Eilic iï¬arriei Examiner Published by Cenadlln wimppm Limited Walls Publisher McPherson Managing Editor TUEDAY JUN ll 15 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario William Tolfor General Manager DalPAGE Should Consider Removal Of Baylront The views of an outsider on municipal problems are always interestingand is Is especially true when the comments come from an expert on real estate and property management Raymond Bosley of ii Bosley and Co Ltd Toronto told the Rotary Club of Barrie last week that arking in the downtown area is totaly inadequate This lack he held forces people to shop at centres where parking is Virtually un limited it was his contention that the arking roblem could be solved by rec aiming and from Kempenfelt Bay near the central business district He also held that with Barrie no longer CNR divi sion point there was no real use for all the tracks back of lhe Allandale sta tion With the elimination of the tracks and downtown improvements there is no reason why Barrie should not be as beautiful as some of the lake side cities of Europe lllr Bosleys most interesting point of course is eliminliion of railway tracks along the waterfront With the tracks gone the way would be cleared for the city to provide muchneeded parking space and to curry out beautification that would restore the lzlllEiimlll to the people The condition of the downtown area was touched on extensively in the urban renewal study by Murray Jonesand Down MEMORY LANE so scans AGO TNTOWN Barrie Examiner June to 1938 Very Rev James Clair Chancellor of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto appointed Dean of St Marys Barrie suc ceeding late Monsignor Sweeney gtBennett opened his beautiful flowers on Bayfield St for public view Frenchspeaking nonpermanent air force squadron from Montreal came to Camp Borden for training Barrle Citizens Band directed by Professbn Michael Angelo travelled to Alliston to play for Canadian Legion rally at River side Park Colonel George Drew was speakEr With Ken Terry pitching Barrie scored third straight win in sluth Bltncoe baseball league over Bolton 60 Eucko McDonald hockey star with Toronto Maple Leafs signed as playErcoech of Drillla lacrosse team Howard Felt appointed secretary Bar rle Agricultural Society Red Storey allowed no hits for eightinnings while pitching for Barrie baseball team against Penetang then missed by allowing two in 9th Fred Kenney Aliandate electrician opened roller skat ing rink at Big Bay Point Skip Andy Malcomsons lawn bowling rink ofWllf Todd Elmer Thompson and Harry Arm PERTINENT The number of people who attend concerts exceeds that of those who go to ball games says statistician This is because women drag their husbands to concerts but men dont drag their wives to ball games physician says two packs ofcigar cites day is asdetrimental to health as being 90 pounds overweight Many atwopack smoker wouldnt benefit by quitting though as he would soon eat enough candy to gain 90 pounds Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday Adage Yes and werent we psychic thought mmmmnmmmmu IT HAPPENED lN CANAD Mousrea TURTLE ll caucus Fisueweu NET or Nootka Island 3th l934 cal Bond an coco FRIDAY ï¬lm We curtIVE areas GNIHMdl awflu or Maw more Shunuacadleflw perfect game Rail Tracks Associates Ltd This re art is now be ing perused by specls urban renewal committee whose responsibth will be to recommend the sequence renewal to city council it is this news apers inion that downtown renewa and rec aiming of waterfront land should come high on the list of priorities Any such major era tion as removal of lakeshore rai way tracks would involve close cooperation with the CNR ll would be costl operation as all such reclamation wor is but it would be vital from the citys standpoint The railway would have to find some other avenue of exit possibly due west from the Allandale stationto point beyond the city limits thence north to main lines in earlier days the railway was the sole lifeline to community However today with development of major high way networks throughout the country the trans ortation picture has then ed greatly ilways are still im ortant ut now they must compete wit cars and trucks and airplanes This is true of the Barrie area The railway line along the waterfront serves very little industry it is means to get trains out of town Why not change the route and give the lake front back to the people as Mr Bosley suggests he said strong central core is essential to the success and prosperity of this or my other city strong won Coulter Trophy at Allandale tournament Manager Jack Kennedy announced that Wellington Hotel wouldbe completely redecorated inside and out Owner Charles Johns opened new promenade overlooking hey at Mlnets Point Pavilion Powells Mel ody Men will play for dancing It fea tures only twopiano duo in district Billy Bell and Ken Walls plus foursaxophone group of Bob Powell Gordon King Alf Shepherd and Elton Parker plus vocale by Archie Earth Prank Rooke chosen Head Boy Judy Knox Head Girl at Barrie Collegiate Town Council passed new regulations re garbage collection and control of dump Dr Sprott for 26th time installed Worihipful Master Arthur Cooper and officers or Kerr Masonic Lodge Barrie Lions Club had Fathers Day program at weekly dinner Bill Garner was singled out tor special consideration Each father had to give names and ages of children The clubs four bachelors Dr Bruce John ston Allan Beach Maurice Park and Walter