Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1968, p. 1

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WEATHER Mmmfidfilywoh Im In tonlflitu MWEMprL neii reunions nua mile CONSERVATIVE LEADER Robert Stanfield chatted and tlion campaign visit limdty to phoot shook handswitli mymrolil Vermilion Alla 120 miles Demands Parties Sources Of iIiIrcoirie nyran censors mess zllherpahtyleaders were count1 lugcosts Tuesdaythe costs of electionswelfare and under wear NDPL€3dEl Douglas saldun less all parties reveal contribu tions to their campaign ex penses Canada may have no litical system that gives power lg the hlgbat bidder Conservative Leader Stanfield said ineffectiveness and waste in Canadas welfare system is obvious to almost everyone in the country acept the Liberal cabinet He called for reforms to en uragc selireliance unload of dimemating dependency Prime Minister Trudeau derid eelMr Stanlields proposal for guaranteed annual income Ellie Conservative leader had put no price tag on it but experts were saying $1590000000 to $3 ooooooooo UThe real answer is that no one knows how much it will costlllr Trudeau told crowd that almost tilled aoooseat suburbanarena in London Oct can FACTOR Icouldnt make promise it didnt know how much it would cost It wouldnt even buy suit of long underwear if didnt know how much it cost It was the third big and en thusiastic rally at the day for Mr Trudeau in southern 0n tario after flight from Manh tuba Att Windsor the prime minis er accused the NDP of hypoc risy and double talk of eat less position on national unity and or lostconscience Jack Scott during abriei elec twonations policy on Quebecs relations withthe rest of Can ada the NDP hadvnever spell out what it meant At Ohatham and Londonlllr Trudeau spoke optimistically aboutthe condition of theecon omy sayingit is on the upswing again after needed pause Favorable trade housing starts retailhusiness and indus trial production point to an in crease of between seven and eight per cent in the gross na tional product this year he said Mr Douglasnddressed rally llcceptlielorms east of Edmonto iCP wire Tell in Hamilton after being barred during the day lrom property of the Steel Co of Canada Ltd He wanted to shake hands with workers but guards ordered him to keep clear He told his evenirigaudience political donations should be made deductible for tax purw pUSESLelectlon campaigns shouldbc shorter and party spending limited An NDP government would make these reforms and publish sources of campaign funds to guard Canada from being ma nipulated by the holders of great wealth OIIResignaiionl Colombian President Demands BOGUIA AP President Carlos Llenas ReshepoJold the Colombian Senate Tuesday night to accept his reform pm grant or his resignation plung ing the South Americanvnation into its deepest governmental crisis in recent years If Congress refuses to accept the resignation Lleras said in broadcast it will mean it is ready to approve his program which the Senate rejected last week An earlier announcement that eras wmild resign set ofi antigovernment riots at the Univa of Bogota Tuesday night and clashes in the city be tween supporters of Lleras and of former dictator Gustavo Bolas Pinilla Army unils with tanks occu pied the university campus Spedks in Londétt LONDON OP The govern merit may face astnrm infiPar liament as the home office to pressure of the pimllc lyowned BBC and allowed Dan lei ColinBendit fiery arendi student leader to remain in inndonforzthourstutapea BBC program Students in lie Wu Jlbry members of Panliamcnt staged nnf outcry Mien they heard that Danny the Red his half dyed black slippedunto lAndonttia apsalbd guest of the BBC uirlcli is bringing in other leitwing student leaders for their television spectacular Corrunons row over Danny the Redsald the Torysupport ing Evening standard which warned there will be strong pro tests against Home Secretary James Callaghan tar allowing the Germanborn ColinBandit into Britain other commentators pred ldeddiet the presencebtthe nyearnld expert in street dem onstrations maygive the peace tut sitin operations at many British universities encourage ment towardswiolence perhaps of the kind that has toiiiFrance apatt Authorities said 20 policemen and three civilians were in jured The government charged that the rioting students were Tidal Gain the Senate Friday rejected constitutional amendments sub mitted by deras to curtail congressional power over eco nomic matters and to allow for the first time in 10 years politi cal parties other than the ruling Conservatives and Liberals to on candidates in future elec IODS4 Harriman Blasts Cong Terrorism PAMSgtAP The United States auditorth Vietnam met will today and 05 Ambassa dor Averell llarrunan pm FaQEE7T pared strong jprotest against Vlet Gong rocket attacks on Sai gou The Viet Gong and North Vietnamese are engaged in ter rorist actions against the civil ian population Harriman told reporters as he went into the meeting There isno military excuse for this whatever There is HERES ONE Mother tWhat on your lather say when he fell off the ladderf Junior Shall leave out the naughty wards