Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1968, p. 4

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16 aeyfield Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher William Teller General Manager MePheiaon Managing Editor mammal so use no Businessmean Disagiee On Economy Of Canada According to businessman business men are responsible for the fact that productivity in Canada is lower than in the United states Boggs president of de Haviiland Aircraft of Canada recently told the Canadian Manufacturers Associatdon that output in Canada could match that of the 178 if money were put into design develop ment risk ventures and production equipment Managerial and technical competence at all levels in American industry are generally better than the equivalent levels in Canada be said It is usual that Canadian business excuses itself from such allegations by claiming thatit is the big mass mar ket in the 115 which accounts for Am erican productive superiority And of course this argument is invariably used also against the idea of the reduction or elimination of tariffs between the two countries Mr Bogus denies this Earth manna Published by Canadian Nempdodm Limited d6 not feel the mammarket argument used to Justify our lower productivity is by any means always valid With are available to us we should in wage structure 0n the other side of this particular fence It Southern President of Atco Industries Ltd told the same gath ering that there is no wayin which Canada can match living standards in the His He said that we lack the pro ductivity the money and the popula tion to enable us to do so Mr South ern went scurrying back to the old panaceas we should begin dyn amic move back to free enterprise and replace our position on thesoclallstlo breadllne with desire vigorous ideal ism and extreme hard work So there are two sides of an equa tion which in Canada seems no closer to solution Education Proposal Merit recent article lathe Journal of the Canadian Medical Association points to the disturbing fact that the average Amarijuana patient is only 17 years oi age and that use of the weed is reach ing epidemic proportions lle were 71300 arrests and 359 convictions durv ingqthe first 10 months of lastyear article goes on to note distress ingly that hallucinogenic drugs such as manuana glues and cements fingernail polls remover lighter and clearung fluids lacquer thinner etherrLSD SIP DMT nutmeg and morning glory seeds amphetamines peyote mescaline has hish andmanyothers are easily avail able in most major cities Ihec lear warning is given that no one should take drug or foreign mater ial into his body unless it is prescribed and taken underthe supervrslon of ualified physician No physician hould prescribe drug unless it 15 for specific medically sound reasons Those who break the rulesare eitherfools or quacksonbothi This is sound advice But Will it reach the people who need it most This we have to believe is unlikely And certainly police cannot prevent the Use of the drugs They can only prosecute those who have broken the law The Canadian Home and School and ParentTeacher Federation at its annual meeting rightly concerned itself with this problem Delegates were not all that prepared to admit that drug usage among high school students was as ser ious problem as indicated Nonethe less they acknowledged that problem does existandihcir resolution calling for early education aboutthedaners associated with the use of these drugs is good one It leaves something for boards of 0d ucation everywhere in the province to think about particularly those serving large urban centres it ought to en courage them to consider the need to initiate some serious discussions in the schools to promote an awareness of the dangers and to Berbaps invite medical men to talk to gjdren on the subject ltcouldgo long way toward putting an end to any ideas children might have that experimenting with drugs is fun OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SHOULD WE EXPELTHEMI Chatham Daily News reCent case nearhere where tea cher took the law into his own hands and chastised pupilrather summarily and violently makes one gwonder what should bedone with the high school boys and there may be some girls tio who disrupt classes by their unruly behavior Hamilton educational authorities are considering this problem and there is no doubt that many other boards are fac ed with the same uestion There are two ternatives The firstis to dump the troublesome ones so that the other glpils in the class can get on with the in of learning At the same time the bother of dealing with these misfits would be lifted off the shoulders of the teaChera and the principals That is negative way to handle the problem since sacking these youngsters cryonics STORY would dump them on the employment market On the other hand it might hear Lied that these oddball are slightly unba anc ed and require special treatment and tuition In many cases the permissiven of the parents has lot to do Vl tlif behavior of theseindividuals They have been coddled frombirth and they riuse tofall into line and accept the mass treatment of the school or the colleges that our modern form of education im poses onus Pertinent Paragraphs certain man probably henpcclred twists an old saying thusly The hand that rules the cradle rocks theworld The 10 of erson is ininverse ra tio to the num er of slilythings be hangs on and in his car the kind and size of world markets that time be able to mulan anyone elsee mum orrswil REPORT Canada By PATRICK NICHOLSON mews Last year Can ada imported 246302 rilios pis tols shotguns and other SCEIV lsneous guns and accoutre meats This 0000900 purchase was made from in countries includ ing Russia Communist China Em Germany Czechoslovakia and Hungary as well as the United Slates France Syvpden Japan and West Germany The Dominion Bureau of Sta tistics publishes the number and