Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 10

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no TEE canals MINER SATURDAY am so m1 REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS aIRrHs ftlrlNNHr and It On the nuts of lt summons Rnld bar 21s are happy to name In pinn at Inn Brant nu Wednes dny smeinber low it the Royal Virtorin WIIL ENGAGEMENTS CRAIGTHAI air and Mn Jnvu unden xii of Int men 51 name announce the cnxaxrment oi melr diluthlcr Wendy sperm to Mr Anthony Paul lnuh son or lr and sin lur Treat Lruli 5L limit The ultdalnl Io lair place Saturday October list m7 at can nun In oolller United Church nun MAR AGES HASTINGSDONE Irl Dtmlce Lang and Mr Melville llosllnn In nouncc their marriue on iuestlny utne 26th of Sept I991 In Crouel lliu Anglican Cnurrh mum liul Ontaltn DEATHS wnllllr Ksnnglh nun Slid denly it the York county llerniul Newmarkct on Thursday September in 1097 Kenneth Darcy llnrnt In nls Inn year at Nanmirror Ion hlcrly oi lzlmvalel beloved hul bsnu nl Ilclcn Mooncy dell ntnrr ol Ilthncl Ind IlLs both hotnl Son or llr and ilrs Victor lyrical bl ramole brother pI ilurie thin Xcrl Knoll of Elmvalr and Dotty lhlrs lrcn tantalum ol Ortllu hrsUnz at the lame ll Lyn Eun ml llalnc Eimvnlr lllcr on snurnny October pm lnttle Jncnl urnvule Cemclcly CARDS 0F THANKS iIcllAE wish to thank Irlcnda Itnli nrlunbours tor acts of kind net and exormlnn ol hmvllhy nurln my lcctnl bereave Did AnllnsoN Ic with to Inma qur tritnds neighbours vnd relativ es for than many acts el hindnrss sympathy and floral Offcrtrlgl In and recent bcrclvcmcnt of dcar non Hilliard Jamlesnn Also Symon of Alllsuln llewlon ol Scarborough lulpn Price nl lpntltIIl and Lilo Slccktcy mineral llnme or ill rlerflsorthr donors vmdrstsff Welland county General llespl for their nonderlul me Camcngtn Ind Barbara Jnmlcanil IN MEMORIAMS HOLDWAY In loving memory at near mother and grnndmnlivcr at as may Scot at 1065 vo greatest gin rslncmbranca hlnvl gly remembered by daught er llclcn Ind Grandchildren lliury Ellen and Linda GALLWGEII in loving memory or dear rnorn nno passed away got 161nm and dcar dad Aun lo Sadly mtescd nlonx lliea my Quietly remembered day by day No langu in our lived to slam nut ln our hcarta you are ultsiyl ihclE Lmvtngly rcmcmhcrnd by daught or Rlmics and sonlnlaw Tum itonnwAvln laviitg memory of dcar mother and grandmother Elsie Ilary who mod my sent no loss The depths or sonmv we cannot tell ol the Inn of one we loved so wcll A2 while she altcps oneetul ccli ner msmory we shall always Run ssdly mm by daughter Jenn uraalcr Dialli Carol and Ill PLANTIn Ioving memory of daar mother and grandmother El lcn Plant 150 Vleiorln street wlmpassud away October lst lass Your presence we miss Your memory nu imsure Loving you always Forgetting you xlcvll Lovirlgly Mulchmend by naught FIDICMC Ind grandchildren AIIX llyn wally Ind Hosalic ONTO In loving memory or our deer in 17 llunon who passed away Scptcmhcr so 1965 Your presence ls ever near us Your love rsmalna with us yet you war the kind or rather your lovcd ones will never forgct nvcr lzmcmhcrcd by lsabcl Mar galcl Violinla nd But llORmNln memory or or ll Horton who passed away Scat so finnftllly sleeping resting at lat ills weary trials and troubles past In silence he suilcrcd in patience he bore Till God called him home to sui fcr no morn Latter remembered by Francis COMING EVENTS NEARLY NEW SALE Trinity Parish Hall Collier st OCT Bond AM TO PM GOODUSED CLOTHING HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Coll Mrs Wolfelldcrl 716 1582Cc