Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1967, p. 6

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HEIRLOOM Wearing an authentic period noahnnc Mrs Owen St John displays some at the prized antique clocks which will he feature of the second Annual Antique Show in Fellowship Hall Caller St at the week uid The miniature Grandfath er clock with cylinder move ment is owned by Gordon Reeve The Ansonia Shclf clock CLOCKS lii ANTIQUE snow is St John family heirloom and dates back around 1873 hire Rowes greatmand mother brought the smoli gilt clock over century old to Canada from Scotland Harry Iiodges gramhnothcr once owned the square mucical clock and the gilt watch holder was owned hythe grandfather of Henry Swan Mrs St John Vivacious Danish Arrives For Tour Of COPENHAGEN Reutersi Pfincess Margrcthe 27yeurold heiress to the Danish throne who ilew to Montreal Wednec day for the start ol today Canadian visit was married June in to French diplomat Count Henry da Lahordo ds Monpezat 33 She is the eldest daughter oi King Frederik and Queen Ingrid Flags were triumphantly hoisted throughout the land when Margrclhes birth was announced just week alter the Nazi occupation of Denmark Lo 1940 To Danes the flags were symbols of their faith in the future of their country and their royal family around whom they have rallied steadfastly for more than 1000 years Margrethe tall blonde and vivacious has not lived in royal isolation King Frederik and Queen Ingrid in the modern tradition of Scandinavian mon archy tried to bring their daughter up as much like normal child as possible COULD INEERIT TIIRUNE At the age of seven Danish children Margrethe went to schoolloo but to the most exclusive school in De rk She attended Zahles private day school in Copenhagen founded nearly 100 years ago There she developed special interest in drawing natural history and Danish history When she was 15 Margrethe was sent to school in England to perfect her English and to live community life with other girls her age Later she attended the uni versities of Copenhagen Cam imivrsn cnowu rnmcnsa MARGRETHE and her hus bond Princelienrllt are fram edily bearhattedguards as they tooJlia weicom gda totvard personal bridge and Aarhus studying constitutional law and range of general subjects Mnrgrethc had no chance of inheriting her fathers throne until 1933 because succession was through men only in that year however Denmark adopt ed new constitution and succession law xswecping this 1000 ycoroid tradition away She thus replaced her uncle Prince Knud as heir lotha throne is seated in an antique rock ing chair family treasure She holds key wind type gold watch over 150 years old once the possession of Mrs Allan Bells grmtgreotgrand mother Collicr St Unitcd Church Women are sponsoring the show which is open from to 10 pm on Friday and to em to pm on Saturday Examiner Photo Princess Canada talented girl with an infec tious smile Margrethe has tra velled widely throueh Asia the IMiddle East and South Amer CD Margrethes sister Princess Annefltiarie married King Con stuntine oi Greece Sept 1a 1564 Her other sister Princess Benedikte is due to marry West German Prince Richard of SaynWittgenstcin and Berle burg Feb WHAT THE STARS SA By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW day in which you will have more success with routine mat ters than you would it under taking new venture Late day influences Isomewbat adverse relationships suggest tact with all lhosc born under some signs may he unusually scusilive Fonrun aniruusy IIWnOilDWmIS your birthday your horoscope happily indi catcsthat no matter what your Present situation you will within to days enter most beneiicent cycle for advancing your occupational and financial interests This period will last for one month and progress made then will spark still fur ther advances during the first two weeks of December in Jan uary thefirst half of February in late April early May the last twoweeks in June and throughout next August Just two admonitions however Bo extremely conservative in mon etary matters throughout Nov on Parliament Hill atrOttawu Wednmday They began it doy tour rot Canada