Plans for mushrooming the STUDENTS AT Cndlingtlln Street Public School donate 50 mm students council funds to the Barrie Citilens SavcklhcAPark Fund FROM LEFT head girl Marnie Paul in makes the presentation to Aid Dorian Parker chairman of the committee Principal Ken Calhcrs centre encourv Row Oh Sr volcano histami the st Wnccnt St area at 00th to the building or housing on St Vincent St have made their aged the students in their pro test The presentation was made at the closing awards assembly yesterday Exam iner Photo Citizens Contribute To Help SaVe Codrington Street pupils were the first in the city to make contribution to the growing SaveThePark fund which has an objective at 561500 by Sep tember 1969 The last count oi funds turned in Thursday indicated that $2 625 had been raised by citizens to date Itid Damn Parkerchairman oi the Barrie Citizens Com mittee in charge of raising the money says that it is the iirst timc in Barrie that citizens have tried to raise funds to buy piece at privateuproperty It also sets apreccdent or many other cities of Earries size according to itfrs Parker Mrs Parker saysthat returns to date have been wonderful and praised Codrington pu lis fnr their donation which wil serve as an ekample lathe 23 othcr schoolsin the city lurid are now underwayEorly in the week Ald Parker and the minemember committee will ops point campaign chairman to spearhead lund raising She predicts that thafsummer months will be slow although piaosare aowunderway tor tag day hingos auction sales ando ther means for citizens to place small donations At present guest book is be ing circulated in the city which allows citizens to sign their name and make small doaa tion towards the land Soon those interested will be able to makecharitabie dona tions which can be deducted irom income taxation Other plans include telephone com mittee to urge Barrie residents to support the fund and dour todoor blitz of ihehomes which ii Tax on Signed By LBJ WASHINGTONGP Pres dent Johnson Friday signed bill combining tapercent in oomaoaxsurcharge arid $0 000000000 cut in federal spend Tha taxinereaso live July 14 Johnsonslaction in signing the bill brought an end to ram loge controversy that has doml nearlyty becomes ei will be organized by the Barrie Jaycccs Aid Parker has plans tor waikathon too it Barrio residents can earn 0000 to send out ot the coun ty or oXFAM then they can earn $10000 for their own city she said it our plans through and ear acre golf and country luh dont think any citizen or coun cii member will ever regret it fiollowed it will serve all age groups well with everyfacility and recrea tion available Ald Parker said that persons who served on tho ltlayorseona ference 0nrecreatlort and leisure timewouid be asked or their assistance Tile purchase at the Barrie Golf and Country Club tor public park land was unanimous resolution that came out at that oonielence she said The ioiltvingis list contcrcnce she said The following is list of do nations made as oi June 27 to wards the SaveThesParkjtund Aid Dorian Parh 10 EllenvSpteadborough 500 Ayiott1000 Ruth Aarsoh 1000 Joan Clayden 2500 Mrs Saunders l000 Mrs No Auiey 200 Bluesilavert Lodge 1000 illr and Mrs Stewart 101 oyBuson 1000 Eartha Hogan 1000 lictty Grant 200 ltiiss Anna Vcst 300 Marie Murphy 1500 Dr ied Benton 50000 Mrs Darby 500 Barrie Tennis Club 5000 Mrs Beers 500 Bo Cdchrrtne 200 Mrs Beaten 2500 Mrs ll Morrcn gt2500 liltss An autograph irom their principal Ken Cathcrs kept Slcphcn Warner LEFT Janet Morison and Judy Edwards In school tor just few moments after the last hell TcIiGINOL Flooring 50 €th pledg Park Young 2500 Miss Young 2500 Mrs Dyer 1000 Gertrude Archer 500 Alex Archer 500 Mrs Brown 100 Barrie Bell Social Club moo Hotchkin rose Mrs ll Boos 1000Mrs It Adye 500 Mrs Knupp 1000 Barrie Jaycees 10000 Mildred Graharn 1000 lilrsE CitizcesGet 10300 tiles Bis hop 5000 liarrte Horticultural Society 100 00 Loyaillrue Blue Lodge 1000 Dr Harold Smith pledge 10000 Barrie Rotary 100000 Lindelt Priscilla Mr lonnox 500 Lenore ens 7500 Bor rie Optimist 200 Codrington Street Public School 5000 Manila ronrcosr TORONTO CPI Marine forecasts for Grcot Lakes issued at 030 am EDT and valid until 11 um EDT Sunday gt Lake superior Winds wes lerly 10 to 15 knots over western trail through period Over earl ern hair winds light southerly shifting this alternoon to wester iy 10 to 15 knots Partly cloudy Lake lluron Georgian lily Winds south to southwest 12 to 20 knots Partly cloudy with chance of thundershowers over northern portions lonight and early Sunday Lnke Erie Winds southwest erly 15 to 20 knots Partly cloudy Lake Ontario Winds light southerly becoming south to southwest 12 to 10 knots this at ternoon Partly cloudy err horoscopes on Iiiiill our standoutearshotgt flooded onto the streets on their last day ot schoolta he greeted by drizzle of rain tExamincr Photo Loon accurate stores but perhaps dozen were don Ont Fort William winni withdreomriobluntcpel rats Thn board has moved R3 zoning allowing the comm lion row booing or an area hounded by lllgbuny 4m and Duekworth Grove and st Vio cent Stream th the