Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1968, p. 25

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THE nooerns some DRINKS 4E Ian mittJUN nu noon on ad lllWElS m1 man must antInseam 53 mm humor lEllflpiilti to Ft save on nearm scamv AIDS mulnlmmunlamn mu ganger SAmGfl mans SECRET muonsnorm HAIR SPRAY 459mm El carsnoonotstr 15R mum RAZOR BtADES 3l mum MEI CASE CHEESE mile 5E noon si sl liaison 4s snoxtnncmc Irmvsrsnonm mm mmmtursmmoslags Eiliiiticuisgt SAUSAGE 1am onto no snowman 263 Mm tun Flumeuureunnnm ers inVOSlIawa Onto ltlr Doug tea was also in Toronto Moo zo Tommy Douglas naLional or General Motors auto work day on the campaign trail iaader at the New Democra tic Party lashes big smila or Wirephoto FANCiWHlllE KERNElLtlllN NlBlETS instinct PEAS VAN BAMP BEANSEl AYLMER CHOICE CREAM SlYLE5 of ms rot CORN lGAFWAXEDr PAPER mt Finn Era Crunttt cdmjnldtnhhrat storm or Worm AYlMER HOICE PEASWARROTS lGA Dllli orJill Fflflll IGA SUNNY MORN Basement 1er yhaesthIpanwtidtllcon fictLlo none Angus Drainage ANGIE 6133 Action to improve drainage on village mos has been taken here and it the department oi highway approve new culverts will be stalled flrs culverts will be placed on Fraser and Jonas streets and at Curtis and Queen streets Village trustees William Gibbs and Marvin Allison obtained the necessaryapproval trons the Essa council resident Angus was stup rpotedbybeputy Reeve Ens gene Smith oIUtoplnin movinz motlonotapproval which was passed byEssa councll ltcevo GeorgerF Davis preslded and all members were present The it til lth illll 201 on no ll tumult to nor soon GRAPES tr menustrust road superintendent Lonlr Truax ot Utopia was authoriz ed to loolr alter the installation Essa councll also anthortled action for negotiation new offtcevapace or thaIEssa police force at Angus Plan owners of buildings in Anglia which wuedeernedhazardoos were requested by resolution to take action to remedyt Eftectlvefltsince arles were adinsted topa chtct mm per year lor constable $5400 bylawgrantlng Essas auth ority t0vlhe CPR to abandon trackage lorBasa bordeo lwas passed 5112 horror Examiner may un as Angus Churchls Rich Early in tile of this common ity there was demand ior chords services These were that held in the old school alt ttlted back or Dr Westa home to in the late Jonas Tarbnsb donated land upon which Zion Predoyterlrn and his church were erected Thla church was opened at 1130 Thursday 3rd September loss by William Morley Pnn shoo who was president of the Canada Weslyan Conierence 0nlunc no congregation will celebrate the 100th anal versary ot thechureh Guest rpeahenyvillbeltcverend Rent or Arthuru 1hechurm relleota growth of the United Church oi Canada ltbcgan as Wesleyan church and following union in lnlt became The Methodist Church of Canada later on ion resulted in the Methodist by amm wwmuau twllro wade an mm mm lot canoltsst4nfgq ltttts Witt PICA CHEESE TWISTS ltlZ CAP lt ERUittlt 0R10thfliill own natal norntn PARKER msranr coins wunuvs townie SllPPERS ensures out TURNOVERS own not Moons GRAPE JU STOittlY ms rear rws CRIPSTEAKS 1W5 APPlE PIES turmoilum IWHIP romno Talisman SVCHltDRENto 516A PIES 32t 33 KSSr IUNElt Etll arm 91 or not For =1 1min News or 5590 on ovrw Io voun Local toll star SAME FARM luau ratts old trod Land growingstrong to Angus ivy and Grontel with Church It was this church whthln Imbaamepart ot the United Church at Ganda At tirrt Angus was part at the Nottawasaga missionctreult under Rev Samuel Tucker oi Stayner in his Mcslonary Soc iety report of 1868 mo be mild tho miion had born dlvld ed setting oft Angus with tour mhcr appoictments and 46 mernbcrsto term new mis sion Rev Joseph Deacon the first preacher settled on the mission and stationed in Angus In his first report he mention ed thc hlndhnd devoted people the large attentive eon grcgstlons andan increase in membership to 75 with tour on trial tor membership Rev John Agar followed and in his report we see that the connexional tools or the mis sion were dropped mm the roll there were still 80 members Rev Tottcn was the next minister and in his report to tho Missionary Society in new appolntmcnts one tram Barrie and one trorn Vcsprar In that year nn cxcellcntparson age was built atongus and there were 150 members In um there was gratttylng in crease in funds $100 debt on the church was paid and the parsonage debt was substantial ly