that will include visit to model in MDDUEBLSCPWIXEFIIDW ember the latter hail of December and next April Despite starepromised gains during the latter month you may be faced with some unanti cipated expenses And on the Job score do nothing toieop ardizeyour position during the first two weeks of November or you could lose out on chances for advancement in 1968 BEWARE OCTOBER Personal concerns should run smoothly Ior most oi the year aheadhut be alert to possible periods of friction in late Octo ber and early January These could be caused by the Virolt goans innate tendency to ba overexaeting with intimates which though wellintentioncd usuallyresuits in antagonism influences governing romance will he most auspicious in Octo ber next April and June Both travel and social activities should prove highly stimulating in October January April and the weeks between June 15th and September lst of next year The period between now and January dist should bring some unusual recognition to creative workers also next June child born on this day will be extremely versatile in his talents but may he given to Periods of extreme moodiness DIG GUN EOOIIIED Ihe loston Big Bertha used by the Germans in the First World Warcould send zoo potind projectile 93 iniles REIT WITH SMOKED MEAT crest Role is deliciously medium dry rpdtr to wine madatvoni French hybrid cranes grown in Niagara ATTEND OPERA Miss Mary Ann Moore and Mrs Robert hope Barrie attended the Canadian Opera Guild performance roles at Hot fmann last evening at OKecfa Centre Toronto Alterwards the Barrie women were guests of the Guild at reception at Sat too Place One of the young artists of last evenhgl appear in Barrie at the Com munity Concert scheduled for Jen On Saturday Mr and Mrs Robert keperand Mtu Moore will be guests at butfet rup pcr It Oche Centre rior lo the performance of Riel HUNTSVILLE GUESTS Mr and Mrs Elmer Ca bell oflluntsviiie were wencIcnd guests at Mr and Mrs William McArthur of Carroll Rd Palnv swick FROM ENGLAND Mr and Mrs home Strona ghan of Puget St are entertain iogthe latters uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Alan Jcnkinson and son Keith of Goiborne Lan cashlre England Alter arrival in Canada via BOAC the family toured Expo 67 They will return to England In two weeks AND PW CLUB DINNER Six members oi the Business and Professional Womens Club of Barrie joined members of thc Newmarket and PW Club at dinner meeting In the club house oi Aurora Golf Club Pro sent mm the city Were Mrs Dorothy Gardner Mrs Anne Stewart Mrs Patricia Carruth crs Miss ltuhy McCarthy Mrs Betty Spears and Mrs Lillian Jones Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs Margaret Italuiown national viceprcsldent of and PW Clubs Mrs Ashdouin spoke of the aims and ohledivas bistgy and future plans oi the cu WEDDING GUESTS Outorally guests present at the MnisholivGerrity wedding in 00liierStrectUnded munch ire eluded Miss iindn Marslmil Ter ry Crydcrman and Neil liicinnca of Sudbury MissBelt Cowan Mk5 Joan Moore Mrs Mc Loren and daughters Betty Jane and Mary Ellen Lloyd Johnson Parry Sound Miss Judy Pari TOUCH The collar oi thlsamher gold wool jacket dress is under lined with luxurious moi head Social notes are blended to never the geunl social Bio of the city District wedding adversarial bridal showers parties tnrdlus detail1 In Ill item of interest readers ot this page Your help in WWII tkil Icrrl Ill be neatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie l1 Imiaer 1256537 call Ilk ttir Audrey Conical It the Wo mens Department ocf ilikhulooylflrfl soliitirsmllll crguson rainpon Ruth lrvine and Mr and hits Crowley of Toronto ENGAGEMENT air and Mrs Lorna Dohson of Harris have Illan the en gagement of their daughter Sharon Marie in James Robert best The bridegroomobc is the son of Mr and Mrs Best of Ottawa The wedding will take place in St Marys Church barrio on Oct IVY CENTENNIAL The village oi lvy will mark is Centennial celebration this wcakond with arode and bar becua and even dance par ties Tickets lor the Saturday night dance can be obtained It ivy slore Tickets for the Friday evening dance party are sold out COLLEGE OF MUSIC Miss Heather