Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1968, p. 5

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Overall Taxes Higher iIIR CliDliTS RECEIVE AWARDS til RLLISTON Presentation of Alliston Air Cadet awards was made at the inspection of the squadron of Banting Memorial Iiigh School FROM LEFT Cadet Scott Winter winneroi the that year cadet award Sgt Larry Christian outstanding cadet award Frank Tierney best athlete award and Cadet Cameron Fraser winner of the most helplul cadet Ex aminer Photo For Oro RatepayerS 0R0 STATION Staff An Increase of one mill in Oro tax rate for township purposes is to cover needs survey for planning it was explained by members of the township coun council The rate for township purpos cs was set at 13 mills residen tial and 164 commercial in comparison to mills and 153 year ago Overall the rate for taxpayers in Barrie Collegiate area from Hawkestone south was 8113 residential and 9019 com merciai This represented dn in ucaseirom 2376 to 28908 rev sidcntiai and from ml to 8212 commercial for Barrie Colich Iatc purposes In the Orillla Collegiate area the current rates were 2952 re sidential and 328 commercial in comparison to 243 and 27 mills year ago Due to new assistance from the provincial government in taking over some of the admin istration of justice costs the county rate was reduced slight iy from 173 to 1722 which work ed out to less than one tcnth of mill Reeve Kenneth Gillespie told the Oro councfl the matter of the province buy ing county property connected with the administration et jus iice has yet to be settled SCHOOL RATES UP Oro school area rates were 22005 residential and 2445 com mercial in comparison to 1737 and 193 year ago dont know what is going to happen to schoolrates when the ncw county administration takes over but there is every indication It will be up it just cant help but be remarked Reeve Gillespie Oro Councillor Allan McLean suggested property tax increase might be avoided by the pro vince taking over more of the cost of raising sales taxes from the present five to seven per cent it is still increasing taxes interiected Reeve Gillespie cit ing the governments recent in crease in gasoline liquor and other taxe with the takeover of justice co The taxpayer still has to foot the bills and the farther the governmentis away from the people it serves the higher the cost BACKS TAX FREEZE Discussing the proposal that 1968 school taxes be maintain ed during the first year of county administration Reeve Gillespie said heJeIt this was good move it would show where they started from when they took ovbr from local ad rnlnistration and it would be well to have these figures on record he remarked Further it would give municipalities which have paid for their schools some compensation at least in the long run the reeva observed school taxation will be higher The outlook does ntlook too good or other taxes either he said mentioning justice costs as another ere ample None of the government spokesmen is talking about tax curtailment despiic pyramided debt and the heavy burden of carrying charges it frightens me to think about it he re marked stating there would have to be haltlsometime Deputy Reeve Kenneth Gil christ told the council that bill 44 which provides for one coualyrschool Id to lake county high public schools had been causing concern at county council Troperty is taxed to the limit and they will have to look else where for more taxes suggest ed Councillor McLean Its Coure cillor Howard Campbell and others joined the discussion turned to farm conditions and how the farmer was going to meet his taxes in the future if more action isnt taken to give farmers adequate retums for their work SCHOOL SECTION II in school Section 14 Oro rate payers this year will pay less school tax and the overall rate there will be 7153 residential and 7952 commercial In School Section 12 the overall rates will be mills and 3894 Shanty any fire area will pay an additional 35 mills for fire protection and three mills for street lights The overall rate here will he 8763 mills for all services and 54633 for fire pro tection area Provincial tax credits will re duce residential and farm tax payments on sliding scale YOr1lt tsimcoé NDP BRADFORD Staff We are very much concerned about the shrinking