STUDENT SUMMER em ployment is given lull consid eration at Barnes Canada summer jobs are visiting the Canada Manpower Centre in Barrie daily and the influx in creases as the vacation period draws nearer But the employ ment picture for hundreds ot teenagers is grim Sluari manager oi the centre says that there will be nowhere near the number at jobs to take care of all students Reasons are not readily appar ent he added but there will be far fewer jobs available at Base Ilordcn this summer and industries in the city have been faced with lay oils No industry operating on curtailed stat can be expected to hire students tor the sum mer he said Younger people stand to sui er most First consideration is given to senior high school and university students Former Barrie Man TopContesi Peel South Iii Election It man who was born andre eeived his early education in BaniE Hyliard Chappell will contest the riding of Peel South or the Liberals in the June 25 lederal election Hyl Chapp ell graduated lrom Maltaster University anti Osgoode Hall law school He was married in 1993 Alter sc tivc duty with the Navy he set tled in Toronto Gore and serv ed as member of the township council and planning board In leis he began practisng law started his own firm or Chapde Walsh and Davidson in 1949 In 1955 he moved from ittalton area to Erindale From 194055 he served on the executive and was president of Peel County Liberal Association From 195552 be served on the executive and was president of SouthernOntario Liberals It Chappell was appointed Queens Counsel in issawas elected to the governing body of the Law Society of Upper Can ada as Bendier and held other axacutive positionsin legal ad ministration for Ontario He served on Toronto Township Council and Planning Board 1961 63 was appointed to McMaster runnerzen NUMBERS that Hospital OPP 7264548 MAKES ll TRICKY DUNCAN RC GP When in office workers went on against the Cowichan district school board trustee TerryTay amtogupmmhis vt secretary was on the picket lines He attended meet ings but abstained from vote on pay increases Get luterestedlr Are You Bored lie Concernedl Jbin Trudeauls Team andthe tine 725302 7263291 7285951 Manpower Centre Manager Stuart seated coolers with the two lull time rune it Job Picture IsGriin ff For Barrie Students High school students seeking The Manpower centre harvpopulation between the ages oi taken on the job of ï¬nding em ployment or as many students aspossilile however but there are just too many job seekers or every available opening The Manpower Centre otiic is met with represntatlvesot the Chamber at Commerce sec ondary schools and Geongian College and with number of area employers recently to dis cuss ways or assisting students to indsummer work Employ era are now being encouraged to tile all job vacancies with the centre But large numbers at students are still being register ed every day in Ontario alone more than 475000 secondary school slu dents will flood the job market on June ii in Toronto more than 109000 will be seeking summer work Surveys have in dicated that almost half the Senate in 1962 and Board of Gov ernors in 1966 lle has been activeuin the United Church also district and provincial Boy Scout organiza tions His son Richard 21 has just completed three years at Carleton University Ottawa and daughter Marcia ill will be go ing into Grade 13 at high school next term pm Thursday Friday nights only been Boneless ROUND STEAK or itvUMP ROAST 992 jenny Schneiders ssAancApaRoxeo LBS mer work counsellors Eliza beth Graves and David Lewis Examiner Photo it and 17 seeks work at some time mostly during the sumnn Manpower Centres in cities across the province are mobilis ing community and civic re sources to alleviate the pro blem Job vacancies are being solicited trom employers and homeowners ln0toawa the centre has rt versed the Why Wait tor Spring winter employment sir gan by advertising have student dovit during tho sum mer In Sarnlo Operation Diane is joint operation be tween the Manpower Centre in that city and the Sarnla Youth Congress Damage Caused In Collisions Damage estiinaied at $215 was done in two motor vehicle accidents in Barrie yesterday parked car on Theresa Street owned by Belleville leasing concern was damaged to the extent at $90 when car driven by Gordon Todd 44 of Theresa Street backed into it at 130 pm The Toddvehicle was not damaged Cars driven by Marie hlur phy 48oi Steele Street and Theona Gaudette of RR Bar rie collidedatviso pm yester day at the intersection of Code rington and Due with every 55 order Lean Bonelesl siiw our EEF rRoN uatioo because of their gtsym ism49 ideal for thaBarhecue Includes RibChuck Blade Steaks are New 4star emanation Chutfe Ten bright yellow Chipmunks will zoom acres Bus Borden skies Saturday pertorming precision tlyingrnutlne as part also Armed Forces day sow Other nireralt including the 145 expedltor and the high speed ClivirVoodoo jet inter copter will also be performing The chipmunks are the latest beginner training plans used by military pilots during their first test flights at Bordens primary flying school The pilots will be some at the schoolsdnstructnrs who have logged hundreds or hours in the rear seat olthe trainers directing tledgiings dozen Armed Forces high iy combat trained troops will nit so line the sky over the specta But Still Open The Progressive Conserva tives say they stili have places open or party workers Commenting on story that NewDemociat Promises Major Housing Plan Until we have housing pul ley which will be related to once ial need rather than proï¬t our housing problem will remain unsolved