McNiven dough ter at Mr and Mrs Mc Nivcn Shanty Bay Rd has re turned to third your studies at the College of Music University of Western Ontario tendon Also attending for the second year and studies at the College of Music is David Mitchell son of Mr and Mrs Robert Mitchell of Parker Court McGlLL UNIVERSITY Secondyear studan Isa Jana Fair daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Fair of Shirley Ave has returned to McGiil Univer sly Montreal liar brother Grant is enrolledat University of Western Ontario iondon for third your studies OFFICERS CONFERENCE Mr and Mrs Word Melen bachcr of Shirley Ave were in Ningnra Falls whereMr Meiens hauler mention probation officer of Didrlct attended the Mtterence of Probation Of Teachinglidjusted WM or Minx single button closer the collar The mink turban ihe model is wearing is set back on the uniteTondput on spam or norm in errors nun Association not know Perk Motor Hotel DENTAL NURSE Election of ammo marked the meeting at straws County Dental Numu Association bdtl Monday evening atvDr Bilkeyl office In Barrie Ind lauded by in members Mrs MarionvAiian ot Shyner was elected presi dan She will be misled by hire Elaine Borihwlck oi Stay ner viceprcsidsnt Miss Phylir Clements oi Bun Bordello sec rotary Mrs Station of Barrie treasurer and Miss Dianne Cook Barrie in charge 0t publicIIY COUPLPSDLUB The Conpies Club of Central United Church gets the fall rea son into full swing on Sept 23 with corn and wicner roast at airingwoler Park Mideast Ac tivities get underway at 380 pm An invitation is extended to newcomers in the Community Anyone Interested in good fun and lcllouship will find real trlcndly atmosphere in this Couples Cilia Presidents for this year are Mr and lira Vern Martin Sanlord Street JAYCEIIES SOCIAL pot luck supper highlighted the social meeting held last avenv ing by the Borria Jayccltes Mrs bill Orr ot Ecclos St was bos tus Guests included Mrs David White Mrs Willard marten Mrs Carl Romhild Mrs Jim Shelsweil Mrs Jim Diaroond Mrs Dave Forbes Mrs Jim Shenrdown Mrs John Black and Mrs Russ Wedge Plans were made for belt Sale to be held Sept 30 at the Formers Market Mulcaster St The nextbusiness meeting will be held at Mrs Evertona home Crawlord SL on Oct OPEN HOUSE Mr and Mrs Sid Money oi RR barrio will entertain at an open hbuse reception on Sun day In honor oi their annindaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Gory newlyweds and her parents will receive guests Irom 230 until oclock Sunday alternoon and in the evening from 130 until 1o oclock gt To Retarded Pupils QUEBEC tcPlliirs Daniel Johnson said Tuesday more schools should beestubllshcd whose teaching would be adjusted to thedeveiopment rhythm of retarded children Speaking to opening sessions of the national conference on mentalrretardntion Mrs John son wife of Quebecs premier called on all professional groups interested in working to lessfavored child en to to iongignored lrage She said the biggest reason behi societys failure to deal with the problem is deleatism an attitude which is contribut ing to giant waste of human resources About as per cent of children with emotional or character disabilities were cducahle per cent were partly educable and the remaining four per cent would remain totally depend ent But many of these were being sacrificed rather than helped Another speaker Margaret Rideout parliamentary assist ant to HealihMinister Mac Enchen said the tederai goo ernrnent Will spend £500000 during the next five years for research into mental retards Lion Mtigntmn nee Ruth Money The Knox Presbyterian Linda Jeanne Somcrl doubli ler of Mrs Morley Semen and the late Mr Semen Ind Charles Henry Rumble son of Mr and Mrsl Verlo Rumble oi Barrio exchanged vows at double ring ceremony in Knox Presbyterian Church Altman on Sept at neon ceremony Baskets of pink gladlolt and white mums formed the setting or theccremony conducted by Rev Giaries Townsley Wedding music was supplied by the no ganlrt Laurence Lindsay The bride entered the church and was given in marriage by her bmlhervinlaw George Proo tor of Bramaleo For this special day the bride wos attired in floor length gown of