Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1968, p. 4

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Puaiianoo by canciao Newspaper leltad 16 Bayfield Stroo Walls Publisher McPherson reunsoav JUN tithe titanic comm Barrie Ontario William Taller General Managing Editor ma Paola convention Message From McCarthy Forces While the election in this country is important to Canadians the outcome of another election the race in the United States for the presidency is much more important in many ways Since the assassination of Senator4 Robert Kennedy the race for the De mocratic nomination has centred around two men Senator Eugene McCarthy and VicePresident Hubert Humphrey Ah so since that time Eolitical expertshave been saying that campaign is over and that Mr Humphrey has the nomina tion locked up To ay they may he pausr ing to reconsider the situation startling upset victory for prolife Carthy forces in the New York Demo cratic Senate nomination fight may well have 11 set also the experts calculations Paul Dwyer pride of the McCarthy partisans defeated the handpicked choice of Senator Kennedy Eugene Nickerson by more than 15000 vote mar in Rep Joseph Resnick re re 1senting the Humphrey forces finis ed eat The interesting thing about this elec tion is that Mr ODwyer like Senator McCarthy has had to do in the primar Power gt Mower Dangers Power lawn mowers asidefrom the noise they create area great boon to humanity They greatly reduce the labor aboutythe home in summer time parti cularly when lawns are large It is esti mated that there now as 28 million or morenow inuse Manufacturers have made themes safe as possible Actually the one great re maining hazard is the human element The mower barring the very unforeseen will not hurt you unless you make it pos siblefor it to do so Newer models have fuller blade enclosures smaller discharge openin lower trajectory discharge re duced lade speed Thereare warnings on the machines themselves But despite all this there will be those who will ose toes even feet perhaps fingers or hands to the revolving blades this coming sum mer Quite possibly there will be those who will suffer injury it could be death from missiles tossed out by the machines It goes without saying that the machine should not be lifted while it is in opera tion that one should not allow either toot OTHER EDITORS views NEED FOR PERSPECTIVE Christian Science Monitor Let us not sell short the continuing inner strengths of the United States Let us not sell short the proven ability of the United States to pull itself back on course if it is drifting away froni the principles upon which the Republic was founded Let us not at this timeof trag edy despair of the recuperative dynam ism which has brought the American people through trials and difficulties to aipinnacle in the modern world Let us not forget that the healthier and richer side of American life remains theyard stick for most ofrthe rest of mankind gt And let us not forget that almost the last words uttered by Robert Kennedy before tiieshots rang outwere We area great country an unseliish country and compassionate country HOTEL BUSINESS JOLTED KitchenenWaterloo Record The shadow of the accommodation problem posed by twopassenger plane now being planned by Lockheed fell on the annual convention of the Canadian Hotels Association last weekend ies operated his campaign on shoo Msoagcr string and without the support of single Democratic countyvleader Still more interesting is the fact that both Mr ODwyer and Mr Nickersen were eace candidates as opposed to the umphrey haikk Mr esnick The combined ODwyerNickerson vote total was considerably more than double that of Mr Resnlck The ODwyer victory is beingLInterer preted by many McCarthynsilppurffls as message to Democratic convention del ates that McCarth is force with which to be reckone And there can it seems no longer be much question about thaiAnd good thing it will be for the United States if the Senator can emerge as the Democrats choice for president Senator McCarthy would rovide rallying point for all those oppose the war and who want leadership on the home front dedicated to the of the quality of American life and to the death of racism arid poverty As things stand at firesent withiRichard Nixon the likely epubllcan winner Senator McCarthy man left around whom such limportant forces can gather or hand to get close to therevolvln bladehYet there will be those who wil lift machine from one level to another while the motoris going those who will seek to scoop out grass from the dis charge without bothering to turn off the beithose who on pour gasoline into the tank while the mower is hottaking the risk of the highly inflammable fluid pour ing onto the hot cylinderhead and caus inian explosion quipmenl should be checked over fre quently for loose nuts and bolts The blade should be ket in balance It is strongly urged that awns be not mowed up and down on steep grades but rather pgrading nomination the only by PATH NICBOIEON MTAWALThe céniera ynever lies it is said But even it tho tclevlslon camera tolls nothing but the truth it certainly does not tell the whole truth it is puppet in the hand of fit nannle uistor Every housewife has learned by bitter experience from TV across thegrade It is easy to slip foot commercials Every doouir has or hand