 0131 is deï¬ned its the percent age change throughtime in the cost of purchasing aconstant basket of goods and services representing the purchases made by particular population cup in specified time period It is ased on purchases made in the base year 1957 by sample of urban families averaging three people with incomes between $2500 and $7000 It is not therefore really widely representative but rather restrictive One criticism which is made of the CPJ is that it does not take linta ac count changes in the quality of goods or services through the years Attempts are made to do this but it is generally argued that the index remains inaccur ate in this area gt Another basic weakness of the index lies in the fact that sales and excise How Tones Blew 0min Packet Times If ever man was vindicated by the march of events that man is John Dief enbaker it was Diefenbaker who would stand for no compromising about one nation one language Canada and who lost the leadership of the Conservative party as result to the hicultural ap proach of Dalton Camp and the tread softly policy of Robert Stanfield The Toronto group of Tories who were pri marily responsible for Diefenbakers ouster simply cleared the way for Liberal sweep of Toronto ridings The Globe having helped to oust Dief threw its support to Trudeau By one of the supreme ironies of our time French Canadian Quebec capture the Ontario AngloSaxon vote by posing as the champion of one Can ada while Englishspeaking Robert Stanfield abandoned the Ontario support he could otherwise have expected to woo Quebec with vague promises of special status promises which got him nothing In short the Conservatives lost the elec tion by letting themselves be manoeuv ered into the position of advocating two nations concept detested hyevery Canadian outside Quebec concept foreign to everything the Conservative party stands for If the election vindicated Diefenbaker out the Consumer Price Index isrlbat partisan was able to Up And Up taxes are included in the prices quoted Because provinces increasrnglyrely on these taxes fortheirmaip sources of revenue the has had to go up about half oint month during the CR1 has come to be past year considered the measure of govern ments efforts to control inflation But new taxes on income or on special com modities for instanceare not reflected in the CPl becauselgsuch taxes are said not to affect directly the prices of goods and services And yet this is not true Taxes on tobacco and alcohol dre not reflected in the CPl and yet ithese commodities form per cent ofthe goods on which the index is based And scythe whole situation becomescut of line with the result that the CPIld085 not really do the job it was intended to do With so much of our estimate of theeconomic health of the nation related to this index it does seem time that changes were made in its base for compilation Election it thoroughly discreditedvihmp who not only saw his chosen policy and his chos leader go down to crbshing defeat but was himself decisively defeated in his own riding The Conservatives without Starr and Fulton and Roblin will have some gaping holes to mend before they can again present credible alternative to the Liberal government This election also marked the emerg ence of new and decisive voting pat tern For the first time the big cities of Canada tended to follow patterns sim ilar to one another instead of reflecting the voting trends of the regions in which they are located Thus Toronto emer ed as an entity uite alien to the rural Ontario ridings ut linked closely with bigcity trends mother provinces hasbecome clear that the bigcity vote will play decisive role in federal elec tions and as that vote tends to be more emotional and superficialthanthé more responsible vote ofdeeperrooted com munities it can be expected that the circus type of campaign with superficial showmanship substituted for serious 01 icy will become the order of the ay Some of Mr Trudeaus femininesup portersclaimed they would vote forhim fbecause hes cute and today Mr Tru deau is PrimeMinister Why fight it in the longrun country gets the kind of government it deserves OTHERpEDITOBST VIEWS PROVINCE or ScorLA or KitchenerWaterloo Rec rd The news fromBritain suggests that history may be in the processof revers ing itself Instead of the younger coun try lookingto the older for precedents Britain ma be looking to Canada Ed vardeeat leaderof the Conservative party in the United Kingdom is on the record with proposal for local bar liament for Scotland He suggests singlechamber assembly of 50 to so seats to handlevlegislation for Scotland What is being seriously considered other words is an imitation of Gene ian federalism Mr Heath lead naturally toScotland haying proximately the status of Canad provmce 30111 Earth from It higher namely 173 person for nationnlannuai total of about $860000000 per year Later Mitchell Sharp as uca minister predicted that girdl eare mid cost $1000000 in the first full your of operation More recently the depart ment of health in Ottawa has revised its csiimated coslsi=it now suggests nutional average of $4230 or slightly higher than even this columus estimate At this figure and adding to per cent for increased use oi medical services andlï¬ve per cent as