Joan and Ricky oneBassoonv On NEON GP bill Ll incense payments under Oatar lots Worhnens CompeBaan Act received second reedlnz ednesday deï¬nite strong sitlnn criticism in the iii ture lhe bill increases the miti mum ceiling on which aaiien is paid to snooo year from $6000 increases payments to widows and orphans of man on killcd in work accident and raises to $400 and $300 the limp sum paid to cover luneial at page Cliff Piikcy inorosnawai said the increases are an im prmcment but not enough There should be no maximum no marker earnings for compon cation purposes and the furnin 01 worker should not tastier 1os in their standard of lime because of work inlnry Ncitlicr payman lo widows and orphans or the funeral al lonance refith existing costs he said George Bcn tLToronto Humbert and Jack Stokes lNDP iliundcr Buy both were criti cal of the acts pmvislons for workers recovering from inju TIES The compensation board cuts back on payments when doc tor rules that an injured worker is ready for light duties at Ulmlgil there often isino light work available Mr Ben said The bill now goes to clause hyciuusc study before receiving vthird and final reading Turn Down Otter TORONTO CPI new wage offer was reiected Wednrsday by the citys 1400 sceondary school teachers The teachers who turned down the proposal by 786 per cent majority vote say the otter Inf Kaipercent salary increase does not provide enough money Mini 200 topranking teachers They want more money for principals viceprincipals de partment beads assistant dc partrncnt heads and commer cial and technical directors Average annual wagefor the teachers members of the Ontnrv to Secondary School Teachers Federation is about $7350 Strike May End RONTO lCP strike 37007 Metropolitan Toronto outside workers may end this afternoon when theyvote on new contract proposal ham mered out early today by city nand union officials at Ontario department of labor headquar ters union spokesman has an bounced The workers members of Local 43 Canadian Union oi Public Empioyces went on strike last Friday to support da mands for luvyearcent wage increase in each year of two year contract War Service Vote ATLANTA Ga AP The Lubhcran Church in America adopted controversial state ment on conscientimts obiealon Wednesday night who opposed particular war The vote whim came after fou betas and i5 minute de hate ours as for its against and seven abstaining it was taken by standing couit The controversial proposal biought below the diurchs biennial conventionby the board of social ministry includ ed section affirming the right of personio obiect to military service in generator toobloct to particular nan EVERETT BIGGS adrenalin HAMILTON Agricul ture may lead the wuyin solv ing some problems facing Eng lish and Frenchspeaking Can ada Everett Biggs Ontario deputy minister ol agriculture said Wednesday Mr Biggs told news confer once at the 48th annual conven tion of the AgriculturallnstitutaL of Canada that the institute hopes to establish working liaison with incorporation dos agronomes the Quebec counter part ot the A16 whichbas al waysremained separate llrms Limitation MOSCOW Routers The Soviet Union announced today it is readyto exchange opinions with the Unitedetates no limit ing the development ofboth of fensive and defensive rocket systems The announcement was made by Soviet Foreign Minister Atl drei Gmmykoin speech to the Supreme Soviet parliament today Housmg Loans OTTAWA CP Ceuttal Mortgage and Housing Corp Wednesday announced approval of two federal loans totalling $7122000 to the Ontario Housing Corp for the constructional lowrental housing units in Scar borough Ont The housing projects one 101 unit and one sinunit will be built for ianulifls with 10w in Maritime Museum SARNlA OP The motor steamship Assiniboia which carried passengers on the Great Lakes for 58 yelrttasdns to dock here today for reï¬tting marine museum and raisin ant The ship built on the Clyde Scotland WI has been pur chased from Canadiaa Pacific Railway by Donald Lee oi Port Lambton about 25 miles south on ll hi to ope wi cp pm serve little of the Great Lakes history said Mr Lee The end of the useful service of ihe Assinibaia marks the end of an era on the Lakes Losing Business TORONTO Thorn ton Iran president oi Standard Radio Ltd says advertising dollars are flowing to Buffalo NY because Toronto television stations cannot handle the vol ume of business Sneakingatthc companys annual meeting Wednesday Mr Oran said Standard monitored Buffalo TV station for week and counted 70 Canadian ac counts We continue to draw this fact to the attention of ministers of the government and others responshle for formulating broadcasting licensing policyJl Assisted Police MONTREAL CP 21 yearoid FrenchCanadian serv iceman said chnesday he helped police capture an alleged terrorist group by agreeing to comgratuo planned raid on local armory The soldier whose identity was withheld on request by Mr Justice Peter Shorteno was testifyingat the assizes tnal oi Robert Levesque i7 accused of conspiracy to hold up the ar mory He said he was asked to help the alleged plotters and was of fered $500 by the accused for detailed plansof the 2nd Mont real Service