Ellie Norrie Examiner Walla Publisher YOUVE BEEN lisrmmciro THEM William Teller General Manager Mdanorw angingEdltor louver rows manu race crime moor Wages VOuvtstnpping Our ProductiVity relarc monoreon mews ainu of automation in can indiu try And the developownt of greater skills among Canadian workers could be pooled to yield protrudes and tub flat increases In our productiv Conventional economists lull Ilened onlymthrougb euch greater uc cen higher wager ll elfnfcrdcduniucL we are yo permanen condition galloping unload This In obvioul Only when our national output yield larger ple In it poulblo for over ono to heroin larger slice of that ple Everyone would larger elice of pie But how much larger var our 1061 plot The Dominion Bureau of 5tnlt tlrticl on just reported that In the entire private rector of the economy Int year the civil In productivity wen tliuiiy small Output rose by onlyone fifth of one per cent per person What would that mean in term of higher wages It page were exactly linked with pro duction It would mean that Fatalities Are Lowest At Ayerage Speeds Ananalysis of the accident records of 10000 drivers plus speed observations and interviews with 290000others on 600 miles of two and fourlane main rural highways in 11 states of the USA showed conclusively that speed consist ent with that of vehicles around you is by far the surestway of arriving at des tination in one piece The survey was ordered by the Bureau of Public Roads and conducted in cooperation with high way departments police and motor vehi cle departments in all 11 states the High way Safety News reports To account for the different amounts of mileage recorded by different groups of drivers the findings werebased on equivalent travel mileages They included the following lThe fatality rate is highest at very high speeds but it is lowest not at the lowest speeds but at average speeds consistent with the relationship between accident rate and the difference of variance of speed from the average on the highway Passenger car drivers under to and over 65 were more likely to in volved in accidents than middleaged drivers 5Whi1e during the day there was httie difference in accident involvement be lae soreTo Véte The question on June 25 is not so much where do the election candidates their parties stand on the issues fan1 OTHER EDITORSvIEws THE MAIN ISSUE Kingston WhigStandard At one time the territorial isolation of the various parts of Canada could be us ed as an excuse for decentralization of overnment authority That excuse no pnger holds The nationalistic aspira tions ofthe Quebec government consti tute real threat to the authority of the central government threat that must be dealt with by wluchever part wins the election June 25 To large egree the election should he decided on this issuE if DIRECT INVOLVEMENT Woodstock SentinelReview An interesting experiment was under taken by church in Cobourg wheres number left be uest Iargeenoughto rovide good own ayment on uilding for apartments or the elderly The residents pay sufficient rent to carry the mortgage and the land was donated by the church at theback and side of its grounds near the heart of the town Here is the case of the church being directly involved in relievinga problem for the elderly Some of the impressive given up The hoardhas taken on anextrare lbndaround the church has been dponsibility in overseeing construction of large trucks tween drivers of automobiles and large trucks with six or moretireslnahiight automobile drivers were involved in ac cidents at three times the rate of drivers Drivers of lowpowered autos were in accidents more than drivers of high Eowered cars and drivers of older cars ad higher involvement rates than drlv ers of newer cars There was no indica tion that the make of any car had any noticeable effect on accident involve ment rate The theory is based on the following if the average speed one given highway is no mph vehicle moving at 40 mph would have just as great chance to be involved in an accident as another speeding along at iii mph and both would be much more likely to be in volved in an accident than vehicle travelling at no mph For vehicle moving at 20 mph on the same high way the chance for accident would be sharply higher still The analysis also confirmed that sever ity of an accident when it does occur is directly related to speed even though it upsets the assumption that the chance of accident was approximately propor tional to speed ing Canada but where do you stand Make up your own mind first meet your candidate and learn wherethey stan then vote as yourconscience directs you and man ement of the email artment building nd approximately comfor tab1e housing unitshave been provided for older people who could no longer manage big houses and could not find suitable accommodation TO GET GOVI ACTION Kirkland Lake Northern News The Ontario Chamberof Commerce now apparently susgects crricially what some membercharm ers piaviodsly sus pected privately that in ofote carefullyprepared briefs recom government action are gathering webs in thecellars of Queens Parlc This was revealed Monday in Sarnla by Meakes of Sudbury new presi dent of the Ontario chamber addressing its annual convention Mr Meakes who is also publisher of the SudburyStar said the Ontario Cham ber intends to follow up theprogress of its recommendations to the government in future Thats only elementary common sense of course Theres little point in making submissions unless there areyalso follow up efforts tosee