Divorce Easier Now But There THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadas new divorce legisla tion came into ellect hresday but there was no apparent nish to end marriages under the new regulations in Toronto Osgoodc Hall oili dals placed six clerks on duty in anticipation of heavy num ber ot petitions But only ac tions were initialed all day al though is to zo were filed under the old law The new legislation retains the marital oliense section oi the old statute adding homosex uality to the offences oi adul tery sodomy bestiality and rape Physical and mental cruelty are also grounds tor tlivpree as well as marriage breakdown which is concerned with such grounds as drug addiction and criminal tendencies Previously persons seeking divorce generally had to prove adultery Protest Drait NEW YORK API or mer seminary student reported to the us Army induction cea tre here Tuesday chained to his wile and seven other persons including tour clcrmmon Barry Johnson 26 leader of the group and lnrmer student at Union Theological Seminary was classiiied as in delinquent last March at his localhoard in Race Lalte Wis where he Tor morly tired Foils Burglary PORT LOHING Ont lCP young man with rille was credited by police hicsday with toiling burglary attempt Jake Weller 21 and his muth er went to the tamin grocery store here Monday atter neigh bars reported seeing man in side While the weretelephoning police the intruder returned Vlihaeimpanion and at tempted to move small sate Mr Weller said he levelled the rifle at the two and said stop or Ill shoot The two fled Laws Outdated TORONTO CP Elmer Sopha LSudhuryt told the legislature Tuesday Ontario is generation behind Britain in re torming its laws Mr Sopha said that since creation of the Ontario law re icrm commission the provincial government has been reluctant to make changes without ï¬rst submitting proposals 40 the cornnussron He said the result had been long delays in obtaining much needed reiorms Mayor Resigns KAPUSKASTNG Ont tCPt George Mayhury 42 resigned Tuesday as mayor of thiscom munity 75 miles northwest ol Timmins No reason or the res ignation was given Mr MayburyI in his third term as mayor and member of the town council or mine years ran third in the lederal election last month as Progressive Conservative candi date tn the Cochrane riding Toronto Hotel TORONTO CP Toronto firm announced Tuesday it has obtained unequivocal iinane ing for its proposed ammo downtown Hotel Toronto Fred Eisen vicaipresidcnt oi the inn on the ParkIour Sea sons Motor Hotel Ltdsaid the Tirm sent documents to city councilFriday which guarantee financing of the project by In ternational Telephone and Tele graph The US firm would get 51 percent interest in the project which calls for Ithstorey tower and an llstorey business shop ping and convention building on posite city hall Corporation Tart OTTAWA or rne govern ment has lodged an appeal in the Exchequer Court oi Canada asking it to upholda law that allows the revenue department to lump togetherthe prolit oi tirms which appear to have been split to avoid high corpora tion taxes The appeal is expected to he come test or several other cases involving hundreds ol Ca nadian corporations Cardinal Slipyj EDMONTON CF Joseph Cardinal Slipy for In years prisoner lnItussian labor comps Monday called on UkrainianCanadlans to work nmbitiouslyand to contribute generally to world of justice and freedom lie told about 1500 persons at national Ukrainian Catholic conference the faith work and freedom he has soen onhis tirst visit to Canada could not be un derstood in world uhere There lsnot this air oi under standing and ireedom ALAMELU RAJAN Top Ont Student LONDON Ont CPI Alamelu Tillottama Rajan l7 Ontariostop Grade 13 student this your studies diligently is conversant in the languages and has had livcyear career as published poctcss Tilloo as she is known to her lriends at Londons Central Sec ondary School has also written three short stories Her lirst success at the writ ing game came at the age hi to when the Delhi ilndint Hindus tun Times printed one of her poems Last year the Vrilers Workshop of Calcutta published collection at her worlr in hurdhound hook Turmf Tilloo topped the provincoss 50000 grade is graduating class witha Sitpercent