Battalion militia armoryvin the citys north end Bilingualism Plan MONTREAL OP to Pmlesiant School Board ot Greater Montreal will sponsor study to find ways of promoting bilingualism among English speakiog pupils it was an nounced Wednesday Schooling alone wont make child bilingual and we have to tind new ways to immerse our students in French said Mrs Stuart Ralstou chairman of the boards education committee Among methods under consilt denation are sports exchange piograim with Frendnlanguage schools and the use of hench iangitage newspapers and him vision in classrooms Mrs ital ston said SIMCOE TOTTENiliilVl By MRS SWICE 53 Mr and Mrs Joseph Beiiord are on 10 day holiday in Norther lo Mr and Mrs Harvey Simp son and the iatters mother Mrs James Foy spent Sunday it in Oriilia or Mrs Tillie Henderson of Vic tofia an is holidaying with her daughter lilrs James Fee heiy Oral McClain underwent sur gery in General Hospital Tor onto Rev George Saunders on six week course in Chic ago 111 on rural sociology He has been chosen by United Church of Canada to represent them and is on scholarship The mixed howling tournment held on local greens Monday weiienlng was successful Winn ers wins wins Main Vmond Ethel ice cameo Brendon win Bill Dorseys cniiiciiliasrf at its iiiiNnv ManyOro field day prizes came to raighuiflboys ports Sr All der Mrs Stranaghann yl via Barbara and Garry Ham ilton spe the weekend Handys Sincer fymphthy is express ed to rein ives of Mrs Meads whose burial took place at Cralghurst Cemetery Mr and Mrs Meitz and farm it of El Paso Texas re ho ipayingwitih the iattors pa ants Mr and Mrs Gr Worn lnal plann school of tar cooNer NEWS union which will be held June 29 Mrs Gamble showed slides ot rrecent trip to England and Scotland ending with pic tures of scenes of Craighurst GloucesteryPooi and North Bay The white elephant sale was sticccsserrs Rankin Mrs Coward and Mrs McCracken served lunch Knox Presbyterian Church will hold anniversary service June 30 at pm lllr and Mrs Snider Miss Chute and Webberspent fewdavs at the Skyline Motel Toronto at the well drillers convention Mrs Minttord Storey ishome after spending four weeks in St Michaels Hospital Toronto Mrs Halbert is leaving Thursday to visi friends in Ireland On the same flight will be Rev Mr Townsley of Knox Church and his daughter The staff of Banting Memor ial High School finished the schooltezrn with barbecue at Pattons Pen gt heid in presentation the library for Miss Elsie Ney who has served as librarian for 30 years Many friends gathered to pay honor tonne who has served the town so faithfully She was presented with apurse of money Ade ticious lunch was esrved by the womens Institute At the annual meeting of District Order oi the Eat anASItar Mrs Edith Robinson iston was ected District inuty GrandMatron for the coming ye She succeeds Mrs Audrey Oldfield ofillundalk Altiston Horticultural Society are holding the Penny Show in thevlibra name will and MrsAllan Latimer and Mrs lda MoKelvey attend rout nternatioool Rose Show in Toronm Sundayattemoon Oopgratulatlonsto Mn and Jack Thompson on the who attandediibe cl Mrs Bill Clark him of arson hitched Loon in Stevenson Memorial Hospi tal first grandchild or Mr and Mrs Thompson of Alliston and Mr and Mrs Bryce of Stayner Bill Patton and Ted Hawker of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Pat ton hlissMary Anderson daugh terof the late Mr and Mrs Anderson of H0ckley and Film er Hawkins sun ofviltirsWili iam Hawkinsand the lhteMr Hawkins were marriedint quiet ceremony on Friday evenlt ing Four showerswere held for the popular couple Mr and MrsA Sinton Don Mills spent the weekend with Mrs Sinton Mr and Mrs Brown Platsy Dale and Ar thur of Sudbury were with Mr and Mrs Craigon Saturday Main witness Mr and Mrs Bill Ohappcll Annie May and Helen Pickering Toronto Mls AM Finlay Mrs Ed Dnran and Fat OfMidhurstiand Miss Heather Furlong of Fergusonvaie landed graduation party for Miss Suzanne Finlay at the home other parents Suzanne is one of this year graduates of Toronto Teachers Qoliege Mrs John De Garter Miss Greta De Gorter ond Harryftrain were among those reunlt ion Crossland school on Sat urday Miss De gtGorter is the pr or each aln is pastteaohe Visitors on Sunday and MrsAlohi97Wa guded Mr an and Mrs Stave Brawn and Marshal Mrs01ioe llan were inner guestsSundoy of hirer Norman flaw Stayner attendi ed demotion day Mr Janice Mu nafl and Doioihy Oakland Hi verc recent Mr is tbcleï¬da roaonm icri cm were Criticized in white Widow crest ut luau like housing and social problems while voicing strong opposition to ainday horse rac ing moral issue am disappointed in the rltlou the churches have tags on this issue said Walter Pit maa tNDPPeterboroughl Hesaid behalf received many letters opposed to bill that will permit municipalities to allow horse racing and parlmutuei betting on Sundays Eul he gets few on housing and social problems which he HUGE HEROIN Finn liic 115 Justice Department said these four Frenchmen wae arrestedwin Parlskclna Paul Mestressat47 The haul connection With the sciLur 1224 million worth oi herein in on ants in New York City The department identified them as top lettto right Jacques