they are implemented Without this even the bestpof briefs will be put aside and forgotten pcrgnn earning $100 week In race would have imflflcdï¬by his higher output wagerof $10010 in 1967 For onefifih of one per cent of 810015 paltry 10 cents autj labor unions are nether gatnlng atthat evel As ancxamp the SL Laws rcnoe Seaway workers are ow demanding an Increase Last year their beslc hourly paywel 3117 Based onthe national IV crego Increase in productivity at ooefifth of one per=cent thelrbeslc hourlypay eh Idd rise by about half centliut thoyvere demanding about 15 cents retroactive to Jan They are demanding further In mess of 21 bcnlr next January Will our national productivity rise by that amount nIpefper Coachs PIIRK ImpresSésiMembers By JON DEEAEN TORONTO 4111c baby of fill house is Liberal Pat field of Rainy River Pat at 26 Is one of the young est man ever to enter the house The CCF once returned Reid Scott when he was only 10 end bed to wait few weeksbefore he could take the oath He leaves the impression that if he maintains his Interest he will be around for long time idle first motor performance In the house since the election last fall was on the introduction of the lands and forests ceil rnetes An ofï¬cial critic of tile deparb moot for the Liberals he had to make lengthy presentation and critique of the department He registered very etrongly He spoke with an ability and confidence that great many membere here no matter what their age never achieve file re marks were clear to the point and reflected intelligence He is political scientist not lawyer but he showed he could handle hhnseif as well on most of the legal men who nor mally are the best speakers In the house You automatically tab him on young man with great big future MYERS In his remarke Mr brought up once again and Reid 7V 47noefforcefully point that has bothered the people of northern Ontario and particularly those in the northwest for great man years Is the practice of us aircraft flying In ï¬shing and hr flame Witter 16 Beyfllldbtreet Barrie Ontario Authorized as second close aunties Post Office Deport men Ottawa and for pay ment of postagein cub Daily Sundeyeand Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 00c weekly moo yearly Single copch foo By mail Barrie moo yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throwoff $15 year Mall out side Ontario tit year Ollie side Canada British pouch sinns 315 year USA and foreign 632 year National Advertising Officer 425 Universif Avenue Toron to 640 Cs cert St Mom treel ivMemrber oftbe Canadian Daily Newspaper Publieherl Association tbe Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circulation The Canadian Freer II ex clusively entitled to them for republication of all news dispatcher Inthll paper cred lied to It or The Assocleted Pren or Reuters and the lock news publiehed therein cent tbie you when It roe oolybyonelmhofoneperomt Intyeerl DOME BUY LIB Two year ego then came Suwa worker thrcetenedrto etrihe end the Pearson govern ment clpituiatod to their dos minor Hunting co per cent wele Increase ever Iwnyeln 111i Pearson pattern became the target for every other union and that war the immediate fle tor which turned our entering Inflation into egliiop Within year the5 Pearson pattern of were Increases was reflected in en Inevitable Pearson pattern of price increases In the stores and the wives of thoseworhcre were noon among the house wives bowling their protests The government cannot afford another round of the Pearson pattern Nor can Canada The Seaway workers for ex emplo elrcedy enjoy basic hourly rate of pay whichis one ofIhehighast in Canada at 377 Their average wage ls mourn THEiWORLD on ma an the norm rln manufacturing generally int in not getting appreciably gar wlre tumu mil tleliy ouutrlwlnl Productivity increase can load to only one thing Canadian code must rice to price been too expw live tobe laid In In effluent countrlu end even an costly that Imported goods underrell end outsell them In our own claret 0f coinu the Seewnï¬workeu do not produce goods quote their one merely on current example Wage in creases generally constitute more reason why our dollar already Infinred two molar attacks this yeui by foreign culntore who foresee another de valuation inevitable For higher wages unmatched by higher productivit must iced either to devalue orto on employment Not only govern meat but also Canadians gener ally must show restraint Cantï¬COunt On US Always in Dealing With The Russians PHILIP DEANE Forclgn Affaire Analyst Themost recent Russian post tionbn the problems of Ger many andBcrlIn Is not known Some past positions areknown however positions which had been advancedhéforc the wall was built At that time Russia was prepared to son the cred tion of threeGermanies West Enst and the free state of Berlin to Include the entire city This free state would have bccnen independent country according to this 10yearold Russian plan But there would have beensome doubts about the Independence for two rea sons Berlin would still have been an Island In the middle of Communist sea the free state would sliil hamdepended on subsidies from the two Ger maniesWest Germany peyr somessoo million year to keep Its part of Berlin alive There are some AmerIced for eign affairs experts some of them aupportere of the late Sons hunting parties Irnmthe Ameri can ride The complaint Is that those flying fishermen and hunters represent practically no reve nue at all to the country and the province only revenue Is from fishln