mnrsmnorss Hold Ceremonies For Huronict Class lyLGl the Grade eight class oi llur onia public school held flldw ation exercises at Bayslalrs Mtge this week Twentytwo members at the eta as were awarded pins and certiï¬cates by the princ al VIIn Johnston and his partttmo assistant tea chea htrs Wiseman Also assist ing In the ceremony was hire Shirleylsucu president of the wool supporters committee Principal Johnston told the pupils the could think for them selves tin this could lead to the accomplishment oi dream He said he tell they were capable of going as tar as they wished and with the helprol parents apd others they would keep on pronesslng in their desire ior htowledle lie thanked llrs Wiseman tor her help in making the year ruccesslul Janet Var ley student thanked the tea chers for an enjoyable year Following the ceremony the cl ertioyed party hose in the class were John Wiserrran Brian Atkinson Cor al Atkinson Donna llalers no vid Gloor lulle Daylrnloa liarlt ry Heutlnk Lucia Voodenburnh Yvonne Vandenhurgh Debbie lemmons Gail Reynolds Kathy II Janet Varley Donna Lloyd yne Lloyd Peggy Lipactt Jim Murdoch John Moore Can dace Tlnclcy Jim Robertson and Brian Klnrella pay Camp Plans Made Iii Beeton EEION Skill Forms or registering tor the heelon day camps during lhelast two necks in August are now available from Mrs Brown and Mrs Rutledge here Open to childrcn irorn to it years the day camp prosram which provides swimming and other recreational Instruction is sponsored by the Benton ree reation oi the county recrea send ee program opens on Mon as Aug it and continues through in Friday Aug 30 Hours are lrom mo to pm daily ELECTED VP orwegtan shipowner Nils As tr was one at the two vice presidcnis elected at the annual meeting oi the International Chamber oi Shipping Italy parenia were to attend ance and the owners oi Bay out Mr and Mrs Vnrley were on hand to see that all enloyrd themselves WATER SAFETY This is the beginning of the busy summer season in our lake side area when thousanda oi ad ditional residents and visitors will flock into our district Many children who wnl coma Into lake side homes and parks hare nav er been beside the water beiure and know nothing oi its dangers They will need constant with lag tnr in the space oi time it takes to geta glass at reiresh ment they could be heyondtheir depth and In danger We hops or summer with out water accidents and as tar as possible everything has been done to assist anyone who sets Into diilicuitica First aid equip ment has been placed in strateg to places and someone nearby has the knowledge at how It can be operated The police carry small resusclialora in their cars and larger unit is centrally located which our lire chici and police constables are capable oi operating but when this Ia needed It could be too late lliouthalom II respiration should be practiced by everyone who swims This can he admin lstered on the spot long before machine can he used The process has saved lives in this area and may do again ii every youth was trained to use this method of breathing into the CHECK DEAD STOCK SERVICE DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE H0685 24 HR DAYS NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE Zenith 911m DRY CLEANING SHIRT SERVICE STORAGE MOTH PROOFING WM RANKIN NUSERVICE CLEANERS mam FARM EQUIPMENT II International SalesServleaParts In MILLER wy mam PRINTING llr Service on existing terms etc COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFSET ti LETTERPBESB Ion au noun PRINTING NEEDS SIMCOE LITHO an Duniop II saving classes and over the moth oi Victim lei years no young girl dauahter at within Toronto ï¬reman visiting at the beach near iatroy went to work on victim who had been pulled lrorn the yrater and saved his iiie she was awarded medal by the township She had been trained by her lather We wonder every lireman and canstahlahaa trained his chil dren how to use this method oi lite aavins RED CROSS HELP This is tied Cross Water Salo ty Week and this organization are doing big things in safety They hold swimming and llie years have trained thousands at children One could hardly be lieve that so many children liv lug In this lakeside area do not know how to swim However the classes are well attended and many more will learn this salety art From where we live to see many boats with water sitters behind and many In the boats do not wear lilchcits nor do the skiers This should be must In every boat PEPSI COLA na produced 208 milk mailing mm in with an avenue teat at 814 Miami This record has breed class auntage or in per gull milk and 171 per cent in nine larlatlons the 11 yearold cow produced mm pounds at milk containing 5m pounds at lat mth an average teat oi no per cent butteriat The silver seal certiï¬cate was awarded tor production