POLITICAL PAPERWORK Luha Woioschuk leil short ens standard length paper dress to mild style for In grid Ackerman as the two WOMENS PRESS girls prepare to he pep girls at the rally being held in Toronto for Progressive Conservative leader Robert Stanï¬eld GP Virephuto CLUB Top Writers Receive VANCOUVER CF The Canadian Womens Press Club ed new slate of oiiicers Monday and honored its top writers with medals and $100 prizes Elected president of the club was Jean Danard of The Finan cial Post in Toronto journal ist since lets when she graduat from the University of Tomo to in political science and eco nomics Mikki Moir of Vancouver was named vicepresident and Jean Dickson of Toronto was eleded historianarchivist Regional directors are Eve lyn Caldwell 80 Joy wane Alberta Joyce Gilfillion Sas ltaifliewan Edith Patterson Manitoba Joan Marsh On tario Zoe Bieler Quebec Vera Ayling Now Bninswick Mary OaseyLNova Scoï¬a Awards were distributed in bur categoriesnewspaper writing features writing ooh urnns and editorials and radio and television writing PLAN CEIEBRATIDN WINDSOR Ont CF ns for Detroitha mahcipation Day celebration are going ahead the promoter John Cowling Wayne County Mich mitociicctorsaid Monday It planned to hold the celehrotions at Michigan State Flairgounds from Aug t5 Aug the some dates cele brationsiin Windsor were planned THE HOUSE for BELLVINiV AWards winners in each category re spectively Solange Chalviu of be Devoir Montreal Sylvia Fraser at Star Veeltly Moga zine Toronto Sister hlaryse SaiotOnge oi LEcho do 51 hoix Montreal Eileen lur cott freelance Journalist for television program on 0301 Di toua Second prize oi 50 went to Margaret Weiers of the Toronto Star Christine Newman 0t tawa editor of SaturdayNight Dulce Walker of the Hamilton Spectator and Barbara Kiich Toronto radio journalist special honorable mention went to an Myearold writer and broadcaster Mrs George Persons of Bury Que for pro grams aired on CKiS Sherhroolte backache She uled to bothered by huheh tired leeliru When Ill learned um irritation at tltrhindder ma urinary out on mnttrn harkch and um mono The mix Doddl mam run Smart girl Doddn Pills tumort the kidneys wheip relieve the mama nosing Lila backache tirtd oelinx Soon the lelt mm mind better you In hotheer ta hookthe Do you too are pleased to announce that Jonis Wiison and LRosemory Prineipe have now joined their stofi Arbitration Board Will Judge Grievances Oi Policewoman victim of discrimination by tile titer Sltllt Ste Marie lL police oommisiion and police association because she is woman so said lite was wmnztutly to dothtrusts Job with the police department where she is paid no less ammuomnlepotioeconstr Min Beckett had originally taken sedan in the Ontario Su preme Court but moved to the lppehl court alter hfr Justice Eerzuson disallowed her elaitnst hlooday her lawyer Henry hi tang told the appeal court his client is willing to Submit to JUDGES DISAGIIZZ The three appeal Judges said they could not agree with air sufï¬ce Fergusons statement he is not being discrimi nated sgainst by the fact that the receives dilferent use from malt constablrs or the fact of difference is in accord with every rule of economics civilization fomfly life and com own sense The supreme court justice re used her any hosts for her ac tion but the appeal judge ruled tier head oi the panel of Judges also sold the arbitration board should determine her rate pay and other benefits entitled to her since Feb LBS BRUSBING HELPS To keg Hohhot loohiot new and unity hmsh than with still brush while they are hang ing to dry 6¢fl933= mi Mattie EXAMINZ mom JUNE no BE SURE Wr fondly doesnt like of milk be Nixie Serve dishes like beef strogaoof pota to nests and mtik pudditlu id contain roiihnutrients WANH TH PM honutritious content of dtuse is not altered by cooking but the temperature and took iog lime must be carefully con trolled Bosntrnsx in llotvntown Billliill Newt aourtotis KLEENEX HOMESTEAD BliEiiil sttuttttrrs swasr ORANGE PKGS FOR WAVES FOR 10il 3° ROLL PAK MARMALADE gt524 DEL MONTE CiiiliCE PEilCllES SHiRRiFFS BUD PiiillliliC rownrnslo VACHON JAMS iii tots CARNATIDN inter 0L JAR ONLY 1+9 19 OZ TINS OZ PKGS 49° GRADEASMALL 99 Pita or 100 BAGS TALL 1le 43 OZ TINS MORTONCHICKEN OR TURKEY QR BEEF FROZEN MEAT nits OZ PIES 790 00 OR LEAN TENDER SIRLOIN TIP LEAN GROUND BEEFle Les FOR MAPLE LEAF END CUTS BY THE PIECE 279645 PEAMEAL l00 BOLOGNA By the Piece CENTRE PIECES on Sim 59a mum STEAK RUMP ROASTS sttcso BONELESS Room STEAK CANAoANo rtEsH liliiiiSii on BUNCHES gt not alternations neonnors Ln HAG SUNKISI 8le onANGEs 9° 9927 snot Bustier tvntt Potty towtow frmcrs Janis Wilson Roiornary Principe THE HOUSETOF BELLINIV STORE HOURS Pro Niclk Juméhnm Mandoy to Wednesday Thursday and Friday 300511 to pm Saturday 30 pm to pm 15 DUNLQP 5T EAST Coilier msmf aénmm mm iiilhéoénmw