COLLEGIATE BIIND TO PERFORM llT camp Bonorv Ihs Barrie Central Collegi ate band will perform at Base Borden at pm Saturday Pblitical Parties Have Jobs For Supporters By ROBERT ALLINGTDN Examiner Staff Wilt if you have electlon fever theres good chance unless youre Progressive Conserva tive that your party can find way for you to work it off Party spokesmen for the Lib ernl and New Democratic Party candidates In BanIo say they have long list of jobs to he done and they try to give each volunteeran assignment to fit his time table and inicrESi but the PCs say theyve got every one they need Weve got all we need said Mrs Barbara Wheeler who is in charge of the PC committee Armed Forces Day The to piece conccrt group winncr of it firsts and outs second at the room on Dunlop St if weve got 100 jobs weve got at least no people to do them PHONE CALL If youd like to oficr your son vices to the two other parties the way to start is with phone call to the local committee room of your candidate if you have any dilliculty locating that ask information for the number of the partys campaign headquar lers The chances are one of the first things you will be asked is whether you would be willing to put up an election sign in front of your house Or you might be asked to put lidvance Poll Is Arranged lit Trinity Hall June 15 and 17 Advance polls for the general election will be held Saturday June 15 and Monday June Election day is hiesday June which follows the advance poll dates by 10 and eight days respectively There will be one advance poll in Barrie at the Trinity Hall on Collier St Hours will be normal polling hours am to pm Similar advance polls for the Simcoe North riding will he held in Penetang Midland Port lIlcNicol Victoria Harbour Coldwatcr and Or to anyone who will be out of town on the general election day or will be unable to vote on that day due to theirwork or prior commitment Proclamations will appeal in post offices early this month an nounclng tha polls The pro ciamations will state however that the advance polls are be ing held nine and seven days before the general election In accordance with the Canada Election Act Tho contradiction arises from the fact that Monday is the sta tutory polling day for general election 1968 Kiwanis festival in Tor onto ï¬nallst in the Centenary Contest of 1967 and Canadian up signs around the town The New Democratic Party might ask you to make them as they try to manufacture their own rather than have them printed All the parties use canvassers to work doortodoor or to tele phone lf clerical work In more in your line you may be invited to address envelopes either at home or at committee headquar tcrs Committee rooms use typ ists errand runners telephone answerers Pcoplc phone in to ask where they vote how to get to vote how to get on the vot crs llst how to arrange for the advance poll what voting hours are what their riding is Flower power is part oi the NDP approach Young girls are used to give away large paper flowers with NDP badges inside them in election day itself volun teers help to get the vole out They are asked to work as baby sitters to free mothers long enough to vote as drivers to take people to the polls and homo again Each party makes note oi its known supporters in rid ing and uses workers to make sure theyget to the polls Then it goes alter the doubtfuls who might vote for the right party and encourages themto get out and vote You do not have to ha mem ber ot the riding association or womens group to work during the campaign but In Barrie If you havent already started it look as if you have to be Liberal The advance poll is available UNION pnrsrnrsycaroua T0 Cancun scour James Beaty president of local 593 United Association or Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Plpeflo Rynard Raps Government DrP BltynardProgrcsslvc candidatefor Slrncne North criticised the government Satur day night for calling on election without first meeting problems facing the nation Speaking to 200 people who at tended harbequo and dance sponsored by the Orlllla Young Progressive Conservative Assoc iation Dr Rynard said Prim Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau should havadealt with questions such as high taxes high mort gage rates and Insufficient huuslng before announcing an election Undinpluymcnt figures are ddubicti0D set by the lIcnn om Council as acccpiahlc he said nd be blamed the Kon to tlng Industry of the United States and Canada last night presented cheque to Roland Leggelt rightt chairman of the Barrie branch Canadian Cancer Society Mr Leggett previously announced that the Barrie campaign had been nedy Round of Tariff reductions wh go Into effect July for this tuaticn Layoffs in may plants have already occurred as result of the agreement made by the Lib cral government he said brows anon mum Fronts or beef 39 lb Sidesoiheef 49c Hinds of beef 59c Patties all beef lbs $125 Bread