SHOP THURs FRI 1111 OHM SAL Fndlay Pharmacy STRIPE TOOIIIPASTE amlly Size Cmpare At $29 57C woonnuny Glycerineand Rosewatcr Compare At 319 IIASONS COUCH SYRUP 01 CanpareAt on TECNIOUE nAm coLon tCompare At 3170 WOLITE Hair Lixilinel Compare At 3125 COME ALIVE GREYCompare At 9160 LIIEDUDY Lather Shaving 99C 66c 66c Cream Large Compare ALSO 27C CLIrToNGlycenne and nose wattr cream and lotion Com pare At 9199 scum LusmEII 136111191151 or automatic and regular tooth bnishes Compare at 91c ERECII IIAm SPRAY 1o oz Compare $1199 SHAMPOO Suave Lander Richard Hudnut Values to $129 87 88c EVENING IN PARIS Aeroslfl Deodorant Oz Compare at 99C CAMP SlDVEnTOASTEII 73211301 001111199899 SPALDING IRONS Compare at 51290 588 SPALDING GOLF CLUBS Irons Compare at $1299 Woods Sizes and 588 AMPBEEIUIIERSV Compare $1299 IIEAVY DUTY Equipment jUtility Bag Compare at $695 NOW TENNIs EALLs Compare GOLF IRON COVEns Brown only Compare 99 NOW InIIALL Gollers reflect servant Compare at 96 NOW COLE BALL RETRIEka jCompare at $489 NOW CYCLE norms Compare $115 NOW FOUI WEATHER SUITS Compare at $777 QW All Quantities wnue They Last 427 97c ILo RING PLANTS Prun ed endy Compare $199 CAEOEMIIANI TOOLs Cofnpyare 99c cAnnENvaes 40mm 3100 ire piece Compare 615189 Now 6617 5314 SET Plnnt Compare 3I00 rEONIEs my LILIEs 1200 EnENCII MINTs 47 weddlngs Compare at 12 BLUE COLORADO SPRUCE Only Compare $4988 BIG CUT LEAF Philodendnim ldLal or your living room Comm at $1499 NOW PIIIWDENDIION 0N POLE Nicc in front hall Compare at $295 NOW 47c ï¬WBRDMEIJAVériety or the Pineapple Plunl $449 NOW GLOXINIATwo lovely colors in choose Irom Ideal for con Compsre at poi1 Miss These Items 159 For Luck of Cash Use Our Randy marge READY To FLYComet Planes plastic body iofl covered balsa parts Compare at $179 NOW ClIILDS PLASTIC AIR MAT THESSwlth see through win dow Compare $199 NOWA DURABLE PLASTIC IR LL CROSSE SETMimi extra ball Compare $129 NOW SNOOPYTlle loveable plush Puppy Compare at $199 NOW 36 IINISA ramin of lifelike Dolls and accessories Compare at 66c Now BEDTIlllE STORY BOOKSFor young children Compare at 9135 Now PAINT HY NUMBER BOOKS For children Use chalk water colour creyons or paint com para 79¢ NOW THORNTON BURGESS BOOKS must for every child Fabu lous buy at 75c NOW WALIl DISNEY JUNGLE HOOK Ninnbered pencil nndpalnt set Compare at $299 NOW TIIE PEOPLES 0F IENYA By loy Adamson Compare at $1500 NOW THE ART OF FLOWER AR RANGEMENT By Beverley Nicols Compare at 19ONOW MUSICAL MARXWRIIER Hy Marx musical typewriter for Boys and Girls Compare at $349 NOW un noOLIITLEéENCm AND PAINT SEI Just on in lhc spaces Compare 199 ME CHANICA MUSICAL MERRY GOROUND Omnpare at $299 NOW EDUCATIONAL WOODEN PULL 2TOV ANIMAL TRAIN Compare at 9911011 TONKA GYM DANDY SWING Complete with two swings and swing teetertollen Cuhpare St 2177 Now nmEAMOTnE KANGAROD Jockey Ball for outdoor Inn Compare $999 