HUmmmmxmnu Do on haveahead for money Women who do shop at Food City and save up to15 on their food bill every week If yours is the average Canadian family you spend between $20 to $40 week in supermarketMany people right here in town still lay out 10 to 15 more cash than necessary for their weekly groceries This tidy sum amounts to hundreds of dollars in year Without any hardship or pennypinching Food City can put that money right back in your purse enough to probably give youa months ershoppingrSwitchrtorFood Cityethiseweekandwatch yourrsayingg grgyyh xiv EVERYDAY l0 PRICES EVERYDAY lOW PRICES MONDAY lo SATURDAY PERlSllABlES mu items rennin at thn sanrn low priel ml ln rink but nn up IDA Inn ilcms remain new same low price irek In wink mm in up an tn priti nt parisnzhlu tend to lluttual inn prim on rnuls prndncg lawn this is our everyday low price larynx this it our everyday low print Vdalry mm and lroren lnarls Ire llmm lrnni Monday lo Sammy nl urn terrain rrnrrrrlric nan ISAVEUPNIEeCDMPAREnZSSeKllm grnnnnlir nu unnnnncumswurrrnrrmI MllllAROlll DlllllEll 2714 PEAlllT BUTTER coTTAllE ROLLS will av up WMEARE Al en nor nro secure rnrsuu inounn cLorEIr LEAF snunon Vanich Elrlilcnrancn llllLllES 1290 MlllGED BEEF 493 AVEIJPm15cCDMPAKEAY215 pomp YDODGllYllllchEI0lDEll ML 1me mm lllEEllEX TISSUES iron 2nsn590 annn sun can 2m sucnn SIDE BAcon B86 ronnnrrr ISSDMIDSIZES swrnvsrnmrum rlriliiéilirlliiifl 12c GHOIGE nnrann PEAS 21 371 nncnun rncnnn WlEllEllSi 530 SAVE UP 10 EDMFARE RY 111 YDMAYD gEANIDIBFLLSSOIID lls250 BONUSTASHSAVRS Lolll H30 HEAL about our llnnus cash SavarsTheyaro mails available by spnciai purchase with In nnst reductions passed an to you and are availahla until Saturday iiivlsénnrnyrgsnnnrï¬lmnsï¬Ã©srernmnnnwurn Wlth nmckms wnm nn nm KIDNEt Rm aunm glllgi SAVE 1A0 ERASERVILE Humane 250 Hnsanownrornron an 296 T°°TE col ner enIPS 2850 xiv 54 DDMFARE IT 21msvtronnr¢n nullmllllMW V339 ilnlllililnrlsnsrrx 390 rlr33l lt trillion lfrarllc lililllrl wilt Way Alli Jule Willi29c i=4ch runner 9c WW lll W47 419 Vlollesirvlhuyllighttojllinitnuanlities SAVE UP 10 5C WMPARE AT 1435 MED SAUEE nun srnnnnrr 310 EllaEll REA SAVE UP 10 ll DDMPAIE Al 223 DAMPBELLS Mei 7158 maillimpet lhBDlSCUUNT EOOd VslflrBIlhalslnpen 41in rovypfmyevm night fBAYFrszglrREET Nl