Mrs AmyVain 721 3439 Co Mrs Erydgcs 728 AMS 500 BNGO $300 Sponsored by Angus and Dislrict LIONS CLUB MONDAY at it pm ANGUS DISTRICT LIONS HALL Highlvay 90 SEALTWO JACKPUIS 4300 Admissiun $1 extra cards 225c 2h Games Share the Wealth Adults only IPRENATAL CLASSES sponsored by SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Fall series of Discussion Groups Begin THURSDAY OCT at 730 pm Phone 7265967 for information and application forms RUMMAGE SALE Monday October 530 p7n CANADIAN Lucien itAL spices BARRIE BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL anaemia TRY nxnmnan Wang has NO Campaign Promises ust Results TheExaminer Want Ads Check YOUr Attic Sioreroom Garegél Somebody Will Pay Fol YOUr Discords Call Want ActVisor 22354121 COMING EVENTS BARRIE HORTIGILIURAL have dialtmd bus going to District 15 Convention In Orillla Tuesday Oct Bus lcnves Wellington Hotel it upon sharp BANQUET IICIETS $150 Neighboring Society members wclmmc For dciatls phone hliss Yentcs 7239061 or Mr Lloyd Omninghaln 726W TODAY REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Cholkan Co Ltd lo Collier St 728440 BEAUTIFUL HOME near North Collegiate with frilly Iinlshed basement for spacious living Three bedrooms upstairs run down plus recreation room sew ing room laundry room and hall bath Brick with attached gar age and pavcd patio BRICK BUNGAle In qulct rc sldcntial district three bedrooms and finished recreation room plus sewing room in basement Priced for todays market THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW on Wellington St East Lovely home on good 5le lot brick with lull basement BRICK HOME on Davidson Av enue with beautifully landscaped and trend lot Home has broad loom in the living room and halls hardwood flooring and full basement Lovely thrcc bad AGE in Collingwood area on Blue Mountain just 15 minutes from town Ilousc anti busincss on well travelled concession road good business with excel lent potcnlial for substantial in crease for mechanically mindcd proprietor also cxccllent for scmlrctlremenl in the country SIX ROOM STOREY AND HALF bedroom house just out sidc Barrie limits Aluminum siding full basement garage Priced to soil at $11500 THREE BEDROOM BRICK house with garage close to downtown hull hascmcnt oil forced air heating on Sophia St LAWRENCE 7130873 BAKER 77481796 GIEEY GIBSON 726nm MARION NEWMAN 7mm DEVEAUX ANGUS 4495390 GARNER 7287605 HIGGINSON 72687 DIRRAOOLO 7290793 Photo MLS ftcaila ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS 15 OWEN ST 7252378 NEW AND BEDROOM MORTGAGES EXCELLENT SELECTION OF NEW HOhES Located on Harding Avenue Charlbmok Avenue and Candles Road and bedrooms with or without garages Price range from $16300 to $21900 Thcse homes must be seen to appreciate the value you receive for your dollar Call now for an appointment to inspect CHOICE LOTS ch have several good lots avar ablc in the city in good rLSl dential area for custom built homes Call this office now for further details NORTH END With Ill70 mortgage and only $4500 down payment you can move into this bedroom home It is one year old with full base mcllt storms and screens and goal air gas heat Lot 60 Al Ross lies 723E115 Bill Blackness Res 7M26 Russell Smith Res 7289996 Mary Vair Res 7180366 Dick Hartley flitWM AGRIESBACH Broker 728984 EVENINGS CALL BRIGNELL 72mm BETTS 4377517 LADDIE GRIESBACH 72MB PETER and WI LES LTD 7251410 100 ACRE FARM atoreyfbnck home and painted barns in immacul ate condition Setting south of Barrie BEAUTIFUL HOME ON LAKE SIMCOE Three bedroom spiithvcl Inse