reduced This year church was startedvin Brentwoodr contract was also let tor stable to be built on the Angus parsonage lot The 1114 report showed continued growth at tll appointments The mission was very strong spiritually and had 145 members This year too the Sabbath School was organ Armstrong and showed rive ap Angus Brentwood Grontel Holly and Ivy in 1878 how The Missionary report for 1374 1871 was sent in by At ever the charge was reduced membership otti7tfhe linal Mlsslon report tor thenAngus charge was sent in 1379 it showed continued reduction of the church debt It also said that Angus would no longer be considered mission WERE romance loosen our Theres only one Welcome Wagon imitation tis Said Is the ilnest at compliments And as amuchlmitated organi zation were certainly ilat tcved But as many have learned the reasonable iacsimlle too oiten falls short oi the real thing So beware oi substitutes iorthcrels uoreaisuhstituta tor the services at and the benefits provided through Welcome Wagon slows 1172 we see the addition at two In Past HiStory gap in tha history appears irom rm to 1912 End it l1 thought some at the deumeta were lost the whichoe curred in the parsonage As early as 1912 this congregation iavorcd church union by vote ot to liver It was not until 1915 however that to oer ative rather than organic un ion was agreed upon by the Presbyterian Church During the First World War there were 50000 troops station ed at Borden This church co operated with the Methodist Army and Nnvyboard in tho opéadon 01 pavrlion This contained reading rooms loungesVa pianoand an organ and meetings were held nightly Fro mtm to ma there was co operative service with the Presbyterian Church In Zion Church The Presbyterian mln islcr served Create and Utopia as well as Angus Hotheongre gntinns rctalncd their own pro perties June I925 the Prcsbyterinn Church in ZionChurch The Presbyterian mtnlstcr served Grcntel and Utopia as wellas Angushoth congregations reA laincd their own properties June 1925 the Pmbytcrian congregation voted against Church Union and the minister Rev Mr ltintoul went to Port McNicnll as minlslcr oi the knitcd Church Revr Mr Roach crime as miniocr at the United Churdr chnrge oi Angus Gren icl and Utopia Another gap exists In the records and this too probably is due to tire at the parsonage in May lsto to ma it is reported that the population oi Angus had doub led due to World War Two The church was taxed to the limit but carried on Sunday School and evening service No addi tional construction could be on dcrtalrcn due to the lack or man material and tunds In throttle church was raisedand basement put under it Then in 1917 the annex was buillpln October 1951 anewelectrlc or gan replaced the old instrument and was dedicated to those who gave their lives in two world Wlls Rev Florence Hunter was in ducled on the charge in 1954 becomingnhe first women mic istcr in SlmcoePrcsbytry in 1956 the church interior was codiplctely rermished false ceillng was put in and new lights were donated and install cd by Mrand Mrs George Dexter The floor was tiled and pews palntcdu Simone Presby tcry was invited to hold the spring meeting in 1957 at Angus and expressed their apprecia tion of the work at the peopla of Angus Church 1n the early 19605 the base ment was renovated ceiling was put in the watts were pan elled and varnished to giva it the present appearance SluggiSh Kidneys MayBring Restless Nights rr you cm the Dillhw ton and turn umwxa the night and dont muy rm gaymom heres and so or ycul 0m ar ma momma may mud to haunt kldnry action Urinary rm htlun Ind bladder diawmlm only no rs molt can be backache and mdm nights no when Doddl KIdney run an help bring relief noon stimulate kidney action help mnm the innon condition um am the backache rm Dodd nd vote forl i9 vote for Trudeau Bell tllllKEll Mills Add iiilttszmztcinono2o isafuote or errata AND wittyADVANTAGE OF THESE BONUS TAPE ITEMS TO AtQLIlRE GlllS 0R CERTIFICAIES iAStElt ntrrnslunmt MIG IICEIVI Alt 11m ts mt wmt Ermvr Alt um 11 mt with tour mtr or towm lOItEl llSSltE uni no norm lillltltS SPORK arrow 11 tutor tom uunu Olttl all sold gt0ARBAGE mlwnltumnu BAGS Wmm um Itaer urnluaor FeeLIBERAL SimcoeNorzth MARKET IGAV manure has Empire omm leeral ArIoclatlon CHRISTIEffS lea oLiNsn WORSLEY AND MULCASTFR rrcssa neuter oocsaalno

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