Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1967, p. 4

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lilo 516 it won Publisher SHllKING McPherson Managing Editor monsoon on re lbsl hallnee bnganadlan Newspaper Umlted papilald istraef barrio Ontario William Teller general Manager PAGE L3 memorandum hallo Estimators United Nations Was Not Strong Enough OrganizatiOn By PHILIP DRAM Foreign Allah Analyst The mass media are full of the words disillusionment and disappointment feelings engendered it is said by the inability of the United Nations to solve the Middle East and Vietnam crises Tho impression given is that once the UN oouid olve nadir problem but now cannot Admittedlg the General Assembly now as an AlsoAsian maiority that is so unversed In international dlplo matic practice that if often crelt ates spectacle of chaos and ineffectiveness Yet even in its most effective period whatever that was the could not have solved the current problems and indeed never has solved such prob lflnl in list the fighting between the Egyptians on one side and the British French and israeiiforcea on the other came to an end because London aod Paris bowed to rurures flom laminated UN applied some frosting to this diplomatic cake Evan than solution was noi achieved all we obtained in loss was stalemate with UN force to guard the stale nlatc We havethe same thing today Middle East stalemato guarded by UN observers Ponce is still unobtainahlo for reasons that are very different in the case of the Middle East than the reasons for which war goes onin Vietnam RUSSIA ARMS AllAllS ltussla did arm the Arabs but with hind sight one can so that she did not arm them luff ciehtly to swing the balance oi power in their favour More the remit AmieIsrael began Russia exerted all her influenceare now knowto convince Arab governments they should not provoke war Russia had given arms to Arab governments not to help them destroy larael but in increase Moscows political influence in the Middle Ens and to promote the interests there of Arab left wingers lym pailsetlc to Moscow may not be too far fetched to surmile that communist Arab govern ments dominated by Moscow might be more prepared to sign pence with lsrael than are the present Arab governments Washington believes that till ale mild in no way oppose an agreemt between lsrael and the Arlhs it is the Arabs who cannot bring themselves to approsch such an agreement For twenty years the leaders of the Ara world have worked their people up over lsrael For the average Arab led with unrelenting propaganda lsrsei evokes hon ror icar distrust resentment and disgust The Arab has been told that lsmelis desocmte mosques commit ropinc loot and are sworn to rcimpose the yoke of forelyl exploitation on the impoyerisbcd Arab world The avcra Arab could not be told by government that all he has been told so far has been lic What would he the reaction oiwzoung naive Arab officers lch shaky Arab government could withstand the shocked reaction of its compa trlots if it told the truth The has nothingto do with THE LIGHT TOUCH THE TREE Wurme IiCGE Expansion important To Bdrrie The longawaited news came last week Canadian General Electric Company an nounced it had purchased 127 acres in 550acre parcel now under annexation by Barrie from lnnisfll Township The deal was the first step in major expansion program for this area factory will be built but the time for actual start of construction has not been indicated starting date is not important at this stage Next bi step will be action by the city of Barr to obtain approval of annexation from the Ontario Municipal Board No difficulties are expected from the OMB and once the formalities have been observed and the transfer is legal the com any can proceed with its plans for cons uction it is feather in Barries cap that CGE hasdecided to expand in this area rather than to seek industrial sites elsewhere Many of the socalled havenot district communities which could have offered substantial federal financial backing were passed over by the company CGE itself good corporate citizen according to the mayor has been treated well in Barrie and in turn has been very good for this community CGE was the first major industry to do velop in Barrie Starting on Bradford Street in 1946 the company expanded its facilities and within 20 years had payroll of nearly $5000000 and staff of over 1000 Now as it looks ahead with adequate land at the new site the company may be ready to double and even triple its oper ations within comparatively short per iod Certainly there has been anlncreas ing demand for its products in all parts of the country and this has resulted ina boost every year in the number of work ers Mayor Cooke rightly pointed out that major plant usuall brings about the development of and any factories We can look forward therefore to another big leap forward in our industrial com gt plex and an increase in job opportunities for our young people and for many oth ers who may be brought in to fill key positions Dowu MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 29 1932 Barrie Fall Fair voted one of best in historfi entries up quality good President Ro ertA Stephens was naturallypleased as was Secretary Oliver Cameron con sideling depressed economic times of world which were reflected in this area Kildalton Cross memorial to Dai housie Scottish settlers of Innisfil Town ship unveiled by descendants at Sixth Line Cemetery to mark family centenary in Canada Builder was Albert Davis of Bell Ewart usmg stones specially select ed from farms of settlers Family names are Allan Cross Climie Duncan Laurie Jack Todd Wallace Officiatln minis ter was Rev Wallace Stewart of eston whose