VEXIIIIIINEllliOtllIOPTIEWEEK moat 126on no tode originally basement leg oeslgn it has been redoiigned too include full This £193in small diange in the front elcvation The entry is now on the lcit hand side basement of the picture window see plan otherwise the appearance is virtually Identical While Ihn Family Room is actually so extension of the Kitchen it could be divided and used as The Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont Enclosed please find $105 for whidi rend me the book entitled SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY HOME Please make ranittanee The Barrie Examiner NAME ADDRESS FIRST AID T0 By ROGER WHITMAN MAKE CARPET LAST LONG QUESTION We are going to carpet our stairs for the first time Have you any suggestions for making the ion good one ANSWER Use enough tacks and draw it taut to avoid any chance of slipping under fool Use enough material so you can turn an extra fold of carpeting over the riderof the bottom step Heres what this little trick will do for you when the carpeting has begun to wear ilont worry about gelling new one yet instead loosen it unfold the extra width at the bottom step and move the whole business along by inst this much This will place com Ietely unusued areas of carpet ing on the stair treads giv ing you what amonnlsto brand new carpet WATER CONDITIONING PAYS QUESTION am planning to convert my weekend cottage to all yearround But my water stem is problem Water is ard irony even tastes unplea rant Having water condition ing and sottening units put in wiilradd considerably to the rest of my remodeling costs How ever friend says this will save me so much it will pay Itself in few years What your opinion ANSWEsz im with your friend in every respect You cant do better than see good water conditioning service and bava its planning experts check out the system which will serve you best TILE OVER LINOLEUM QUESTION Can vinyl tile be put down over linoleum provid ed the linoleum is perfectly clean flat and snlld ANSWER always say yes but its calculated risk which my people have taken sno cesslnliy including yours trniyl However youll never get tile make to agree With complete justification Manufacturers wfll warn against this They say that if the adhesive under the line leum should ever fail in the fu ture then the tiles over the spot Would be seriously affected even loosened In extreme cases lint all unofficial opinions are that it the linoleum is OK as you mentioned above go head STOVE KNOBS QUESTION After perhaps Six months two of the socalied chrome control knobs on my topouaiity electric range have begun to peel Little slivers of metal like sharp splinters come off The dealer only shrug ged What should do Have all so knobs repiatedt ANSWER Not worth the cf tort Some smart manufactur ers spotting this mod to junki ness in appliance fittings have already put out good knobs which will fit most such stoves Some are good heavy chrome others solid plastic You can get them at most good hardware stores and housewares sections PAINTING CEILING QUESTION Please answer an amateurs question tht is the easiest way to paint cell ing ANSWERIAIicr getting the easyto move stuff out at the room orgrouped in the centre payable to AILING HOME with drop cloths Next paint three or four inch wide stripe around the edge to assure get Iing clean sharp margin Then get nineinch paint roll er preferably the type which has threaded handle Screw on two or three extra lengths oi handle so you can roll paint on the ceiling while standing firmly on the floor No mess and bother of step ladders or scatiolds Much quicker UPINEEDED WORK QUESTION ibought lif yenr old house dont like the present Iinisb on the kitchen cabinets But would it be too much work to strip off all the coats of paint ANSWER If they were my cabinets id certainly think so Instead ofall that work Id merely give them good clean ing and sanding Then Id put on couple of coats of top quality enamel Save your on ergy for some other projecil BALLIOINT ON PLASTIC QUESTION What will re more bpilpoint from white plastic chair seal ANSWER The only thing Ive ever found even partially suc cessful is rubbing with alcohol Sometimes the marks come out quite easily other times theyre ns stubborn as you know Where If any kind friend has any good consistent luck with ballpoint on various materials It would be mighty welcome SKULLSAVING SHIELD QUESTION One or the minus icalures of the old house we Just bought is low beam over the basement stairs After sev eral bumps on the head am now looking for remedy Any suggestions ANSWER Staple thick strip of foam