WEATHER Mainly sunny and cooler to also at like Wednesday 10 For more details see Page 11 EXAMINER TELEPHONE WW mm AllOihRW limb Your No is Lower Bank Lending Rate WMWA Bank tion hildï¬ng four increases which the last year The central bank announced Honda lhe change would be ironic view at the burrow ment Censd loreign ex drenge position Market experts have been forecasting enroll reduction tor some time There has been apearlation that the Bank of Canada hold all until alter the June 25 federal election to avoid any suggestion of political lnllu coco The rate is what the Bank oi Ca bcks drargcs on its rare Ida to chartered banks It represents the note oi credit conditions the Canadian onctary authority judges ap propriate nd in this case the bank appcars to be following trend rather than loading it BOND RATES DROP Rates on bonds mortgages and shortterm investments of all kinds have been dropping for the pest moth or so As hank governor tools Ru ninety iniksated in his as nouncement that foreign cs drangs reserves have improved to the point ntrcre some oi the nron borrowed in the lean cryl arch crisis period this year is being repaid Amrirmlrilialneorcrls Innouncmhsient cc apartment on dog said reserves of gold and dollars totalled 510000000 on June 30 com pared with t2695000000 on May 31 This was reduction oi $12 000000 but during the month the hind Spaiii hack $125000000 to the lederal reserve rye ing from the Intrmslionsl Monetary Fund Canada still owes $125000000 lo the federal reserve and $64000000 to the IMF In raising the book role Jan and again March is the cans tral bank sought to stem actual and potential losscs oi invest ment capital Secorid Cdnadilm Receives MONTREAL GP Gaetan Paris was able to sit up and eat normally only three days after he received the healthy heart of 23yearold man and became things secorai heart trans plant patient bulletin issued at 530 pan Monday by offldais oi the Mont real Heart Institute said Mr Paris 49 an electrical designer lrom sldrruban larval had been lt moved to special sterilised room for the duration of his convalescenco which is emect cd to last several weeks Vlriin there are no signs of rejection or iniedion the treat ment against those two compli cations has been started since the day of the operation and is well tolerated by the patient the bulletin said The next bulletin on his condi tions is to be issucd at 530 pan Wednesday The heart of Yvon Bastien is iy loiured motorcyclist was implanted in Mr Paris in livehour operation beginning early Friday morning MrJariLWhohadbadflrredi heart attacks since 1963 weighs only 100 pounds WILD WITH JOY lm Wild with joy to be alive he exclaimed hugging his nurse Since Saturday morning he hair had several vLsits ironthis wife Claire and their two daugb IHijacked Ietiiner Returns From Cuba Without Passengers MIAMI Fla AP North west Airlines jettinor hijacked over Florida returned from Cuba early today but its 87 pos sengers remained behind in Ha vanai Kenneth Baggi mo esman tor the airline said the plane returned with only its seven mernber crew He said he did not know why the passengers remained in Ha vana The plane lelt Cuba at 050 am EM and ioudied down at Marni international Airport as minutes later Tne air travellers made the unscheduled journey in Havana utter passenger in the forward llrstcass section or the plane pulled gun during the jets 3p CAPSULE NEWS Cardinal Brennan PHILADELPHIA AmFrancis Cardinal Brennan who began his service to the Roman Catholic Chinch as an altar boy in small Pennsylvania coal town and rose tothe highest Vatican post ever held by an American died today Patient Lives Months lifter Transplant JOHANNESBUFG MPM Philip Blaiberg was reported in satisiacmry condition today six months alter receiving historys third human heart transplant hospital bulletin said the hop atitis attack reported June 10 continues to lessen France Shows Interest In Ontario PARIS CF Considerable interest is being publicly LaxI pressed here in reports or steps to bring about closer cultural contacts between Ontario and France fosSil May Be Evolution Link ATLANTA ca APt The discovery in northern India ot significant new fossil perhaps related to the evolution oi man was announced today at the second international Congress of Erbnatnlogy Heart ters and clnts animatediy with his nurse and doctors lube which helped Mr Paris breathe was removed finm his throat at past Satur ay He sipped tea for his ï¬rst breakfast after theopeiiation and became annoyed when the nurse refused to serve birn moreg its bad light breakfast Sunday morning and hearty lunch at noon said Dr Yves Castonguay one of the trans plant team oi doctors TODllY AnnLandersVI City Nerve2 Clusllledll 15 ComlH Deaths14 Dishl Editorial4 Sports10 ll Theatres4 TV Listings0 Weather12 preach to Miami and ordered the pilot to continue south The airlines headquarters in Minneapolis Minn listed the crew as Capt Richard Simon son pilot First Oillcer Richard Conrad copilot Second Oilicer Kenneth Warren and stewar desses Nancy Ice Stevenson Barbara Soldosser Margurite Schmidt