said Perrie Rintoul New Dmocrahc Party candi date in Simeon Norihy at pub lic meeting at Victoriailerbour Speaking to an audience of 15 Mr Rintoul charged the govern ment with inappropriate spend ing He said We always seem to have plenty of money to spend on military junk but very little on better living condi tions He said that in cm township raw unservtccd land is selling at 312000 an acre and in some urban areas the price has soar ed above 520000 The established parties he said are unlikely over to put an end to such land speculation which amounts to crisis sit patby tor the tree system Condunning the Liberal gov ernments handling or land and housing prices Mr Rintoui said Mr lrudeaus curious approach just recently was to assign housing to hlr Hellyer the minister of transport and queried Does this meanthat Canadians are going to have mobile housingiff Mr Rintoul proinisedthat New Democratic Party govern ment would provide tor hous enterprise wznmailwunlk iiu amps Show Feature uir urn providan display at parachute letting and landing Borden ï¬reï¬ghters will dem monslrata their ability to utin guisb mountainous gasoline ï¬res in minutes with the latest equipment used to right aircraft crash tires Barehanded military police men wiil attack culprits arrrn ed with razor sharpAbayonets and kniver disarming them short seconds later Visitors to the base will also be able to travel to the three military museums via the lior den Bullet three car trol ley transit system now in trial stage on the base At the mus eums can be seen elaborate dis plays ot Boer War Second and post war items Conservatives llave Workers For More appeared in The Examiner yes terdny lira Barbara Wheeler who is in charge nthhe PC committee room said she did nt want to create the impres sion that the PCs were closed shop it is true as said yester day that if we have 100 jobs we have 100 workersVe have lots of unrkers but we are still open to anyone who wants to work or anyone who wantsln tormatlon or wants to help the Progressive Conservative lu any way she said Caldwell president of the Barrie PQAssociatleu said no political party ever has an ough help We certainly need all the workers we can get he said Participation in political campaign is the best way to find out the issues and to as sist in the progress or the dem ocrattc systan olrgovernment SO WHATS NEW The United Slates first medl cai insurance plan was ap proved by President John Adams in 1789 as prepaid nlan tor the relief at sirlr and disabled seamen ing at costot no more than cent of personal in Lb Ready to an BOINELESS HAM IjREAD with 24 amino j4z Cheese Slices hit 1001 Honiliurg Patties 59 lb 437 lice cit The ionic arsed iEMGIIIWMIIIkef Open Than so til Maple Ave THE H9ME on QUALITY MEA iz Delicious EAM Flavors as Gallon 79¢ piano neet is 7288686 Yesterday brought back many memories for Holland born Jake Eigenhuir left printer with the commercial printing department oi ihr Barrie Examiner Jake acted ration room iioiiiinol VISITS milliliter arguide and translator tor anhther Dutchman Ludner Scheepotre who toured the Examiner plant lttr Scheep 11 or Friesland is the tech nical manager at Nieuuslnd voor Noord Oust hiestund newspaper which services Northern Holland three times week He has hecntn Cau ada iortivs melts visiting his brotheriulnw John Weir ire of RR Thornton Area seen By Vespra Councillor Amalgamation 01 smaller mu nioipttlitics in Sime oe County would have to receive serious consideration betore too long as means oi helping to hold down taxes it was suggested today by councillor Harry Adams of Ves pra Township It Barrie anoexatlons continue in Vespra the township will have to make its loss to assess ment It is cannot be done through attracting industry than amalgamation will have to be considered eventually be six gested township to include Vespra Flea and perhaps Sunnidale would appear to be practical he said cautioning that this an raigement could only be one cesatul it all three were not only willing but in aver ol the move Vespta could consider amali gametlon with Dro township but it would appear more lflrety Oro would consider joining Medonte it there is to be general amalga mation rascrrcar BASIS This would be regional gov eminent on practical basis which would keep the admins ration close to the people it serves said Councillor Adams stating this seuned to be more acceptableto most ratepayers titan having the county taking over municipal powers For many municipalities the seat of countyadministratlon wastoo far away when it comes to lo cal problems Something has to be done to check tax risu said the Ves pra councillor in discussing re gionai government Some had suggested Vespra Flea and Sam nldale us practical unit scaoon cannon The move toward one schoo board tor the countyhad been taken as lorerunner to roam adminstratinn by county regions by some Chunclllor Adams al greed withtbosewha tell this was too large an area in Simv cne County Adniiustrative un its should cover areasywhere the problems are similar he sug gested SirripSOrisSears 24 Orzewmfels entoiieLooPr ei Made Exclusively For SimpsonSears Byéaiiada aLargeSt bicycle Maniifac poetstyiedcaniiieveinmu fordoubleetrength Chromed mudguard chaingnard 0Rattlefreerivetedmudguanl 01Canadlaiitmade clipper tires 129 DUNLOi see limit tcrvaction designede give years attendants servi Boys style with zois frame or when in green girls style with 16 frame 24 wheels in gold meridian to 410in heightJBoys style with 2018 frame 26 wheels in green girls ater with iarmme 15 wheels in gold or children over 410 in height Excitingyalueiiorthriltyspringshnppe