wife was the former Mary Cross sister of Mrs Andrew Carson Barrie Town counci looked into situation where Ideal family of adults and five children were living in tent off Donald Si after being evicted from house for nonpay ment of rent and asked unemployment re ef committee to take action Group of railroadworkers from Aliandale an pearedbefore town council for support in plan to get more business from local flame and industry so that more employ mint would be available The De prpssion was live topic to he ate Bar rie IionsClub where speaker was Clif foldlugh ofloronio recent graduate all was introduced by an uncle Lion Are thltr Pugly Oros 80th annual fiWorids Falr was anotherblg success Feature onemile rubbing race for horses owned byiSimcoe Count Campbel Big Bay Point riding hlef gPrlze was beautiful chestnut filiySynthosis donated byWilliamsll Wright prominent barrio horseman In was Jjl Payeltes inECOIlOmlCS flom McMaster University residents won by Gor Goldie Unko of Penetanguishene Much interest in matched pon race won by Barrie Alderman Char ie rLowes Black Beauty In KiwanlSClubs draw for car winn of Fordzsedanwas Morrison editor of Barrie North ern Advance North Bay Pirates swamped Barrie 175 in Data nter mediate baseball semifinal game at Huntsville Manager John Dobson in vaineffort to halibatting power of nor therners not shown in two previous ames used five pitchers Jack Arm tage Bob Crosby Cotly Tribble rb Jennings and lefty Herman Jennett Allandale lost opening fame junior la crosse season at Barrie rear to Aurora 32 Earl Marshall and Elliott Reynolds tallied local goals Chautauqua gram openedin Barrie Collegiate audl torium with presentation of play New Brooms by the CanadianPlayers 0th9rEditors V1 ws Wonloowssnoaoov lemc Wall Street Journal get ahead Those Negroes and empha cally those whiteswho refuseto make the effort are going to slay stuck in poverty no matterhow many laws the slate passes or how benevolently keeps them on the dot Mostgof the of iris certain notablb exceptions are par larly culpable in spreading the notion that Negroesb virtue of being Negroes are automaticaly entitled to omic rewardsgaine by othe ydint of hard work Plentyofrpohtioan also su port that doctrine It is el factual malaise oft Despite all the years of the welfare state man still has to exert himself to Mailmansnore Out Of Controversy ear nouns NEW YORK AWPublisher Lyle Stuart is making fortune out of being controverslaL lm iconoclasticl get jangry about things said Stuart plump mlldmnnu nercd man of 44 who feels an inborn need to battle all forms of what he regards as authorh tarianism Tho onethlng we have that other publishers lock is court ageor iooihardiness We try to concentrate on books that challenge the taboos the mores and the economic and political structure By seeking the kind olbuoka that other publishers avoid Stuart said that his firm foundod it years ago with snoopnow grosses nearly 500000 annually nets about $250000 Recently he said he turned down 52000000 offer for it Among the 120 volumes he has printed are 11 SEX guides only read the first one myselfthe speeches of Fidel Castro books on flying saucers books critical of US foreign policy rifts latest twining of the establishment in Inside the FBI written by former agent for Edgar Hoover who retired to practise law hflGllT MAKE MUSICAL lm thinking of having it turned into Broadwaymusi cal said Stuart dont believe Ill havelany trouble finding backera When youre winner people with money knock on your door wanting to be partners Upcoming are The Rich and the Super Rich by sociologist Ferdinand Lundberg and an cxposety book on the 115 Internal avenue Service Spy Government which the publish er complacently described as dynamite Yes get angry about things said Stuart and par tlcuiarly injustice windmill Examiner ls aaynelasueet Barrie Ontario Authorized aesecond class malierrPosLOffita Depart meat Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Suhsalptioorates daily by trier 45c weekly $2340 yearly Single copies too by mailphalrie 52340 yearly Ontario £200 year motor throwoff 915 year Mail ow side 0ntarioit year Out side Canada British posseh slom 315 year liSA and foreign its your National Advertising 0i flces iii University Avenue Nonto 640 Cathcart St Monireiil 5M 1200 West Pea derSt Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian DallyNswapaper Publishers mutation the Canadian Presland Audit Bureau of Press is ex clusivetyentltledto the use or republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred ltedtto it or The Ilssocatedt reasor Reuters and alsovthe loc atvspubilshed therein am not political although Im against all dictatorships But believe everything should he published Good taste will 1th inlposc its will and the trash will be discarded by the public after thenovclty wears off Each year we publish number of young writers we know well lose many on But as on old frustrated novelist like to cocourage the young ones Stuart come the hard way in the book word Left father less at the age of six ho quit school at 17 hccausc was tired of the family being on relief lio clerkcd in bookstore wastorpedoed twice as men chant acaman lie wrote scripts for the Voice of America tunled out several ghosicd blog raphles and an unsuccessful novel then served as business manager for chain of comic before venturing into publishing on his own CANADAS STORY lielson Nearly Wed Miss Simiason Quebec By BOB BOWMAN Whas King William on 1087 succeeded by Queen Vic toria his last words were the Church the Church They did not exemplify hlelife most of which was spent with the Royal Navy first are mldshipman and eventually as the captain of frigate Some sailors are aald to