ment on rumcc piece bath with vanity angel stone tire and hlttlarga livinglaom bmadoom throughout lure Ireed lot sandy hem and hour tncliitica Attached gfllrnfle leleplmne nilmo prlvntu 51 Tllv EXAMINER WANT ADS roomhungalowrclosu to schools GENERAL STORE AND GARV 19 EAYFIEID STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL Photo III Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the five Points Phone mass OONVEHFNT canmill IDCAIION lliSlOREY wml cannon 314000 Handy to all schools and downtown stopping this small harm is fully cquhlped and has separate dining room bedrooms and mention room the lot In excellent saxlu and all in lawn Early possession can be arranged SEE THIS ONE TODAY Call 7235568 for appointment EVENINGS CALL Council malts floger Fred Dplelt M93 Ed Glccn SHELSWELL and WILLSON MIR REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS iii Dunlop St East mom or m1 ONE ACRE ON PAVED IIOAD Outskirts of Barrio with drilled room home recently modcmlzcd all conveniences Potential VLA Call Mrs Brown 72372 for details No litb7 EXCELLENT MIT IN 0B0 100m Call EvcrEIt Ntclswcll 4875961 or Nonnau Sllclswcil 7233293 No 109M GOOD WT 010513 To CITY Approximately 90x20 Call Gladys Sinclair 7137870 No 9167 Or Drawn Harlan 11mm bred Alltmon Noth Future Islm slncialr Keith stunner mentt sheumu wuiaon mm mm mom 1101119 mmo was malls premium no so mean Norman she well CARSON PIIUIO IIM REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STIEEI TELEPHONE 726648 amavr IT on NOT modern trbcdroum home with bathrooms for one large family or luxury apartments Priced to sell Call Norm Synnott mm OLDER INCOME HOME Close to downtown Barrie Whether lor family use or income well worth investigating Call Norm Synnnlt 7284530 75 ACRES CIDSE TO BARBIE very reasonable price with low down payment Iuresponsrblc party Call Bill lliilltillon 7135125 DOUBLE BRIGI HOUSE $2000 down No blocks from downtow Now re rnnnthly Callnny salcsniaP Norm Synaolt 723251 Russ Carson motel But Balulllon 7236325 Rupert McGarth Elmvulc 739m Charlcs Iiepwnrtb 7266482 BIDWELL Real Estate Photo 11115 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7284480 CHATELAINE AWARD WINNING DESIGN WAN The ulti mate in itsbedroom luxury bungalow Spacious living room with fireplace dining walkin closet and ceramic walls and floor in bath ensultc with master bedroom Second bathroom also has ceramic walls and floor and colored fixtures Dream kitchen with dishwasher large brcakfast area luminous ceiling and walkflut doors to patio double attached garage completely finished in side NHA mortgage at clinics tor $125 monthly pills taxes For appointment call Mrs lneson MARY MORRISON 77479931 WILMA BIDIVELL m5 ELAINE NESON MAMA EMORY MILLER MORTGAGES ARRANGED 7261881 nita Scandrctt muss Peter Martina 7286508 Marg Wakefield 4495465 Los Lovegrove 4496112 M13 REALTOR 67 Dtmlap St West Gordon Spencer 7285315 Emcrsaa Swain 7258606 Kenneth Miller 4361314 Harvey Weber looms Karl Marshall 7239917 Percy Ford 72831330 Robert Floweiling viasan Emory Miller 7764563 FRANK NELLES Photo Rcaltor mulls lz GREENFMID SDREEI Last chance for stilt interest rate Large living room dining room large bedrooms lamin loam with lovely fireplace electric heat zcar garage OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY and SUNDAY 25 pm Door Prize to Pumhascr EVENINGS CALL 7239979 nun SAUNDERS Coohstn amass FRANK NELLIS lzsaaae illKla lIAGUS 125 CECIL lllius 0R0 mom FOSTER 11 HAROLD FORSTER COMPAN AB Bayficld Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7266453 