rubber or polyurethane along the low hridge This will at least soften the contact Paint stripe of the glow dark paint along the nor dersnle tor addnd precaution Get the foam at any foam rubi ber centre most furniture stores LEADERS SPPIIK By THE CANADIAN PRESS Saturday TrudeauIn Chicontimi Jonqnicre Alma St Feli cien and Bagotyiile Que Quebec City slnoiioidln Saskatoon Winnipeg Dauphin Thomp son Rivers and hilnnesosa Man Douglasin Vancouver Cnoncllnin Cbarlevola courtly Que JUST FOR MONEY The top money you can urn hllrvll mnnm only nut Send Inr our Im brochure wnIcn denTiber in tire wonnrrrni iiimar our career onportnnitlel you can sorry no hinrvolirllnld nmicr rioan hairstyliliwrita nr vlelti MARVEL BEAUTY SCIIDOA 110 Bloor st Toronto Dept on Day or Evening Course Dunc cover the rust and the floor nitrblsiie over in vain separate dining area if so de sired Thcre is an extra nasti mom convenient to the back doorandnmple closet space thrmtghcut the house Design is his frame with brick and stone accent However the blueprian also include full details for brick construction Standard blueprints for this design No CH 501 cost $7500 for the first set and $600 for additional sets Blueprints com ply with the National Building Code of Canada and are ob tainable by return mail Onl arlo residcnls must remit per cent sales tax The sec nd edition of SUBURBAN Mid COUNTRY HOMES Designed for Canadians Price $100 is available at this newspaper of flce or from the address be loud news nonno GOGAAIA Ont or he Ontarh men and twiï¬shennrn tron Pennsylvania were killed when their light plane crashed iota dense bush near this carri much 70 miles northwest of Police in Sudlaury Identified the pilot Friday as Richard Grlnt GriIIlh 31 of Hidden Ont ills passengers wereivan Smith Amer OnL Rich ard Polanski I1 and Francis George Oliver Si both of Wil cox Penn police apokesmao said the foursealer Cessna Iweppnrcnt ly nosedived into the ground Thursday five minutes before it was to have landed at resort on the shores at Desdienrs Like It picked up the two American fishermen at Sand Lake about is miles from the resort Locks Capacity SAULT STE MARIE Mich OP recommendation that the capacity at the St Lawrence Seaway locks be increased to meet the site of the Poe lock scheduled open here this summer nus made Thursday by group of Great Lakes ex pelts The Seaway Navigation and Conunerce Conninure of the Great Lakes Commission com posed of representatives of the governments of right Great Lakes states Lhc Unilcd States Government and the Canadian government opened threeday sessions Thursday Public Warned VANCOUVER CF Police havenamed be public here to watch out for $250 medallion which could be passed off as the Canadian one gold coin my Stair Sgt Frank Vash brook said the medallions are almost identical in appearance to the gold coin but have no milling round the edge The medallions he said can hepuichased in Sndhury for £50 an be dillinnit by citeEng the reverse side which says Canadian cench nlal gold coin monument Sudlt buryCanada EEC in small print LESTER ii PEARSON Will Campaign UlliAWA CPI Lester Penrson hils the campaign trail hionday for thrch our of four constituencies In the North crn Ontario country that elected him to Parliament for 20 years Mr Pearson who isnt can didate for the first time since 19th was MP for Algoma East an electoral area between Sault Ste Marie and Sndbury Artificial Organs KINGSTON CPI Artiï¬cial human organs may Same day eliminate the need for trans planting such organs as hearts and kidneys an American biolo gist said Friday Dr Mandy associate proiessor of microbiology at the University of Texas Austin said in on interview at the an nnal lnccting of the Canadian Pour Fishermen Killed Iedmtion of Bioloflml Scale ties the publicity given to inn plant operations overth tag reselrdi dealing with pre venting heart and kidney mal functions Hate Lilerature FLESHERTON on Ice Rooald Gosiick national direc tor of the Dunedin Intelligence Service said Friday his monthly bulletin and special open let for to Conscrvilive Leader Stanï¬eld are not hate hiera ture Prime Minister Trudeau ln Montague PEi brought up the subject of hate literature Thursday and mentioned the Canadian intelligence Service as trying to label him as pro Communist lltr Gostlck 49 for years has carried on an antiCommunist campaign He recently wrote an article calling hir Trudeau political leitisi and published it in his pamphch Centennial Truck OTTAWA OP Al castone unit of the Centennial Gimmis rionr eight nick carovans will be rolling atongCanadian roads again this summer