Coutts were required to sing For they are jolly good fellows Miss Velma Clubbe of Rosseau was gold med allist at Royal Victoria Hospital nurses graduation Dr Corcoran of Elmvnle was matnspeaker Parents should always know where their teenage children areand what they are doing says preacher Oh no they shouldnt Parents of teen agers already have about all the worry they can cope with fhegdanger of overpopulation would begreatly lessened if people would rev train from marrying until they could afford to do so Why do many psychologists and soci ologists blame criminals actions on his environment when scores of people in the same environmentjbehavve them selves OTTAWA REPORT Stresses AROUND THE WORLD Students Want To HeatKoolisJ Especially The Abusive Types he Vcilue Of An Ombudsman by name menouou onawaigtusiicity writes Mr Percy lilaciusls of Montague PEl is the safeguard of democracy Ottawa Reportirieslo live up to Mr lifchu alands fine adage so will relate his case Democracy isor should tba institution under which the rights of the individual cannot be trampled uponvby the lack CANADAS STORY boot at an allpowerful govern menl Ail you may say but that does not apply in Canada Mr lifacAualanda story as he writes it to me illustrates the wrong that allows cltlren to feelthsl he has been lack booted He was civil servant work ing for the Deparlment of be National Revenue in Ottawa He saved little money was able to acquire piece of sea beach property in our beautiful island Canada Faced Crisis As Nation In 1864 By BOB BOWMAN Canada has come through number of political crises se vere enough to threaten the stmctue of the nation One of the most difficult was solved on June is root and was an in goriant step towards Confedera 0ll The Tadledlacdonald govern ment had been defeated on Juna 14 lhere had already been two general elections and three gov ernments intwo years it looked as mough Canada as then cun stituted would fall apart Stable government appeared to be im possible There had been good dealof discussion about tryingto form Confederation of all the Brit ish North American colonies mcialcommiltee had brought down favorable report on June it few hours belorethe defeat of the government How ever John Macdonald had been onenof four committee members who had voted against Confederation because he felt that the colonies were not ready for it De to the strain of the polit loal situation the members of Parliament attended gala ball at Spencer Wood the Govern ment House just outside Quebec it was tremendously lighthearted iffalr welcome break from reality Theparly lasted until nearly dawn and nilrmdmmlmmunlmmmmmnmmndmumlmmmmfl man gaming RP tie atom 553 less shit Association ©NE ti rilr ensuesr BOXERS oF so TlMELANtFORD NEVER HELDA AMMON SHIP HESTARTED H15 CAREER IN WOZ run other genes UNTIL 1924 ï¬rmerrm Ill24750 mm mowvamysmmawxmfl 11 906 haremrm sesame mom MM JIM5M swung MW is Hayfield Street name Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2300 yearl Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $2900 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor tlunwoil 315 year Mail out side Ontario 14 year Out sideCanada British posses sions $15 year sA and foreign year National Advertising Ofii lZSllnlversliyAven to 640 Cathcart k931 Member of the Canadianr Daily Newspaper Publishers the Canadian Press and Audit Bunsenof rCtrculntions The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches inthls paper cred ted to it or ThorAssociate or Reuters and elso loci news therein the last dance of the evening was for gentlemen only it was an energetic acrobatic affair in which the dancers competed to see who could jump the highest George Etienne Cartier was illind to be the winnerl only few hours later cdonald and Gait went to call on the bitter enemy Liberal leader George Brown who had sent messages that he might be prepared to cooperate in ordesto make government possible it viesduring these circum slanccs that perhaps the most important Political deal in Cana dian history was mad Erown agreed to joiflï¬iTCOï¬illlthKOV eminent and work with men he detested while and on ld agreed to support the movement for Confederation WEEK JUNE 18 EVENTSi loosChamplain and De Monts began exploration of coast to Cape Cod 1666 Pierre Lollioyne dfberville captured Moose Flac tory James Bay rawus declared war on Britain and sent troops to in vade Canada imbmndary Commission announced frontier from St Lawrence dumb Great Lakes ibisJoseph touts Papineau condemned to death in 1336 as rebel formed government with Draper lossFirst telegraph opened between Toronto and Hamilton lbsSdielmilding of Sault Ste Marie 0n was completed JimBritish Columbia dele gation received Confederation terms from ada lbwCrows mglest glasstIail way opened wi speci ra es laidElaolsfoot ludlans sold 115000 acres inAtberh tol $14 per acre tabsQueen Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrived in Now foundland to begin 45day tour ofrOonadar liovcrnment ot Can Try Construct Artiï¬cial Heart SALT LAKE orrv Utah iiieuterslDoclorr at the Uni érsliy tltah human heart transplants wrllul tlmately proveitoo costly and complicated are working to perfect artificial hearts which could be mass produced Noting that nearly 500000 pen in the us alone are annual ly struck by heart disease the doctors suggest art clal hearts might be the solution Two teams are working on de rnrguing that province and plannedhis later life on the assumption that he wonlri be