ummmmnmumu OOlerrh fIVDEPARTIVIIENT STORE Sale Starts June 209 on TRAcToR TRAILERLOADSVOF undo PUSTURiSEfl POSTURISED control Because we made special purchase and for limited time only we can offer you this mattress in lovely decorator fabrics at THE FACTORYTo YOU fazmwvmwmw SENSATIoNALsnvmcs BUNK BEDS 39 x72 spring lined nab lresses Sturdin constructed gt with hardwood and complete with an attractive walnut lln ish These are separable and Full 39 twin size Regal Continental complete with head hoard combination box spring and mattress and six hardwood legs Box Spring Same Levy Price comums gt WITH niATfrnessEs YORK CONTINENTAL BED gt This deluxe set includes box spring gramme with spring and mattress complete with casters In ï¬lled mattress and and head hoards suLidlly constructed steel Iramel 30 complete JSITSLE Complete with deluxe col onial design ticking an comfort foam cushions strong and attractively con styucted and yet so easy to MATTRESSES Rodeo quilted mattress in sizes of 39 54 Itsconstructedto yield you alife of sleeping comfort Outstanding Box Sbrtng wBen rin if Same Low Price SameLOWIIIrieg