Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1968, p. 22

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TI III mu mam UNI ID it AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE AU Colonial and modern boom bold furniture dishes tools etc Iae undmigned auctioneer has receivzd instrurflons from NORM DUNN at no host 51 BARRIE west oi St Vincent Street Friday evening June 21 at 630 para sharp to sell the flowing Large quantity of small elec trical appliances lnnial din ing room stdte table and six chain Colonial buffet and hutch room suite Easy chair end tables Cotlce tabl Combination IV nd record player acuum clcan Iodern chesierlield and bar stools utmost new piece bedroom suite in real good can Guidrcna swing set so ville Pictures Quantity oi tools Quantity of dishes Quantity pans finest of drawers Dress er Night damp Ni table Dishes Bullet cabinet tables chairs lamps Lamp hugs Hooked rug to newly cleaned Swivel lea ther rocker Hassock ltoIl away bed Coticetable good as new 15 inch drapcsi Irene lug board Double boiler Iron stone fry or bake dish Pyrex coiiee pot new Cushions and many other articles too numcre bus to list Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold and owners are limingaway Auctioneers remark Ladies and GentlemenTh bean tiful lot of luminre and any one looking or court luriiiture would be well advised to attend sale The owner or management will not be held responsible tor accidents on his property day sale Frank iebb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN dAIICIi ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE will beheld at MOOSE HALL IIB tiny South ORILLIA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE commencing at 600 pm Every item in this sale is from the private antique collection and household effects of MAR ION and DOUGIAS BIRD cf ORILLIA GLASS Various pieces at hIapleLeaf Early Nugget and Late Nugget comporIs sob lets slag glass grcen Nailsce Doorstop camival platters rolling pins candy containers lamps Tilla ke lamp shade glass fly trap decanters vnses bottles jars pitchers snap no balls fish net floats witch paper knife blue Culley stat etc CHINA pltcs etc SILVER candle sticks en lrce dish and meat platter hut rer dish etc gtPRI2IIATIVE5L butter bout butter press sleigh hells iron book press childrens wooden games antique glass medicai vaporizer brass kettle scales with full set otlueights cracks including lIart Bros pottery pottery loot warmer flat irons lanterns dental box old Inols ec FURNITURE oral floss Cili na cabinet rolltop desk caplt tains high chair spool cradle rocking chair loodea old stunned tallies ctest ol dr era large dental cabinet with marble base with dozens of shallow drawer arge ue tent Coleman stove end tables coffee tables folding chairs kitchen tables and chair Speed Queen nringeru ahcr ivash tubs and rack childs feeder table power saw marith radio miscellaneous tools etc Many many other except nsl ally good quality items notusul ally offered in Termsi cash GIARLES II THORNTON Auctioneer own MESSAGE TO CLASSIFIED USERS Belorc you call an AdVlsolto place yours Consider This wash set pitchers You are about to invest money tnr an ad and we want you to get results Tocaccomplish this it is necessary for you to TELL ALL about the details or your otter lie sure you dontmake any of the following errors that jprevent results Dont Omit The Address litany outeo onnreaders write you but not spend rncney tor long distance call Dont Omit The Phone Number Many readers will call you but at not find it convenient to come to your home Dont Conceal Th Price Desired 2Y5 stow that Jsh hereon tage of readers will not answer on ad unless the price is given Dont Leave Home On lhe advertise Many good prospecta will not call the second time it your phone is unanswered Dont Omit Important Words To Save Money headers cant guess on ltriport