NOW2 MUSICAL STORY H00K RANCHA three dimensional animated toy Ages Compare 61 3699 now gt EMBROIDERY KITth in struction for basic embroidery Ideal for young sewer Compare at 99c NOW ina mint Ideal Icrbrldge parties or 69c flb NOW McCORMICIIS Lemun Sli delicious Camps 699 now EANS nIsCUIrs Compare at 95c fM°NTHENDf ASSORTMENI OF DR NAIIEnIscvlTsSuchasne Gmyter Compare n1 99c NOW HOWELL Ind BALI Canned 19 Fruit Cake Compare $239N0V ASSORTED CANNED TOFFEE Compare 3151 $159 Now 12 Price HENSDAYS CHOCOLATE Campare marks ElliAPT ice TAVENEIVS MINTS Carmel and lemon flavoured Compare at 47c Tin Now 1le 79c IIEIINANTS OE IIOPSACIIINC Reduced toIClear at yd SUMMER CUHON For Kid dies Mamas and nighties only Compare yd $100 Now Yd ALL NEwAssonTEn TAFFE TA LININGS Comparemt 992 yd NOW Yd 69 45 Wide Compare 89c yd NOW SPECIAL MYSTIOUE PRINTS yd 66 STIuPEp nNEL sEER SUCKER 45 wide Wide As NOW NAVY BLUE nENLu as wide Rea bargain at 77c yd NOW Jewellery Depf GAY COLOUREUL EA RINGSIdeal to complete yoiIr summer wardrobe Compare at 661 Now 69 175 1388 l049 199 177 147 247 I49 60 Co wnTcnnANbs your simmer sportswear Com Pnre at $200 NOW iN ONE interchangeable pierce and pierced look ear rings Canpare at $100 NOW nonE nEAos Large assert mentprnany colours and designs Compare at $100 NOW HEART SHAPED ALARM CLOCKS Transparent case in pink and silver Compare at $444 NOW STEPHANIE HRAQELET AND MATCHING EARRINGS Corn pare $109NOW PHILIPS PHILISHAVE RAZOR year guarantéeflburhble zipper cnrrying case Compare at $1995 NOW LADIES ITALIAN SANDAL msta rsoleSzes lo 11Cornpare It 93 MENS CANVAS One eyew let Ila Casuals Navy Brown Beig Sizes atlm RENS BEIGE RED sou Ideal for In the ter Compare at 99c ADIES SUMMER MOCCASINS oam sole and heel Yellow 0r ange andGICEILSizeS to Canpare at $199 NIENBYERMA PRESS SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHINE2099 gt polyestervw mtto Sizes MlLConmare MENS HumN SHORT LEEVE KNIITEDSHIRT Asst Coloursand Stripes SUD standards 51ch SMLCmnpnre Al $19L muorï¬cm con Ideal for tlzesportsmnn Slzei sML Compare at $249 3100 sortment Compare 57 yd L39 trim around legs Sizes to 14 Double lmeeNavy Red Brown Sizes to 12 12 to 14 months LONE MENS WIDE TRACK STRIPED SPORT sIImT Sizes 14v 1a 159 Compare $399 ASSORTIlIENT OF MENS CORI DUROY CASUAL PANTS Asst Sizes Compare at $1089 LADIES ARNEL BRIEF Asst Colours SlllL Compare at $100 LADIES VOGUE ST AIGIII GIRDLE Sizes IIL Com pore at $100 IIADIES COTTON PYJAMAS Asst Patterns and Colours Siz es sML Compare M92117 LADIES COMIIED COTTON PANTY White Sims Compare at 3119 LADIES ARNHI IIALF SLIP Pink Hlue White and Yallow Sizes SML Compan at $2139 LADIES COTTON LACE nnA AsskColours all sizes Compare at 9131 66 296 196 166 96 Childrens Wéar GIRLS STRETCH SLIMS Green Yellow Pink Orange Mauve and Blue Sizes to 14 Compare at $399 GIRLS PETITE PANT Lace 357 88 Compare at $109 CIIILS