loaver 5100 Grocery orders 000 or over 10 discount rso Colltci at Victoria or supporter of the NDP highly successful topping the $20000 objective Examiner Photo representative to the llidWcst National Hand Conference in Chicago last December will TlIE BARHIE EXAMINER TUESDAY IliNE 19b Rateparrers Firm On Truck Route floss Otlnway ratepayers will rcmnln firm In their re quest that city council give an answer to their domed for trucking route for industry in their area by June 11 Dick past chairman oi the ratepoycrs association said this morning The association met last Thursday and voted overwhelm ingly to favor of motion to council that the answer be given and the route he built by Scpt emberv 1969 if the assurance does not come Mr Dick suggested the ratepayers might approach Bombardier Ontario Ltd firm that tries to maintain good public relations and indicate their displeasure at the truck ing that will go through rcsl denttol streets when the Bonn hardicr plant Is completed this September Meanwhile Mr Dick said he understands there will be ser vice road constructedfroma clovcrlcai that will hn built at Duclnnorih St and Highway 400 The road apparently will scr vlce block at light industry fronting on Highway 400 be tween Duclrwnrth and St Vin cent streets itlr Dick suggests councfl might consider extending the road so it will cross St Vincent Street and thus provide trucking outlet to Highway too for Chrysler Canada Outboard Ltd Canadian Tarnan Corp Ltd and Bombardier Aid Roberts who at tended last Thursdays meeting said he didnt hold much hope for construction of road from the Bombardier property to St VincentSl because it would have to cross Tampex pro petty He told the ratepayers that Two Brothers Facing Charge Break Enter Constable John Tranter of the Barrie city police department was making regular check of the Holiday Bowl at 345 this morning when he found men at the premises Two brothersDa vid and Michael liain of Dunlop Street were arrested and charged with attempted break and enter and possession of burglar tools Chosen student of the year from class of 300 at the Ontario Police College in Aylm er Consi Tranter will be of flcially recognized June to at an awards ceremony at the col iegc Consliranter has been with the force two years He also won top student honors at police schorg Toronto before 2i two also be the featured school hand at the international Kl wanls convention In Toronto July to council tried to get such right of way in 1965 and the firm wouldnt budge saying they needed the land for expansion itir Dick says that as far as he knows no attempt has yet been made to see If Tampa oi ficials have been approached on the matter this year The ratepayers are reason abiein the time they have given the city to build the road After all we are prepared to wait 15 months said Mr Dick Butwa wont to know now if council is going to do it he said am not saying the city Is in an easy position he says but we are in an even worse one Children in the Rose Otta way district attend two differ ent schools There are no side walks on Ottaway and one on Rose Ilt is particularly hazardous i6r the children Mr Dick maintains especially in the wintertime think the industrial service road from Duckworlh St would serve the most people It would be logical solution he said STEAL BATTERIES John street welding eqqu ment and supply company was entered last night by thieves who was reported to city poileethis morning Sure will be in anothe Moments like the Commerce expenses stole two batteries The theft lll VESPiill COUNCIL Barrie Closcr cc operation between the city of Barrie and suburban areas wudiscinacd by Vespra township council at its June meeting at tilldhunt yesterday after Barrie delegation asked Vcsprn approval of its Lillie Lake Park Development plans We are not asking Vesprn for cent but we need your approval to get the plan under way said antler Griffin chairman of Earrier Little Lake Development conunlitte niicr outlining development plans for acres on the north side of the lake which Included trailer camp swimming and other rtuutlon isdlitlcs Aid Inck Garner chairman of city development committee emphasized the value of the proposed development to the en tire area Proposed plans call for ex pcndlture of 310000 per year for 10 years with the provincial governmant matching Barries spending dollar for dollar The plans call for restoring one time lndian Ionghoirscs oncs located in the area Mr Griffin told the Vespra council there were over 4000 pieces oi indlan pottery Pipes and other mater ials found there Barrio day camps would be conducted at the site as well as arts and crafts and tourist camp gt life will give the matter can slderation said Reeve Waning ton Dobson stating Vcspra rote payers were much interested Councillor Alan Johnston said greater traffic on Vcspra roads affected Vespras interests and there was also Iha efiect on re sldants of the