exception or land ablatiogoa St Vincan Beach Beanenes To Be Inspected Wasoga Beach restaurants and eating establishmean rderlng public beaches will be Inspect ed by the Simcoe County Health Unit this summer during July and August Dr Nancy Arttthntst medical oflicu for the County said in monthly report that every cat ing establishment on the beach would be inspected even though it meant bringing in ollicials from areas where the summer population wps not as high as the beach areas During my inspectors throughout Simcoe County re ceived requests tor new septic tank system total at l599 calls were made consisting of 1710 routine inspections and investigation or complaints rusrau amends The Rotary Club at Barrie will hold installation ceremonies tor theh new executive Thurs day at their noon meeting in illiramar Gardens GALLERY snothG Oiipaintings by Bow man are now on gallery display at lid Duniop St EJThey include land and rcaseapes and still lite The gallery isopenSuoday and Monday train tom pm STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Another in the continuing string at early summer straw berry icstivals will be held at the Edgar Community Hall July trorn 530 to it pm Resurrection City is Very Costly WASHINGTON AP The lederal governments pretenses in helping set up police and ii nally demolish Resurrection City are expected to approach 0250000 Major items in an estimate releasedhriday by the interior department were about $145000 in police costs much of it in overtime and holiday pay and $6000 to restore the turf ruined bytheshantytown of the Poor Peoples Campagn Housing The board said it would JP prose without lurtber notice or hearing an Intending bylaw whldr plots the St Vincent Strut lentors of untidetadtcd bulimia Bardeveo United own large lbdivision extending Irotn St Vincent totbc cast and tiled letter with the city clerk to show it does not plan or wishln build row housing on the no zone Buihiing contractor lack Stol as lqttarc pare cent and supported thedsange to in zoning Occupants of nearby houses dronglynbicctcd to row housing The OMB did not believe that constriction of town housing on the parcel with Wool fron tage on st Vincent would be reasonable arrangement oi land usas since the west ride at the street is developed with single and twolamiiy dwellings Cancer Fund Over The Top In Barrie The Canadian Cancer Societys campaign for tttnds in Barrie and district overshot the goal by $2000 Joseph Whitmore cam paign chairman for Ontario said raising 012000 when the plaice tivc was 020000 irtruly grad These teachers with 71 years of experience between gtthe profession at lfilicrest THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE mo Collingwood TicketHolder RETIRE iiFIER LONG TEACHING cannons Public School ltlrs John Ag new LEFT taught tor at years in Barrie and district Jean gtGoodfeltow taught tor to years at lliilmst and hetorn that at Prince of Wales School Both had been at liilicrest since it opened in 1050 Exam iner Photo thorn retired yesterday from transom shaman lungsloo Jamaica is the lying This achievement reflects the ellorta of strong campaign tearnvled by Roland leggatt he said ll also gives positive proof of the interest and concern at the citizens ot Barrie for their leliowman The money will he used to educate and iatnrm the public about the disease and the value of early diagnosis it was also help lesson the suffering or those who have cancer ltfost of the money though will be spent on cancer research in an ettort to hasten the day when thnanswer for cancer will he lound Huntinglicence FeesTo Be $3 Small game hunting licence will cost $1eiiectlve Sept not $5 as proposed originally by the Dotsparuuent cl Lands and For 55 Reno Btuneliemtnister oi lands and torests told the legislature yesterday that he was sure the announcement would meet with approval at all members of the house He also said that women would be exempt from the proposed 53 resident angling licence He had been criticized by the on position for his decision to im pose the itching licences next car or Centre Wins $25000 In sweepstake Coilingwood man using the nom deplume Thats Good Question won 525000 in the Irnh Hospitals Sweepstalte bas Lisl Openings In Barrie ilrea flrcrc are live job openings for men and women in the Bar ric area this week which can be titled by applicants who are httervlewed at Canada Manpow male road grader operator is needetLJoJio levelling and iinlsh grade work local man utacturer reqjulres production inrcman with leadership quali ties and good background EXPEI lence in supervisi and produe lion planning fully experienced meat cutter is needed by city sup ermarket and fully qualified electrical appliance servicemen is needed to wotkin Barrie Oriliia and hlidiond area Under iemale employment the Canada Manpower otiice has an opening for aprivale secrelt tary with good typing short hand and knowledge of cities procedure for the sales manng er at large Barrie industry Poisonous Health sans OTTAWA CPi warns tagthat 2071 containers of po isdnous health salts went onvlhe market in 10 Canndianctties was issued Friday atternoon