But rathcr than recalling Canadas pasl it will bcportraying agricuilnrcs future The 57foct tr ll acquired by the agriculture department has been repainted brown green and white labelled Can nda Agriculture and decorated with farm tractor and large red and while maple lcaf flag Social Agencies OTTAWA CPI Social agencies run byreligious groups will disappear within Ill years unless they change the type of service they now provide Wil Iiam Vino supervisor of child services Jewish Family WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF PAPER wan nuns YIIAWA CP paper war between Canadian troops and British commandos in Nor way ends todiiy with the 700 Ch nadians rooplng off to Dishorg to vote in an advance poll for the June 25 federal election The mock battle that began last Monday is part of NATO exer cise in Northern Norway STUDENTS ON BOARDS TORONTO CP Dr Mur ray Rnss president or York University Friday recom mended that the universitys board of governors accept two students as members deci sion is expected when the board meets in the tall St Francis Xavier University in Halifax ap pointed student governor in May ARCHBISIIOP VISITS TORONTO OP Joseph Cardinal Slipylj major archbish op ofthe Ukrainian Catholic Church arrived at Toronto nir port Friday night marking the first visit eta Ukrainian cardi nalto canada in the last 100 years Cardinal slipyj invited by Bishop isidore Borecky of Toronto plans tour of centres of Canadian and Ukrainian life throughout the country SEES DAUGHTER PARIS Reuters Mrs Daniel Johnson wife of the One bec premier arrived here Fri day for short private visit With her daughter Diane She came from London Where she saw her Zaayearold jun Daniel Johnson Jr who is sin in England dy FORMER PILOT DIES OTTAWA CP Albert de Nivervlliegwhohclped to set up the British Common wealth Air Training plan during the Second WorldWar died here Friday He was 79 He was born in Montreal and began his military career in 1917 use pilot With the Royal Flying Corps USE RESUME TRUCKS OIIAWA CPli Five major airports in Canada have been equipped with highspeed trucks to rescue persons who survive the Initial impact 01 aircraft crashes hevtransport depart ment said Friday The trucks are at airports in Toronto Montreal Halifax Edmonton and Vancouver RCAF ASSOC WING BINGO Every Monday at 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT me SHARE THE WEALTH Admission $0 BACKS STUDENT POWER HALIFAX ca Dr Gor don Kaplan biology professor at the University of Ottawa said Friday more student control in universities is an irreversible trend in Canada Dr Koplnn for to years professor at Dal housie University here was in terviewed before addressing the closing exercises of the Halifax in school which he helped found to years ago FIREMAN CHARGED TORONTO CF Robert Bradley no Toronto Iireman was charged Friday with don gcrons driving collowing collil sion in which Johannes Kok 25 of Toronto was killed Bradley was answering what proved to be false alarm when the fire truck he was driving struck Koks car at an intersection said police WARIIDL lMPROVES NEW YORK Reuters Pop Artist Andy Warhol shot and seriously wounded June has been taken off the critical list Columbus Hospital reported Fri day The actress accused of shooting him Valeric Solan 28 was undergoing psychiatric tests by order of Criminal Court Judge David Getzoff PROJECTS HELD UP MONTREAL OP Jenn Noei Tremblay provincial min ister of cultural affairs said Friday none of the projects in the cultural agreement with On is New Ernnswick Great Britain and Louisiana initiated by the former Liberal govern men have yct been realized Speaking in the legislature Mr Iremhlay said hat Ontario seemed to have certain reserva tions but that Quebec proposes to submit project to the Ontar Io Art CounciL YOUNG runks censu ISTANBUL Reuters Seven students were seriously injured Friday as rival Turkish student groups clashed in the tiiird day of revolt at islanan University other minor clashes Wm reported asstudents of our university departments joined movement to boycott classes andexaminations UJI WARNS SOVIETS LONDON Reuters The Britishgovernment has told the Soviet Union it is determined to IMPERIAL issoAYs rooefor new the Deadly Sins Swag Blessed by the Devil himself amrriceumrauinomi COLORrm onwuonoiisHIPonooun on Maui protect the rights ot west Eer cancer said Friday that environ ring liners following East German travel restrictions imposed this week The message was con veyed Friday night in Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Smir novslLy at the British lor eign office by the