Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1967, p. 20

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so To GOOD llEllLlil Calcium Is Part Di Healing ProceSs By JOSEPH MOWER MDl Dear Dr Males Pleasa explain to me about calcitled llrll valve in the heartMrs ltl when some part oi the body is damaged calcium can accm mutate as art oi the healing proceuJh lsinleoiahro lten bone and you can see the calcium in an Xray iilm There is calcium in the scar tissue that terms alter tendon irritation or other injury Cal cium is part at tht healing pro cess in damaged idiot and certain lung hiiections For the same reason it the mllral valve becomes severely inflamed calcium will be present when it heals The calcium in all thm instances pcriorms valuable service In iact it is necessary tor the healing to take place HAS SIDE EFFECTS Yet the presence at the cal cium also can he detriment Nature has its side effects tool Joint may hecomestli ier or spur oi caiciiication in the shoulder or on the bot tom oi your heel or some other area can he painiui when sub jcctcd to pressure in the mltral valve the calci iication can prevent the valve irom closing tightly or from opening as lilly as it should thc tissues become somewhat aiilencd or misshapen Any oi the our major valves oi the heart can be misled to such calcification ii inicc inn oi some sort attacks it Rheumat ic lever ls one oi the iorcmost causes oi that type nt damage The miiral valve ls particularly important and also appears to be more oitcn ailectcd in this WHY The degree oi calcification and the amount oi luterierence in easy opening and closing of the valve governs what needs to be done in many instances it is host to accept the loci that the valve is not working at iull eiiiclency Thereiore patient may he required to limit his activity so as not to overtax his heart In other cases heart sur gery may be the better answer to free the moveablc parts oi the valve so they can open more iuiiy under close more tightly This is one of the more iroquenl types at heart surgery Dear Dr Moloer My son TELEVISION eight has been complaining oi sore heel or about six weeks have not taken him to our hi doctor because frankly cant see why it should hurt ills shoes are filled at good store and there is no bruise or cut that can see or growth can ieei Do you think should take him ior In exam RN POSSIBLE BONE TNJUIW Yes Children dont complain ior six weeks without some rea son There may be bone inltllt ry or damage ol some sort inside the loot which doesnt show irom the outside Your doctor may or may not need an Xrsy hut ld certainly want to find out what is wrong or whether something is wrong Dear Dr itiolner Have you any advice ior someone like me have severe itching roblem oi rectum and iarther orward and it keeps me awake all night We tried everything to stop iiiMn 1E Saying that you have tried everything implies to me anywayt that you have tried everything except taking the problem to your doctor Severe itching which dues not respond to ordinary that aid means that something is wrong But when it cmlld be akin disease hemorrhoids iungus or yeast iniection itching oiten accompanies diabetes althth it probably would be more generalized than yours identilylng the cause of the itch is the important thing ilir Pollution Measures Urged TORONTO CF The city should be empowered to close industries rciusing to obey air pollution regulations This was the chiei recommenr dation ni special report to the Metropolitan to works committee prepared hy Alder man Anthnny ODouuhuc an engineer wtur city skics clouded annually with about ton oi pollution ior each oi the lliit0W residents he said it is clearly evident that we need very direct measures to curb and reduce the amount at pollu tlon in the air we breathe Pronouns BUFFALO lAIlRlE 14 v73UlEAL0 ronomo namroN WEDNESDAY SEPT 20 EVENING 420a zllika Dmqu soommun tsemt Storm In Lucy IIHgtlDfl Haroaa 130 lBarncy Boomer 