ant details Remember well written informative ad will get rcrnlts taster and cost machine Dontr0verlcok Our Low Weekly Rate PATTERNS oi pots and BRIDGE SEASONS llyANNE minus One drcssahnvc allttie others bridges the scasons heautllully its the smooth skimmer with yoke detail and front pleals Printed Pattern Isat Misses Sizes 1p 12 II 16 Ill 10 Sill It tbnst all takes Illi yards inch fabric SIXTYFIVE cams ios cents in coins no stamps plcnsul for each pattern Ontario residents add cenlssuies fux Print plainly SIZE IIM on our55 STYLE NUMBER Scnd order to ANNE ADAMS care at The Barrie Exarirel Pattern Dept 50 Front Street West Toronto Ontario SPRINGS NEW LOOK is soil pretty feminine Make It your look choose Irom over loll styles in olir new Spring sum mer Pattern Catalog Get one pattern treeclip coupon to Catalog Send so cents PATTERNS 0UICKIESUNSUITS ny ALICEBIIOOIIS save dollarst Whip up ward robe of cool sunsuits with or without embroidery QUICKIE sunsuits wrap and tie to tit humus fur girls bright hurtling torboys Pattern 7l99 ironsim pattern insizes included FIFTY CENTS coins for each patturu tho stamps please to Alice Brooks care oi The Barrie Examiner Needle crait Dept 60 Front Street West Toronto Ontai Oat arlo residents addttceats sales tax Print plainly PATTERN tn EFL aoic Anniznss Firsttimctv Jumbo 1963 Neche crait Catalog hundreds of do signs tree patterns includes designer sweaterst instructions inside Knit cioclict ombr er 50 cents Book of 16 Jilly Rugs com plete patterns inexpensive easy to make 60 cents Book No Deluxe Quilts Vtogomplotewnauernsn Send 60 cents Book No Museum Quilts patterns or 12 quilts to cents Book No Quilts or To days Living New exciting col lectionts complew patterns 60 cents BOOK OF PRIZE Alghana Kin ch hetizatghans oocents WANT ADS DONT Plionc 7mm COSTTHEY tint czivcd into the =rellousmp Dalston United Church AROUND JSIMCOEZCOUNTY COOKSTOWH hy mas New Ind Mn Clare KIN spent Ieiv days of the past sored with relatives In Caliotter at Cookstownflrollghter rare sponsoring adance and draw July In the curling rink with Jetibs orehesta In attendance Mr and Mrs Wilbert Gmiih spent day at the home at Mrs McMaster and Irene vGrades to V4 accompanied by to the Wasaga Beach loo Mrs Olive McMaster was recent guest at the home at her brother and sister in law Mr and Mrs Carl Darling Do troit Mich and attended the graduation ceremonies of her niece Barbara at University Central Congratulations to Mtg Bar baraCoulis who received her Bachelor at Arts degree from McMaslei University and will attend Teachers College in Iinmllton in the fall Mr and Mrs James Andrew Fort William and Mrs Carl Fildcy of Oak Illdgcs visited Mr and Mrs Wdlred Fildey Irs Iclaster and Miss Irene have sold their home to Mr and Mrs Dong short or Itcxdale who will be taking possession the last week In June The McMaslers are holding an auctlon sale of house hold effects and garden equip ment June on dinners at Coolslown school liield day competed at Baxter school field day Mrs itarvey Wright and baby arri ed by air Sunday trom Vancouver BC and will spend this week with her parents Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson and her grandmother Mrs Barry Jebb past few months in Alliston hos pilal RESIGNS The people of this 1ltage are sorry to learn that Rev Howard has seen iii to hand in hls resignation as minister at St Johns Auglcian Church During their six year stay in Cookslown itcv and Mrs How ard have endeared themselves to theircongragatlon and the town as whole through their friendliness and goodwill to all Good wishes go with them and their tamin on their departure at the end of June UCW MEETING The United Church Women held their last meeting prior to the summer recess at the bone at Mrs Stewart Corrigan Pres cd the meeting and Miss Mc Masler acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs Pink ney Plans were