going under the machine Go over the lawn for stories or other subjects before mowing They can be tossed many feet and will cause serious injury if they hit someone or break window And power lawn mowers are not toys for children to play with It maybe an easy way for Dad to et the lawn cut but it can prove costly it must have jolted delegates when Ciaud Taylor the director of marketing for Air Canada warned them that his company will get into the hotel business imelf unless the industry supplies and and better accommodation The advent of carriers moving hun dreds rather than scores of passengers on one flight is near Air Canada Mr Taylor said is not willing to leave the end of thei ourney to change The criticism was morepointedb causetbe statistics usedcame maiily from US sources because Mr Taylor said they are not available in Canada Some US airlines are past In talking sia and are deep in the operation of gin ai hotel chainsIt has its own ad vantages Thetravelier can ak his flight and his rooms at the same time saving both time and money Hotel proprietorsmay well answer that lI costs lot of money to build big hotel This is true but not the decidin factor They may also think it is bette to face up to the expansion demanded rather than have to prepare to meet om petition that has the builtinadvantage of major airline Ontario elem ye MWIN wosurrouwuovroneuiwn N5 EPI DON TONS oF MGM ROM QORCUPINE TAlN WERE USED 1t BLMKME GREAT oFtlISSTRAiTS 0F CAMOBITVEEN outta on Cape Breton Island 1b nu massive causeway 3QUAQIBRSH MILE LONG be toil RAW wits Taillqlfilgyouoolzlutcusu uEliurursngoisaivnr 02 IIMtELFAMo ENTIAI 71 £535 swimmers WA 17 wow 140qu ItliMlTfifiS Moival userArmupsaoom firmwpnm oNGolsMOST or inch Kuowuo knowledge so informing him The homewifc knows that the detergent highly praised by its advocate for its cleansing prn perties also expensiver cor7 rodes Lhopipu and pump of her washing machine The doctor knows that the young manda picted in the TV commercial as nonchalsntly matting cigarette while he gets his girl may ulti matcly be watched by that same girl am older while he dies in premature pain looking backaelther in anger QUEENS PARK SeeNewPatteimsiid or Elections noiv orphan TolttJNToEioction after mathsthe campaigning style of ourfuture Ontario eleainna will be influenced by this feder al contest We probably can expect more noon meetings in the downtown areas of our larger centres The blggfit success of the Liberal campaign undoubtedly was the noonhour rally in Toronto civic square Estimates are thatmore than 50000 people watched it Whatever impact it may have had on the people ac family there is contributed an is Hayfield Street Bank Onlar Authormd asaooo class matter Post Olfiu Depart ment Ottawa andlor pay ment of postage in cash Sundays snd St iory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily byi carrier 50c weekly moo yearly Single copied10c ByrmaliJsm mrwyearly motor flirowolf 316 year Mail out side Ontario 14 ar 0112 lids CanadaLBritish passes sleds dis year USA and foreign $32 year Nalionslhdvertisingoffioesr 425 University Avenue Toron to M0 Cathpart St Moo unrner olisr Canadian in Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Cimilations Thaicanadian Press Is cliuively entitledto the use for republication of alinews dispme thiapaper crodr ltcdto it or The Associated Press or Routers and also graded now published The Tw Hoar TVJPIQjects images But eNeijeThe Issues machine And uite pdssilily there will nor in jubilation we can see that TV playa similar danger ous hoax on electors Bringing the election campaign and the party leaders into every home for cosy fireside chat it pro lects lmsgm but not issues it drnroaliaes the choice of gov ernment into battle of the fin age between the good guys and the bad guys says liothtan field Therevls tendency to so dramatize the significance of given election that we lose sight oi its importance he says The airwaves are full of wat ersheds and landmarksdays of destiny and days of decision Everyrriver is Rubicon Every contest an Armageddon Every point is turning point every road is crossroad and the fate of countless millions is al ways hanging grimly in the bal ance The nountry is fed diet of strained mixed metaphor element of excitement to Liberal campaign We also probably will see much more direct confrontation betweencandidates There were great many all candidates meetingsln tbia eiection and locally they were often theinost successful fea ture in some ridings there always have been all candidates meet ingsbut in other aressthe com testants have been reluctant to take iiie risk of facing their op ponents and questions from their oppo supporters There werejsoi by in this cnmpelg however that they new area established routine The candidate who tried to duck unm slid hidebehindltlio security of coffee parties would probably be an automatic loser Yes if somebodygcan camellia with formula on our experi ence todste perhaps eventhe networks wouldnt be interested in fostering them This campaigns leadership debate wooalmost as bad fur key asour provincial tdebate inim tinwhich the writer dgeable reporters wlthout bclng ofteiisi andthey were giten mo eedomjlie results could be hot iglood showriiianship and C5 iubla with the debates had has been thatthey estedtiallysuries have have ring ou