WATER SAFETY GLASSES Water safety instruction classes will again be carried out at Alliston during the com iing summer holiday season with Earl Gilroy leitl direc tor in charge Some 000 par tieipatcd in program at Riven dale Park last year lti Gil roy is shown with Pat Red Shelter last years supervi sor Examiner Photo Adjust Innisï¬l TIn Assessment Largest toivnship in Simcoe county lnnisiil has taxable lo cal assessment at $14202054 which was equalized at $2o712 15 for 1963 county taxation pui ses it was shown by an as sessment report presented to county council at Barrie yester day Warden Alex McAuloyf reever oi Elmvole presided lnnislii was represented by Reeve ios ï¬ph Coehrane and Deputy Iteeve llan Todd Watson elerk read the correspondence WILL LOSE GRILLIA The assessment reportsliowed the separation of Orillia as city starting Jan tone will reduce the equalized assessment fr next years county taxation om $213214301 to $185Iilh337 Drillias local assessment was shown as $34309785 which was equalized at $27425054 sec ond table without Orilia showed DlltI table without Orillia showed the assessment for 1969 at $178 £914516 cent to be made up but but this varied because of lota1 iactors Essas local assessment of $5 moose was equalized at $6814 615 tor county purposes Oros iigure was $0613105 which was adjusted to $9753639 while Ves pras $31395N was equalued at $5205621 At Elmvalo the local assess ment oi $1330730 was equalized at $149291h STARTED YOUNG When Thomas Jeiierson drafts 0d the United States Declaration or independence in 1776 he was 33 years old Orillia was assessed 101 some $144000 in county tax levy for the current year its last in the county administrative setup The town thus will follow the course taken by Barrie over nine years ago Next highest to Drillia in ualized assessment was the town or Midlnnd with its local assessment of $25986422 reduc ed to $19247220 Collingwood in third place had iLs $10036730 local figure reduced to $15450 013 COAL F011 1973 After reassessment is com pleted anticipatedlior 1973 tax ation local and county assess ment will he the same Orillia has JlDLyELdCCIIICd whether to continue with county assessment or resume responsibility ior its oévn although the latter course probable according to reports from the neighboring town Stanley Symonds county as sessment commissioner was asked variety of questions from the members concerning the effect on the other it muni icipnlities alter Orillia separates said that generally speaking there was an amount of 20 per every Wednes day Night at the $40001 31 NUMBERS LEGION HALL SPECIAL From Our Hot InSiore Bakery HOME BAKED BRAN MUFFINS Light fluffy muffins so full of flavor youwill en Vjoy them any time Onlyi6129° Justice Building Policy Assailed NEWS Sinicoe County being pen nitred by the provincial govern menll otter tor administration of justice buildings because it has its building paid tor the eounty council was told II its session It Barrie yesterday Nodawuagu Reeve Arnold Vannise chairman oi finance commenting on the govern mentl policy oi altering $10 per more out or above grade space and $5 for below grade raised the question about deben tures In Slrncoe County where mum Damion of decided there were no debentures this was all the county was otiered but in other places where there were new buildings the province wouldbe taking over the deben tures be was advised by Nob tawasaga Deputy Reeve Edgar think and Medente Reeve Doi ton Jenney who reported on negotiations so tar These neg otiations are being continued at the county building todoy with members meeting government representatives OTHERS WATCHING it would appear we are be ing penalized or sound inane ing remarked Itccve Voncise point In which Worden Alex hchul¢I Reeve Jetmay and others concurred We are concerned with what our ratepayers would think it We didnt hold out tor lair otter remarked Warden hie Auiey who said at least six other counties were following the progress or Simcoe negotiations with close interest The only otter modem to to day was much below the ap praised valuntlon which ran GARDEN FRESH DELICIOUS REFRESHING Countys $1506900 or land building and furniture liter depreciation Do mRenaAOmle The IIIDIe than tour can on appraised ll 75000 alone Duilerin Wellington Peter boro and Victoria coimties were among those mentioned or lob lowing the prones mode in Simoe N0 AXE 10 GRIND Coldwater Reeve Ernie Miller raised theqorntion oi the not to give up the buildings or some oi thespace the province wants Reeve Jenney said the government had no right to ex pect to get the buildings at prIce tar below value We have no site to grind but it would be senseless or us to rent our accommodation at it per square loot and then have to pay $4 or $5 or space for ourselves he said explaining the reason why the county com rnittee moved to retain the luv enlie and iamily court building He said nrrongemetn were be ing mode tor new occonunodn tllon or Judge Marjorie Homil Reeve Jenney said the com rnitiee didnt put greatdeoi of value on the tall building constructed lnlBiJ but the land was valuable IN THE BLACK Norways balance at pay ments statement or January February 1968 shows surplus at about $310000 as against deiicit of about $727000 in the same period 01 1967 0131ch Elmvale Plans mummmmnrmuws Candidates In GreySimeoe ELMVALE Suit With voting in the iodernl election to be held next Tuesday June 15 campaigning in Grcyu Slmcoe riding is nearing sclese All three candidates Arnold Midhurst Drive Raises $125963 MIDHUIISI Stat Net