Elie iiizifrric Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield sum Barrie0ntarie Walla Publisher William Teller General Manager McPhemnleIging Editor EAIURDM JUNE 15 llfl PAGE Assessing Blame Society On Mass Media Something is wrong with Americans something blind hard and wanton that sets off the fury and the fanatics bul letss That is the assessment of religious leaders of the United States virusof Violonce In the aftermath of the shooting of Senator Robert Kennedy they saw in that event and in other recent destruc tive upheavals and deaths both moral sickness and smouldering hostilities per vading American society Weve lost the sense of the sanctity or life Rabbi Dr Abraham Heschel noted Biblical scholar said Weve become nation of cynics master debmikers of quality nobility and the great values Weve surrendered our religious tradi tions for cheap selfregulating attil tude which assumes it has no need of higher laws Its conspiracy of all us Weve au failed It is this general environment of shat tered standards strongarm tactics and undisciplined behavior not Just the mania of individual perpetrators which the religious thinkers cited as catalyst to the violent acts statistically the number that commit the acts are small but theyre inclined to do it by the whole atmosphere of brute force said Rev Robert McNamara Fordham University sociologist Were sick sick sick Weve allowed the mass entertainment media televi sion movies and comic books to glorify violence in terribly unhealthy way The amount of sadism and masochism is incredible iBe SureTo Vote June725 Vote on hiesday June 25 inform yourself about the issues of today Know your candidates and what they stand for Vote for whoever you chooseRemem her the right to vote is citizenships most prized possession DOWN MEMORY LANE 10 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 15 1958 ltwas Alr Force Day yesterday at Camp Borden where the commanding officer Group Capt FIR Pete West CD and his staff arranged fine program for the pub licwho thronged the base Demoiié tion of old post office began Alderman Marsellus rescued couple of Union Jacks from basement Believed to be first of kind in Ontario Barrie town council passed bylaw which gives police power to deal with unauthorized park ing on private property Council re jected petition of Citizens Group to re zone townowned land around post of ice for municipal purposes Deputyv Reeve Lester Cooke wasonly one to vote against motion MajorGeneral Clark OC Central Command will become chlef of Canadian Army General Staff at Ottawa Aug 31 with promotionto LieutenantGeneral Gen Clark was formerly stationed at Camp Borden member of Barrie Garrison Badminton Club Mrs Clark is the former Leone Seagrasn Emery Engineering an nounced plans to construct two modern office blocks on south side of Collier St Old brewers warehouse and Dreamland movie theatre on Hayfield St south demolished to make way for con struction new Barrie Examiner plant iWork began on Highway 400 extension north from Crown Hill which will run through Vespra and Medonte tollighway 12 near Goldwater Blue Moon Dine Dance opened in Barrie under new man ageincnt runner Ciub79 Jack Butler president Barrie Kiwanis Club replected chairman board of directors Blue Mountain Camp for crippled chill dren June Bail sponsored by Grey dc Simone Foresters at Barrie Armoury attractedluu couples in formal attire to dinner and dance TV singing stars Robert Goulct andJoyce Sullivan enter tained through courtesy Canadian Gen eral Electrics works manager Jack Mit chinson Warden Arthur Evans of slmcoe County was host for annual pic nic at springwater Park While clear ing snow in ice room at Lakeview Dairylferman Cauthers plant superin tendent slipped and broke ankle George Dangerfield elected to General Motors Regional Council Ian Hope regional manager for Consumers Gas addressedrxlwanls Club General George Fearkes VC minister of national defence opened new triservice dental training school at Borden Barrie branch Associated Canadian Travellers received charter with Herald Miller first president Centennial of establish ment of branch of Sisters of st Joseph in Barrie observed at convent on Berczy st Jack MlacLaren chairman pub lic school board laid cornerstone for extension to Oakley Park PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS Judging themoon from closeup pic Stures about the only thing it mightbe goodfor would he as placeJornoL raising spinach Another thing the world sorely