by the lederal load and drug direc torate They are the Menace size of Improved English Style Effer vescent Salt manufactured by the DrA Chase Co Ltd at Montreal spokesmanior the tirm in Montreal said later thatfoi the 2371 containersrecalied only 123 remain unaccounted One hundred of the missing ties were in the Torontoottawa area it in the Morltirner and nine ianaocouver He said most or the missing bottles probhbly are with drug said before the recall order The product is used to settle stomachs The drug directorate warning said that somehow tartar met to warrtneludchn batches of the product madein May and Junenihoywent out to distri tors in Fredericton Moncton Mentrenl Ottawa Toronto bon set pelt lteglnn aodVacouver it was notknown how many CLASS ed on todays running of the Ir lsh Derby in Dublin lie is one of seven Canadians who won more than 520000 with ticket number znanraso on Val dAostenwhn ï¬nished iltlrd in the race Four Canadians won prizes at $630000 each with lrish Sweep stake tickets on ltihero winner of todays lrish Derby at The Curragh track near Dublin Six Canadians won $2000 each with tickets on secondplaeecd Sir lvor and seven more won 320 000 each with tickets on Val dAoste who ï¬nished third 11 HORSES STARTED The total of Canadian humu drawn on the 30 horsesetigibla tor the race was 193 hot only ti otlhe horses actually went to the post Holdersol tickets on both nonstarters and horses who finished out of the money wiithwin prizes of about 31100 eac Thus the total prize money won by Canadians in this second lrish Sweepstaire of the year wii amount to more than $14 100000 Since sale of swaepstake tickets is illegal fnCanada no estimate cart be made or the amount contributed by Cana dians to the international lottery held to aid hospitals in tha lrish Republie The third frish Sweepstake will be based on the running of the Cambridgeshira Handicap albglewmarket England in 0c to ed oyeor certilicale largest EnsiiShSpeakiog cit in the Western Hemispherasouth of Miami TECHNICIANS GUILDDINNER dinner was hcleWedoeu day evening to honor service men at Dangerileidlliotors who have completed various num ber of years in the General Motors Technicians Guild lrai log program This is trairting program which enables service mechan icsl and tender repair men to keep abreast of the many techs ntcsl changes taking place in the automobiles of today Some received certificates marking louLpnrticipaLiun tn the program and among these was lim HandyServica Man ager whoreceived 13year certiï¬catedlucid Quist recoiv ex Foley raothoy McDoufe years and Garfield Peacock fryeor certificate Others poo ent received tand tyear certi ficates Presentation of the cc cateswas made by Ge gertield and Tom Price District Service Manager lor Gericral Motors Mr Art Evans GM DistAct Manager was also present Zlot the occasion and showed aiiim onAGJvt Service and new toroueldrive transmission that is hastening to appear in some General Motors messenger CHIS Qnqurket Inf10 Cities warned to bulletin sai in drug stores ofthepoisoncd containers héd already been purchased by shoppers MAY cause volnravo mmediateiy the The salts are sold grocery and oiher top sales of this If swallowed severe vomit log may occur and the com pound could cause death directorate raid in special pu jc bulletin One care oi ilincsshad al ready been reportedhut the dr reolorate said ildid not know the location or seriousness of the case The error was discovered by The public isadvisedto dis pose of this product it they have it in their possession andto seek medicalasslstaneo it the salts have been taken Thepoisoned containers can be identified by one or live glot numbers printedo the labels These numbers areM57 0450 M59 0466mm 0467 Tartar emetic described by straw or POPULAR DEMAND tom RESTAURANT xi DINNGI ou transporters the manufacturer and wordwus sent immediately to the health department here All dealers and stores are the bulletin as isoaous In gredient is technically known as antimony potassium tart arate onorrotannav CARPET SERVICE PHONEmfll STAYNER SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ONLY gt Featuring full range of carpet including Nylon l00 wool gluten Acrï¬lan Fortral Propylon ldoor it nor soneaum cancer Installed tor only fllmlléggï¬ 375° 4550 gt541 yr Doll yourself nonporous shop At Home Service Ourrepresohtetiva will caliat your home and show you toil range at samples to suit your tatta PLAN NOW rciirreuorHIsssaramaan as chMch ssareMasa are ESTABLISHED Im Myopia GATEWAY roorrottrumrv WETORONTO STREET BARRIE curlers courses roaceumchrrice ANDhUStNESS EMPLOYMENT canals ausmsss eottsor ssrcacuro sweatpants PLEASE SEND Mn rm PARTICULARS ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL rwmrour ANY OBLlGAHON ON MY sane DATE to Ans MONDAY 10 rnunsaAY CABBAGE ROLLs or prosper vsAL curlers ass includes Inup nrf tuleofhot rolls choice ol potatoes vegetables assert and beverage one one soon nan nuaanl resonators purine noose cancer on runner wrrnnu ran rammsz sarcutcmtoktwsMruu For children under 12 only HAMBURGER IIOT DOG FRENCH FRIES FRENCH FRIES BEVERAGE BEVERAGE 69c precast 159