made to cat erior July wedding also tor lawn bake sale in August Mrs Corrigan led the dew throat and program assisted by Mrs Wilfrid Fildey Mrs Glass and Mrs Olive Mc Master sang duet Dennis Vellsman student from Toronto Bible College led in Bible study Simone Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Church met here and the Cookslown ladies serv ed dtnnernto the guests anlsron By ions or sroxacca At recent 5ch Mr and Mrs Earle Laudfiue of and their daughter Heather was confirmed by pastor Rev dairies Toe partaking oi til Lords Supper tollowed the con Iirmation AUCTION SALE Unied Church Women held thci June meeting at the home or Mrs Del Fiiirns Worspr was conducted by Mrs Bronnwlio chose the topic Christian Love in the World Mrs Handy presented the study book and showed film bite in Japan Plans were made and committees appoint ed to hold an auction sale July in the nIleriioon Fur ther particulars re sale will be seen in The Examiner Next meeting will be held in Septem ber Mrs Gough attended the June meeting of UCW Presbyterial at Geneva Park Collegiate Students re now altid intanor Carrying l1 Dunlap El teachers and several mothers were given bug trip who has been patient these ident Mrs George Earls open elected assaulting THISSUMMER Its only 12 ft long yet its so well designed it Dept of Transport rating for motors up HPDeepstnble design Iorvoxtra safety deluxo ulummumlextrusiona on seats on holiday Whittier to all on the yenrl work dDIIm tangible teens are Din very nipped them by extending all their games Pete Johnson is building home in the village Congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs Ross Cough tactMary Ann Spence who were married at Crmlrn Hill United Church June is The Grade class of it BJI School will receive their certifimtes etc at graduation exercises June 27 at Dalston llnitad hurdlEveryoneis invited to attend MEET THURSDAY Junc meeting of Womens In stilute vnllbe held at Mrs Vursens June 20 Roll Call will be to name Canadian city and anindu1ry located there Current events about in dustries nil belllermolto for evcryonc anatomist ByMII nanny and Mrs Snider all cd with Mr and Mrs 11 Charl ton of Petcrborou recently Mint Ilewilt ullu patient in General Ilnspilal Toronto is improvingalter having sur gery Mr and Mrs Wham oi Kcnlpivilleantl Mrs Can min of Centre Vcsnra visited at Handya en Friday Misses lanlce ltpliorls and Shirley Jackson at 500 no gar spcnISaIurdoy at the home at Sheila Critic Allan Craig at lclidcd party atvtiie home of Diane Long Dnlston Frlday cvcning Cruicliurst School reunion June Bring picnic lunch Tea and cnifce will be provid icd HOLLOWS Mrs ltla Cook has rclurncd llume litter weeks 1sit with Mr aild Mrs Goodwin and other Iriends in Weston Mrs James Smitli and Steven visit cd Mr and Mrs Gordon Mc Larnuy in Scarborough Mr andlivs Ray Smith and Mrs lvcrn Gray visited iricnds In Itochwood Mr and Mrs Dowden were gucsls of Mr and Mrs Junk Harlow Gilford Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bath gate and tamily llexdalc vis Ited Mr and Mrs Archie Batu gate Sunday ANNOUNCEMENT Is Anthony Winfield GILL The annual meeting of the Certiiied General Accountants Association of Ontaiio has Its president Mr Anthony Toronto Mr Winfield told the June meetln that the association under is direction would con tinue to pursue the policies that have produced an annual growth rate inexnessot20 per cent In explanation ot the phenom enal interest in CGAirt recent years Mr Winfield pnld tribute to dedicated group of graduates who have built course in iinancial management that is second to none For cxample they pmduced Canadas first correspondence course on data processing They pride themselves also on thacurrent study opportunities CGA is unique too he said in that traitors Its course in both English and French And wevdonot underestimate the leadership training given