and hunting II cancel whenthey pay these that they abuse our game and fish laws and that thereis abse luiely no control over lhem mnior pr blemis that con trol of nircre coming into Can ada rests with the federal gov ernmeot ft is Involved inlnternational relations and naturally is hit touchy The federal Transport Department cant be too aggres slve without the danger of some counter measures being taken against it But despite this limitation It also has seemed that we could have done morexln the way of controlend revenuethrough our forestry department and fish and game laws Perhaps for exmple we could require all aircraft car rying sportsmen to have daily licences to check in and out at lands and forests department stations and to make theperlt mit fee substantial Certainly thesitualion now is deplorable aior Robert Kennedy who he have these old solution should be explored again andeGennen reunification postponcdor left to voluntary process to be this tinted by the two Germanic by stages In the future on the basis of strict political neutrality as between the two blocs The eventually reunlfled Germany would be totally disarmed undor inspection Steps toward such settle ment would Include the renun ciation by both Germanic for all time of territories now be censors SfORY lune 24 Important gt Day ForCanéda 11 MI BOW St John the BlotIn Div II rod letter day for Candi II we on June 14 that John Cabot landed In North Americl prob ably at Cape North Newfonnd Lend all nee Cartier landed on Prince erd blend onion Id 1m and It weer celled The Island of St John ltlenon the non dayln idol Dehfonto Ind Champlain discov ered the great river now known In the St John Clbot thought be war In Arie when he landed In North Am Ice end rolled the flag of Eng land quartered flag of lien and lilies He also unfurled the wingedlion count of St Mark and claim the territory for King Henry VII who came originally from Weiee Your later mnumber of people from Wales founded ercolony at Tre pansy Harbor Newfoundland men from the wait coast of England France and Portqu for number of youths re Korted that his ship Matthew Id celled through some wltm wbere codflah were so thick that boot could hardly be rowed tbrmh them lbie wu the Grand lilnh Im off Nem foundland 1nd llrhermen from all parts of Europe alloticed there mencm routed the beans Perhaps It would be more appropriate to fly that be spilled the balL OTHER JUNE ll EVENTS loinPint recorded baptism In Canadewnr Indian Chief Henry bfcmbertou Henry Hum son entered eon now called after him lï¬lSRecoliet lather celev hretcd ï¬rst man In Canada leesRadium rejoined lind rone Bay Cornpooy insNov Scotia leglrlntnre Before calling back to EwgVuled against joining USA lend Cabot left certain snares which were round to take some and needle for making nets as tokens of English soveri eighty King Henry reworded him with NI poundeand an en nulty of 20 pounds to be pro vided from Bristol duties Perhaps most Important Cabot revealed secret that had beenknown only to fisher BIBLE THOUGHT Go and or unto the god which ye have chosen let them deliver you Inthe time of yonr tribulation Judgcl 1014 Woe be unto us If the day comes that the living God turns In over to thenodLIhet have made for ourselves Thou shlltworshlp the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul end with ell my mind cultoml lmuliarlinoz of Spain took posseselou of Nootka sound and ladlglning areaoi Vancouver le an lainDavid Thompson begenl his rurvcy of Columbia River mHaure Secord warned British of American attack on Beaver Dam torile Iiicurnns and Swiss sciticrs sailed for Canada leanMusic of Canada first played at Quebec intoGeneral Middlelon re signed owing to charges that he had looicd furs while supprcu ing Northwest Rebellion tacoGrand Trunk Railway Inaugurated service between Montreal and Chicago with ac rraous train flniernationei Limibe loinGold discovered ncer Stewart 30777 77777777 IonConscription bill passed House of Commons isleFirsts airmail flight In Canade from Montreal to Toron to BARRIE HRONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE longing to other countries Under such conditions the Rus alone would he provided In ef fect with guarnnlee that Ger many would ontptry to black mail them by forcing them to choose between backing down on some polilcal Issue or re sorting to war Russia although able to beat Germany fears that fight with the Germans might be come world war PROBLEM OF CONTROL Thus reassured Russia would relax her position on her Euro pcan satellites and liberallzetl In countries like Poland or Czechoslovakia would not pose for the Russians the problem of how to maintain their control over their military allies ll Eu ropean settlement would make the Warsaw Pactthe Commu nist Platounimportant for Russia In such context East Germany would feel less ds posed to make trouble If any man In Welt Germany can discuss such things with the Russians it is Willy Brandt for rner mayor ofBerlIn and now foreign minister Now Playing THE VIKING QUEEN sun wit or liltiiill all on out AI rumour DRIVE IN THEATRE ouurr uluwllll Linrime roe me 5an was MADE 10 on ounnrvt nu conch Arse FIVEMLLION YEARS ro EARTH sHowmo an PM 910 PM is Hill Ell 7osa9io HUNTERS mum 28 3391 Adult mum LAST TIME TODAY TO SIR WITH LOVE THE TEXICAN relocation sawwowng report not raquel we on godï¬eycambndg lthas cops robbers chases that go nowhere and RaquelWelch who gets chased everywherel Bundla at can 10 Earth It lit ooonsorener naoumn one sea AFAMDUS PLAYERS THEATRE