Bousquct 55 and sum 47 lBottomiIom left Andre lilniibeot 39 and announced in Washington Wod nesdny by Attorney General Clark was the larg est single scion of the ii US history tAP ltdropho via cable from Parist AngtherFpir3thor Hamilton West HAMILTON CPt The same federal riding that in 1957 elected Canadas ï¬rst woman cabinet minister Tuesday elect ed Lincoio MacAuiey Alexander canadas first Negro MP Mr Alexander handsome 46 yeamld lawyer and former col lege footbau player wonallamiii ton West for the Progressive Conservative party in gain from the Liberals that kept them iromsweeping Hamiltons four ridings Deicated by liberal Joseph lllacaluso in the 1965 federal election by fewer than 2000 votes Mr Alexander Tuesday returned the traditionally Tory riding to thefold by 260 Volks Although his color was never an issue in his campaign he said he was proud to be the first Negro elected to the Commons hope my victory will give other people faith that in Can ada anyone can win no matter what his race creed color or religion Mr Alexander said hope they wont call me the Negro member from Hamil ton West but simply the mem her from Hamilton West The last time Hamilton West voters were excited by the Con servatives was in 1957 when they elected Ellen Fairelough who served in the Conservative cabinet as minister of citizen ship and inunigratiou and later in in to to tory lie said Born in lomnto the son of get all the Er The first Negro to win seat any legislature or Parliament Canada was Leonard Braith waite 41 who won seat in tho Onmrio legislature in 19ft by capturing the Libera Eoronlo Etobicoke for During his campaign Mr Ailt encoder etcactednninnbers of young woï¬eis and inedited them with his victorymesday certain cha risma that floats about me he hear there is considers more important moral issues unrests ovarsir Illa spoke in opposition to is al amendment that wouid haverset aside the bill for six monthsthe hoist device which under house rules means the bill would not come to vote on second reading The bill was given second reading automatically defeat tng the amendment 6717 in recorded vote during which some former pponents switched sides or were absent from the house Berni Gilbertson PCAI gomat was the only government member who opposed the bill Smith PGHamilton Mountaint who cariicr said his consclence will be my guide in voting on the most regretta 1d an audience ailerbis victo ry and Im supposed to have little magic This magic may have attract ed the 500 young workers vno inspired and Eaveus carry on hesaid vigor to It is really the nine yearrup 20 years who can should or this vic West Indian railway porterMr MemelFW in Hamilton in 1940 and enlisted in the ECAF where he spent titreeyears as wireless operator When he was disurargedne went to McMaster University and later to psgoode Haiivin To ronto tobecopea lawyer was bailed to thetlntario bar in 1953 and named sel in 1966 He Queens Coun as postnnstergeneml Transit Strike May Not ECOmer TORONTO CPI The threat of an iimnediate city transit strike eased Wednesday when the provincial labor department rdored the Toronto Transit Commission and union to meet with an judg Tiie commissions contract withw51ttoi members of the Amalgamated Transitdlnion ex pires Sunday The labor depart Lak backstop to mcnts order is possible strike hotbcompany name delegat union bus and street crease dr its drivers inaparlial and union must meet with the judg and discuss contract demands kets subway ar operators wanton 33porcent wage in nur increase at over one year Present average wage is ï¬t an hour Sees Dangers Of Urban Waste iiORONmrtCit bistpg po pulatlooszin mater Great Lakes his bill Hipposted the govern meat Wednesday as did Smith lPCStmcoe Easti who on April 11 had asked that tree vote be permitted Lfongrfl AReilly tPCEgiln on ppal ston and the islands and Jigggltoot lPC WcllingtonDulierin all of were absent Wednesday 01 three NDP members who opposed the bill earlier only whom opposed the bill earlier Petersenth MLA VChiiifclhmen CitE ii Ire tNDPOshawal was in the legislature with bu position unchanged rWililam Ferricr NDPCoch rana Seuthl and Fred Burr NDP Sandwlck Riverside were not in their seats George Bukator tLNiagara lallst who moved the amend ment with Eddie Sargent GreyErucci as secondcr said he opposed the bill on moral grounds with delightful tropical flavour BLACK as WHITE ORKODACOLOR hi FOR EACH ltOlt union cities will pill up municipal wastes emptyinginto the lattes faster thannewtreatment plans can be consultant Donald Hornlug assistant to built says 115 Johnson in science and technolo 1313 told the Great Lakes We agree that here Great es are important to us and must be saved the time is now He said new construction and other activities around th will worsen pollution that new researdi is ha ed on medrods of waste treat rijienta If we any EXAMINERWANT nos Paonem 14 lead onVWednesdoyï¬Jiine 26 should have read Scattowe owsts Any lhconvenisneo to regrattedr Eua illd DEVELOPINGx 72 Plum SiMPLYLEAlIEYOURNEXT FlLMBMGKlellTEOR KODACDLOR FOR DEVEL OPING PRlNTlNG VYOU WILLGETA FREE ritesninEsIZtz Had Efficient Service at Findst duality Prints ROLLOF storm autumnal hint ties ORDER