proï¬t irom the recent conunun ity auction sale was $175961 it was shown by ï¬gues just leased Chairman of the Mid hurst recreation committee Doug Ferris in acknowledging the sup port of all who helped com mended the conununity cttort Winner of the camper trailer and bent award was hirs Dor othy liaw oi RR Barrie and the seller oi the winning ieiret was Airs Jim Comings ore celved urine at $75 The net proceeds trom the rattle was $79229 President oi the Womens Aux iliary Mrs Betty Stewart thank ed oil the ladies of the common ity who supported the bake table and refreshment booth which added £3906 to the poceeds Plans arobeing madeto have an on heating system Installed at the 118113 Busy With Final Appeals Vlncise Liberal Percy Noble Conservative and Truman Bar ber 112111 have been ICE in comp ng throughout at tended riding which Includes Mentord Collingwood Owen Sound stnyner Wasago Bench and most surrounding areas The next iew days will be the busiest tor the candidates who are now giving attention to their ï¬nal appeals hetero the elec lion Shallow Lake for larmer hir Noble was member or the old Grey Bruce riding since 1957 and be is now seeking his sixth victory or the Conserva tives air Vancise Libero rcpe sentallve who is reeve ot Not tnwnsaga township is well known in Sirncoa county circles as chairman of finance member or pioneer Nottowo saga iamily be has lived in the township near Sinyner all his life He operates 100 acre farm An Owen Sound printer hir Barber was the lost to enter the contest lie has been an author iastic supporter oi the TC Douglas party or years There are 185 polling subdivi sions in the riding of which 53 are urban Hugh Phillipe oi Collingwood is the returning oi itwnnnorï¬bo MAKE Stall Emilie lill coinci with citric 1mm Barrie and Orllia In the CW loom who tourmmem here Girl Voliichl Elmle team will have Cart Edwmts and Debert Frame or moundrich with Doug Kirton behind the plate Harrier Barrett one of several of Elinvales intermed iate hockey ï¬nalists with the club plays at iirst and second While diaries Jordan ls short op There are three nirner bro there with the team with Gary at third Dennis In right field and Lou in centre field George Sibbald usually play in Ielt tleid Ken Archer also is with the team Three Elmvale player are Creemore To Play Thornton Friday NORNEON Shall John Westbrnokes Creemnre Red Sox will meet Herb Shannons Thornton indions at the Thorn ton bail diamond in South Siam league encounterin twilight game Friday evening June Ailiston is sdieduled to visit Tottenham non Oriiila Majors so to Beeton the same evening Libs Itygtteifleontest will igay er oodlights co ton fair grounds The schedule for Saturday night June 22 IL for Oril4 tin Legion to tint ivy Midland to play at Alliston and Pene tang to meet the Majors at Oritiia Softball Tourney with Woods BA and in Bar rio with second locker Doug Stone the latest addition Other include catcher Lou Belcourt Ind lnixleider Cilit amidIlia mung Colllngw er in another tormer Elmira ploy er with the home cIUb Partner Blmvale Councillor Barry Rowley Is in charge at the draw tor the tournament Plans Started For Flos Fair ELMVALE Stall Pfr dent Cecil Hench and mem bers oi the Fles Agricultural So clety are busy with plans for the 1968 all lair which will be held Friday and Saturday Oct 11 and 12 inst betore Thanksgiving weekend We hope to have more than 3000 people in Elmvele next Thanksgiving neekend said hinbnbgench in Lntzment ap pea for genera support or the ioir Over 5000 nttendtd the 1961 iair Judging rem the enthusiasm shown there is no deal that this mimber will he greatly increased as every at tempt is going to be made to make the toss bane show and lgricullumt air the ï¬nest mow north of the Canadian National Exhibition said Mr French initial response to on appeal tor floats tor the par ode has been eocotnzlng Then were more than 50 floats in the centennial parade last fall and it is hoped this number will be enceeded For 19w the theme will ho Promenade cl Color one YOU SAVE TWICE WWITRIM AND PRICE LEAN MEAT CANTAtOUPES ND ONTARIO lEIlUCE anr our snvn 6c icenLoco cancer 11 oz Pkg 47° ease ow SAVEGe LANCLA on MACARONI sPAGHtrii BEST BUYSAVE 5c CANADA BRANDY WHITE lHNEGAR in euro 41° 1° 2961 BEST BUY SAVE 8o AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 15 oz Bottle WHILE THEY LAST 22 and gt PINK ULU YELLOW GREEN save 13c ourcu APLE LEAEHAM Iï¬ Iiobob insn Sheri Ilih Roost veins to BUY WE WANT YOU To RED trWHITE COIFFEE Reg 93 Val uc WITH TILE PURCHASE OF LGENEIML ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS 40 50 win one onion BESTBU 11c JAFFA CROWN ORANGE OR IOUTSANDING VALUE oREsnEN voESiGN JACQUARD BATH frowns at an El Ifl CLEANSER 14 oz or THE went IE9 101 no 0111140 IIAG toilet or BURNS SLICED BOLOGNA 49 ioo JGRAPEFRDITTJuice it ranRnrcen so pnemuiu vapor es all 32 for 49c iii in Tie 57 BAEOIIl Mil LEAN CUBE STYLE BONELES Slowing Beet Swilts Lon Maple Rindiers roo Salad Corned Beef Brisket Barbecue Bean Salad anE CULVERHOUSE oat Fanions Find Frorn Show Salami Slice or pkg for 691 Salad 279139e 1201 We lb 79 39 i9 chains lieSsett Peers 2349 save insriiur ello Pudding sAVE DESSERT romaine Dream Whip SAVE 17 RED It WHITE Peanut Butler 16 013 sl REG 49 SUGAR GLAZED wssrou OZ PKGS Mr 55 7c coupon lneach pkg oz pkg T07 PKG Ice Chem Diter Sari Ian Chelsea Buns 45 Chocolote urnn Pound ALL CREAM CAKES 69c hirdleye French Style riiirnrrto IIIIIIIITE IIICE 11 53 zine oEAN SPROUTS on son sauce for 39¢ 13 oz Save It DOVE BEAUTY SOAP Save to OBNSONS JCLUIIIS