and Margaret Burt The plane landed in Havana Monday night The Boeing 727 jet touched down just hours alter South wst Airlines DCJ with it pas sengers andt threeltmanl crew was permi to compete flight to Key West that was lIl errupted Saturday by well dressed Negro who put gun to the head of the pilot Dies lit 74 Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday July l9 Marti Examiner omen PARIS 40 Care oi his bed forad minutes Snt are left to rim Dr Gilles ed the ï¬vehour opusllon adas second heart transplant urdayzt hours alter bis op Depage member or the patient sat up on the edge alien in Montreal With him surgical team which periorm mixed bag at celebrations was emptied during the Domln ion Day holiday weekend There were speeches tire works zlguu salutes and spa eial sporting evean during the threeday weekend which began Friday for many Canadians in Ottawa GovcmorGeneral and Mrs Roland Michener joined an audience of 3000 on Parliament Hill Monday night to Wth variety show featur ing talent groups from across Canada llhen Mr Michener unveiled ninedoot ball bronze statue of former prime minister Macken rie King Former prime minis tor tested Pearson paid trih ute to Mr King noting his 22 years in oltice and suggesting history will credit him with distinguished and vitally portant contribution to Can ada On Sunday about 25000 pair pie lined the Hideau Canal as the Mchnners sailed aboard an ROMP yacht in the downtown Centennial Centre for midnight ceremonies welcoming Canadas iolst Dominion Day holiday Airlines bus and rail services laid on extra facilities to accom modate the thousands of extra passengers eager to gel some Onlario Beer Supply Dwindies Day where else By late Monday night at least 58 ons were killed in traltic dents The Canadian High way Safety Council had predict ed that between 90 and 100 per sons would dle in tmilic eccl dentx during one weekend iis StrikesLookout Continues TORONTO CF Ontario drinkers are draining their last beer bottles while no settlement to brewery strikelockout is in sight Stocks oi beer are running low across theprovince as the strike enters its 12th day Peter ODowd an official of the United Brewery Flour Ce real Soft Drink and Distillery Workers of America said Mon day no talks are plumedeith airshow Breweries Onlario It was the walkout by300 Molson workers iniToronto at midnight June 20 following breakde in unionbrewery no goliallons that sparked the strikelockout The brewing industry retaliat ed by locking out 2700 workers at five Ontario breweries and at Brewers Warehousing Co Soviets Hold Aircraft And 219 US Soldiers WASHENGIDN AP ilrere were no signs today dial the So viet Union plans the quick re lease of U5 airliner forced to land by Russian NEG during troopcarrying flight to Viet nam The state department said Monday that Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin told us Am bassador Heweltyn Thompson Reject Oiier By Myer Rush wag LONDON 0P reprei sentative of the Ontario govem merit indicated Monday that tire province has rejected an offer from stock promoter Myer Rush to return to Canadavoluotarily to face oirarges ving $100000000 stock fraud conspire ay Bush 44 arrested here June 2i appeared in court for the sec ond time Monday and hearings aimed at rehrmlng him to ho ads were adlmrmcdrrntl1luly is at the request at Midiaei Nclt ligan laindon lawyer represent ing the Ontario attorneygen eralloifico in Moscow that the matter was under investigation He gave no asslrrances of prompt re turn oi the plane or the 229 per sons aboard lite state depart merit as The aircruit D08 chartered by the military from Seaboard World Airlines was carrying 212 servicemen and crew of 17 when the Soviet ï¬ghter planes lorced it to land Sunday on In terupt island in the Paciï¬c ile drain The United States said the let had strayed oli course while bound for fuelling stop in Japan alter leaving Tacoma While pressing for release at the plane and those aboard US oiliorals see the incident as touchy one for the Soviet Union Ilithe Kaomlin were to allow the pane an passengers lolesve at an early time it would likely lace condemnation fromiChlna and other Communist countries or undercutting their North Vietnam friends navnrcw banana Since the ï¬rst reports at the incident Sunday there has been little detailed lrrlormalion on what happened as civilian pilot Joseph Toeolini flew thermo glned lot over the Pacific Tokyo International Aimoit said it received broadcast trorn the plane at 717 am an ing Soviet lighters were int faring with the flight at 150 east longitude The next word titre Pentagon said came three minutes later when another US airliner heard Tosolint say be had been intercepted MiG lighters and as bet reed to land on what looked to be Soviet lighter base on an island Yacht Race Ends For Ill Skipper gt ing showers Mrs Paris and Dr Pierre Groudin headof the trans plant team GP Wirephote CentennialAPlIrsCne celebra tions in Quebec were tooussed on Montreal where Man and His Worlnjvsuocessor to Expo 67 at tracted 51914 persons by mid nfternoon Monday dmlle tem