Mother Oi course dear JllnlDI Nnthlng disciples of Mao Tsetung and Not Then to For cm Page 13 nonnconnnos C6tnrriission Also Urges Abolition Of Homework TORONN CF An educa tional revolution was placed be fore mrbers of the Ontario legislature Wednesday Its generally called the Hall correnimlnn report on education since Mr Justice Emmett Hall of the Stipmne Court of Canada was mm of the wrmnlt tee with Lloyd Dennis of To innit But in evolving 258 recom mendatlons since its formation by orderan of the legfsl lature June lo 1965the 24 com mittee members bolted their re sort on provincial education down in one main suggestion Ontario should offer total drildeentrod program of cduca tioinil opportunity The 561Ega report tablcdin the legislature today says in part Ontario should guarantee the Demonfstrdtdrfs Pains CF The govern man today banned all demon stratiqu in France until the general election is completed June 30 gt cabinetmeeting presided overfbrmme Gaiiile also decidedto enforce 1935 law against the formation of private armies and combat pokesman Guena announced that the gov ernment was dissolving seven extreme leftwing organizations lncludingtstudent leader Daniel Dennythe Redt CohnEendits March 22 movement commune WHATSElm raminner tcr Somewhere along the line something wentwrong with city mimcils liaison com mittee withConeflpga Col College President James Church asked by Mayor Sidney llfcltennan for report on how the liaison commit tee was going wrote back saying he did not know the committee existed grievance Yoiithi right to every individual to have filial access to the learning ex pertcnce best suited to his needs and every sdrool authority should provide ciifldeentred llearning lmtgjuum illiat invites aiming ividua discovuy and inwlrv GRADE 13 flius high among its recom mcndatiom the committee sud tests elimination ol Grade 13 in Ontario and concentratlon on preparing studean for extended educational opportunities in the years from kindergarten to Grade 12 it alsosoggests abolition ol the grade sydcm to allow stuc dents to advance at their own rate aid in sublods they feel will best Serve them in future years Homework nnuld be abolished and universities are urged to The list also included the TroLskyist Revolutionary Cnm murilst Youth and the Maoist Union at Marxistlenluist Meanwhith ha second man died inrfrloWhTrdmrivi olent clash bhtween strikers and police liesday in front of Peugeot auto factory lnnearby waaux rELL riann alancnet is died innn iniurim suffered when hefell froina wallhe tried to climb to get away from police officials said itlyearold man was and killed at thefactoryTres day bringing the death toll in the French crisis to five policeman was in critical condition in hospital at Monlbe lard afterbelng hit iutbe stom adi with an iron bar In Paris burned ears felled trees birdbrolien tralfie lights littered the heart of the mpitel coordinate entrance require mew to those areas ofrtudy and aoconmlfiiment being no oeatuated in earlier learning while at the some dine doing my with firstyear tuition feu to make alliance more readily avamble to all who qualify ami demlcally fhe eorrnnhtee recormnends integration of French and Eng fishlanguage instruction with oral French in the first four grades and available on an en ridiedbasisnnanortlontbere after longterm program of teach er WWW with Quebec and foreign countries is advotnted as is Fromlanguage basic in struction in areas of the prov inee where concentration of Frendiwcaking citizens makes it pmdical The rights of Canadian ln titans to full education are strongly mad with momen dations that where reservation groups wish it control or the edited system be vestedin an eloded school board mum than in federal govunincnt agency althougr the fdcrnl govern nouid remain finan cially rmponsihla for the pro Vlohnson fissures English Parents QUEBEC or English iipeaking is in the Mont real suburb ofSt Leonardcnn stop worrying about having to send their children tolltrencht only school Premier Daniel Johnson aid in the legislature Tuesday night He gave the assurancewlien pressed by former edueation minister Paul GerinLiijnie for clear statement of government policy on the school issue which has stirred upn storm at cm troversy in the Montreal area after night iiidiastruozion dur ing which demonstrators ram paged through halt the city Convicts llold 22 Captives AIlANllA Ga AP run armed convicts of die ILS peni tentiary held 22 persons hostage today While prison officials con sidered tin of prisonersf Woiisr Since 1948 est Berlin BONN tCllr TheWast Ger man cabinet presided over by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesin ger met in special session todaytodiscuss new Em Ger man tmvel restrictions on West Berlin expected to come into effect Thursday The WeSt Berlin city govern ment also met to discuss the sit nation Foreign Minister Willy Brandt cut short an official visit to Aus tria to return to Bonnvfor the cabinet meeting Sonic WenGerman commen tators called the East German action the most serious threat to access to West Berlin since the lltmonllr Berlin Blockade by the Russians in made East ii announced