CONTRIICT BRIDGE $22 doni HI mmgh°° otBInhhiukeiaadIEIll uh Con inalxtii Me will liming It pm Ind tin in this now to art it la rem ct ï¬e Joyce lioluy helm STEVE Tim 35 TO GOOD HEALTH South dealer if is is WNW The annual Fold Dar tor Ora your Ianlily Ind iota in the run PIuI Wlllh chairman at on 01 WW1 joyed to music supplied by lo PIOWdes Hulls sour tldu vttloernble will have new twist this year 24 It the Ill bubonic is planned for Wed aï¬mfdrmlrmur participat it ran Ind Drinks relishes Ind doughnuts Township School Board Coco Cowflotlh will be slipplltd by Dalston Wo gratulations to Ill Continuing mommy corn at talent should the weather nesday July to at the old Dal ed in the various event 52 meals on how tInd how not to aw Mums TELEVISION PROGRAMS age it declIrcr no no that the olm 3mm 39 more cannon ore Horn Ni can run club with the are WESTBURY IF MR8 II EPOIMGLE CDMMUNITY PICNIC man be uncooperative the stall will be held July i1 AJUH ton school house So bring tbe Iwards aim elA were OJIIB unluh Wiener and rolls or presented to the winnerI by Dr line can meal on lym vuit Itch friend letI pick up mm thy cheerfully Sometimes P8 ii mm mm Don mu ttent like to have visitor read AQHOHI tohlm Frlday nighta program It Rock BUFFALO HARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON TUESDAY JULY EVENING olronaiae ittnata Track 00 one LliIthee Matte INtwl Iwc Clank LNcwg long short visit makes yolt more welcome next time it it menu like In etiort to travel long distance lol short visitwell Ire you doing it tnr your own sake or tor the pleasure at the Sometimes one can be more genuinely batptul to the tiny rather than to the patient him selfrunning errands helping with meals driving them to the hoepttal and so on 0A AKDBI fluhlddinp Still Wm North Int you4 Pu either user and thus guarantee twelve trtoh However South must also consider possible at division ï¬lth Alï¬eécgluaik cutr prepa ration for ruff may lead to avail Raceway was cancelled Me in the alternoon when all dIynegotletloas and court IF pearIucen tailed to month out the dbpute between tonnageto meat and the WW Owners Association The mere has PIl visit to the nick requires is detest To cater to the poo carom storm oNewr weather uo IPvrrya mo art nPtloto hnbh lIDplkhrt Edit Grim ml IN IUnxtdo Doom Phil Flfldlell CDMEIIIHIC 1NGWI 1ruautaoe kttovte Ll lav Lucy tlnv morti Stvttllel Martin giants tdcoat oMaq rm Uncle 14 um lucv mm ï¬lm All Plant itatna mom Uncll mob snoaln Hood Mi Commandol no mo zanto uNewr wu sou renalla Listem Weather up no llPiem nerton Hiomehlrlhv tseanatl lit zcalleu Talent 394 1Garrtaunk corrilu 14 JWEJIHILISWH tleot doesnt Showllme Tm 1111 Soul tsao tfme 1lt The nriet Htlulc flail HUnder Attack no eGooe lionnth Hts whimt lo rn Hayride mo aNew stunte ocas Rooms 1lnvaoen oAvenzen lluerv crutin loud sPuhuc me tine Junction true sh Elm Prtnut 52min LiolILr to Humanism ed tDanclnI tn no mm lirlot Line BPlerrva nob Newman WEDNESDAY JULY lllonlvnvo AND EVENING IL 1030 swtnoeu on the World Hrtendb 45mm smarter toeverl Lucian on no 7nick do or litoetl New IMM mum EN III 33 Span acomantralton vell 110 Hit Drmlln oalovte Giant lttsltte Douglu lullblllle tllavt data on Tum 1Wldlflnl Part1 want htrn to tecl about hav ing another visit Keep your visits short Rule tour Dont exprcss your concern Or should say loony There are some subtle but in rtaat distinctions here pa tva ouldnt have to combatdire warnings of what may happen him He shouldnt be remind that his serious illness has been the end for others But neither does he want any to cheerfullncss which HM seems to make lig at the ser Cmn flux Viousncss of his illness On the hand can wholeheartedly approve of the mother in the Banal Your DeId London blitz who told her youngster oh that was just little bomb and thereby com torled him But it you tell heartattack patient Oh heart attack patient Even hriot visit can my be mm and make whole atternoon brighter tor patient An over loag visit can tire him How do comforting or it can be