value of weapons of various classes bought from other coun tries but doesnol release infor mation about the production by tbe considerablyviewer sources within Canada THE mm TOUCH mum ltsolthatecbooiboardtoat tend lreocboaly which local school may not contravene WATERING THE WEEDS Laws Still ng Lax luporteeiupislols and revol vcrs range from on average im portcd price of 5975 eschol those oi British make to $48 for those fromtbe US Rifles vary costing an average of $365 each tram Japan up to $53 each of itallan rnaire Retail prices in Canadian stores with customs duty and retail markup added would be at least double these prices Canadas Jolly Green YJum pers total some 90000 today wincludlng women doctors and penpushers and other noncom batenls So our imported weaponry just in the pastyear was sufficient to provide per sonal weapon or defence force more than twice as large as Canadas 15 this mammoth trade in Things Columnist Finds lnHis Mail HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AWThings oolmnnist might never know if he didntbpen his mail if food doesnt taste as good to you as it did when you werea kid theres good reason Your sensitivity to taste increases from the age of three to 20 then declines lowly it fails on more quitir ly in men than in women who seem better able to enloy the good things of life right up to the end Air conditioned ha in es arent AncientEgyp trans according to the Nation Geographic Society spaked Many Explorers Hudsons Bay ifCo by son aowvnm Canada has just celebrated iooyssrs of Confederation Two years from now the Hudsons Bay Company will be able to celebrate 300 years of service and growth in which the history of Canada is closely interwoven In tact the company has been an integral part of Canadian life for no long that pioneers used to say irreverently that thevlni tiels ll meant Here Be iore Christ Many of the great explorers were it employees Henry Kelsey Anthony Hendsy SamuelNHearne Peter Fidler Philip humor David Thompson at the beginning othis career Robert Campbell among oth ers Then who could forget the great contributions made to the growth of Canada by men like James Douglas who saved the Pacific coast and Donald Smith who naved the prairies And because Lord Strsthcons builder of the CJ Anthony Holiday was proba hly the first white manta see the Rookie Rained ihoir Acadia that liecould have made the journey from Fort York lludA son Bay in the Rockies and back in almost exactly one year He left Fort York on June as 1754 and arrived back there on Juneau 1755 Henday saw the Rockies when he arrived athed Deer River and camped with the fierce Blackfoot indians He not only friendship hut tried to persuade them to bring their furs to his companys post on Hudson Bay However the Blacflootchefs refused to let their young menmake the trip explaining that they had become horsemen anddid not travel in canoes anymore They also lived on buffalo meat and wgulld norm able tzcat lisb to two the son is on mp Him itllimperial DrdcrinCoulr llenday hada mount time get ac admittMPrlflce Edward to companynmdm to bang land to Canada effective hurt his story about 12 lndiens using horses instead of canoes when ha returned to orthork omnn JUNE snvnurs 1804 Probable date of founding of French colony of signed peace treaty at Mont real toolOrdinance lorbade car nying liquor to Indian country intJames Nappe tian last trying to find North west Passage ivsLLouisburg surrendered to British in campaignied by Amherst Wolfe and Boscawen HMSBritish ilcct anchored pilek Quebec to begin Wolfes et la JamilWilliam lV succeeded George IV lilo British Navigation Act aboiished restrictions on co lonial shipping real near Quebec look lives at 250 Scottish andNorwcgiaa inr migraan Lawrence Seaway lly opened by Queen Elizabeth and President Eisen rhowen at St Lambert Lock Marshes mtgbppu Canada Village was opened by Premier Frosts ObtarioPrime Minister Hyatc lodlans expcdi carrier soc weekly moo the wells their dwellings to hep them cool Romans discover relays oi slaVes packed rule hollow outer walls of their villas with snow rushcd down the mountains by Although more than 3000 flavor combinations of ice cream have been tested no one hasmanaged to make pruneor licorice ice cream popular Other flavor flops Kumquat and ohile con came The pmpine has wider range of appetite than goat It has been known to consume anything frames leather boot to an automobile steering wheel But forestcrs dislike iiheSe quilled animals because they prefer to dine on the inner bark at trees One por cuplne can kill or injure 2000 young trees in year opportunity Want to win 510000 All you have to do is cure for schi zopllrenia the Warlds most is Bayiield Street BarriE Ontario Authorized ss second fciass matter Post Office Depart Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Dali Sundays and Statutory Holidays by yearly Single copies loc By mail Barrie $71500 yearly Ontario $1200 ye aide Ontario alt year put de Canada British posses sions tls ye 115 and foreign tit yesr National advertising Ollices 425 Unlversity Avenue or to 540Cethcart St Mon lBSQFire on steamer Mont tr cal Member of adlan Daily4Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Prem and Audit Burrsulof circulations The Canadian Press isex clusively entitled to than for republication allnews dispatches lllmll paper cred ited to it or TherAssoclsied Press or Reuters and aieo the low news published ed Jam Sim 0M Dear Sir areas currently available lndustry in the area prevalent mental disease In offeriagthetlomo prize the American Schidopbrenia Foundation said it hoped to buildibe award to 5100000 vice noel Are the residents of the fit tawny Rose St area being good citizens when lhey object to the installation of the pro posed Bombsrdiei Ski don plant suppose thatthc answer to this lies in where your values happen to lie if youvalue city revenue and prestige then you must