Tuesday night it will require West Germans for the first time to have pissporta and visas for iraln road and water travel be tween West Germany and Com munistsuriounded West Beriin lhe regulticns appearm to bee new assartion of East Ger man sovereignty and of the Communist regimes defianceof the Bonn governments claim that it is the only representativ German government BOOST FARES TAXES The East Germans also an nounced increases in overland transit fees and freight taxes There was no indication of in terference with official trafiie of The Examiner TODAY Anutnndersl City hens2 airtimet Sports1f Theatref TV Listian Weathcnalr Germans would have until WornénH =rnnes Travel Restrictions the three Westernalliei which is controlled by the Russians as the other occupation power or with air traffic to West Berlin which is controlled by the new pation powers meeting oi 115 West Ger man British and France repre sentatives in the American Em bassy lasted until am today An anticipated joint allied pm test to the Soviet Union was not announced Thiswas taken to mean that the matter Was serious enough to require reference to Washing ton3london and Paris Butthe Russians weroerpccted to re ject any protests and there ap PB€d¢0 be riotblng feasible the West Germansand their lies could do Up to now West Germans al rouiashava travelled on their WeetGerman identity cards ADN the official East German news agency said the West July 15th get passports lnerearesln transit fees her come effective June in and frelehttaxes July ADN saith DOUGLAS TURNED BACK Tommy Douglas New Democratic Party leader talks with company guard who ordered him and his party workers from the and Co at Canada ltd plant pmpcity in Hamilton ruesdiy ltlr nontr his had gone to the plant to talk with uorlrcrs as part of his election campaign but was told by the guard that the company permitted no poli ticking on its property erfiihofm Sav Blaibergsi Ch care TOWN Reuters Groote Sdiuur Hospital today reported slight improvement in the condition of dentist Philip Blaiborg albumin relapse Slim condition and that members oi the heart transplant team were reported to have expressed perv over his chances of the latest complication more than fivemonths her his hope hearttransplant operation WileAssociated Press re ported that doctors remained eidremely worricd about iii in Is CongTarget sarcoh AP Saigons ran Son Nhut air base was the tar get for the daily Viet Cong rock at attack on South Vianams capital today and the 30 casual tiesall civiliansincluded four amcse children killed While civilians througbtmt Saigon tilled headings to build home shelters new fighting flared at opposite ends of the demillharized none Southern al lied troops reported killing 121 North Vietnamese in two bat ties The 10 rockets that hiilTau Son Ntiut before dawn also wounded 24 Vietnamese and two Americans Blaiherg the worlds longest livr heart graft patient re lap ed suddenly Monday with senouelyinflamed liven gt The daycarold Cape Town dentist previously madea steady recovery from hidden trawlant and was the only pa tient in the world to return to something like normal life with anothci mans heart in his chest Meanwhile in london Freder ick Wei the only British heart graft patient continued to give doctors concern Doctors at the National lleart Hospitalsiiid West 45 who had his heart graft May was sid fering from chest infcdjon andkidueytro Blaiberg and West are among the six survivors of 21 heart transplants attempted in the world the other survivors With the dates of their operations Everetz Clair Thomas 47 House ton Tern May Frcndi pried Father Damien Boulognc 55 Parislllay 12 Innis Pierre Houston May2l and load For reirada Cunha 23 Sao Paulo BrariLMay 26 CAPSULE NEWS Color TV lSVales die Bnfimmgi orrcwr or Canadians are buying color television sets at tasteriate and will almost triple the niuriber ofsets now in use by the end oinext year an industry survey released today shows Ship Takes Worlr To Lauzonv nuance tor Canadian naval vessel left Halifax rues day for repairs in suburban Lauzon apparently the onlyinunediate work for some of thel00tl men left jobless by theclosing of the George Davie shipyard Snturdayl Industrial Broduction IlpIn Anti ormwn or industrial production rose by open cent in April largelyns ttie resultoi settlementvoi labor disputes in the automotive industry which depressed prnduuion figures in the two previous months today the Dominion aureati of Slniisttcs repaired Trudeau Meetswnitiiisicabinéi OllAtWA rcrr rue cabinet held what was olticially descrle as routine mcclliig today Prime Minister Trudeau presided Balanced Budgetwins Applause EDMONTON for Progressiite conservativeLeaderStanfield rolled into EdmontonTticsrldy night and won ayvrelsounding ovation gum WM Berlin by mm with call for balanced budget Colombian Senate Retirees Resignation BOGtTlA AP The Colombian Senate refusedtndaylo ac cept the resignation of President Carlos Llcras Restrepo Elyvaiyota of to tithe Senate expressed its confidence in Lleras but the deepest political crisis in Columbia inlo years continued

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