Vivileem Colors Give Way To SmOkeHued Table Pieces SITTING PRETTY girl tries out an easy chair made by new tech nique in Britain which pro ducrs Instant Furniture Spoclnl chemicals are injected into alurnioum molds loam ing action takes place and in lo rrdnutes the chair irarne oi rigid urethane is removed irom the mould ready lor covering and legs to be attached The girl holds eloit one ol the shells showing how light the inrnitura is KEEP IN THETRIM HolyPoly Youngsters Tend To Become Overweight Adults ay inn JEAN KAIN Fat babies are cute and cudd ly ahd mlypoly youngsters look wellnourished But will fat child thindown as she grows up7 The odds against lady turning into norrnolmelght adult run better than to ii the overweight youngster is not motivated to reduce in her ado lcseent years the odds are 28 to that she will remain at all her liie study coniirming the inlractnhitity oi childhood obes ity drawn lrom group of ouo persons was conducted by Drs Albert Stunlrard and Vic tor EurL Studies on obesity indicate that cariy prevention of over velghtjs oi the greatestimpor lance its sad to allow child to go ahead and get at and then expect the boy or girl to outgrow it later on Food tastes load habits and prefer ences are learned early in childhood irons THAN acmch However more than iood habits are involved Science does not have all the answers but there is evidence that the prhliicration ol new fat cells begins very early in childs lilobelore ages or These cells are ï¬xed To explain eWhen fat is first laid down the existing cells are iilled up When no more let can be absorbed in the existing cells new cells are formedprolifer ated These new cells become filled withiat When Weight is lost the shells of these new cells although they lose their fat do not disintegrate but remaiu intact to be relilled whenever ythere is surplus of luel Dverenting in inlaney and early childhood increases both the size and the number of the tat cells Presumably this makes it easier to store fat and gain excess weight later in lite Does ovemeight run in tami lies The answer is yes Statis Vtiessiwwthniwhenbothpar enlists overweight 80 percent ol lheohiidren will be over weight When only one parent is stain overweight to percent of the children can be latvprone Heredity is lactor Although this helps to uplnin why some children have tendency to be overweight it shordd not be used as an excuse to permit child to eat too much food and then blame heredity The establishment oi good lood hair its at an early age is oi the utmost importance This is all the more necessary it the child has tendency to be over weight Prized Quilt Goes To Highest Bidder At Antique ShOW The art of quilt making in North America dates lrom Col onial times of the 1700 Color iuI patterns of patchwork were sewn by the women than quilt ed at bees whore neighbors gathered to sew visit and least Quilts were dire necessity In early Canada as bedrooms were molly unheated and many oi these pioneers were unused to the severe winters The so cial time enjoyed at the quilting bee was also needed by these women whose lives were so isol ated Worthy descendants of these quiltars of yore some Barrie ladies under the convenership of Mrs ll Maxwell have lash iooed Centennial Rose quilt which is truly masterpiece Many hours of caretul work have gone into in making Four ai ternoons were spt planning and cutting out pieces Alter the blocks were sewn and assembled in hours were spent marking 191 hours quilting and eight hours binding it The quilt will beoa display at the Antique Show Sept 22 and 23 in Collier Street United Church hall and will be ioraele to the highest bidder the initial bid to be $100 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS nro APPLECHERRY JUICE NEW IIICIDIII AppIeCherryJuice Ioryour baby Only Gerber has it Iiyour baby is old enough to graduate from single lureas its time Inr something diliorant and delicious Like Gerber AppleCherry Juira tempting bland or apple and cherry luloas with added vitamin ascorbic acid its one otrha many new exclusives Gerber otters your little one Why not add this lulca flavour to bahya menu soon By WHO 3085 Glassware is prettier more vlriul and batter value than ever which Alien great inducement to stock up on generous apply for vulurr table settings Color shape and texture are the three made that dlilcrerti ate modern trom Mdltlonnl gimme Vivid gun colon one so much In demand are giving way to such hues an olive topaz and male TRENDS 1N FORM Shapes tend to be either tree flowing or nverdy slraldrt tn the Scandinavian manner Texturel are uneven or rough In strong contrast to the shimmering smoothness oi the part Pebhlad and crackled Elli races series or clrurlar lnderv tetionr and horizontal ridge reflect desire to have table glassware cenlorm to the mod emistic patterns at presentday china The name chaogu aliect declt orntiva glasswaresuch as vases