the estimated cartel ad ministration medicare ior all would cost $1 025573000 alycar The catch in this from Ontar ios viewpoint is that Ottawa will pay ioeach province half lheaveruge national cost not halfitheieost in that province Thus Ontario where the cost is estimated at GM and New foundland where it is $2054 would each receive from Oetawa half the national average or $2110 person QUEENS BARK omwrncrmxw TprQYeIS 17 Ottawa is take from On tarians So of the momma Otl irlbuta to the lacu acme cinnamon mild be collected from Ontario yet only momma would be his to Ontario as its share This hidden midy contained cents in ovay in the medicare an would periiy it offers justiï¬cation of every Ontarian Plan cstimaciledi 9882 pct Year This is the feature that Ontar ioami thew Dymond has recently crit icized an morply Ontario be it slstr agrees with the principle of rich provinces helping the hovenot provinces But he does not consider itreaoonebie that in addition to paying nearly half of all the taxes collected Ottawa Ontario should in addl AT BARRIE LIBRARY Three Books Medicare ulster of health Dr liai th lion pay hidden Riddle in joint federal pro lrlnml ï¬nals medicare Meal plan when nthnlnlrtntive coats and increased services are al loved for each resident of New foundland would pay an estimat ed 36 year of PEl 20 ofSuhicthI $678 of BC SWIG and of Ontario Sui year These figures of unjust taxation give force to Dr nlionda attack on the Pearson is an The majority provincial males have insisted that they not want this form of medi plan Some assert that people wouldbevbetter by provincial plan otherX with good reason point out ch in thelrparticular prov lace other projects such as housinguand education rata priority In the spcndlugloi tha laxpayerslmoney Only twoyprovinccs have to date Joined the mcdlcareplan E0 is Young At Hectic This review is directed to wards the young the young at heart or the Just plain unenr ploycd it is also directed to wards the seasoned snngfests which seem to have spontan eouly generated in every flat secluded or rivcrvsldedarea in the country Perhaps no one can fully ex plain tha amazing rise of folk music during the last decade and do not intend to try be youd pointing out three books in the library which deal with the subject One ofthe most colorful and NEED no cutaneous Catrina Chile has never re corded any rainfall Program Compensate By Don OHEARN TORONTO The next major social step taken in the province probably will be pregramto compensate the victims of crime There has been considerable pressure in thejhpuse this year for such aprograin And when there is this type of pressure action usually follows not too long after Sun caste can he made out for upensatieg victimsof crimeat least those who have suffered lossohr gh crimes oi violence such robbery as sault rape and murder Liberal VernonSinger one of the strongest plendgrs for this innovation WIFE CANCULLECT Among other things Mr singer points out that if you are killed by uninsured driver your wife can collect from the sta inn thoUGnr Theyahall are no merits and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall gay hands on the sick had my shell mover Mark 1618 God has no favorites end knows no failures He can do anything With God ell lhings are possible Believe out of it is Ba eidisneet vBarrle Outer Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return iposlageguaranteed spnd Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier sueweekly $2000 yearly Singiacopies too By mail Barricvszam yearly Onlarlo$lzoo year motor throw $15iyear 0ni side Ontario sti year Out side Canada British posses sions515 ye US foreign £32 year National Adverbs Offic 425 University Avenue Tor Ia 640 Catheart St Mont rc Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circulationsu Dice The provincial unsatisfied judgment fund provides for this But if you are killed by murderer she cant collect any thingunless the criminal ha pens to be person of means it which case she can launch civil suit We now have law in the prov ince though it isnt in force yet which will compensate people Injured while helping police But that is the only compensa tion provided in this whole area At first glance this would seem to he tremendously ax pensive pronam to bring in But experience says up Mr Singer claims program could operate in Ontario for under half million dollars year CflES UK PROGRAM lie bases this on experience in Britain where there is an exist ing program and most of the payouts have been less than 200 pounds Also Saskatchewan is starb lug program and budgeting only $40000 for its first year This of course involves only crimes of violence and the damages paid are mainly for loss of income and medlcel ex pcnses If there weroto be compare lion for losses through fraud and other such crimes the story would be te different Topay lossesin few of our recent financial disasters in the provincevwouid alone take millions lNu lii youd ilk ropyof songbook but history of the led to safetyWednesday when comprehensch of the many songbook is songs of lian Norman Lubvff and Win Struckle Included in this Volume are mui than 100 songs all in or trans lutcd into Epgilgh each with short introduction guitar chord indications and full piano