Mortgage Funds Availablo Free Customer Parking cm EVENINGS CALL lalooslznnutu mains imam GLORIA Kossarz 7mm an Ilancanlrr MOORE 72mm litmus gonna mam WRNE HAY 72111566 CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR IZIHIGH ST 7260241 RES 7387389 COUNTRY BUNCALOll with 78 at an acre of land on Highway 11 north miles from Barrie Has large living room with stone fireplace dining room nice kitchen bedrooms bathrooms full CHUCKI colum MOORE KLuosTEnluAli LOU Gommlon GRANT alacAIIilltln mam Ivv szne 7mm 72ml basement double garage alurninlm doars and screens throughout 192511031311 CEMENT BLOCK Stucco home close to schools fin ishcd recreation room and patio area Charlie Read 7284311 Hugh Plowman mans Don Campbell 4872423 Doug Campbell 4372423 Smith Campbell 7287389 Bud Watson mulls Fred Taylor 7231205 COUTTS CO Realtors Owen Si Barrie 7282485 Highland Park Village CO south on Highway No 11 to city limits or CNR tracks tuln ielt all 3rd road after railroad Little Ave and our model homes or on first road to the lelt OPEN HOUSE lcompioiélyfinishcd model home or immediate occupancy 15 new starts to be completed within the ncxt 60 days Prion range $16795 to $17395 Down payments $3000 and up Taxes approximately $200 per year There will be salesman on the property SATURDAY and SUNDAY to 5pm For further information call Walter Coulis EVENINGS Gordon Coulis Waltcr BConth Coulis pnlvam aana year old bad rnom brick Mmlllaw with attached brick garage paved drlvnwly TV niltennn hnutlnalollut range ve frigcralol and as turnace Lmtld In new lubdivslon in Angus Low down nrvment with excellent tarms lnw low tax Tclcpnonrtfllflm RESIDENTIAL bedohm brick bungalow on pmteulonllly llndr ulfldlo Illnnvrr hitch rec tlnn runul Pavrll driveway lot all 150 one owner Calrill 01 film nlptll Internet tax per cent NHA mortgage Wllllilll distance to all moth plan on bill Line Ron Allan looms RHTH LAKEWONT WAGES $3000 down buy lakefront cottages lined in load clean condition clectrlc heat nice furniture and bedrooms hack cottage rents for 3800 season 000 down RETIREMENT HOME $0000 lViatcrized3bedrooms large living room full bath room not and cold walcr nice ly furnished Cement founda tion mortgage ball cant Contlm Dorothy Fitulmmins hurdlill 456m WAGES FOR SALE Swis dialct insulated furn Ishcd real beauty Mm log riding cottage trend and landscaped lot 5000 New large cottage all maven irncea on double lot W5 Lake Simeon lakefront 111 36 deep excellent shoreline 5104 Lots with access to private sandy beach and park $1700 to $1000 ltl acre lots near lake $3500 Contact Ed Wood Oro Station imam 181 Egllnton Ave East Toronto in COUTTS AND CO OWEN Sl 7232435 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Paulo lifts Realtor avannos CORDONIETEDUIISZHLTTH WALTDI cams1791 SANDY cumsmm OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 17 Telephone lvy 29ml Phuto MLS Dewsnap REAL ESTATE 7263366 FOR BETTER BUY lee our Service It Try Richardson 44961 MES Realtor HITE 109 Hayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENINGS JOHN WHITE mono JOHN COLE W17 RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFIELD ST nil9451 snacnuzuu 1N RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Cali LED CAVANAUGH 7281207 LARRY TORPEY 7260715 BILL RAWN 7263999 CORBY REAL ESTATE BIOkBI Phone 7252419 93Dunlop St lst and had mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lat and 7nd mortgages Eric Masai nitration mm uARaUmrlc MOORE muss GRETA ZlmARA mam JANE YOUNG 7mm MURANS Kenn Almn sislull rams globalLs llama STARR We Sell