Mm runmnnrnsrovrsrs Polished Thief Hosfromjshéd Friendship Deerulasdanrehcen staringntthtsplecoofpaper forlSminImnotknniuhow to myproblanlatorwcrds hcregccezflavclouevcr heardofcotmtlnglhestiverware when the company investl never thumb ld have to do it butlwalwmug GETTING KICK OUT OF SCHOOL These children are obviously enjoying themselves during special activities class at Bay Wild F10WersDisappearingi View Glen iunlar school in Tomato The private school with somehildren rangintz in age from two to to is like picturebook farmyard with animals around the grounds and in the classroom 16 Photo link Childrens Scrapbooks By GARRY MYERS PM the wild flowers we used to enloy so much are here no longa is remark often heard among rural adults lid wonder said mother living near village the other day Many of the dilldren in the upper grades junior and senior hiya school have been plucking wild flowers and plants and phasing them in books lose children are assigned by their teachers to collect speci mens of these plants and flow are for special snihool projects Many child earns goal grade in the study of wild flow ers and plants which he has de stroyed One sudn collection might not be so serious But when htmdreds and thousands of children year alter year keep gathering these treasures from the woods and fields for miles around them see what can hap P91 In spite of schools occasion effortlo teach conservation of natural resources there may gofrom it an army of destrud the children menacing as an army olilnsectwall under the gun of education Moreover this is happening in defiance of laws in most states which pro hfloit the plucking of wild Howe erethus loathing students to violate slate lrrws No doubt many teachers who have their students collect spe dmeos of wild plants and floor are have not been aware of the problem involved They have done this sort of thing so longI they consider it routine They may have been taught to do it at teachers coliegb lha chances are ioothat most par ents helping their children eol lect these specimens have given the matter no thought liheir attention has been on helping these children complete school proleq and get good grade on it OTHERS CUT BOOKS Another seemingly innocent adiool practice has encouraged few school children writing special We to mutilate reference bookseven those from the school or public libraryby cutting from them plumes and printed material to embellish special written re pent In few affluent homes mmeover an occasional student Beginner Pianisis Participate In Eveninngecital Held In Barrie Piano of Miss Manger at were heard in re cital at Collier Street Untied Ohurch school auditorhrm June 12 The majority of the musicians performing have been students of piano for loss than year The program was divided into three parts and featured guest singers and lnstnnnentialista Piano duels and tried were highlights of the recital During the first section at the recital pupils aged from seven to ten years participated These lmluded Shelly Bumu Anita Pearson Kerry Chicky Judy by Key at Glen Chick Mary Lynne Mandonald Sandy Perryman Janice McKee and Lisa Burweli other pian isls included Barbara Hickling Mrs Carole Livingston Janice Burwell and Dean Mefcalfe Guest singers were Greg and Debra Melenhaeher and Anna and Jane Betta INSTRUMENTALLSTS lustnrmental nurrdoers Includlt ed cello selection played by Miss Marilyn Oolwill accompan ied by her sister Wendy Colwiii Wendy played has Viol and viol in selections accompanied hyher mother Mrs Archer Oolwill Some Drean Homes are iNyighiMaresi Clever as they werethe aye noplade intod she orgies of Edgar Allen Poe making world Still ere are those feww tiun ust because its unus uai or expensive they must have it the results are often obnoxiousl Everything has time and place as every woman with sense of good taste knows home of beauty is as the story of Cinderella Barrie Furniture assures carefully planned as was you complete lasting hep pines and best oi all will tailor your plan to fit your needs so you may enjoy the pieces you need now and add others as you can affordtliem Our interior decorating experts will cheerfully guide you mauy out section hom abeau tli precious book to paste into his special report Doing sovwith his parents approval he will hardly gain respeu for precious pages elsewhere librarians are greatly concerned aboutihls matter But some teachers with their attention on welldccu menlad school paper may ear ily ovulook it We wish they would grow more sensitive to the sitintlnn end not only discuss it with the enure class but make individ ual students see it as serious offence that have been your observa tions concerning these two school problezrni ANSWERING QUEsrrone it We hear and readso much about lhe need to stimulate the minds of young children at home Arent young dolldren crowded in one or two rooms exposed to vast array of knouluige through listening Yes they may be But they seldom are stinmlated to re spend to speciï¬c stimulation only to buzzing confusion TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Several months ago we had dinoeratlhaborneoffrleodsJ notlcadlira Ahad It icflnflvc diflaent atterns of starting all rer for two in one pat tern three in another pattern andsoonRIehadservicefor four in the same pattern have ihis woman is in our bridge club and she has been here sev aldinm straw or her as was preparing for bulfcteup pcr for 12 when dismvered has short teaspoon dinner forks sahrl forts auger diell and cake mar Have you any suggestions as tobowloanhangonlothesil veal have left Dont tell me not to invite her my more She is close friend and her hilSlt band and my husband are