Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 7

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To econ IIEALIT Mothers Purse Is Lethal Trap By JOSEPH MOWER MD hope it not with great optimism that somebody at last is taking my advice to heart and really doinl acme thing about maklnr the home sale lor children to live inhas cleared Ituti out from under the sink lmtltulcd rule that all medioinea he kept in medirlne chest all the time with latch so high or so dlltt cult to open that little lasers cant cope with it Hut know lot of people wont sun here an some extra mutlona ior those who will head Even tt you have poison aaie house watch or the leaks People can pills in their TELEVISION pocket and paste One expat wanted nteMothera nmfl Inna become an tells me At east hall dozen times we have Mind rcduclnz condlinatlon oi medl oatlom whldl we think never Evan or adults mixtum oi PROGRAMS mail Ch pee or it lnrtead of cm other remediu Mn Cmmhmated oil on the central nervous aye coming convuhiona and darling is if determind Road that remember lti SPECIAL MARKING Put special marklnu on hot tlst Yea it will iocua your attenan on the everpresent BUFFALO EARRIE BUFFALO EUFFALO pmblcm nothing else and um TORONTO ll HAMILTON SATURDAY SEPT 30 EVENING zoo lNlu LGoll At amtla 1mtbult oMter illLittle Peopll 110 Tlaotcxll oworld sport llDznnls The Menace moo LPrter Gluul sltobv chk aGrrdabout undat llZorro azro 2Danzer Run auuxs llunny lIlloho llHoclroy 100 EMavle naluuun mo eGleuoa 7anlq moo Ihlnvle mo sAlovl 500 Lneatn Valley Day sLort la 5cm cchunnel rtrncpom Lsuumy IIsuprr Home and 21 Dunn of Jelnnll SUNDAY 001 MORN IllJo lisuwu soo TMovla Tzoo llienid Truth tMok UP BCethoon moo Lillilrullull UEVA awom OiLIII 7lillton 114mm Heart mo 211 The ur umr Go 7llnur 74mm 9cartoon Playhouse lIrathrr lueeluu Latch 1130 moo Irere zcpuln sailortalrd llanlrey bPapcr Capers TJrntrrtle Hour llCatnrdnl culmes auo lUnrie any club 74Eockctshlv llItrllrn Journal lawn zAlomln contercnw dlev Unto MY Feat oMarlna va Izzoo LNent 1Suntr Cu IIcamm 1230 Lhoni SUNDAY OCT oo vQulrterhuk Club 7Fust Name Only llhllxflan 410 zFnolball 7Cllater asocrer IIrtny rum sum SEtiln lulu dCclebrity Gm tiGentia urn sun IiGentla Bun ABmdlv Altair 7hlavta when Patent oPulsa uun In space kneels TVoyage untrka mo tGentte oral llhlMa Operation dEri Sulll 1411 600 awrlt Dlinly lolst Cunt inalklalg mo 4Newa oLmla Leannll moo zBoaanu aBouauza orllnulonu The Mole People sIIlllnlIIlu onouna Tabl JHlfll Chlnarrai Cry Mflll ihvBblewilh Early LGut smut elry Three Sonl cv Ebertnur jlslkfi nle Lovl mam Navlr On Sunday Lliylnn Book Asoectnm Lcamen Tm 7Buitwtnhle llOflnunentll Min lSacrcd liert JLllllul Word 4Fflm Ftllufl TleOVHY owun you were Octnranl or Tomorrow oItallun Album The seventh sword lllllth mum 100 3Gfl¢n Arm 1Walt Disney aarlnshbaclr 800 ilEd Sullivan vra Lilolm an Petticoat Junction liron Horne llsetut 1000 4hilnnllt Lourim Gadllu 100 ain Penna Tllnvt The ll Kn ulrov Merry Andrew 00 emuNan weInrr Snort IPm Nathan lit xitiovle Mu myotaramrnl tM er Iconicn Brother oIrom court Mnuut lNG ANDAFTEIINO0N erace The Nation liOontlnentll 3114 mall lwmnutm sIIenla or Truth sJurutmuour ectrum auto Pride at at hula IIslr Lancelot mo Hountly Calender dEavortie so DDll251l°n so Football LynGame snow Wtihna 55vch iMut The Preu dlootblll 1m 51 lmllflnle