COMBED COTTON SIURTS Ilrrtle Neel End Mocic Bright colours and strip es Sizes to 6x Compare at $199 GIRLS SLEEVELBS TUnTLE NECK cIrITON TSRIRT Orange andW11ite Sizes to BOYS WNG SLEEVE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Sizes in 6x Compare at 199 HOYS COTTON Tsmms Blue and Green Stripes Sire to Compare at $100 GIRIS FLORAL CUITON CU szE DRESS Blue Green Sizes to 14 Compm at $2144 166 2100 88 1771 LADIES AVALON POLYNOSIC FIBRE DRESSESHand Wash able Pink Yellow and Blue Sizes 12 to 20 Half Sizes to 2419 Compare $599 LAans ILINC CUIION nus TER DRESS Compare $499 444 377 DTFANIS COITONTLIMS Sires to INFANTS RMAL SLEEP ER Made by Harley link Yellow IndMinL Sizes to Compare 1119227 COVERALIS Way Stretch monetatszm INFANIS COTTON PANT DRESS sleeveless Blue Green Yellow Sizes to In Compare at 199 TODDLER DRESS First quality button NoiIoning Blue 297 97 and Yellow sizes to 9x Com pare at $199 WY BLANKET Pink Blue Ite Yellow Sizesï¬ll 56 Gompare at 9117 suns BOXED PILLOW CASE Ideal ior gllt Blue FIRST QUALITY LADIES NV Colours Sp Beige Sizes to 11 at 470 196 166 1775 147 ILL530VVBM FOR THESE VALUEsci LADIES 11155551 BERMUDA 1105B Popular sham Sin to and to 11 Compare at $121 CLEARANCE OF SUMMER HATSAmrth styles and col ors to choose from Compare at 5000 off 77 79S AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE LIST FINDERMetal comme tion Black only Compare It $149 NOW FIFTH AVENUE WRI TING STATIONERY ï¬nest quality rlpple bond Note and Letler she pads Compare at 49c NOW PARROTSOLID STATE TAPE RECORDER Speed Capston Drive portable NOWA POLAROID szNGEn FILM Compare at $246 NOW Anc SOUND LPsAssl Titles Compare at 5199 NOW DELTA HAIR CLIPPERS mpare 3291 51311991 now TEASER HAITI STYLING COMB Coran in one Compare at $150 N07 DESK on TAnLE PADS Compare 69c NOW STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Compare at 95c STRAWBERRY TARTS STRAWBERRY LONG JOHNS STRAwnEnnIr MARY ANNs KELLOGGS POKES Barbecus and Com flavoured Coni at 49c 12 SPECIALMAD HAT1E1 131m I0 2111s Buy on get one Free Compare 39 13211125 do 111SES nvnSEs aesan stylesCo at 795 Now mp3 MENS sTnETm llANLONv NYloNDIIESSHOSE Egon Brown Cliur 511e 238 227 AME ER LUSTnE MUCS AN BOWLS Reg 4Blie CLEAR 1CARN1vAL1n VE 119mm SCATIER RUG Approx Size 24 114512 unconï¬rm PCE TIER yALANIzE SET 100 Cotton madline wastiable Asstd prints Reg NEW COMFORTABLE LOWS shredded mm cover edwid1 olidJoam Reg$249 SALE PLASTIC TAnLEcans 54 51 Reg 37c SALE IzLAsTIC TABImm 54 x72neg66cSALE twnnnnrnmn nonres 4ax 95 Gold AqIIa seize 11254799 SALE RAYONLvrsCO DRAWE Modern Design 43 184 Reg SALE THERMAL BLANKETS x190 Reg $199 SALE ESMOND 11st 90 Reg 599 SALE DISCONTINUED LINES 0F3 lExIERIOR HOUSE PAINT Green Yellow Grey Ivory Reg $1195 Gal TO CLEAR Nm FOAM In CLOTH SEAT covEIIs Com pare ct $591 To CLEAR ROTO TILLERS 12 in Only hp Reg $16777 TO CLEAR only liplleg $15171