bud EMILE FEELING Del Ann Leaders had to write nodcunmem on your ad vice to Courtdown Mothcr the woman who confessed aha El EE One to hardgiyfell tbcdulrShc it to rs is is Eist ii is E5 Es rag gt or it Your mini hnt Pleaseoonllnuetotellall hated her mum Ind ream had lied for mod helping miter have feel DoubleBarrelled Reason For Armed Forces Fashions her shabhily hum the my the child was born Several worried at our card club dismissed that letter and most of thorn said they cotddnt undemnd how moths in her right mind could despise her own drild lremalned silent Il thoum was well distilled to speak since was mach mother myself rm sannrz axarrmnn rrnunsnar some 21 use WED ilT COLLIER UNITED Mr and lilrs Gary Quail are shown at the reception which followed their wedding in Collier Street United Church Barrie The bride is the fame er Joan Thacher daughter of Mr and MN Bert Thacher of liapperton St The bride groom is the son oi Mr and Mrs Edward Qinll of Whitby The newlyweds are residing in Whitby Woolworth Department Store Downtown Barrie Aliour bakery products prepared freshdaiiy in our modern bake shops sccor to our laboratory tasted st duality ingredients are STRAWBERRy SHORTCAKEI Comporaat85c Ishowtimeruin Strawberry long Jilin 2lior29c slim MTAWA OP Clothing designer mile witlowy greeneyed blonde who radt ates femininity had double barrelied reason forvdcslgning the new basic uniform and raincoat for women in the Cl nadlan Armed Forces she is service woman her tell as well as an Ottawa de signer striving for recoxnb tlnn lnlervlewedin the tiny but opulent waiting room other shop not far from the gain slve residential district of Rookcliffe Mortarold Malta pronounced Mahee4ay talked about fashion and how she got into the swing of it The part like best about my work is designing evening coats and gowns hanging in the room attested to her fond ness of working with lace rich peau de sole and ratio dont particularly go in for fadriish styles like indi vidual clothes Someone has said womans fashions may hugneveLher de This lbeileve its motto lve sort of adopted il dont lust like making clothes You try to bring out persons character suppose thatswhy never went into manufacturinslf KEEPS LINES SIMPLE Despite her love of indivldw alliy Maltain privatellfe Yvette Demersand an army captainunderstands 5ch ice womans clothing needs have served lnLths re rervas since l957 and was on continuous army duty for couple of year of course the uniform um pet proieet of mine Recently the defence de partment announced that her worka green suit and guber dine raincoat designed for wear by the more than 1700 service womenwoulde given user trials late this summer The suit has Iihchbreasta ed semifitted jacket at waist length fastened by three but tons The skirt is simple modiï¬ed Allne The raincoat again empha sizing simple straight lines has hidden fasteners and rounded collar The old uniform served its purpose but it was tlrne for cilange Malta said knew therdWauldbeill types of girls wearing the new one and wanted it to be smart flattering to all figure types and easy to care for it had to in military but also feminine person wants to wear any uniform with pride but think girls should remain trial TOOK DESIGN COURSE White who grew up in Perry broke Ont took her first job as civil servant at the near by Petawawa military base She went to Winnipeg in 1957 enrolled in the militia and as well joined Air Canada as hostess year later she was irans ferred to Montreal and while there visited an exhibition at the Cotnolr Capponi technical Aschool of dress designing and dressmaking Some of theh graduates before you become upset over another messyidefrosting lob or tackle anoihér sticking ice tray or pry apart packs of icedup frozen food or become frustrated over the lack of storage space and endless trips to the store see the new NOFROST refrigeratorireezers now on display at your local appliance dealers Theyre bigger better my friendits nailed sumeg suggest that you open it up occasionally Something or value may drop in work in their Dior hohse in Paris couldnt help but be Impasse Since she was little girl Maire had been intrigued fashion and the exhibition spurred her to start the schools course while she was Itlll flying Soon she loll the airline for fuiltlrne study at the school where she graduated in 196i Matte worked partlime different fashion houses in Montreal before coming to 0t tawa to set up her own shop Designing the uniform was my first big job of that type CHECK THIS SERVICE DEAD STOCK SERVICE naAnhn cirTerD nonsns came noes 24 bars NIVCKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE Zenith ouio DRY CLEANING sum sanvrca sronaoa Morn rnoormo WM mum NU ERVICE CL ANERS noun FARM EQUIPMENT international SalesSarviroParts MILLER Hwy ll 7235530 PRiNTING MEr5crvlceon existinl19rflIleic C0ltlllEiiClAL rename orrsar mnsnrnnse Ion ALL Youh PRINTING NEEDS SIMCOE LITHO Bunion restree PLUMBING £7 HEATING GLENBRA iiurnblng Heating won one 72e922a SAND GRAVEL no soil iAiI Sire CLIFF vancoe LIMITED Hwy 21 STONE MASON rmnrancrzs handrach IAflos leEWALliS hRIVEWAYS SHANTY BAY TE soucom neve lily gt TRAVEL SERVICE moron coicn rules To MAN dt HIS WORLD WON QFEXFU ruavn 1211 GREER TRAVELS Um errsour withj priceless answers to such problems as what style7 pattern woods colors makes and anything to do with what goes with what Avoid confusion homemaking headaches and costly mistakes come in tomorrllw youll be glad you did Tho ifference betweene House and Home Bauic ï¬voifuu itd Mvwasmn sr uaxr rornn urananr rmmsnnv awn smear UNTIL you Strawberry Moryiilins 2iorv39¢ portma rosiup and never require defrosting ever