able to retire and live at his beach in that unique mum mar tourist resort But lsckbooled government dedde to expropriato his de sirable piece of Canadian soil have been pleading for Just settlement for over 26 years in respect of this unjust exprolt nristion of my property he writes was denied any representation in the appraisal Now am poorly superannuat ed civil servant unable to af ford in secure legal aid His pension after 37 years with the federal government is Sm monthly ONLY CRIMINALS MDED He was he complains de prived of his property without the protection of the Exchequer Couri By thal suppose he means that he lacked and still lacks sufficient funds to hire lawyer who could represent him in an appeal before the Ex chequer Court Even criminals are now at forded legal aid he writes why is not the ordinary clti zen htr litacausianrl stresses that cases such as his cry out for the appointment of an0mbudsnan Several countries now have such an official to receive com plaints from citizens who feel that they have been unfairly treated by jackbooted govern ment The Ombudsman cram inos all such cascssibmitted to him and in cases Where plaintiff appears in have rea ahle grounds for his complaint the Ombudsman puts in train the steps necessary to have compensation made New Zealand Sweden and Britain are among the countries which have appointed on One budsman The province of Alber ta which has humane and wellmo government has done the same appointing to that post the recently retired Com mlss ioner of lheRCM George McClellan MUST SEEM FAIR do not know all the facts of Mr Macauslands case nor am qualliied landvaluer so cannot form an opinion But this case is nevertheless good illustration that we should have an Ombudsman an impar tial quasijudge to whom any aggrieved citizen can apply without incurring legal cosls Then even nut feeling agl grieved could have the point one plained to him and his sense of being unfairly treated would be removed And the genuinely damaged citizen whocannot af ord the high costs of legal representation would yetbs able to obtain rests 11 But we have no Canadian 0m ms in Mr MacAusland could do what many Canadians do submit his complaint against Ottawato bis MP He live the new riding of Cardi gan this is one of the rare con stituencies where two former liPs are fighting for election Conservatlve Melvin McQuaid and Liberal John Mullally So wiroeverwins Mr MacAiisland should have anexpericnced voc tli federalsnd provincial governments whom heacouples in tin believed BIBLE similar The grass witherelh the flower fodeth but the word of Int our God Ill ll stand for Philip 11 Foreign Minus Annual The availability of instant ex citement creates demand for constant excitementthat may be one of the main effects of television So it would appear at least fronï¬ survey of the lacuna bureatu business in Lectiuo bureaus are agencies that arrange tours for speakers it used to be that the main cue tumors were womens clubs But now colleges have become rlie main ciistomers and the choice of lectures is almost en tirely in lire hands of students One leading us lecture bureau operator says that the students primarily want to hear kooks especially controversial kooks and even more especially abu rive kooks The prospectuses sent out by lecture bureaus do not mention the word informative any more The best word to attract bookings ls attack and it works best when qualified by such adJectives as vitriolic ruthless or shocking An one attacking flhe system or sadults and having the gift of the gab can become success pro vided he has done something no torious such as serving prison term for murder Dr Martin bother Kings alleged assassin if able to go free and go lectur ing would command fees of up to $2500 for onehour lecture lie would also be expected to engage in question and answer period whi turns out flittUllllll reruns Fluids ilvss minis PliDllllciiflliDF ur ro snowier 6031 to be more add more series of counterlectures from the floor with young members of the audience launching the own attacks on the system and on the speaker Part of the new lecture audience leolmique ll the ritualistic insult to you people of the old leitare con sumer orientedo very dirty insult indeed EEDHNDEB 0F PAST It is all part of the protest for the sakeof protest movement action for the sake of action it reminds one of ancient Rome where public spectacles became bloodicr and bloodier too be cause the public became blaso about the mere killing oi oi phants in tho arena fa sigt that disgusted Cicero and began to expect that Christians would be eaten by wild beasts TV is exciting for the young sicrs or at least proportion of the youngsters They can get murder oi really good tisic fight at the twirl of button TU programming in the entertain ment fl calls for more and more action And it overflows from the entertainment ï¬eld into information Just before our own great de bate one oldie TV critics said he expected Messrs Stanlied and Trudeau to come in wi knuckle dusters and bicycle chains at lhe ready After the debate everyone rmnarked on the show business aspects of the performance It was couple of days before anyone bothered to comment on the substance of what EARTH Hunouui DRIVEill THEATRE SIDNEY POITIEFl TECHNICOLDR mm mens Aunts MURPHY CRAWFORD ERODERICK LrqII hurtsummonses moronmaniacal Hillsl illit misfwom serum Mssssuoni WILLIAM LONG FT woaru TEXAS ilNEzl Grove PARK CHURCH ornaments wuozinsrirurso ssovrrank Howie crusader Sis