our membe rough participation in CGA chapter organization which is where the action isi 12 FIXDELUXE SEARS ALUMINUM BOAT $299M ithuu W15 for stronth and charm Eustprooi aluminum construch durable bakedan red epoxy finish exterior capacity 700 lbs NOW ON DISPLAY AT IISIMPSONSSEARS Phone sissszi June Elaine torture of their post graduate hour una Dollde Mr and MIL Itch King were recently honored at Holly Coin munltyCenne when they were presented with set at cotlce table two step up tabla table lamp and pillow cascs Cattle Irereenjoyed during the eveulnt also musical contest poemot good wishes was read by Sonya King Mrs Don Srigley recently uri derwent major surgery During bermothers illness baby Lisa llg hss beeojstoylng withre lives in Barrie BRIDE ELECI Congratulations to Miss Elaine Bentley whc graduated from St Josephs School of Hotel Dicu Hospital at Kingston Mr and Mrs Bent Iey attended trioceremony on will continue nursing on the statt On July she will bcmarricd to Ted Ilnrnisen nI IhalciI She was Jbanored by local intads at shower Slngingand mock wedding lrcre enjoyed alter which Elaine assistedby her mollier and cousin Lynda opened Iilc many gits rfb bop was fashioned by Mrs Fletcher from the gilt bows Littles Hilllil will attend Thornton Strawberry Festival June to for their liinc iiich inc Rev ZIIcppler former mlionary In Africa was speaker at llolly chilrch scr Icc June 16 Ills talk and dose crlptlon of lite in Africa was enjoyed The junior choir sns Sympathy is extended to Mrs Iicdfern and min tires in the death in Barrie ol Bob Itchcrn who lived on the farm now occupicd by Terry Drown vncdriox SCHOOL There will be Bible Vnczitiun School at Holly church tor one week July to l2 from 930 to 1130 pm under the direc tion of Rev Mr and Mrs Mili roy All chfldrcn are welcome Enquiries and registration may be made by phoning Mrs Mllroy at Cookstown or Sunday School superintendent Mrs Downingme Sunday col picnic will be held on unwelco Ins day JuIy l2 ltolly new met at the horde of Mrsfd Cochran lnSLruld Devotions were In charge at alrsl Kende do Ifietheme Fathers committee was chosen to plan forcaterinlior awcdding July Mrs Ielgh on Mrs Graham Mrs Itch uzeIl Mrs Douniog Mrs Ionghetd Mrs Milroy had an interesting Bible study DlLllIC 73m Psalm and concluded with contest won by ltlrs Kent well Mr and Mrs Iton Austin rick will return to their home north of Region Sash title months holiday with relatives in the urea Miss Bonnie Fisii er will accompany themV aurora sins source Mr and Mrs iVilirchWright Ion by car Monday morn gfor critish Caloiniiia where they are going to liveNormau Neil ly hlispurchascd their home Ills Loo 0Ilcarne is in York County Ilcspitul Nclvmarkct where she hatidurgery last work anti Is progressing wcli rrhltjs DP7IIIWI€IIII and daughter urecn Tnonlo spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Paul Russell June meeting of GIIIord UCV was hold nt the home It Mrs Phul Russell June III President Mrs Eben Sawyer opened tiic meeting and I7 members and three visitors nu swcreil roll call Churchill and Ebenezer UCV are to be invilcd to Gil tords September mceling at the home of Itlrs Guthrie to licrlr Mrs Taylor oi Toronto Conference Worship scrvicc was taken by Mrs John Cl and Mrs Ross Ncilly and was based on hymn writer Isaac Vatts Mrs Paul itnsscll conducted quiz on Isnac Valts hymns cl which there are at in the hymnary Mrs Givvan Sawyer and Mrs NciIly gave chapters Irom the studyhook than Fisher and baby Pab rs or en U5airoralt set all Intense autumn fire when It flew over here Tuesday It the first reconnaissance flight over IlanoI since June Inseam MADRAS mien Police iulhlsIndian city have arrested 73 persons flattening series fires in Ilicfiuiru of Madras whicb=destforcd marathon p000 huts In six days Three persons died and MMMere left home less Pollce said those arrested were antisocial persons