Rural Ontario can BRUCE MCLEAN Cookslown 4584436 moundan rwo Apartment noun business property suitable tor cultes or nmall business cen tral locatlon Also at room banal telephone mam uncommon down payment mode one three branchl bungalow Mu lon Crescent attached garage re ereatldn room brnadlnorn extu per cent mortgage princlfll EXI trrest taxaapiw Principn only must PRIVATE SALE starry his room home with garage eentrnL on our route Tale prions 72cm ll ACRES jugt nmUl DI Baagin on Highway 400 stream nrulnrtlng on property with pond ntn um um Tellphnne viscose FARMS WANTED ta Innm slmeao minty mm all toioo mes For first action call It biennial representing 11 Carson hut mate fanning a2 lainmle LOTS FOR SALE rllu Longs trees am Barri um nox FM narrle Examiner la uGlsunan lots or lie or excltlnll for income property Tel ephone 4511911 TRAVEL TRAILERS PACKAGE DBAIGIIndrtte In ft Include Incite entropy and trailer hitch Interior nu extras In ex ccllent condition tclvphvno 72540 hits ND REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED PROPERTIES WANTED Over 11mm MILUON DOLLARS at final Estats has been loll byotirstafllnswthshme Ifyml want innit callnw OOOKSTOWN 6564333 Right now we no looking for BETTER abedmnl bungalow in or near town for farmer whose lam we have just sold Call LEW DEXRMOIT M71 MR Wm phone 55734 has cash buys for 1m to lSOacre Illln RETIRE GntilEllAN wants tiltroom recently built bun galow in Barrie He will pay sum to $24000 cm Call Lib6m MRS LLLLIAN GORDON can arrange for the sale of your merge and house II it within 15 miles at ALIJSION 57153 PAUL URBANle has devdopel who is buying corner fauna on or near highways Wa hays told several Iarms to this syndicate Call WON mm For all action on your Alllaton house call hlAltY HARRIS 456350 Mrs Hanin has good clients who will buy today if we can show them the right property It you have property in the Coohslown or Thornton area call GLEN NIX OOOKSIOWN Glen has negotiated the sale 0ng Cookstovm properties in the past mks Give hhn call ay MRS RUTH MABEE has buyer for first class dairy him with at least 150 acres SCHOMBERG 9692463 CECIL GORDON has buycrs for Angus houses One with all commence cash ALLISTON Alb7153 KELLY FARMS FOR SALE MINIATURE FARM Secludec cutting on paved road midwa between nerett Ind Lisle very close In the Pine River alel lowed mme llelm eontslna bed room kllchln living room dining room and complete bathroom Tharoan revelll mail out bunn Inn nillble or entered or norm The roll in medtum loam and null productive hill price ls Loon tor buildings and to lens with tumble um arranged for the rim Dumbset Additional no rug can be purclluec at use per acre Please contact Bruce alonen rt coouiuvm clause for Inspection or iurtner minimutton lll Acnlts on 25 Highway Ieven miles mt oi Stun Good build this Never short of water class to Wnslll Null am down pay ment W536i Suyner Midland ta acres at burn wl river ninth tnrnugu Good bund Inga barn full of bail straw and min or will cell In acre with huudings Ind rent bnlmee School has and Julde read to door write our No 675 name human er MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobilg HOmeS II General Glendale Iravelux Parts and Semce Cash or Terms tilt Yea I70 BURTON AVE 7239366 supcuvlann stoma arc Inl trailers 10 tor xix mnnthl Tele phone mull Elanth mobile lieme iiirfronle licence good until perem ner lse1 Telephone mum BUS OPPORTUNITIES Part Iime Exclusive With of CADBY IIALL The worlds largest calcrmg organization FOR the sensational ncvfrcsh brewed coffee service that