Perntures in the lith end morn Nearly 75000 persons were in the area of Wnssga Beach on Georgian Bay in Ontario Mon ay and provincial police re ported only minor skirmishes with motorcycle gangs who have used bha resort as battle ground on other occasions In Toronto about 10000 per sons fled the city to Centre Is land while another 20000 per sons delegates to the Kiwanis international convention sirl iered through high humidity and lemperatrnes almost reaching the 9th Eleven hands competing in the 32nd annual ZoroaCaledonia mgbland Games near Wood stock Ont attracted acrowd oi 1000At Niagara Falls 0nt Nancy Wilson Iii of Chatham Ont was selected winner of the Miss Canada pageant HALIFAX CF An entry in the singlrhanded transatlan tic yacht race was being towed to Portland Me by United Slates Coast Guard cutter today after her skipper became ill at result of drinking contaminat ed water The airsea rescue centre here said Eric Willis was 169011 ed in much improved condi tion aboardhls yacht iilnrsrsn Coils lie is being accompanied by twoycoast guard paramedics who were dropped in the area Monday Govamowoauanar Mich Vener pauses in encodes textured bronze status oblate Prime Mlnigter William Lyon tbal student disordersldrhiny Not More Than lite Per Copy Id Page GRANT EXTRADITION OF JAMES EARL RAY Legal Sourcelexpect Decision To Be lippealed An extradition order was granted in london today against James Earl Ray suspected ss sessin of Dr Martin Luther King The order was approved by and Magistrate Frank Mil loo legal sources said Ray would appeal the decision The magistrate granted Bay legal aid to pursue his appeal in higher court within the re quired 15day deadline Ray received the magistrates decision without any outward show oi emotion Gairllisistlain Large Majority PARlS AP President do Gaullas landslide doctoral victory shows that majority ed the French people fear eommu nism and dislike disorder The flyesroid ll forcesjonsbt loo amigo tor new National Assembly on those two israres alone it paid rich dividends giving the Gaul lists the biggen majority in the National Assenny any French govanment has won in 40 years De Gaulie set the keynote for the campaign with clarion call to the French people to rally round him and bar the my to totalitarian communism The generals men elaborated on is theme They ged and June which sparked nation wide rirlltcs were the work at Communist and ertremiatagita tors who exploited legitimate student d1uonlentwith the sol ousted university system He was immediately led from court still surrounded by cor don oi Scotland Yard detectives and taken back to his maximum security jail at Vandswortb prison in south London SHOT IN MEMPHIS The magistrate dealt at some length with the oorrtention of do once lawyer lloger Frisby that Hay could not be extradited be cause the slaying of the civil rights leader shot in Memphis Tenn April was political otfenreh The lodgeagrced it was com mon knowledge that King was controvsrsinl llgnre in the UnitedStales But be reï¬ned accept the defence contention that his slonewould make the aims of his modulation po litical one The case turned on whether the crime was political or not Under treaty between Britain and the United States persons may not be extradited for politi galrreasonl The US government denied Baysvcontention that the killing oi King was pokiicai trim flhen is not ï¬red via dense to show that the miles place to tinthee the ends of larger enterprise David Cal cult British lawyer represent ing the us governing at told mammals WE Am Heidedared there rm ne wnspiram Ntotberjnsn other bodygwss involved ihere may have been unila Ioner that this might be so but the evidence before this court points to lone assassination for private purposes For VSidYer Of Detroit Twins DETROIT AP Five teams ot homicide detectives today pressed an intensive hunt for slayer who killed 11year oldtwin sisters with butcher knile early Sunday One at the girls was louud in an alley alter she jumped from her bedroom in vain effort to escape Victims of the double slaying were Deanne Guiley and her sister Nora Ann described by neighbors as inseparable ploy mates Nora Ann Grade student in AL Holmes elementary school was slashed to death in her bedroom nne homicide otficers said jumped out of her first iloor bedroom window and ran up an alley with the killer in pursuit Mac cnzIe King which he un veiled Monday on Parliament lilill during Dominion Day fess tlvities The nlncitoobtsil She got less than block helt tore the killer caught up with her anddealt the list of iI stab wounds in her back police said waves anoon man trail of blood ran over feel from the spot wherelser body was found The tragedy was discovered by the girls older brother Elwin 16 who said he was awakened by strange noises about 340am Theygirls mother Katherine Woody and die childrens step father Kermit Wood Jambor were asleep in the house as were two other children All were Mrs Woodys children by previous marriage Thelr fa ther had died Elwin said too so laid Caosdian1 prime ministers on liie lliil Ch wirephoioi