score it is no more delightful lolearn and sing the songs than to look at themngnificeni illus trations and fullpage lullcolor prints by artist Paul Freeman Togethervllle authors and illus trator have recorded recent history of man using one of the mastjimportaut sources of his low 101k songs arranged in order of various human endeav era The volume is oppendixed with selection of useful guitar progressions and picks for the enthusiast who would rather car ry iixetriug to the beach than piano For the provincial enthus the library has Tmlone on and songs from Ontario edited by Edith Fowk This is collection at biographies and rep crtoircs oi the traditional and currentsingers from Ontario The volume is scholarly study of local folk music and the in fluences various traditions have had on it It is also snngbag meant to aid the folksinger in his search for new historical songs and for more of the old traditional ballads of Ontario Fowke does an excellent job of providing both the must ar tistic end the most historically accurate lyrics to the songs and of supplementing each song note relating its known bi raphy and special peculiarities More in tune with the 1960s but drawing from traditional American fnlkculture is lads Blues and the big beat by Donald Myrusl This is not phenomenal rise of folk music in the 19605 and its generation into folkrock and blues This is hook for the enthusiast who wants to know where it all got started It includes biographies and photographic studies of folk and folkrock artists All types at music are abundr ently represented at the llibrary These three books represent only an incomplete list of books available on the most popular form of modern music ALLAN FRASER TWO HORSES BURNED CHAMDTIETOWN tCPl iwo horses died and 125 were fire swept through cluster of barns at the Charlottetown Driving Park Trainers and drivers led all but two of the horses out of the barns after the fire broke out 3lhe Humidor legal til has appaaredJnThe Barrio Ex Interested to know that incurs or EXAMINER 5x7 $1 50 Provincial PHOTOGRAPHSAREAVAILABLEf 8xlO $2M nil Federal Sales Taxes Ebira DROPlN T0 rHEeAaaiE EXAMINER AND sorry we CAN ORDER ANY NUMBER OF PRINT Tuccspr receenoue oceans AROUND THE WORLD Authoritarian Governments Tend Breed More Disorder hymn Porcu MflhIAulnt he one neat lesson of the Ganllist victory in France is that human societies opt for order There is another lesson in what has been happening in From during the past two months strong authorliurian governments in which people turn for protection from near chy eventually breed more an archy If they neglect the human need for change in tact how to give society the sense of security that comes from traditional woyr of doing things while permitting the changes necessary to accommo date new people the youngt and new technology is the one central problem for statesmen and writers of constitutions Some formulae work well for some time Few have ever worked for long time The British constiiuilon vhlcbis nota wrilleo constitu tion at all has probably worked best of all There are equivalent systems in thclienelux counties and Scandinavia They work too The American system has worked so far not only because of its flexibility in amending and interpreting its constitution but because the land was so rust and so rich that the disse isiicd could move or could get help from the to alter the New Deal The tcst of the American system will be iis ca pacity todcal with the dissatis fied Negro who cannot move INNOVATION De Gaullc faced riots because did not allow for change suf block France from sick colonial power to healthy national date He rtirmtated the mod ernization of the French econ omy Even his as yet unmihed dream of new economic Eli tern in which labour chit jointly administer indurtry stamps him as an innovao Where he fallcdwasin util ludes in his methods for doing things in his divorce from the youogwho have grown in world entirely different to his He has done new things idol ways and like ticwhine in old bottles this does nnt work in an agect new personal freer dams ireedom to move an oaes own wheels Ireerun to see across the world through TV freedom from want ircc dam to hope which the youafl are theiirst generation to enjoy on so massive scale and by which they have been condi tioned dc Gnulle who once wrote in the nineteen twenties of the importance oi symbolism forgot what he wrote and let himscll became asymboi not of the innovations heflwas cncourlt aging but of the old he was hanging Like so many older people he said to himself that the young had so much more than he ever had had and that they should esatislicd But the young doA notjudgc their own problems by old standards One of the things they have always wanted is to be heard The fact that nowa daysonc can be heard world wide makes the young even mareravcnous for sclfcxorcs slon either person ally through figures with which they can identify like Robert Ken nedy That is only one area in which France must adopt new ways Inevold future disorder aARRir uaom DRIVEIN THEA REV wmm 97253391 Last Time Toniglt THE FLiMFLAM MAN ghts up the screen song and dance and comedy mi of tremendous appcaii Manhunt mm STE iriiisi flit iniiiCUUPERicunvuBADDElEYiriiéiurWARRENmn yilAVllliSDii