prov Iides trth notice at 5c acup Brewed right at offices plants factories etc using Canadas Iincst coffcc brewing equi operating with 62 profit turn for the established distn bntor THE sclected applicant must be able to devote ntew hours per woek to his business in order to keep established accounts supp plin with Lyons Coffee min imum of $1500 is required to air financing available for parties witll good credit standing and reasonable deposit Forinlerview in your area write Box 623 Barrie Exr aminor amen with exewtlvl abultv and some cash to assle In financing nil estate development Write no Gm palrid Examiner MORTGAGES on first mortgages Soc EMORY mum Real Estate Broker DUNLOP ST DIAMEDIAIE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND COMMERCIAL mornRtlrs 90 or VALUATIONS it You Need Money no onlplldntl debt In unearth momm 0r mortgage coming due Hum Improvement Any worthwhile null Write Or Phone 72550911 Mortgage Fundlng our Simpsonsoars DUNLOP Member Ontario Morison Broknn Annotation no YOU OWN mflfllllfljfld urn availbin to purchase ulna WE wiil even lead you money all your mnrtgagnl nneulrn aiurtggu ding mogul WANT MORTGAGE first or Second at low simple interest Up to 941 of your pm manta tip to filings£1 years to NP3 VFW E33511 blema see COREYReal Estate aaDunlapst 1232419 iron can BRIDE AND GROOM Watch ClassifiedAds for terrific furniture and an Nnmmtwlc loo nerLfmnutcr in HOUSESTO RENT Have you money to invest 7261381 mom party value low monthly pay BROKER Cooksiown 4584333 MORTGAGES WANTED slim Finn ntortnn wanted on 373000 home now under runle tiun telephone not liter pun wANrm Io bomw moo at per cent interest Apply Box mil aur rIe Dmimr INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANQJ and if you need extra coverage of any Iliad sec STEVENSONS IS DUNLOP ST MIMI RENTALS mans nannolI cottage electric hut 93 per month one toenrlgu welcome Avonale Dot ls Tele phone 7154615 TWO BEDROOM house more heat er Allmdnie district by Kit Isla lloua foulor so mun couple or wt one child write at Hewitt Gsnenl Delivery Allanda HOMES WANTED Ivimanlzal collIla wanted to rent furnished or benmamv itinets Point or shanty lily irle pnOnn Tinlint URGENTLY WANTED or bode room house adults and children in lo miles din of Barns Pleuo EILI collect Orlllla 3253065 URGENTLY needed or bed loorn home within travflllllll dish nice man LED Harden Place all Opt arren Rainbow notel telephonemasoa APARTMENTS lo RENT 0le anoonluruumlsned lpnle ment to rant central louuun vflrkr Lug iuetlltle telephone masts GROUND noon furnished apart ment ior rent mums adults only Telephnne cotton 11 no mwcr call mam altar pm netted 011m apartment with pri vatn bath private entrance suitable or couple tbs ieluplwne Asatin Cookslown $59 FURNISHED APT Best monthly vxlur modern appl nncei brusltttng loom kitchenette Suit one pelwn Downtown Phon WNW weekdays mun noon apartment to rent unlurnlshed private Entrance and driveway Avnlllnle immedlltclv Apply 31 perm street or telephone valcoo site no nm ONE BEDROOM unfumlshcd hut ed apartment llvlngrouvn dining room kitchen laundry tecllltles business coupln preferred Nn mild ren Ample parking Available Oct Iain telephone music CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS SERWCE GLHDE Platform RENTALS AFN on moose apartment all con gifld burning fin llmltfl uppui unmo 1mm mm mun om mm on ranter 11 located nurlnokirfi lienme rent consent Imunnipa lemons norm If Namism beaten uiieontalnea Melon apartment KIIAhzn bed lilting mom Parking clay to down on and noeplut Avlltnbh