needs is larger number of tool killers work ing seven days week three shifts day lnspiie of constant attempts nobody has ever found way to pile enough education on natural dumbhess to con ceai it In many acase person asks your advice in order to make an opportunity to tell you his troubles ammunaamwimmmmum mnwnuwnurc CliNiiblis STORY Washingtén The reason men dont win arguments with women is that sensible men dont argue with women Mr An optimist is person with long wishbone and short memory woman asks an advice columnisl what to do about roomer who throws her downstairs whenever she calls to collect his rent Our suggestion would be that she move him to room on the ground floor You have choi You can somehow become reconciled to your privacy be ing encroached upon more and more or you can become hermit nzmaicwnrwiuutunnnwmm sg $e mkmmmrmrxmm OTTAWA REPORT PCs Liberals Have Experienced Troops By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Which party could form the more experi enced government after the election on Juneï¬ Collectively the former par liamentarians of boih Liberal and Conservative stripes seek ing reelection have very semi lar track records As far as the leaders of these two parties are concerned the Liberal has slight edge in experience at Ottawa but the Conservative has considerablesdvanisge in pauses and administrative ex perience Prime Minister Trudeau had sat in the House of Cpnunons for 29 months when this election was caliedand in the Cabinet for months Prior idthatJhe was not actively concerned in politics and as is well known he was not member of the Liberal party Conservative leader Stanfield who is five years older than Mr 1rudeau had been active in poll itics for in years as an elected representative including nearly 11 years as premier of Nova Scoua from 1959 lo 1957 but he had been in our federal parlia ment for only six months of that time It remarkable fact about the Stanfield administration in Nova Scolia during that long stretch is that in every one of those years be operated his government on paysswego basis he did not recordeven one deficit Yet he was at the same time increasing welfare payments and managing one of our economically underprivi leged provinces in that same period which in oludedfour years of recession and six of mounting boom the government at Ottawa spent its way into 10 consecutive deficits In other words Nova Scotisn Stanï¬eld can operate tight shipnyith pain of the flamboy ant cxtravaganccs It can properly be argued that government at the federal level concerns wider field than provincial government But the talleris more closely concerned with the breadandbuiicr issues and the daily wellbeing ol the cilizens In this respect Stan lields record will impress every aduii Canadian worried about mrrararriuo THE News Efforts Mounting To Hell YearLong Nigerian War By HAROLD MORRISON Caaldlln Preri Staff Writer French British and Common oalth efforts are being mount ed to halt the yearlong Nige rian of war which has degen eraifal into form ol butchers that might lead in extermina tion of minority ram falling before the onslaught of federal forces Previous initiatives by Arnold Srraih of Canada Common wealth secretarygeneral have fallen short of their mark with his persuasiveness unable to bridge unyielding differences between the strong federal forces andthe besieged Plavé Part anadci con aownuuv George Washington played foil easily butthe Quebec caml paign was disasler andiedlo lgra strange part in Canadian his iory Earlier in his career as young army officer he helped Britain capture Canada from stead of aLtacking Montreal and France hvelve years later June 15 1775 the Continental Congress chose him as the Corn mandervi hief ol the United Stales army and washington was glad to have Frances help in trying iorcapfure Canada lrom Britain in 1754 it was Washington whoesposed Frenchpian io establish fortsiin the Ohio Valgt lcy to prowc the ionic from Canada to louisiann The fol owing year he served under General Braddo in thecam paign to destroy lie French forts especially uquesoc now i=ittsburg Braddock was killed wind Was of ihe Br sh my to Vi his as always Can andWasdeiere mind to eapturc Monireai and Quebec early in the American cvniutionnry Wu Tiris was misloke Mont the Americans having to retreat lromCanade in 17767 Washington had considered plan to capture Nova Scotia in uebec There is little doubt at this campaign would have been successful fheAmerican then could have blockaded