British minis tor of state for foreign affairs Lordphanonb REVISE SYSTEM TORONTO CPI John Turner minister of consumer and corporate atfairs promised Thursday to introduce securities and cooperative legislation if the Liberal party wins the June 25 election Speaking to the an nual meeting of the Canadian business press ilir Turner said he also hopes to introduce amendments to the corpora tions bankmptcy and combines investigations acts BALLOON STAYS DOWN JUDIQUE SOUTH NS CF Two Toronto actors who planned transatlantic balloon night but were caught up in ironsport department regula tions are returning home But they say theyrwill try again in six to eight weeks They are Mark Motors and Jerry Kostur 29 FINANCING HOSPITAL STOCKHOth Reutcrsl The Swedish government Fri day announced it will ifloanca the construction of hospital in North Vietnam Ten million crowns about smooocoi would be placed at the disposaliof the Environment Cause Of Cancer GENEVA Reuters leading international expert on mentrather than heredityis amajor factor in causing the disease Proi Isaac Eerenhlum chair man of the scientificcouncil of the International Agency or Re search on Cancer told reporters that environmental factors smoking diet new chemicals are responsible for much Inpd emday cancer Berenbliuo said cigarettes definitely muse lung cancer and it now is up to governments to discourage people from smok SHOWS AT mo 910 liar International Red Crossvhflf for the hospital and half for medi cal aid KOREANS IN VIETNAM SAIGON CFAP South Korean military headquarters said Friday North Korean psy chological warfare has operating in Southvietnam for more than two years it cited the prLsence of at least it known Noth Koreans This compares with 45000 South Kor ean troops in South Vietnam GETS MONTHS CHATIIAM CP Marilyn Ann Swerdlow 10 ot Toronto was sentenced to three months in jail Friday for possession of marijuana She admitted In court to having 45 mariiuana cigarettes hidden in one of her high leather boots when or rested last March in Raleigh Township south of Chathiim HEART TRANSPLANTED MIAMI Fla AP Radio Havana reported Friday night hat successful heart trans plant has taken place in the Cuban capiIBIbllt did not lodi cate whether the transplant was for ananlmal or human The broadcast monitored in Miami iaid the heart of lemaie call was used as the donor organ been Tl IAIN manna SATURDAY MI 13 and alibi Servic ed in Maui and Friday He told delegates to the Con Servl megï¬ve etc na dIlh May that social agencies supported by religious trout must stop trying in otter the lalarm services goyernmcï¬ Indy roro numb larger resources The rationale for the old Ipe social army providing emergency housing and food is gone he later told reporlcre We must find new goal that takes into account the diartging nature at our looms Ingly institutionalized Discrimination mnomo CP Sault Ste Marie policewoman who says she has been discriminated against bemusa oi her set should have followed griev ance procedure nith the Sault police commission before she took court action the Ontario gain oIAppeal was told Fri Ion Beckett is dccsion by appeal ling Fergus who ruled that Hill Beckett althoudi out of uniform and working as darktwist or the Sault Ste Marie Nike nil police constable but enllded to the same pay an male newbie Charge Candidate MONTREAL CP Ronald Limoges Creditisie candi date in Montreal La sail in the June 95 election Friday bad trials set or June 21 when ar raigned on charges of fraud and attempted fraud lie was arrested Friday after police recognized his picture in group i1 political candidates In Montreal newspaper DAVES GIG IS COMING snvnoi PnnPIis STARRING oceani TAYLOR non RANDALL Marc LAWRENCE TY HARDIN alum II it II II tumor Punnr 1mm Aim on or witi LAST TIMES TONIGHT VB SUNDA Ai youve never leen him before 7Q THE POPPY IS ALSO FLOWER Yul Brynncr Angie Dickinson Con an Luke INNISFII TOWNSHIP Iuivioiu Bi iUiY20ih SUMMER CARNIVAL JULY icoMPEIIIoos 20th ARE INVITED TO PARIICIPAIE IN VARIOUS SPORTING EVENTS MENS BASEBALL lST PRIZMD 2ND PRIZE$10 raiiis courier RON ALLEN 4565313 LADIES BASEBALL iST PRIZE$50 2ND PRIZE$30 rueowan iST PRIZEsion 2ND omensee an 1me rams cataract noa cowaN 4min TEAMS ONLY conrncr DUNCAN GREEN tissue HORSESHOE PITCHING PRIZES TO BE ANNOUNCED BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE LEATIIEII or Insertions Lilli vomit monotonnnnnowonnm Both Pictures Adult Entertainment aiiiiir INSIDE eaimm SHAIIIII IIIirvmtoitilurnooiiiiiinzo ï¬ng sineiesonw iST DISTRICT snowme iii Wilt MilliEMS economic CLAWIIIE any GUY villa gets in Tilth WAY mugtram