tiring or depressing or complete bore DeIr Dr Molnar Does one have to diet atter gallbladder operation Some damage was done to the pancreas also Do you have pamphlet on this For most people it is not acc essory to have spccial diet attcr gall bladder surgery the exceptions usually being heavy eaters or those whooat large amounts ot lat Whether the damage to the pancreas would require any dietary precautions is something cannot answer without knowing more Ask your doctor whether he sces any need Dear Dr Moloer Does taking birth control pills cause gain in weight havent changed my eating or exercise habits but have gained few poundsL in some women yes In others no When weight increases water retention la the apparent Opening lead queen at clubs This hand renundn me of sign posted on the highway shortly betore the Fourth at July holiday it read to be sale on the 4th dontbuy ï¬lthon the tint South was ln Iix spades and West fed the queen at clubs won by declarer with the ace South continued with the king which East rotted East re turned trump which South won in his hand so that he could rutt the next club in dum my with the king without the danger of an overrutt However declarere belated caution was wasted He was able to discard one club on the ace of hearts but eventually went down one because holhad still another club to lose The deal illustrates the khid of care required when con tract appears to be certain but is not The 51 club division certainly not probable but since Iibilily as well the normal and 42 breaks deniarer should invoke salety play He interests at Iatety South smooths the path to twelve sure tricks One of his remaining low clubs can be nlited high to dummy the other goes on the ace of hearts ST PIIULS Despite rainy night over zoo people gathered at Joan and Doug Frolicita new born to today an old fashioned barn dance Music was provided by the Ivan Bunny The barn was lighted til strings of minted bulbs At the xclose ot the dance tables were laden with food which all cnioycd Relatives and triends were pre sent rum Toronto chll Bar rie and St Pauls and Stroud district are seeking larger portion of the tracks parinlutuei fund should lead low club It hick This Is OHIY plain and tvro By conceding club in the Size cigarette 13 tandy oritrtln 95 5mm mum W11 cause it is possibility some provle Forest Hill school Midhurst 74mm iTmonto Tod 2rll know you are fool Lmys our of Um lino FL As said its matter at sub LCIplIin KInxnroo that 111 tglgkuwuofhd 53 tie dlstlnctlons 13o dntcr rm oUaclo Bobhv FUXBM iiutu People and Doctan selendhrjntntl 74 But cant resist mentioning one assiduous hospital visitor who always thought at some 4H rt 130 um 1439 clams thing nice to say something en Prlceillai man came in and stood at the loot oi the bed saying not word Maybe he was saying silent prayer for salvation dont know but the situation for DAILY CBOSSWORD ACROSS When you start pricing new cartheres one The other manufacturers dont include Ambassador Check the full range of models thing you have to iakelnto consideration The air conditioningwllh Iiilair fullsize popular available for immediate delivery then check 1968 Ambassador comes equipped with air priced cars the price conditioning by Keivinatorat no extra oust Our air conditioning gives you two great And when you do remember thista car its built Into the car its not an optional advantages you get to enjoy therdelightful without air conditioning is underequipped extra And its worth plenty luxury of riding around in cool car while by aboul$400and thats as good as being Mr and Mrs Mm KB everybody else wiltslarld you get real $4000verpricedi um Mm nonhuman conduit reconuy spent an oval boostin value when tradein time comes Ambassador by American Motorsis the Bulk 253109 Voted Wm MsGWW only fullsize popularoprlced car thats fully 33mm 2Lme drug ZZAn norrspring theo Hall on em lute 91ongclaw Seat ruler tantamount Part of as Chtel 12 Metal baluetrada also 130mm 7Lubrleate tn whom 8Mnku acarpia goodeare believe 