with bad rccords cm NEW CHANCE EASloN Pa APl man who served In years of life sentence for murder was tree today alter Judgedircctcd verdict oi acqulunl In retrIaL John Wallis convicted May 1950 was sentenced to life In the Isis strangulation of Mrs Bcrllin itcppert In her house ASSISTANT NAMED OIIAWA CPl Paul Po tin until recently personal assisranrro former injure min isicr Mildch Sharp has been named executive assistant to Encrgy Minister Pepin III re Places Paul Tellier who Be comes counsel on constituqu matters to the Privy Council JUST SIELLING LIYON CPehcutcislx 5th Inguarkers at the Berllet truck iaclory in this French centrc have used the company name to holp spell out their aims They rearranged Ile unme above the plant entrance to spell Ilbeitef MOVING NORTH now YORK or Howard Johhson Co said Tuesday it had signed licence agreement for construction at It restaurants andeltve mntcrlodgcsvln Quebec and Ontario to be built during the next five years It will be the companys tirst movc Into Cnnnda Sites were not an GIIIL IN LEAD Lon tCP young Canadian girl training tube prolcssional stage performer has been picked from among scores of British students to play Ihc lead role in liér ol annuzil production on Japan Amanda IIncaXII of Char monument at gtilt out gtilt IIIIIIIIIEII Fltltl Hwyl WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Iotletmm villain Alice In Iring Park moot produalon of Alice In Wonderland July Sill stain the Zonta Club of Caulk 825m perioiiuing arts molar ship last year PRODIGAL RETURNS WHOM CPI Patrick him once oohost ol the now detour CBGIV program d1 Hour iias Seven Daysltas been hired an cohost of The Way It Is suoceswr ot Seven Ddyl itoss Mclconcxecutlve produc er of the publicattain program id Tuesday night Mr Watson will alsoilointlle showr edito rlal board next season aiul prob ably direct some of the opehour program Iv PAINTINGS STOLEN MESSINA Reuters Nn valuable lath century paintings were stolen early Tuesday from church near this Sicilian town police slald iiie two paintings attributed to Pietro Novelli were take walls and arcluily removed from their frflmcs PHOTOGRAPHER CHARGED MOSCOW fine young Sovietupfitugraphcr has been orrestul ondchnrgixl with mur dering two Savch girl students whosn bodies were foundjin the attic at Momw advanced scientific school szestiu says Such crimes are rarely reported in So ot news media Boris Girsiikhv 50 mnfessefi and taccs possible death sentence TO BID FQII BE GAMES VANWUVEH CPI Van couver plans to hidfor the or tint British Empire Games uere announced liicsday City council unanimously nuthoflzcd Mayor Tom Campbell to make Immediate application Vancou rer was the siteol the lost Brit lsh Empire Games CHECK THIS SERVICE GUIDE DEAD STOCK SERVICE nanuon cnirrLian Houses CATTLE nous 1m oars NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE cautionii DRY CLEANING suuvr sanvrca STORAGE atom PROOFIAG Wit It BANKIN NUSERVICE CLEANERS anoint FARM EQUlPMENT International is MILLER 72assaoi PRINTING zsi nuplnn SiMPLviEAvcvoun NEXT iFILM BLACKEWHITE on KODAGOLORFOR naval OPING Ii PRINTINGYOU WILL earn FREE ROLLOF IHE SAME SIZE itFastEIIicientSirviool irSATISFAciIIIIf at Finest duality Prints 7o FIIEE sins stzcorninwn mmifnblr at SUPERIDEA stones fillAilAllTEEll Barrie niol 7Z6062l was into sin kiosrosuu nu to HOIIDA Hiwygt27i 24 its Servica on existing forms etc COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFSET dc LETTERPRESS OR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS SIMCOE LITHO itstics PLUMBING £7 HEATING 1IGtrtiiiimsl gt Plumbing Er Heating oo aaytield mom SAND Er GRAVEL sand Stone All sins currvaacos LIMITED 7zriosi ISTONE MASON rinarnacas donncctlas PATIOS smawaurys DRIVEWAYS TRAVEI SERVICE Ii Toll coacn tilt so nian aiiis we tSDN or EXP mun12114 GaEcn TRAVE S7LTD 723594

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