Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1967, p. 13

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William Glbbins Stroud left is presented with the Maurice Schaer trophy by Dun can Cameron Shanty Bay pro aldent oi the Simcoe Jersey line after his cow in picture Kahquah Grand louise En was awarded grand chnmpion female senior champion and first priu threeyearold rating at the Somcoe County Jersey Clubs annual Parish Show held at Cookstown recently Baker Photo Shanty Bay Stroud Get Jersey Awards Ily BlttAN naxnn Clusrlcs Sanderson wellltnown Shanty Bay cattleman has won the premier hreeders award for 1967 tor the Simone County Jen sey Cattle club whilelvilllam Gibbins oi Strnnd has received the nwnrd as lending exhnaitor at the clubs parish show winners in the best junior herdsman section up to the age or to were Debbie French oi Elmvnte Laura NeedlesofRose mont and Norman Morgan ol Thomton First prize for junior and re serve iunlor champion temala and also that place for grand and reserve grand champion hull went to John Sheardown of Cookstnvm with Bert French and Son of Elmvale second For sen ior and reserve champion female the first award went to William Gibhins with second to Charles Sanderson Mr Glhbins also won first and Mr Sanderson second for grand reserve champion fe male GOOD SHOWING The parish show of the Jersey club was feature of the recent Coolrstown air where the good showing attracted much atten tion winners in other classes in elude Joint Seardown for year old bull and senior heifer calf Flos Considers December Vole ELMVALE SteffiWith Fins municipal elections due to be held before the end of the year proposal for earlier voting is likely to be discussed at the next meeting set for Tuesday Octo ber Flo council is now completing edhe second year at twoyear term which was first adopted in loot Relatively little opposition has been taken to the twoyear term which has been sharply do hated by ratepayers in some municipalities on the argument lmore numerous elections give the voters greater control in the last municipal voting in 1965 the nomination was held use first Monday in December and election week later it has been proposed that Fins hold its nomination on Monday Novena her 17 and make Monday Dec wemher voting day This would gt get the balloting done belore the rush season for Christmas shop ping and perhaps encourage better turnout of voters Monday December will be voting day for number of Sim coe Countymnnicipallties includ qlng the town of Orillia and Orillia township Reeve Frank Coughlln heads the Fins council and other mem bers include Deputy Reeve Lorne Graham and Councillors Russ UrbanEarl Elliott and Don MacDonald Ponder Repairs For Flos Drain ELMVALE lStaii Esti etes are being obtained by los municipal officials on cost rendrSon Etmvale Bert Bench or tuoyearold hull William Gibbira for yearling female three yearold best uddered cow and group at four Charles Sanderson won for twoyearoldfemale and four yearold and also the futurlty show Prizes were donated by Dave Campbell Harrie Maurice Scha er Minslng Charles Sender aon Shanty Bay Duncan Com eron Shanty Bay Bert French Trophies were donated by the Simeon CountyJersey Club for Premier Breeder and Premier exhibitor classes Mrs Dorothy Needles donated prizes for best lunior herdmca PRESIDENT PLEASED There were lot of good cattle entered believe there were about 00 altogeth Drunan Gameron prcident of the Simcoe Jersey Ciub Actirnlly the number Is less than most years but the quality is better What we have done lato reduce the number of classes and at the sme time increase the prize money This reduction in number of classes means that exhibitors do not have to enter as many cattle and therefore have less trucking costs it seems to have worked but well his year and the show has improved matey Oliver Shanty Bay secretary of the Ontario Jersey Club said that the Simcoe Jer sey Club is very active and enthusiastic club and felt that the keen participation of the young members was very heart ening Progress In Stdyner Is Traced By Visitor STAYNER Mi TIM Ire chwetns And no have to along with it said Plain of Tomato former rat Alliston Admirez ALLISTON Staff Villitm to this growing town wold borders Tecnmseth Essa and Tormen tlo townships continue to show much interest in the cairn in Sir Frederick Grant Banting located by Banting Memorial High School the rairn has been of much interest to students as well as many other admirers of the great Canadian Idealist whose research led to the din coveryoi insuln The only simcoe County native son to ever be awarded the NobelPrlte Sir Frederick was accorded many honors including knighthood in recouition of his great work in finding cure for diabetes had read aboutthls great Canadian and it was privilege to have the opportunity of seeing this cairn said Edward Thorns Orillia bruincssman one of many recent admirers of the cairn Residents of the vicinity said they noticed more people looking at the calm this summer than usual perhaps because of eco tennial events which drew many visitors Alliston people are well acquainted with the cairn and have pride in the Banting Itory Sir Fredericks useful life was cut short by an airplane accident in Newfoundland on February 22 mt The army doctor of th First World War was on his to England for special service in the Second World War at the Frederick was born November 14 1891 on Lot Concession of Essa not far from Alliston The youngest of five children he shared the responsibilities and pleasure of farm life Gra duating from High School in 1911 he entered Victoria University at Toronto and transferred to med Handsome newdecanter Smooth light flavour 7r Now you know why HiramWalkets Gold crest isthéhit ofCVflYPallYnc When whisky is us smooth asGold Crest youvegoisomeihinggood going for you Because everybody likes it And since whisky like this doesnt hdppan very often ideal of Mayne who visited his hometown recastly Mr Platte and his wile Fat ricia said they considered this fetus in ten in me he enlisted in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and was subsequently re tanned to his medical course where he graduated in me After retuth overseas