Iionlllcls amalgamation with in whichlt cannot swallow and must not be saddled with Mr Stanfield is the tirat polib icni leader in Canada to draw attention to this confusion of TV drama with real life issues which has already caused con cern among wmmunlcatlons ex ports in many Western coun tries This concern is because the issues are given second place lothe superficial catclr pose in TV coverage of an elec tion campaign in our recent campaign for example the is sues were subordinated to the kissyous The news camera of television special in the Eosecond news clip gives the headlines to the sucking of rose or the eating of banana but is incapablevof covering the higher price of bread or the monthly strain of mortgage payment TV entertainment is colored rose TV news is similarly tinted ALGeneWickham United Slates TV expert points out the use of dramatic film techniques in news programs clouds the difference between everyday reality and the make lieve fliere are no housing short ages in Peyton Place no sur plus wheat stocks rotting on the ground in Green Acres no ris ing fodder prices and machin ery costs in Bonanza he says Saskatchewan enioyla bonan za when the weathenandths Wheat Board combine to make it sowhich is not every year Our towns and cities have prob loans of costlymortgages and pollution which the rosetinted TV lens overiooks in Peyton Place Mr Stanfield is right when he warns Canadians that there is more to the choosing of government than the superfi nial shot of the TV camera has been sugg ting Maybe true that the old fashionad mass political meet ing only drew the partyfaithful Newspaper reports at least took its arguments and issues into every horns Clintons STORY Pond Had Place InOurHstory Ruffian or great pioneer That question mlght be asked About Peter Pond who discov ered Lake Athabash on June TI 17 Both with would bl true but history has lay of over some of the rough spots and Ponds achievements have an impor tant place in Canadas story Peter Pond Lake near the Al hcrtaSaakItchewln do commemorates his name Pond came from Milford Conn and began furtrading in the northwest in 1775 just as the American Revolutionary War was beginning He lrllled mother fur trader lo fight and was tskento Montreal for trial but wasreleascd when it was ruled that the court did not have legal iurisdiclon Pond then joined the aggres alve North West Company and got into fight with John Ross member of the rival XY Germ pany Ross was killed and once again Pond could have been charged with murder in order to avoid legal action the North West Company arranged an the XY Company and the incident was smoothed over 0n the credit side of the ledge er Food was pcrhaps the first tamer in the northwest in 1753 in developed vegetable gar den at Athehaslra in order to Pesca leave with you Ana peace lgive onto you not as the world gladla In unto youu Let not your heart be troubled neither let It be llt kl John 1421 The reason that we are plag ued with to much fear is due to the fact that we know so little about our Heavenly Father Fear than not for am wilh thee he disnoyed for am thy God will uphold thee POLICE inspector Clouseau CALLTHE provide food for trappers it was the most northerly articul tural project in North America at the time Pond also made valuable maps of western Canada show ing his travslrouies but one of them may have misled Alexan der Mackenzie into thinking that the Mackenzie hirer flowed into the Pacific rather thon into the Arctic Ocean gt Ponds maps also made it pos sibic for the USA to claim that the boundary with Canada should run through the middle of the Great Lakes to the Lulu of the Woods WISE JUNE EVENTS rm Cooheco now Dover chill was matsacrod by French and lndians 1711 British force intended to caplure Canada landed in Boston liftComma dlisussonviile captured St Johns Nlid in Matthew tacking left Hudson Bay on trip to Saskata ohcwan River 177le Frederick HI ldl mend took office as Governor of Canada DZPrince Edward Duke of item stopped PreachEnglish not at Quebec intoCanada Land Company was incorporated an advice of John Gait tunSteamer Republic ar rived ai Esquimaii with 300 pas sengers atbeginning of British Coiumhia gold rush 1367George Brown held Liblt sral convcnUon at Toronto tenJock Palmer attempted first airmail flight from wgsiern Canada to Ottawa He took off from Iothbridge but failed to reach his destination lineLiberalsunder Louis St Laurent won gcneral election wilh 193 seals to it for Conscrv alives rasrcimivon ARTfT cuiliefini can change its color in 23 of second NOW SHOWING pm pm Fulfilmentsalon infliction otwmmmumnmnlm ass fiw QelOftl WAllldlMl FRANK llAlDMMl milWIS hltflllhill BIID Y0lflfllI era BI Socon Han Store Name The Pink Elephant coNTEST sranrs Tn nsnax JUNE so Ends July at Grand prize 74 cu Universal Freezer Winner in be announced onhryan Barker Show at 545 made daily for with no obligation from any Barrie Second Hand Barrie Second Hand Sloreor put in ballotébox supplied at store in case of duplication draw Store salesman Alibsllots must be mailed to our WIRELMAURKE RlCllllH soa lkifledflmntn Aug 12 liltiii draw will he Pink Elephant Ballots are free 55 Dunlop St will be made We reserve all rights Stal not eligible to enter contest Barrie Extra Dry Gin LONDON DRY GIN

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