Alencon lace The titted bodice with lilypoint sleeves and W1 OiiicersPian District Annual The executive at Simcon Kcm penlelt District Vomcns insti tute met in Barrie on Sept 11 to discuss plans for the District Annual to be held at Thornton in May President Mrs Gordon ltix oi Siroud directed the meeting and orrengcmcnu were recorded by Secretary Treasurer Mrs Duns can Cameron ol Gulhrle Ihtme ot the District Annual will be ieaming To Live with the Citizenship ConVcner oi each branch answering the roll call The flatter show at Guthrie and the Centennial Day at Hawkestonc were among the highlights of WI activities displayprovldctl by the WI Will be feature at the inter national Plowing Match ln Oct ober workshop in Institute proced ures was discussed loitlyroundcd neckline was so cooled by bouituni tiered skirt of iron with nylon pleating gath ered with back bow To com plete the picture the bride chose tiered shoulder length vcil caught up in charter Freed roses and lily of tho vallry She carried cascade bouquet of pink roses white carnationl and trailing Ivy MATRON OF IIDNOE The bride was nttendcd by her sister Mrs George Proctor who wore floorleoth gown of ice blue chltfon over toilets with cblilon floating back panels ex tending from the shoulders of the dress The sleeveless bodice oi the gown lectured flowered trimmed standm collar She Wm cluster of white Shasta mums and head dress bow to with her gown White Siesta mums and pink carnations with ivy Iashioncd in blossom basket was her bouquet Tern Rumble of Toileridal irother of to gun was bet man mon Art Stupendlck of Base iiorden waa usher Following the ceremony gucstl were received at Gypsy Lane inn Receiving the brides miller owe knowlselaoo coat and dress ensemble accent ed with shot of turquoise and whito tulle White glad petals nnd pink rosin formed her cor IDEE Assisting the bridegrooma miller was attired in copper tone suit with matching feather ed hat and beige accessories tier acreage was of Orange De light roses Fora wedding trip to North ern Ontario the bride donned brown wool drag complement ed with gold and brown access cries andn coraage of yellow rores On their return the couple will make their home in Alliston Who was connunov 36 wide Reg 349 iSPECIAL 229 wOou DOUBLE KNIT lit 45nme St or wide Reg 595 ARDE Fabrics Ltd ilhe House of Quality mom Featuring INSTANTPIC CONTROL ncnvrcron LEADEit lN coLooANo Picture and sound immediately set is turned on rwoerAKen Golden Throat Sound TRANSFORMERPOWERED Chassis for added dependability srLecreo voluntary HARDWOODS Victorcraft cabinetry PRESETFINEITUNING LIGHTED CHANNEL inference Tamara SUIT You LETS DISCUSS IT BLACK WHITE TELEVISION Quality Dependability Experience THE MOST TRUSTEDVNAME IN TELEVISION comma MA New VISTA Advanced engineering features built intoiwA Victor Achievement Series and Towns man Series POIVEEI UL NEW VISTA TUNER pulls inrsharpdetailedpimrres eve trombordto getstations lhe roost sensitive most dependable tuner from RCA uvistnr tube GUARANTEED YEARS SOLID WPPER CIRCUIT replace oldfa shioned handwiring for greater dependability better performance fewer servicefltrouhlca Wally designed circuitry of this kind is used in space satellites and computers Circuit boards are GUARANTEED FOR SPATIGFREE GOLDEN THROAT Speakers amplifiers and cabinets are scientifically matched for Balanced Fidelity performance ALLRANGE TONE CONTth allows you through treble narrow LINE EXIINGUISHE SOLID STATE SHJCONE RECTIFIEES and DOA Dark Heater ins rugged and reliabievyour set lasts longer PORTABLE MODELS FROM ONLY $13495 CONSOLE MODELS FROMONLY 24995 VISIT OUR colour TV VIEWING ROOM See Colour TV in properseltingmakes tor pleasantviewlngand better selection to adiust tone to suit your taste from bass RS eliminate diagonal lines tromrthe picture tubes areicooloperat SeeColour TV as it will look in yourown homeView one set at time or several at onceCompare pictureouaiityColour sharpness relayINo rush no moving aboutlilo bright flaring lightsJust quite tastehd surroundingsin which to compareandwew Colour TV no DUNLQP ST RefrigerationBARRIE incur rzazo59

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