iruit and candy dishes beverage holders are treated cake holders and salad set Some of these pleas on well as with an iridesth spray iinish that adds an ooolesceat 11th at colon Epcot11y when used on made one The glansblowing art once as amour here as on the conti nent is vanishing irorn the American scene due to lack oi craitsmen However our dormstlc machinemado glass ware increasingly compete in beauty with bandproduced item and Is Mien more dun hie well Is styled toour own ideas of table decor Much oi it also has the ringing bell toner thatsalespeople love to demonstrate by tapping with pencil or fingernail MILES VNCHANGED Changing shape and textures do not alter ageold rules or keeping glassware sparkling clean Modern or tradIanei colored or clear glassware depends ior iLs charm upon utter discontinueml this prin cole will to Warlead products as as wedding all assist Th insure glassware should be ed in hot stale clnsediuhotnueruithalow drops at ammonia added ior extra luster and wiped with llntvfree clean towel While drying them with towel is not necessary liter using dish warher some ilstldlous women like to boil clean glassware while it is all hot to prevent any chance oi streak Married Students Subject Of Study WINNTPEG CF Reccnliy appointed dean at women at the University oi Manitoba Shirley Smith already Is Involved in study at the problems need by married women attending uni varsity as adult students Alli Smith 43 wiin oi Wil liam Smith head at the univer sitys history department reurraed to university as an adult student three years ago to stud social work Previously she ived in Brandon where her husband taught It Brandon Col lege now the University of Brandon The study of problems lacing married women at university is the ï¬rst oi its kind in Manitoba it resulted irom recent approv aloi courses designed tor moth ers with time on their hands alter their children have grown up Historical Reseorch Marks WI Session history oi the preview Coo trc Show district tracked the historical march and Omens mesa groan Iv tin Gord lellow convener It the mating Painswkt WomnJaatitutt The mam hills dated back to um All menial broom an antique And Mn Goodallow laud thelr howy ledge oi Huron with quiz program lTbo meeting took 11 at the home 1thng Current events were bought miocdllsenx Mr Sula and gland District um moot Mrs Stark reported on the National Convean in Guelph and him Goodiellow gave in teresting blghllfllts on the Lend ers centennce in the nine city trip to Mmkoh Io visit the new home oi leimar member Mrs Crosble ol Utlcrson is trimmed tor the near Miro President rue Garrison aa cussed entrch lor the Barrie Ex hibition which have to be At the lime Mn Barr by Sept leodars course In Euklng with Ycast will be heldon Nov ll endls short coum en titled Fashlon Cues For You is planned lor April oi rose Several vohrrrteem in centen nial dress are needed to help SWIFIS lAZY MAME SUCH litIIDlESS SIIIE BAfliléIl ll VAC PM SHIFTS BWIIFIELII MESS SAUSAGES IMilEllllE SllflEIl COOKED HAIA is ll CTN one who Spacials At Thase Markets Only Loaves FREEamm WHITE BREAD WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY PACK AGES WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT auras AT REG erucr Specials At These Maritals Only New Evaporated Carnation Milk WITH THE PURCHASE or on JAR lGA INSTANT corsec AT THE REGU LAR PRICE Gox Jar Frenchs Prepared FREE nusrnrok WITH THE PURCHASE OF lLB PKG TABLERITE WIENERS AT THE REGU LAR PRICE THasc OFFERS AVAILABLE AT cunts TIES roA YOUNGS ton on MARKET so IGA SEPT 20 21 22 as ONLY SOLO can uan wroxuonr can rt rm ruralmurderersqu Home It lads Alla colouramt the earn nrlttoe served landï¬ll POUND ISLANDS Captain Alma Cook discov eredflvoottbelhceoh kind In rm while commie thewa Navy Veneers 11mm omwn iCP Pronouns urn Puma lent manua uou In John Didenhder Moe LITTLE BIRD ToLo ME THERES ocAtsR IN TOWN maamowramwaywwmnmhl MamwmhmwdmkHW whhMï¬hWWflii MWdwasï¬hy bahmbudkawdiud no hgwmmmd tmhdmflmmmmï¬hm Asl MHQWWWW pleasVa return no HADDOCK nor lN BAUER 53c llil ortlcmus rArrnr srzi RAISIN PIE Slilllti Milli my are 39 IGA corrrr 69rt75c STIIIIEIY rourr roe FANCY PEAS ailing ï¬ns Suppbld 31 cm lowly aim to prwumn mdnandmra PRICES Emblle till FEATURES AM Willi WE IIEMS SEPIEMBFR 20 2t sod 23 PARCHMENT MARGARIN IGA 5N0 KREEM SHORTENING KRAFT ill PASS VIE lttSllllElIlE RISK ill will illillllillts llll 100 Pills ISAHEINZ SALE IUMAIII IlllllEélié HEINZ sue SPAGHEITI areas room We mrrooo rrrwr xrrcmef HEINZ soars as minor rooos has Arriornu 3mÂ¥ ltï¬lc flirts iirsc 3135 95¢ it so if or Strauss EGRAPES BANANAS9e corn our BEANS WWINIA muwmm simian out sum 49¢ MARKET soUARr IGA wonsnnx ANDMULCASTEE rounss IGA renounce amen errTania CHRISTIES IGA FOODtINE Earn Band ch at Bd sodomy mine Babies are our business our only businessl Garbar Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS man DZ CANADIAN ESEVSLICES