St Lawrence to stopthe Bri from getting menand suppliesw Quebec This lg been possible because ova See the then included wick The Americans lost 5000 men in the campaignagalnst Que bec such on my haVe captured Nova Sonia mostlol whosercitizens had been New Bran transplantedfrom New England tailor the egpulsion olthe Acagi gtonicd the retreat dians in lt1 theirrsympathlcr were htheAnierlcans How ever they became more anl merican during themurs the war because armed vessels from New England Kept raiding and looting settlements along the coast illibVario Port Royal witbmrpplleslrom Franc leisSc ools forllndisnr were opened at TrolsRivieres and Tsdoussac rassoovernor Mbnlmaany arrived at Quebec rimnan Dame Chapel at Quebec wasrlesiroyrd by fire lilacThree irlbas ofsiroquois signed declarsilop of naturali insNearly noisuknk colo sbyte churches united ssi Presbyterian Church of Canada loosNewfoudland prob bited sole of batia foreign ves sels leisCanadian troops were in action at Givenchy HQ won won for the lociNorthwest errllories were granted partially elected 331W flip some Examiner is Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa snd=for pay ment of postage in cash only Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily i1 carrier on weekly moo yearly Single copiea me By mail Barrie $7500 yearly Ontario 91200 year motor throwoff 515 year Mall out side0niario 914 year Out side Canada Bntish posses slons 515 year foreia $82 year National Advertisingyollioe 425 University Avenue Toron kid M0 Cathcart Shiloh Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association ths Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The dian Press is ex flusiyely entitled to theme or republication of all news dis atches laihis phper cred it or lheAssociated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein Istarva by the trio care and helicopters secessionist who face slarvaz lion as well as fear of massa cre Now the British government has quietly stepped in trying to get both sides hack to are con ference table in Kampala Ugan da as questions and criticismof Briiains part in this Common wealth catastrophe are voiced in Parliament and the press SEE DOUBLE ROLE The criticism suggests mat Britain is playing double game in the war ealling for peace while increasing the sup ply of arms to federal forces The Labor government main alas it has no alternative but to ay hail viihdlagos because at is the only iegallyrecog nized government if Britain blocked arms to Logos federal iorces would merely increase purchases else where and Britains influence in Lagos would be ended One Lon don newspaper llbe Sun sug gests there is more in ihe argu ment than this The British gov ernment sian doesnt warn to ieopardim Entlsh investments in Nigeria worth millions of pounds ll says ibenewspaper Brit aln finds it so dillth to ban arms shipments to Nigeria why has it imposed unilateral ban against such shipments to South Africa which is not at we with anyone MANY ARE STARva Members of the Labor govv ernmenta own party have raised grave doubts about the moral and humanitarian aspect of British policy Reports have filtered through vfrom blatrau that the bus are dying rom nda One Estimate suggests that with in two monihs perhaps 000000 may die lrwmfamine Whilebrilain maintains there is no poipt io halting arms France hasannouhccd it has imaintained complete embargo ion all such shipments toNige ria statement which ihe Brit ish Commonwealth office chal ieng AEritish official says the Nigerian lederalforces have obtainedboth French moored todays rising prices rising iaxos and rising unemployment So much for the generals Each has an experienced army of fighting troops Seventeen members of the former Conser vative Cabinet are seeking ree lection and theyhad an aver age of three years and three months experience as ministers The more recent Pearson cabi net has is members seeking re election and their average min isterial experience was lhree years and one monlh SEEKING REELECTION total of 131 Liberal MPr were elected to the last parlia ment in the election of less Ninetynine of those or 76 per cent are seeking reelectlnn new Ninetyseven Conservative MPa were elected and ol those or so percent are seek ing reeiection Thus both parr ties are putting into theï¬eld similarly experienced cadre sharp difference shows up however when we make geo graphical analysis ol Liberal and Conservative forces of the 19 former Liberal ministers lo come from Quebec and livs from