24Cllmb delivered BEound lng Lnopardy couraglng and at the end oi her tï¬ihhi For Dalian 553 llfscleftdclpl cum remark had habit of rolling gljmluggamnmnnm her eyes and sighlihg That sigh zlErnitï¬m School Luau WM seemed to say Ive dutifully gm an 34x to rag ed youbut oh usuraé snares urro ero rell ruo mun dear Fm mm 1GcnorIl Hospllll mm LMImhItea Court Rule live If you cant be ilrlawlrm Lagging helptul or cheerful dont visit ï¬lm Ly no When was quite ill clergy Slalom tor lion irtlroiteyo 14mm hiltchm btPopcyl WEDNESDAY JULY EVENWG me was embarrassing and awk oo Luster Mlle EL AH ward and have never target tarmac We and 33 Pin itKhhemooaan tun THORNTON glue Grtmn gï¬lrflr maurgd 51 thigh 130W rhfocgrd £210 rorivout idle By 30 we kï¬gï¬ï¬wgam Punish iTiSaTromollthn Trinlty United Church Women Lu PDTm catered for the Dairy West and Lo on 115 Ht glam BIBS wmxnlsdllllllliul szoo Ian ooo line in waxwork um mjgligssfl 14m schoolroom ihe ladleSWete 71 arauoen Weather snort mug 7m 11 97 11insldc Track pm Moon arecï¬brlggï¬aagka built trioi on mo us es la ar 5le Irora Uncle igllkwm chum ï¬ghggflsarsm aware nee Mam Bum cm Huey Bishop was rn movie TMovéo Thornton and attended Trinity Jgfhmzhm 43mm giggkflgï¬ In her girlhood made aloe ar 375111 071mg rungements for the days outing mï¬m sagi t1sarto ma mm ths ginningbam has L1 Liam Mm mu ad brick sidlng laid on her screattv Perm rrte St home Bay Webb was the contractor Mr ond Mrs Tom Cousins attended their gtanddaughters wedding in Branttoni June 15 Mrs Raymund Sliver has re turned home after spending the past two weeks with hot broth and alsterindaw inbondon Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Fred Groat and Mrs WUA lands in the death of their daughter and granddaugh tcr Mrs Moira Caldwell Bar rie on June 17 Congratulations to Mrs Roy Alien nee Mary Spen cer or Barrie who was hon ored by ellowonernbers in the presentation of life matter hehohfliflnhlfluldfldhm flips maulME 125 Nubia DI or lung should thank your been personally for ymir urge efforts in compiling history of Im adding It all to my clothing all mes gt Mrs Mex Denney celebrated her 81st birthday June when $6 retatives and friends called to offer congratulations Mrs Denney recently visited her als terinlaw Mrs Sadie Mason In Hamilton Boaite Barrie died in Barrie hospital June 20 in 9hr year Interment was at Ilhomton Union Oamtery Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs TC Black and Mr and Mrs Carr families other relativesrand friends l4 ma Dgtlt Inn gt17 around 15 131 ta 320 lion whentheir May flight and Alreoodlhonlngt adulthood 1513 21553311er shell fliglagti trip were broadly rem Tonight take your last hot drive Head equipped Wltitfreeair conditioning 17 GlVeup than er agenoy soc Mm James McDonald WWW foranearbyAmerlcan Motors dealerandtake hope atew 295lgml 31Epocla 191ntormaj 18Chummy ryaremr out Thornton was admitted to Rny long cool test drive In an air conditioned room iaruoun sonoman toroureuis alVlctolla Hospital June ill ï¬g Mr and Mrs Sherlock Bar low Odhawa visited their sis tor Miss lrena Barlow June 20 20 Insect as clothes official 1i Departed Ezsbxturrllul 3° The flowers in Trinity United gggfï¬ï¬ge Church tor the June 23 service can were placed in memory or 28 PM Boake by one farrllly Mr 29 Cum Boake had been an active memv mama ber of Trinilyuihen he was Keystone Thornton resident grammar Mr and Mrs Risplel gram and family have recently mov 35 Fetish ed to Portage la Prairie Man 38 Mountain They had been residents of nymphs lihornton toi the past six years as Slate while he was sbatloaed at Base 50 Candi Borden an Propelled Miss Marlon Arnold Toronto asmntl had til misfortune to slip and 41 int nt fall in her Barrie St home in mï¬ tile village June to raid break an arm two places or moth Riff or Mrs Fred Anlold resident now at Five Maples Nursing Home ICutaae fell and broku hip recently rout 6331 la patient in Barrie hoa AMaassnootzi AMERICAN Rays SlMcoliMorousiillulran cilia 94 Iiffin Street to 72872317