he was wound It Camhrsi in Septem ber rm and for gallant conduct on the field he was awarded the Military Cross After the war he became in terested in reading about diabe tes and when he thought about possible cum he went into re search and ultimately made his famous discovery which has been the means of saving many lives since retired Orillia physician Dr Ernest thirran of us Tecum seth street who served with the Canadian Arm Corps in World War One as recently he re called meeting Dr Banting over seas in France New in hts 90th year Dr Curran said he didnt realize at the time that Dr Bant ing was destined to become world renown for his research work lust met him as fel low Canadian physician he laid stating Dr Banting was serving with the field ambulance at the time am menu the most picttnuqne in Ontario and could well use dentend its popularity with torn lata Of cotnse said Mr Platts stationary engineer was born here Ind lived in Stayner before going to Toronto lkeep following the activi ties in Slower he said Ital ing he had read about the new street Improvements the new Iwinuning pool centennial park and other projects While Stay ner hasnt grown too much and Itill la the smallest town in Slow eoe County it was gratiiylng to see it going ahead GOOD rnosrem Personally think Slayner has great future The entire district has and one of these days stayner will get big in dustry and will develop like Col Dogwood and other towns Mr Plait Inflated My husband feels the entire Georgian Bay area will see great development within the next few years said Mrs Platte He frequently talks about lL Asked his views on regional development and area planning Mr Platta said it was obvious there were too many adminis trations with more than coo mun icipal governments in Ontario it is only good sense to loin some of then he said adding that this should be done in democratic way Economic democracy is just as important to people as pol itlcal democracy and this should be given more stress Mr Flatt added in thLe respect so cial chenges had ruulted in many benefits to Canadians and ran unmnasmea WAY car It on this should be given further at tention HIGH man We have rich country and areiortmtetollutaaprev lace with vast clonal resources aihle should be done to see la mittulned Tustion was get ting to be heavy burden and the need for good aminhtratlon at all levels of government was more important than ever before ioueraofluttr lt was not necessary to ha so many local governments There are quite few municipalities in Simeon County which could amalgamata to advantage of gel ratepayers it was suggest Founded with the arrival of the Northern Min to last Stay ner Wll first ed Nottawssa ga Station and then Dlngwall before taking its present name horn Sutherland Stayner pl naeer landowner in loos Newton Robinson Plans Pioneer Parade Events rawmu noenvson sum Float entries are being sought by Norm Beeomwords chair man for saw 31 on iamily II the highllght of Newtoas Robinsons trinity day program The parade is slated to start It pm and will befollowedr with sporting events and games for the afternm barbecue supper will be arranged between to and 680 and the prevent iadudea evening eotertaianient Ind dance located north of Bond Read on highway fl Newton Robina convis the home of lien Earl Rm Ontario unmetgoth nor who formerly was memheru of Parliament for SlmcoeDulferz in for more than 75 years TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 12814 cannot MISS YOU lf your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by pm please phone 7282433 And Copy oi The Examiner Will Be Delivered To Your nom by pun THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Suddenly Your Silver Polish ls Obsolete Your Iiivers worst enemytarnish has been de feated Eagerly chemistry gives you new Silver Care Team that works like magicone easy spoil cation of new Silversmiths Polish removes tarnish makes silver shine and looks out tarnish for months and months Simple dusting with Silversmiths Gloves keeps it shining and replenishei the tarnish barrier Silver polishes as it washes the easy conveni latest alter test this new Silver Care Team has been proven conclusively no prevent tarnish to or so times longer than anycompeting product testr ed no no citedlye in preventing tarnish that literally makes all other sliver polishes obsolete Kagerty Silvermiths Polish 054100 12 or soon 32 or$Sop Sitversmittu Gloves$tto per DT Keep Copper Gleaming brass Beauti full Another Make all your jewelry spor kle like new Now you can weveldeclded to cele brute this Centennialyear eat way to care for yonrsilver fatware and serving pieces by just washing great product from the famous Hagerty iamily works harder to make your work easier give your law eiry the very finest profession al care at home with world is mous Hagerty Jewel Clean by puttingGoId Crest up in new kind of decanter Tall and cylindrical CletsnI clear and slim With rut gloss sunburst in the besel it lets you show off iustcsl hit Because it looks great end tastes so smoothand light its the kind of whis ky that goes well at any kind of party Try it at your next party and see Gold Crest The Party thSkYr of repairing drains at the Phelp ston marsh The clerk John Robertson said he hoped to have the figures ready for council at its next meeting which is to be held on Tuesday Oct Action also has been taken to rd preparing tax sale list is property which will be sub ject to public sale if taxes are not paid beforehand Properties which are in tax arrears for three years or more are subject to this sale Reeve Frank Coughlln heads Flea council whth also in eludes Deputy Lorne Graham and Councillors Ross Usher Don MacDonald and Earl Elliott The county library question at so is likely to come up for dis cussion following public meet ing at which its advantages were explained Haserty Jewel Clean dim see DEMONSTRATION Ar woblworih DEPARTMENTSTORE liter sa cnaaecir chAss overt stxoavs rs cannonsrot UNTIL am ONE 728713l UNDERGROUND PARKING OFF MAPLE AVENUE FRIDAY 5m 22 PM To SATURDAY seer 23 to AMA70 530 m9 Hiram Walker 8t Senslimiied Distillers llnawhiskies for over OOyanrsii

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