favor lis installstio But if you feel thatcitlze gbfe and childrens lives are olmore impdrtance then perhaps Bom bardier should be relocated in ne of the more reasonable rWo do not object now do ob lect to bringing it in without provision for serVIca xroadi We are faced with tbe intro ductan of plant which will be servicedby roadcut right tisroulill tbelccotre ots residen tial area This would not be so em bad if it involved only played mingln atlla weapons of death really neces sary Vnyis there an outcry against Canada selling weapons to the 05 for use in Vietnam but no whisper against this huge importation of handy killers What assurance have we that one of the 55470 imported Yri tics centreilrc onmllitary will not be sold by mail order to someone who hes to amassi nate our prime minister from bookstore window How do we know that one of those imported pistols nonrmllltary wilinot get into the hands of some out who wants to slaughter senao tor Oui laws concerning the whims possession and use of firearms are very laxdespite proposed amendments which were before parliament when it was dissolved iaAprl Newspa ncrs show that criminals have no difficulty in obtaining pistols submachine guns and adapted automatics in fact the hand gun which killed Senator Robert Kennedy 21 calibre pistol ls of type widely usedrin Canada even by Juveniles in innocent target practice yet it is capable of ending human life it is traditional holiday sport to slaughter ducks and murder deer But do we really have to exterminate our dwin dliug wild lilo to make boil day At the risk of prompting storm of abuse from gun clubs and flrearnrs tans it might be suggested that all nonmilitary guns should be outlawed We no longer need to defend ourselves against the Indians This stepmould cause cheer among our lawenforcement of ficers it would save many an anxious moment among mo ers and wives it would elinu natelbe toll of blinded and flip pied kidsand shot hunters and inevitably it would reduce the death ate among bank clerks BIBllE Tumour This poor man cried and the Lordheard him and aivedhhn on of all hll troubled lnlme lle sees every tear and hears every sigh and knows every heartache will never leave thee nor sake the LETTERS To EDITOR leaving lhttpm But this in volves storage area whose ex istence depends on codunulng stream of truckemalrlng regu lar piclr upa ls If the service road is possible then welcome Bombardier if it is not possible then the city should be doing whatever they can to assist liombardier in finding new location despile traaaletel lf pllcd to henchanadlaas ln Regulation 11 Are we going Frenchdanguago school nevv Canada will be built almswand objectives of edu on education was and teethIme 06 ll JulI them 25 ymmuon and that conversationalP reach for WSW students be the lamb mdalbeyreconmend also 01 beemploysdiotmh Pr akin persona the lam nan wbueveri the need tcbools ammle in tilts rnat ter must be established one boards The two languages areofti cisl once in this country and where the number of students justifies it schools offering in struction lnbotb English and French should be established arises with Quebec trles be imos eduodllonlstl penny Canadian patriotism and institute their pupils pridefin W0 MI eds whilsvdhecilng them tor and diet longtenn aches marina foreigncoun bilabed Tbeyad vaeweli tbatop teacbsa sum of un We of can comm enthuses would meant enough time tointegrste in one of the two cultural com extremelylfiavy exp endi Abec the nose in Que iresideots of munitlelflhfl is in laud Ontarligumuebocera know choice either much or lish schools Quebec where the culture and language of the majorityir French is the province in which neeCana dians should show the great est tendency to attend irencblanguagescboois But they must do it voluntarily We would be wrong to apply to neoCanadlaus the some policy of forced school integration as was once ap Ontario under the notorious to allow this policy so univer sally docfled in Quebec to be forced on the neoCsnsdlan minority of this province hir Johnson was voice or reason in saying that it quid be foolish to force any on to integrate into the sys tern Such thing would be in effect the best way to drive neoCauadians aw sy from French schools and the French culture iorcver in the past we have exhib ilcd extreme hostility toward them Webavuejeclcd them and now we want to integrate them forcibly llune is ltiontrcal Pressofdne of the cornerstoncs on which rpm in the form of 215 ge volume tabled last Wednesday in the Ontarlo loge islature it is the revolution ary HallDennis report on the optic Even as the Psrenircport star la strument in Quebecs Quiet Revolution the HallDennis report entitled Live and Learn calls for totalr ganisstion of the Ontario cduv Mills If BARRIE 0N HWY ll Al liUllillll DRIVEIN THEATRE yUndeliNew Management op THE FANTASTIC thin that the situation is irrevoca bie and uh stagnation in tbie erea would micnces more costly on ntail conse all We sslustewwith of producing great FRENCH outsiders and we quite slrn ply shutourselves off from ruckus c6 ineneing If evel and upe cun Limited to ll atuglenle Classes mm to noon For further infonnation phone 37280136 UTHERED ltAltN THEATRE ksnne mu Starring JACK DUFFY with Doug Crosley Playinghrough July Tia VARIEIY VILLAGE BENEFIT rasvlnw rnnronluN ansy June zeta Party nou the Show 0X OFFICE 7225691 liqudlchFor our jGRlltlDf OPENING Corning Soonii prior eommltmentsfnstead im afraid that their attitude will be that they tried their best and that it will look bad now it they were to the citizens Last summer with ncent St was blodrcd off at Highway wobecauso it wasnt safe This year we are making special arrangements to open up Ha new death row What price do we have to pay forlhe silbe progrms thisaffords the dtyi Yours truly Ottaway Aye arm Iii llllillli flllilll lllllllt llllltl llll

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