Imldsntclg relrphom ms ROOMS TO LET BRIGHT elun bedroom or gentle man nur downtown trlsphnnv malls alter pun nnniuhrd room for rent centu location Grumman prelerred var Inf now television TiaMoo CLIAN BEDROOM Inn nnt In pflvaln heme In onwntown am the steadily employed Mllm chumn No nle PMM maul CLEAN bright houseluplng room to rent on bus route Linen rune pile working nut pnlmnd Tri who mono alter pm HIGH STREET mlIMO mum cooking lac Uei Ritalian mlstt Ducxlvonflmueen area vlninlly of high Ind nubile uhonls clean to bill route bennmng room light nousetrerolng general name riviillu and parking Suitable for Emiliea nx profusion llfL Tnlcr phat 750309 nnfnabll liter pull ROOM AND BOARD moat ANpnoAnn in erntnlly located nome enuemen preferred will delimit hand ugklunrn er flinl yew no on Inga tLuAN iumlgled bedroom llnrn lupplled Central location Pure cl available Gentleman elrpnone plattill NURSING HOMES and AND private minder nuy Moo hour musing can Pitn Maple Nursing Home morntnn telephone ladtoot vr ivy calla SASUMMERRESORTS COTTAGES FOR SALE SUNNIBUILT all COLONIAL Prefab SUMMER COTTAGES More than 75 floor planavar ioua sizes to choose from Avall able in Vacation or All Weather specifications100 miles rec dc livery from factory Guaranteed election service Tcrlns If you own your own lot Write for inlormalion 50c cov ers cbst at illustrated cata logues and postage JAYMAIIK BUILDING PROJECTS DWIGHT LAKE OF BAYS ONTARIO Highway 35 Opposite School Special This Week Only $19993 only piece Seater dlcslcr ticld suites regular 25995 McFadden Furniture and Appliance Park Ltd OPEN MON TOFRL AM T0 Pill SATURDAY so PM Lots of Free Parking Bayficld St Hwy 27 name ITSHERE THEFAMOUS SHERLOCK MANNING PIANO to different designs finishes Just one beautiful tonc Knmms MUSIC STORE ii Dunlap St was REnau These Shilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately PAVING PAVING SPECIAL Asphalt ddvewaya and parking lotsnfree estimates veal wnimn GUARANTEE MANIERI PAVING CO Phone 7150081 PAVING BY TSUBONE CO 0F BARRIE formerly at Toronto Our customers an our best ade verticals Japanese paving cl palts Asphalt lots drivaways etc Writh guarantee for those years Call meats PAINTING BRADLEY tnuflur exterior paint dlcnr expert pvpeunu Kw roo taping Coo surety Bay GEORGIAN PWG interior and exterior Moderate cruxgel 42 Anne st Bum 7366156 MOWER REPAIRS Almion service and war nnty all makes air cooled en mu Manian Mower service rear in Burma ilvn mutt JACKING JACKING insulating and Winterizing cut tagcs also remodelling HORST Hawkestono Telephone Orb 46 60 BOOKKEEPING on Ill n0 NIP Illa an Planning 12w EAVESTROUGHING cavaismoubumn Routing flash lnu chimneys an in ssueet Metal JANITOR SERVICE LOOKING rots clean cleaning inr bumes offlcu stares plan clennIng Servlne mm IRONING momma $1 perbasket warhlnl llid Inning $350 in mm Pickup and denvor 72W DRIVING SCHOOL nlnnnrtu DRIVING scnooL Learn to drive the modern way Telephone 7265915 nrvmomaootr llcedced Instructor and Insulin treu rnond malls anyttlzl INSULATION nmwmn ltilsinou tnmlatlon Free estimates Guaranteed work Telephone Scott Millr 713457 CARPENTRY ALnRAnoNa renovations house conrtnictlnn By lunchech tradtae rncn toostag or nit514 ACCOUNTING ALLEN AA Public nccounI lent pundonald at same Telephone muons day or evening SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINECENIRE Salas and Service T0110 GRAVELY and DAVIS Lawn and Gordon Equipmpnt PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Toronto St

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