income of arm ers in relations to their costs said Donald Melayden NDP candidate for York simcoe in an appeal for support for Tom my Douglas party in the June 25 Federal election The farmers havent been getting their fair share of the national wealth and our party led to taking adeou to remedy the situa tion said the 33 year old Bradford High School teacher to who is opposing Toronto lawyer Wallace MeCutcheon Conserva tive and John Roberts Liberal in the riding contest York Simcoe includes the townships of West Gwlllim bury lnoislil and Tecumseth as wellas thevillage of Cooks town and town of Bradford in SimcoeCounty and that part of it County contained in the police village of Maple tbevill age of Stouitviiia and the town ships of East Gwillimbury King Whitchurch and most of Vaughan LOWER VOTING AGE to addition to the NPD farm policy Mr MeFadyen has given stress to proposals to equalize taxation lower the voting age fromrzi to 18 and enact new deal for native Canadians We are dedicated to work to belter the lot for the middle and lower income groups said Mr McFayden stating this includ ed farmers workers small bus vines and others liked about equalization of taxation policiesthe Bradford music tegrcherl who has lived in he ri ng for 15years said the NDP policies were based on the Carter report For one thioglha latter recommended taxation on capital gains to cover loophole In which considerable income area in nuWr escapes taxation rrrcruurermsr arr Excessively high interest rate lso were particularly hard on low and middle clasa income groups Attention was called to report from Ottawa whichsaid Canadian farmers have seen the last of the gov ernment guaranteed five per cent bank loan The Farm im erovemeot Loans Act which authorized the iivepercent loans for 24 years nms out June so The NDP also ismuch con cerned about the effect of high interest mortgages on housing Says liespra Should Seek StrlésseiS1Fdrm Aid II We also believe our native Canadians like Eskimos and Indians are entitled to new deal in our economy said Mr McFayden native of Gait Mr Mc Faydcn has lived near New market for 15 years and has been teaching at Bradford High School for six He is married and has two children Rex Smith of QueGnsviIIe is returning officer for the new riding Water And Sewer Agreement MIDHURST Staff All greement with Barrie so that water and sewer services could be extended to the suburban should be new tiated or at Ieastnew attempts made at negotiation it was sug gested here by Councillor Harry Adams We fecltbis would show spirit of co operation which would go long way towardaa sisting area development said Couneillor Adams Hezsaid re sidents living near Barrie would appreciate the service and mentioned that annexations are gradually bringing built up areusintojBarria anyway Georgian College property which Barrie is annexing from Vespra provided an example olVespras readiness to co op crate Because It was appreciaL edthe coliegewould berof bene fit to the entire area Vespra council readily agreed not to oppose annexation of this area by Barrie Developmentlof Little Laka park and camp also could mean much to the area as well as Barrie we goal we should work together with Vespra hav ing Voice In what is done be suggested Long scale development plans which included new road arler les and cldverleaf at Dalston which were touched uponhricf 1y at recent council meeting wuemrmedmcthe7piannin stage forthe future with nothing definite Councillor Adams said he was interested in the Minesing swamp area and its possibili ties Talk about future canal developmentwas Visionary The Nottawasaga Conservation Authority hadnt shown interest in park development here al though it had vale Widening of highway 25 iv to our lanes from Barrie through Midhurst area by the provincial department of high ways was amended by the Vespra councillor as he com merited on tha considerable new development aiong this busy rout FRENCH COLLEGE TORONTO GP University at Ottawa has been given approval to build college of education for Frenchspeakhig students The college is hoped to provide francophone teachers for the provincial Frenchlan guage education program going into eitect Jan park by the Cooksiown Plays Leaders Tonight COOKSTOWN Stalit Cooks town softball club which droplt