areato be con sidered in answer to this it was suggested the development would enhance property val ues PROVINCIAL RATES Stating he was concerned bout free enterprise Councillor George 3qu asked about charges Ha wasadvlsod by Aid Gamer the provincial rates would prevail for trader camp site rentals Services would have to be provided by the city and it was hoped to get back maintenance costs from gate revenues Councillor Bule agreed with LOCAL AND canal T0 unvampmqur Hon Davis minister oi education will unveil plaque at Sainte Marie among the Hurons In Midland on Friday June it at 730 pm in honor otDr wIiirld Jury who dlr ected the reconstrucan oflhe Jesuit outpost The unveiling will correspond with anniver sary of the baring of the site Silt years ago DOGS FOR SALE The Barrie Humane Society has 27 Boston terriors for ale Deesther ever Well yourold buddy is getting in wants you for best man lsnithatgreat arried and Justone oriwolitilethings likelhe wedding city and youll have to rent dinncrjackei and you remember he went all outin the presentllna when you gotmarrled this youreawlse man Iiyou can take advantage of complete banking service at One accouhtyoUrChequing Account you use for monthtomonih Seek Ald Garners wggrstlon that the entire area wobid beneï¬t from increase to tourist but nrss Recreation plans call for skldoo Irails and winter events Closer consultation with Vci pra was asked by Councillor Johnston who commeatod This area is in our Iownsh but the plan was proceeded vvith before we knew anything about II it was the some for Gear glau College Ald Garner and Mr GrlII said representative en ti development committee ir Vcspra would be wclcomc vlding he also was aBa ratepayrr sincehis cone spending oi barrio tax fund It was wggcsicd thirsystun Id worked out well with the ar rla Collegiate hoard waren snnvrces Councillor Adams bro no the matter ofBarrie dint its water services to he area dovclopmcnt Each ii We lose property by annex WE lose assessment and at position should be conr ed in any development plans he Db scrvcd Aid Garner suasl It would be to to 15 are this specific area an nexed Thera has been sl oblc Vespra development Ion High way can now med to four lanes from Bar MldhursL It is Ind isllBcicking For LittléLake Park we develop together said Councillor Adams Wltlng large map of development plans air Griffin said there was an acre and halt oi spring arcs another would be lcltIn Its natural statenrd development of lake shorewhcrc it is nowbullnuh property was feasible Barrlcs Interest tn lilincslng swamp was raised by Council lor Adams Mr Griffin said this Would be an Important area In the future without cla boltiatlmii ottawasagr Concern tlon Authority could develop park areas with 13 per cent subszdy where water control is affected but in such cases the property belongs to and is under control of tha authority phase was studied for Little Lake and It was decided the most practical method was to proceed as was now being done Barries policy of not attend Ing water services outside Its limits was criticized by Council lor Adams who pointed out Dril liavand other places provlda water to suburban areas under Drivers Hurt In Collision on drivers were sent to hos pital with undetermined lulurler Sunday when the can they were driving collided at No 25 Sideroad and Concession to in innlsfll Township on ock Plaque Stephen gtUITAWA CF plaque commemorating Ca hu morist Stephen so will be unveiled near fo home at Orlllta Saturd orthern development depart an nounced Monddy Dr StanleyHald parila mentary secretary Northern Development lilnlst lining In the last Parliamen til ofii ate unenck in Eng land In was was ad of the economics and po al science department at fill Univer sily lmdim He in 19 Those intereslc re asked to go to the soul Shelter Pat terson Road make anot fer innvrlting best offcrs 111 be amp Vlslts should be made to shelter before Wednesday LIFER DINNER The dinner dance In him or or sirmac tb Liberal can didate am will be held at The 12mm on Thursday June 13 nm as previous lyv reported Hall will be appearing dinner with Elmer Sop udbury MEP the otheryourSavin police said Police said the one car 1966 Ford Muslang was eastbound on Concession 10 when failed to stop at 25 sidcrod and struck lostLincoln Confluent al that was southbound on No 25 Slderoad Both cars were total loss Names of the drivers were wrthheid pending notificaan of next of kin They were both alone in their vehicles at the time oi the crash SURVEY OF HAZARDS regular part of our insurance programming Besure you get the ad vantages of modérn lnsur auco technology Call the trained people SARJEANT WW If Collier Stu Barrie men gsAccounl kes sure youve kept cash on hand goahead lithe airline ntihejacket prlng forlhai nice chunk of Eskimo art nd havefun atthéweddlng hen theres cash on hand atlhe Commerce the bestman wins Keep cash on hand he Com IIIGISB pp BANK Ordomnsnca