average Former MP Dies SMITHS FALLS Ont CPI Bert Super Tormcr Liberal memggr of Parliament tor the Tiding oi Lanarlr died Tuesday He was 34 Mr Super sat in the Commons trom illTOM 1945 He was only Liberal ever to represent the riding created in 1914 R055 TIMTCIIER Strike Vicious roeouro tCPt Saskatche van Premier Ross Thatcher Monday called on Prime Minis ter Trudeau tnimppse compulso ry arbitration to end the vi ciuus 11day StLawrcncoSea way strike At press éonierence the Liberal premier denounced as blackmail the strike by LZSD lock operators and maintenance and administration employees or higher wages He said westerners have enough trouble selling their wheat overseas without having sales jeopardized by the strike that has stopped shipping through the Seaway route No Rush Burwash Escapees SUDBURY tCPi Prminclnl pollcc and prison guards are searching tor tour prisoners who escaped Tran Btuwash In dustrial Iann during sitdown demonstration Monday nlait Ten prisoners escaped during the protest but six were recap lured dinlog the night The demonstration was over dutcr enccs existing between reduc tion oi sentences tor prisoners in lcderal institutions and those in provincial institutions Lands And Forests TORONTO CF Lands Minister Rene Brunette said Tuesday his department is re viewing its policy at permitting department nircrolt to give no rial demonstrations in light ot an accident at Sudbury Sunday Replying in the legislature to questions posed by Ridrard Smith tLNipissing Mr Bru nelle stressui that lZpasscn ger Otter aircralt involved in the mishap had not been giving an aerobatic demonstration Discuss PC Policy OTTMVAJCPI Conserva livo Leader Stanticid said lttes day he expects his party to plan tor policy conference in the aftermath at its election deteai but he does not anticipate any it go in its constitutional stance Mr Stanï¬eld who returned to thescapital from his Hnlitax home earlier in the day said he expected the party organization to work toward policy cooler once But he did not think it would take place helore the opening Parliament expected in September Contract Awards lip DliAWlA CF Major con tracts totalling $2293251 were awarded by the federal works department during May an in crease oi $16758230 over the previous month and $l7660ttid over May last year Lay Charges TorwNm cg Attorney Gcneral Arthur Wishart Tues daydeiended the practice of Crown attorneys laying more than one charge against an ac cused person uhile seeking conviction on only one But he denied in the legisla ture that it is common practice to make deals to drop charges or case sentences on guilty plea He debated the issue with the opposition one oi whom eused him of justifying plorahle abuse oi justice Mr Wishart told Dr Morton Shuiman tNDPToronto High Harki that Crown attorneys shon not tell nccused persons they could get lower sentences by pleading guilty than they would it they pleaded not guilty arena Now PAY Mill on out convenient sundae PLAN axennr Mechanical Body and onrur wonrr Phone TaoT311 DANGERFIELDS ear Bradtord st an Tnsasunsns SALE or LAND son rAxas Notice is hereby MUNlClPALlTYAOF THE cirror PARRIE given that by virtue of arwarrant missuedvhy the Mayor oi the City of Barrie under his hand and the seal of the said Corporatiom hearing date the 20th day of June auction sale of lands in arrears 1968 by public of taxes in the City of Baniewili be held at the Council Cham bars City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario at the hour of 10 oclock in the iorenoon on the are sooner paid same time and place It necessary an adjourned sale will be held at the one week later on October 16th 1968 vhereat the Corporationofthe City ofw Barrie will purchase any and all parcels of land if the price offered is less than the arrearsand costs accrued The list of lands on sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the dth day of July 1968 and copies of the said list may he had at gay otiicet Treasdr rs Office this 20th day of Junel968 Jagger Treasurer ll Ill Mum MU WHIIAY It to Criticize Wheat for Use Foreign Ships torram CPI 11 Dentin loo Marine Assodatlon bar Joined the swarm internation Ii Union In criticizing the Cana dian Wheat Board tor using tor elgn ships to carry grain mm the Airhead to Haitiax The