pcd their opcncr lo to iroy is scheduled to pldy hosts to the defending champion Hol land Landing team at Cookstown diamond this evening Holland Landing is currently leading the South Simcoe league Bill Hill is expected to start for Cookstown and be probably will be opposed by either Dun can McNeil or Paul Lindqoist Fennells Corner on Friday night for floodllght game and Bradford comes to Cookstawn next Wednesday Railway Station Now Museum lit Collinngod COLLIGWOOD Staff The end of railroad story that dat ed back 113 years was marked here yesterday with the driving of spike Into the wall of the old Canadian National Railway station The station has been converted into marine and railway mu seum following sale of the prop erty to the museum committee of the town Jack Macltturchy Is chairman of the museum board and members of the come cii and chamber attended the ceremony Mitchell CN manager of the Northern in tario area represented the rail way Collingwood lirst had rail way line completed on June 1355 with the first train from Aliandale rolling into the Geor gian Bay port centre on that historic date The station was built by the Ontario Simcoeand Ruron railway The Canadian National took over the line dur ing the mos Waples KeepsUp Sultry Record ELMVALE Staff Aform er resident of Vasey area Keith Waples 44 continues to drive sultry winners at Montreals Blue Bonnets track Son of John Wapiespf Elm vale Canadas leading driver of 1967 is again getting his full share of winners lie registered an outstanding win earlier in the week with Russel Millers Blaze Pick which won 370 feature to move his winnings close to 5100000 The horse covered the mile in fast Earlier he paced the islance in less than two minutes at 1592 behind Waples who has been driving In sultry races sine he was tit PlantH Rally fitflasevParik ELMVAIAE Stall Elrnvale 4H Dairy club members are slated to meet Vasey Calf club players in one of the featured baseball games at 4H rally to be heldat Vasevaark on Sun day June 15 starting at pm EImVaIe Beet Clubwill com bine with Minesing to field team against Ore calf clubs in the second game The winners will play off lorAhetItle program at sports also In cludes discus throw horseshoe pitching tug of war and dashes The sports day is one of the spring highlights oflheAil club activities Meantime members of the different clubs aregettlng ready for their fall Achievement Days EllElm PRESIDENT VANCOUVER 0P Mrs Sheridan of Ottawa has been reelected president of the Canadian Association or Hospi PEA€HESFI tal Auxiliariesat the groups annual meeting 9REDwHIrE PORK ISAIE SPECIALLY SELEcrEo TENDER YOUNG WELL TRINIMED LO PO TENDERLOIN PORTION T0 LB AVERAGE LEAN MEATY reruponrrcaoes 692 WELL millilllED 65 III BOSION STYLE PORK LOINS CANDY FEATURE VARIETIES sonnet canons rro ocean 39c GOLDEN HOUR POPPING CORN Lb Cello iron 37 Stock up and Save BROOKFIELD TENDER LEAN BONELESB PORK SCIINEIDERS NEW ore an WIENERS no ran POUND BAXTER 1le I9 OZ l$ TINS BEST BUY SAVE l4c SALAD DRESSING 32 OZ JAR MIRACLE WHIP The Cookstown team goes to BEST BUY SAVEL4c AUSTRAL BRAND 18 OZ TIN BEST BUY SAVE IUI SALADA PRIOR PARK CELLO IDOs IEA BAGS BEST BUY SAVE 34 gt INSTANT MILKO oEsrauv sAVE 20 UNION CARBIDE to To me GARBAGE Baas SAVE 6c OUAKER MALT OR REGULAR MIIFFEIS REG $133 I4 OFF PACK ESCAPE INSTANT COFFEE La pus SKIM MILK POWDER It oozf llWINNER aEsr aUv HENLEY BRAND SAVE 8c PREPARED earners nusrnnn slivers roMAro IIBBIIS cursor oz size LIICIJENT Willow nu aiseuns 25BillIlf SAVE 14 PERSONAL CiIIQUITA FULLELAVOR BANANAS 525 LIBBYS FANCY SLICED smwnumo 39 51a swrrrs sensors 49 HALVESVTORrrz slices 0i JAR SAVE 10 ECONOMY SIZE VALLEY 32 01 SAVE CONSERVE soon WITH easements 33c SIIRIINWBAP 33 16 OZVJAR ass seas VALUE 27¢ oer ALWAYS TENDER PORK LIVER FRESIILY RLICED Buy0FTHEWEEK HEALTtI REAUTY AIDS mournaarsa irro auan ASPIRIN 45 rise on nurtures 12 oz are MILK OF MAGNESIA REG 69c noun arenas 16 oz srza MINERAL OIL 591 559 55¢ 69 $109 59lt amass LB CELLO 49 VIEW KING SIZE itll457 ll 02 FEATURE CASH YOUR 5o COUPON GT SIZE 99¢ runny inure 399 roro CELLO one 33 IVORY Still 39 SAVE I0 RALSTON PURINAV 212 La si2E not throw 49¢ SWEET TENDER FRESH NOI FROZEN FOOD ltFEATIURFS 15 oz PKG IJBtElsisRDTERPEGYJEIE °°°L wee

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