by the HolsteinNeal Association oi 0am The cow was classiï¬ed as very good torbody canton mation as was her dam Glen aiton laurel Johanna while her site Resale Centurion was classiï¬ed as excellent and clans entra BIRDS ARE DUMB young turkey will oilen be come hypnotized by the move ment oi lta own head while drinking and drink until It is drowned We mam minusa mustierqu armrest 7v OIMIOIIlllAIii little lttn CORN FROZEN FOODS Fill PEAS nun mas irritants III BOBIILIETS humInez Still one uremia olmtttl Installersen IGA BUNSZli49° IEiiY BARS it curs 690 BAKERY TREATS 45 SPRINGDAIE titan Ibr voatlh oi euly iuiletttx la expected to stlrt at Rolland marsh gardens within test days Oarmta onions and other veg etablc crops are out advanced ed over this time last year uhea excessive ruins flooded low parts oi the mirth and soilened soil to such an extent that heavy equipment became boned down than are mods better this year said Mn Arthur hlarirua who lives near lira 0am Road nhen asked about the vegetable ONIONS FLOURISIIING An inspection at lira marsh showed oolons carrots and lettuce in particular were flour Ishlng Considerable celery also has been cultiratcd new twp oi tomatoes It comingalons well under glass In greenhouses Growers said there were usually three crop year low loos are grown on the marsh at there were nourishing potatojlields In Tecumaelh and West Gwilllmbury beyond the marsh as well as around Allis ton and elsewhere Corn also been coming along well FIRST IIAV HARVEST Hoycultlng has been receiving major attention on many farms mistrial ruse tram till rmmmmmmaslrtwenmn side the marsh The on we mllyhas been treaty and at modal duality Potato plants are mu advanc In most parts of the county At Drillia one garden has plants which measured II to It Indies the highest seen on tarania Auction torn In the South Simeon area moluuro teals weretaken oi hay samples leilowin hartest log Sampler which were he tag put in the silo tor hsylage no irom to 56 percent moisture said statement lrnm Keith Melina5 olflce Recnmmended moisture Ie is 55 to 65 per cent so generally these samples were on the dry side Samplesoi baled hay were checked with In In no or coal mnithtro and this certainly was of good quality TIIIIID IN LENGTH The Rio Grande ia the United Sluics third longest river It falls behind Ihilliisyissiprpi and the Missouri SECOND IN SIZE Minorca ls Spains second largest Island In the Balearic chain It is second iolltalorca SARE RIBS LEGSaBREASTS 53v llllllll fll IIIME BEEF SlEAKEllES sum rmtrtltt no It wruns m2 incl Zrii IZRI 29s 10w Cost 2nd Mortgages out can rm tor house repairs new car vacations or any outer pond remit Fayntntt At MAI $3810 $5714 You Borrow $2000 $3000 $4000 $7619 $500 $9524 Paymanta hand on 15 per mount year term amortized over7 yam wuvoua PLAN rs assr N0 BONUS CHARGE OFI HIDDEN FEES With the Associates you not mortgage agreement that is crystal clear No bonus or hidden loss are ever charged Normal brokerage appraisal and legal lees are deducted irom lace amount Prepayment privi leges Conï¬dential arrangements SPEEDY SERVICE Justtell us your needsand waiI set up plan tor you immediately ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED FRED onam STREET PHONE 7261496 PEANUVTS tournament sal COOKIES mainstream 169 swmcurs SAVEON gt usahnannaunntns manmnstwï¬suoruwmmtflm mm ENO sans rent whmmm 89 none 69c Mitten in 39 97c rim srirtlsrr nae 26 lllnlmuanartselr raurr 7k iiiictrrn toontrtsrt lithiumlaw 59 out W1kllit mounts Hi IMIIRGARINE Milli min 70 till Willi H5 llillllllUlCErl IIIBYDEEPBRUWN oototrttlrt BEANStPIIRKlslig t4=v MAPIEIEAICUUKED 29 Ewrpomflfs siliiiinra Stairways wt haw29c rwrsr lulu 329 MarniMI guru will MIHZIIIA tilt aili9 gpurryrt MIXES 35min BRIGIIEIS 39° 728475 PLUMBING HEATING Gtsnanas Plumbing Hanting mezzo GRAVEL monumentalnasal II lull IMP Milt OF 17 ii Inks sand Stone All Stratus CLIFF vancae LIMITED BANANAS twin than not llElSES GREENPEPPERS Weservelhissummers Hwy 7261051 tiresh fruit goodness tornextwintere leth Certo STONE MASON FIREPLACES BARBECUEE PATIOS SIDEWALKS DRWEWAYS SHANTY BAY SAVE ms Exrnrl mess run FltEE urns nut ADMISSION roll CHILDREN rely EIrh FlilS STONE CO Hwy IV 7251009 TRAVEL SERVICE MOTOR desert sures ro MAN in WORLD SON OF EXPO warn1221a all GREEK TRAVELS LTDI 728554 Kitten Km ftmo IIIIIIIS Iteoam OOOL ElllllN centimetres on ltiil economies MAIINIIANDI 0A TOMARINEIANDWW WITH PURCHASE OF 3500 MI OVEN Featuring rm unlm Al vourr LOCAL IOA trons will out no tomato Delphi youll be minim arm the ultiu kit the anion the paradise genie turn when tn WHIP you can wander treer not been Donkeys and nth not srzr Venn ternale MARKEfisoUARE IGAI youues lGA roommate WORSLEY AND MUMASTER nsmoun ONIARIO cruirsrrss loA aoonLrNeR 11 Ease Road Jot oi zasaltoad eiul Clutp Bordon Hwy té