association in state ment Tuesday said the wheat boards arbitrary proterenc or lorelgn ships oror Canadian vessels to carry Western wheat could easily be an insidious sot teningup process in turther re duce the price paid or trans porting wheat cargos Philip Hurcomb general manager oi the association said in the statement the board has thus shown once more its the grant disregard tor national in or Sugg List 139 frz um ilNSEiITHREPillENT Mouthwash andrhargle gnu Deodorau Board trusts as well as an arrogant tercnee to the roll of Canadas inland tioet operators in the nations economy He sold association members prune moversol butklenrgees through the Great Lakes ucre appalled early in June uhen it was reported that toreign nag vesels were carrying wheat to Ilaliiaxt The earlier criticism by the SW aemsad the wheat board of Iostcring unemployment by using iorcign ships union spokesman said regulation requiring the heat board to use Canadian ships or internal traltic has being cir eumvcnted by stripping to Hall tax which is beyond the mouth at the St Lawrence For people on the go hunt or BliAT union mun on IDA 35th Birthday SoirGontesr Mrs it Hall Queen St Allislon Ontario aerosol can OO Make Recommendations On Canqdiqn Bill Of Rights NEON ICP Ontario will have speciï¬c recommenda tions on writing hill of rights into Canadian constitution when provincial premiers and the prime minister hold the next conlercnrc on Contcderation AttorneyGtaeral Wlsbart told the legislature Tuesday He denied suggestion by on position header Robert Nixon that Ontario hall scuttled icderal proposal tor constitu tional bill of rights at the tirst conference in Ottawa last Feb ruary The matter the agenda ice or co said Mr Nixon said litre Wishart spoke beiore the other provinces and by his attitude led them to was put on of the commit ing study he l0 Blades to Package uunuson 1171 choicooiliream Depilatory error Lotion it or iiEET 11 Creams Hair away from faceplegs underarms Box of l2 Regular or Super dOETEhfz Fominine Sanitary Napkinng Family Size or sooner readmit andAniiperspirant Spray atlHtItzssc teemable HAIR SPRAY with fillOMalit Mother Can i89 mop and Save 18 or LIhEnePLATE SOLARBATNE Illlor Docoiator Can Sun ironic 55509 List15¢ Sntalt Size Sugg list BACTINE Medicated First Atd Spray castration its an Lirt 179 Bar of anal sire decide that more consideration was needed Mr Nixon ton Premier Ro bans You sat calmly beside him and let this rninister carry the load datinying the op portunity we have in Canada tor enacting some sort at bill ot rights in our constitution DENIES CHARGE RILRDbaflS raid Ontario had not led other provinces into re jecting the lederal proposal Other Premiers already had made their own decisions hir Nixon said Ontario should make carefully considered continuing study on an en trenched bill of rights so that it could matte positive proposal to Sugg List 55 box iii 7N Sugg List r39 49 value for 43 Duchess Hattie Bandages Ti oz Sago 669 Denture Liner 109 uz cannon Suggt Lai 159 Eng list 95 Sogg listVTJO RAID ltoust and harden lug Killer Sugg list Loo ALBERTO Regular HardinHold Blue or Super 7159 near nioNOLi GENERAL ARTISEITIO for burns sends sunburn not tub 6i Sunburn Lotion 109 Bier so 129 MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 417282823 66 ouNLopsrs nonunionin Sugg List die 47c Stigmlntsda 5m List t7 gut or scour italr than on at the next constitutional cooler once Mr Wishart raid written hill olrigmrvis not mouthing to sit down and write sud denly saying this is light and so on The attorneygeneral repeated warning he gave at Ottawa that an entrenched bill of rights should not be consideredexcept as an integral part at com plete constitution Mr wishart said Ontanoa caution howerer does not indi cate opposition to an entrendied bill of rights STARTED FAD Taxicabs were introduced to the kUnited States in Hit in New Yor Have cheeku before going on Vacation Trondsiorlhdiothttorhr tiniest 796 ruvaet i1 Flashlight Battery rtusHAorEs Package oi48 ttrwlnrn gtiir119 Mid or Toddler 229 GILLETTE itscor almol Regular or Menthol 159 tz swim TiltltillllOltE outrun tar129 nr Sire sigg uttsvi FACT TOOTHPASTE We 51 Lht nu tibial Sugg neat RUEEERIII Haunt new 71o MICRO WHITE SHOE LlQlllli Let Silo Suggflirt 35c 269 7232903