have girl in every part William want them great deal better He had several inclluiing every port from Halifax to Montreal His popularity was not confined to women lie made such big hit invSoreihthat the people of the town changed is name to William Henry but it was changed back to Sore later William and Horatio Nelson were lifelong friends They met originally at Siaian island New York whcn Nelson captain of the frigate Alber arie laud union was midi shipmao in the Barllcur Wil liam said that Nelson was the youngest captain haever saw and recognizedhis ability right away lie said that Nelson was no common being Nelson also paid young William is trib uto and said he was sea manv Later Nelsonrescued William from an frate mob in Havana where William was caught having an affair lvilh daughter of Spanish admi 3Probably Nelson never told William that ho once had deep loyenifair inpanada rlt was in 1782 during the Ameri can hcvoiutlonary War and Nelsons frigate Alhermarlc wns patrolling the coastfiol Nova Scotia His ship neededa relitand so he sailedfor Qua bcc where he spent the month of September one of the most pleasant of the year ltwas on September while the leaves were changing to gold that Nelson was courting 16yearold Mary Simpson daughteroi the provostmarshal 05 the Carbon ga Nclson cll madlan lth Mary Simpson and thcroaoythlng unusual about nowspapcr mcn agrccing lo as the plllwllllionl Diefenbclker OffRecord Speech name Nlcamholv DllAWAhdondly Sept ll was John Dlefaobakera ma birthday Some bnalinatlva souls in the Parliamentary Press Galloy anglesle that the gallery should celebrate the occasion by giving formal dinnerin honor of the birthday boy and making presentation to him This was paradoxical feral veil gestnreto the departing Chief rs one of cemented fluvial cut him for it years you are now go to eat him tdevelopedaa eflrst occasion in history wheotha boapbaiters have given the heel roast dink and tapere corder it was proposed that ier should be on otfthereeord pa no reports no quotes and another guests Very sensible to have it otherwlsrwouid have blackmailed every member of the gallery into attending to get the story An altiter dilator and speeches would merely have been new sesskm with aer victtes conference with cognac And anyhow if anlyvoune womted ms or pr press conference with the Chief they could have asked for itat more convenlcni hour and without the price tag of the its ticket So the Dlefenbakcr dinner was ananged it was voim tnry nobody was compelled to attendthough asdld nobody was compelled to contribute to thc giltthough soothcr dotcn who could not or wonld not attend the dinner chipped in There was nothing unusual about newspaper men staging an unreported private party every journalistic society in the free world does this Nor was hoarn spcech without reporting it The annual Pres Gallery din ner at Ottawa when the prime minisicr is always one of tho guasts of honor hasihe invari able rule of no quotes The gallery is given man facilities on confidential bass such as an early glimpse at the budget and external affairs briefings The offthertscord beds made it predictable that Dief would make his speech that much more interesting and entertain ing maybe lifting the curtain fuel littlecertainly more than he would do if his every word was liable to repetition Hodid just that while news paper men sipped their brandy Thcn Charles Lynch of the Southgm newspapers decided that news is more important than undertakings led his BIBLE THOUGHT Not with eycservlce as men pleaserst but an the servants of Christ doing thewiil of God from the hcartfl Ephullns 56 it Gndhas good heart from which to work public opinion will have little control of the real Chrhtian wanted to marry her thennnd there His friends tried toiaik him out of it because theyfelt that marriage to the daughter ofa relativelypoor civiilser vent would be harqul to his career The facts are obscure but it acorns likely that the marriage was only prevented by his friends getting lniooch with the Admiralty which ordered Nelson to put to sea immediately Onertory says that he had to be carried on board his ship almost kicking and screaming In any event Nelson never gotbaok to Que hac opMary Simpsonllnln natal iiillillslilllll 35 DonaidtSi First Street Behind West End of mods cl in facilities carefully oh In noel equipment wolf trained unit includes nsnlarsnnn Nolan Morning or Afternoon claim closely ailpllvllerl indoor and outdoor sessions Vnrlad pieschool alucatlom at programmeincludes all phases that will contribute your childs tnlereli stimulate all or her Imag tnatinn Appsonllnately ages year Trinapnrtllinh lnr pit at man extra costs urinalsla in their $mmu33n CBC newspaper man decided to dotheanmeniaeoopedsoot barns by several hours Molt members of the Prue were hitter that their we for pectin their own rules should thus smeared whhe aome Md My llirt iede logs become heir editorsig norant of the backroom asked why they too had not written the story carried by the CEO and some Southern papers are pension from the use of laiie militia for three weeks atep was esenilal to clear uholejdlery the all it offer assurance that in itsI cordidtslee wosdd be nit The twist In the tail of this sto is that Diet made some rave tione capable of far more profound and sensational repoltiélh iltan the somewhat rug one of was boob ens Theres really onlyfon way to judge Whisky and thats makes your drinktasfe otter gt ser whisky This is what ngs people to Schenley Tradition Tradlti friend blond plenum wine as makes any drink taste better thas fora long timeulss Tradition worthstaying with SSChenleq ltmakes yourdrlnk taste bette

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