llJommt Tuna moo zPellrI Vrrlrtlrr TMlnd 0v Myth mo 7lsaula And Answers llHobo EVENING dsmothere anther 1Alovle Bllry Jana moo 2Irtzn Chapplflfl eNm 5mm Jlmlon Impossible umtan rlm mo ll New Weather some ml 011 Canada en MEI lulu SSfiurrte For Peace News Weather Sports Hierv Grtmu aHum Junlle 4dinvle zMoflhmlnif 1m wily Back av The Big Hangover IGrut Huste Hmmlie aHymn Boot MONDAY 001 thENmG hNDAFTEltNO0N 50 zwtndnw Du ino World éummer Scmelter llLoeal News 700 ZTndll lNews 1WIudw On the World 710 dNIW 7mketrhip moo tcaeuln Kangaroo lfiSchnltzel House DLnlvefllty 01 ll Alr am 7Dlallfll Dollm zlat Boone dCallton Mulch sltomner noqu llEd Allan 921 peak mm ocle Pl houu ooh llDOnfll huh 1000 2smp Juarement Hanoil Camer LUncle Bobby llhiovle 10 dEevcrley 7month 1100 zPersomll Lmboat 9Mr and liMurllz 1200 14eonrrdy Lulh lzzlo knoetora MONDAY 001 oNawr Weatth IlIut Patrol £200 zMlke Donalr 3Cnmunlute 16rmt storm 94 We Lucy nswer Heroes 49m sroun mum LTnIth or Consequence wen era rIrlxeball xu 09 Hindu This or ouuseru 4reny mm Latinstone IlMIYI Sports bHunfiymo 5mm mo zMonlmer 1cawhoy 300 hMovla run ggr Lind Ind 5m zlmn itiu noo tNawa Walther Spam 7hinvle History liPlerre Wu 11Mavlu Under Tree mo 41419 zum Nawr Wellher Sports Ema mm Million Hmeutntlon TJMIdrIna DOM acooa MoralIll dAndy Grlfllth TMwmoon Rm tDtclr Ven Dyk 74min Game Donildentlll JFLunchann Date dNewa Wenthll 11 On Ankh Havl Wllllzs oromnto Today lithtle Peopl ZMIrv Grit in 100 zNews Weathll Hecldnnul Family Hrcmd Hundrld llMln From UNCLE lNews Weltheh ADrn ltllllel tcunsmoxe OLuclllp lull Two Willa In Another lavml iBewltvhld 7llat Patrol DFlmlly Muir 00 bhont rm Tomnnvw llPhuto ml 1mg eGuldlnr urht aMovle Litter llre Milieu Trurluve lMovlo nirplu noel IlMtke Douala mo eAa The World Tum Luau 24mm of our Liv tPassward 7Nawtvwrd Game Hulhllllll ty Annie Mn 2200 zDoctore dliouaa Party Inralm alrl BPeonle In Count éllDPEHY Mason zAnothlr World Llea so tlo mi The Truth lGeneral Heipltll oIummtcr Court so zYou Dontsu 45m at Ntth 7Commander Torn oAu Yaur Mm uilwtnkll EVENING Chiller tAudy Grtlmh 7lenny sauna DCountry actuate Hall sun sDumle and th youthea lAlld and Road 7I=ay Place SW loom 21 St Hare lime 7atu Valley Ilvm metu mo lPreflie Heparin 10L House Call oners in Ahlu moo it Nowa Wealber snort YulnYura An An ufllal una Vlu Ill labels do do some good tranquilizers htt ma poison neuralgia poison bottle Dont lotget alcohol Nthh dy adult have killed them aelvea by Milo whole hot tladollrda dare mmera have holpobonlnz And poisoned by eatan mothers eye makeup or any lrlnd you can name weve had it wee talldl £th oogtml 3th are no son more eae And watch out tor roll sulfate in medlclnu or anemia ao danzm that it quutrad hospitalization almost as oiten proporuorlnltlv as lye 411 per cent to When it it ln vitamin llllxtures the vita mhl pith are six times at dan serous wonder ll listening EONTRAcT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER West dealer EastWest vulnerable mum on we no ml um urqu um 41m aonm west oroau 410am $110952 on Opening leadlive of hearts The finesse is unquestionably very valuable weapon but it is virtually W185 it you can not get to the correct hand to take the desired laws This question ot entries can be extremely bothersome in some hands and many contracts are detected solely because declarer lacks communlcatlon