Oniario with the other provinces having only very weak voice But theJI former Conservaiive minisiers include two from thehAtlantic region four from Quebec five from On tario and six from the west Among the candidates seeking reelection majority of the Liberals are from Quebec or lreiichCanadisns from other provinces Among the exMP candidates in the Atlantic prov iaccspthc Coliservatives om number the Liberals by 17 to while from the four western provinces the Conservatives lead by an overwhelming lo SIX DOG IS ON vorms LISi VANCOUVER vCF candidates trying to enlist the support of Mr Scara mouche Hope llsied in the voters registrar fprvvan couverQuadra riding may run into trouble in Hope is not only underagehes white and caramelcolored Shelth dog How he made the voiers register for the June 25 fed eral election is mystery to owner Mrs Florence Pyper She said neither she nor her Pusband saw the enumera or FUNNY NEIGHBORS lilayhe if was one of our neighbors trying to be funny Returning of lice Mrs Margsret Mirkp said the name will have to stay on the list The court of revision Is over and the lists cannot be changed How will Mr Hope vote Mrs Pyper said she her no idea We dont talk about polilt tics and religion in our fam ily it is personal thing so mbavent discussed it with BIBLE THOUGHT They remembered not his hand our the dly when be de livered the Psalms 73 One at the worlds realest needs good memory lie member aridWhig government finances and par QUEENS PARK Figures 0f Govt Are So Slipp By now oaasau NEON Ashas been mentioned here before more than once trying to analyse iicularly to compare financial standings as between govern ments is like trying to catch jellyfish with horsewnip The figures are rorllppery and die methods of calculating them soflodblerand different between jurisdictions that even highly skilled accountants cant pin them down nesansay Finance highlighied this again in re cent letter of protest against statistical analysis of the stand ing of the provinces issued by cfinapoial house The fiKures noiild make it ap pear that New Brunswick is in very bad debt position But while not disputing the flames used by the company Mr Deshrisay says they leave quite an lncorred impression this was because of thedilfer ent ï¬nancial approaches and ac oounting meniods used by the different provinces As one instance he says mal New Brunswick has 5109 per capita debt that it has assumed from school sndbospitai boards CAREY SAME DEBT The taxpayers of other prov laces would be carrying this same dEbt But with them it would flow at the local level Then Mrl Desbrisay nts out that his province carries ways expenditure or eci debt while some other Jurisdict dons account forit as indirect debt His most interesting observa lion is that with total debt rect and indirect the per capila Molds higher in both Manioba Thinking of ulster of New Brunswick has ery and British Columbia than in New Brunswick One of the most confusing lac lors in provincial finance of course is claim by Premrer Bennett of British Columbia that his province has no debt Mr benneti makes this claim as the result of piece of legal errnain he pulled off some yeafl ago ilnder this he transferred the direcldebl ol the province lo secondary emanaiions of his government and proudly said the province then has debt free It was not of course and is not The debt transferred is con ered by its guarantee and still represents cummittmcnt on the pan of the provfnce 1h those of us who have to try and keep finger on provincial affairs and also iothose in the investment field and other areas this tangle of ï¬nancial systems is most frustrating Georgian Bay CARPET SERVICE 300 Main 5L Stayner 4133213 5550 Outdoor indoor CARPET inslollerl for only so yd Speeioi dolt yourself pries $5501 per lo Beaulilul LongWearing NYLON CARPET Completely installed with underparlding wa iowa Shop Hnme Service inr telephone tzezzlsour representative wli call at your convenience with full range of sample materials Ind color to melon your de cor amt your budget $750 bUILDING Thinking of REMODELLING PANELLING HARDWARE BERTRAM BROS BLAKE OKEF FRONT YONG LIMITED CENTR awnson 7260254 ONE WEEK ONLY JUNE 17 TO JUNE 22 you 12TH EARL srowu SINGERS AN THE DUNHILLS EVENINGS 830 Mon Drch and Men Ruorch fr Middle Balcony 825 Rear Balcony 250 BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 AM 5550 425 Msrmaes PM are Frisat Wed Mat SatMai $650 $400 $450 00 oo 400 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