irom one hand to the other For example in the present hand it dociarcr could somehow or olhel obtain Lheprllrllege of leading lrom dummy at will he could take successiul linesses in spades diamonds and clubs and thus wind up with eleven tricks But with no ready entry to dununy South must play well to bring home the contract He knows mm the bidding that each of the three possible fine so is marked to succeed but the best he can do is tunnel his way into dltmmy to take two of them Accordingly at trick two he leads the jack of spades and overtakeait with the queen Note that declarer does not lead the ace of spades ilrst which would dastloy vital entry to dummy East Ls iorced in win the queen Wllli the king and min the best return oi heart South must be careiui iotrurnp high hI order mprcscrvo the 52 as onlxlm to the 01 Declarer now moses to dum my with trump and lets say takes dlamond ihtessa yrhldl succeeds llal than reenter dummy with another trump and takes club finesse As re sult Mlhtslnetleulollsusc of his low cards South aoon ten trlcka losing only spade diamond and club The key play comes at trick two Not only must South avoid the error of leadlng the spade ace but he must also be sure to overtake the jack or IlLs equlva lentl with the queen he fails or do thla East defeats him by which to win the trick Sudbury To Sell City Debentures sunnuny on Sudbury residenls will have an opportu cnrrylng aeven per cent intar est Board otcontrol decided Thursday to recommend to council that debenuue bylaw be prepared and pmed or the issue of $10500 word of city debentures and that these be sold across the counter at city hall in $1000 units Clerkaornpholler Mur phy told board of control that $135000 worth of debentures outsmndlng or work completed could not be included ln the $1250000 debenture sale to the Ontario Municipal improve ment Corporation 31an my salad with garllo Im worldn all atten noon with that new executive who gets frail ways DAILY cnosswoRo DOWN Merger Harbor Impel ADROSE LPamto 31th polda laurel aoalcty lnslerra Leann 10Tlhetan priest 112mm 125loppzd 14Elood vessel ISIMelody lTVerh farm 5Ihan Ger Maura Arab chiettain Salt marsh 1151 fortress commander 13 Appenqaga 158weet VAIHHH 241nteiiectuul 27HBrd wood 29Recent sermons acroaa 33Venturo aorne as Indefinite arttcte 3111351 39 Akhadlan god 4030am dullIrina 4mm 481mm entrance 49Eng1llh college BitWeasel Entrances anybodyl been JULIET JONES SECRET AGENT X9 nlty soon to buy city debentures BLONDIE DONALD DUCK GRAN DMA MA DONl LIKETHAT UNLESS SHE GNES PEIMJSSION NEW FIRESEI FOR ERUgHSHOVE Elli New oour sAv we DAGWOOD lM TRYING TO HEMEMBER SOMETHING Fmsr BASKETBALL GAME QFTHE SEASON TONIGHT Is ETTA SHE HAS DATE WITH BOUGHT vou MEMO DOWN MN so vcu mar FORGET LIKE THAT WEAR His SWEATER THE SAME ROOM DRLVMAN CDJLD BE ANOTHER CDlNCWE ANDA FORK YEANnJ TOASF LOT OF MARSH MALIOWE wish DID you pm THE 3001 35 Specific dates as Well lsrIIsmu mun MUGGS AND SKEErsn BUZZ SAWYER 0mm MEAL EOING HOME TD FOR YOU MY WELL 50 AHEAU IN THE AND Rd HANI YOIJ AND TtlE OTHERS CAN RJLLDWVllJRllllélRUCK ht ticAND lM AFKMD SHE EVER WILL SAlthl ITS ALL PEER DEDUCTWNS NR To come ouroFA atom seem mmwnullalm TllESEpDAYSDD MT GETTi TAKE HWAEALHHI MDNEV you seen warm momawonmm arcvou ear want Lam To ma Helmhwnsamot

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