4th Coltsfllsertcll Iltiovta rs Cracksanan 500 Lions 4Port Mason 1Hlnmonu ilHcrc 510 20 Land And Sell 30mm Outdoors 7News 11min miter mo Sports sDrktart world sports mo tVirgtniarl Ililuvla 9lnvadara can sile And She MM aNenn WIther Soon Lorene thrilling mm ilPierro Berton coo sNewr JNcwa Weather Sports ado IBeveriey aolovtc mo uNaws Weather Sports lute iiiio And she thwell Thomas olllntstnnea tiWIlt Disneys 1News Wuihcr Ilpst in space lThs Hurrah mo lBoh llova Orv For nappy Crack In Th Mimi LBob lions szo Million Questions tGreen Acres 1itiovle Paradise Hunter Impossible dHe And so new zano nor your Lila tDurideo and The Cuihane liairrv crirnn till sraa Lsoom lint seat zNewr Wilmer than Newa Weather Sport 30 ZJollnlli Caraon aMovie so or re than 7Kovia lGIIn Belt 13mm DPems Probe lIIIM LirlI SMcvie iJesnne Eaxlll 1230 IIylae W1 Ganaway Hillbillies THURSDAY SEPT 21 MORNING AND AFTERNOON can zwlndow On The World tsnmmcr Semester ilLucal News gt IZIIO zAiVodai we 1winoow On In World loan tBeveriey IDateline moo mo Terctshlp lztii aCsetaln xrnmne llao flit OUnlvenlty oi in Mr Lmnlnr tor Dollar soo sToaaer oCartten Frederick 9ltomver Room llEd Allan 5111 Unit Latnu dNews ocartoon Playhouse IlDonna need low 15 Judgement 4cnnud Cullen DUncle Bobby illMovie tAre Iltllblnds Necessary Iltlr and 1200 Heopardy TMovla VTomnto lane on 2star Donals lCdmmllndclte Isecret storm ar me Lucy PW llsupcr limes lflii Snort oBamey Boomer irTruth or Oonaequcncea Liliane Wooden Horse llltunrten 41mm 5W In sMlxter Dd lPerrv Mason vllhttrmnea tuericho ma 7Battnan 20 Land And sm 4qu 58coutlill 1Ncws sum iMy Thrco Sans tNewa Weather Sports Iliiovlo Attack tlPierra Berton mo ZNewa sNews Weather 590m moo sso rlronrlde slisocle IItta fApart zconcentrrtlnn Hollywood 1Childrens FPzrsonaiity sGood niorntna tanoy Grlmti 7oneymoon lacs aTnnooat Annie ilMarriaae Confidential Jleclietm DIM confidential scent lIthtle People lDottoro House call IMerv Grtfiith sNewr Weather lSeuvh For 10er LC lIPhoto Finish lGuidlnl Itht THURSDAY SEPT 21 EVENan BNewa Weather Soon iinmmmr zNewr Weather sant Girl Duel In The innate cnyine Nun ilThat Girl 7Newa Walther znaoiei Boone sTn Be Announced ssur irck sllo arts Heroes Law Nun promo wonEd uvmina mo oMrn rmm uNcm too siamr 4Meet The stolen Lanzhou snnne Treasure under IIN IIi lllillire Douala Hillbillies Doctor 130 4As The Wotid Turns karma 200 LDaya or our Lives ZHnllywood Squares ond Alien Tim 14me acne 1NswLVwed Glms 23o zDocwrs Illonse Party TJRIm Girl 9Penple in Conflict tlrerry Mam slilm short 300 IAnoiher world LTIlrc io ITo Tell The Truth oatomnrates Court ssn 3You Dont Say smge of Night ommander Nm sltr Your Move llaniiwlnkle Mr Today 111 Girl lDeln Martia solo LDra net 1Pey Pilca moo zDern Marlin gItun mom Lite G°°d play LJdlrmlx llilien Gritiln loan 15ch Hundred Yeln limo le ilPierre Barton 30 Zdflhlmy Canon tMovis tThc sumo Greatest Scxt The strip Llflirl From NM aPerrya Prone ilMovis Never Let no men uMovle lzan lDoIIl Garrawa ment Weather Swfll coroner non Soulhdealer Neither aide vulnerable wonm use 96 gluon AIl EAST games 11 QIOEAI our one salons SOUTH aaxa esxa Out axqeaa ihehidding seem Wane North cut ru cm was use Opening leadjack at clubs The outcome at most hands depends largely on which side has the preponderance ni high cards but there are many deals where the result is determined by other iactors For example take this hand where South wins the club lead with the queen and returns the queen oi diamonds ii West knows his way around the table he ducks and allows South in win the trick iii West takes the queen South is bound in make two diamond tricks and the con tract When the queen holds declare er leads another diamond and West again ioliowa low Now By JAY BECKER South has diliicalt gueu since he does not know where the ace and lack are located ii West has the tack South should play the nine irons dununy it West has the ace South should put up the king Presenting deciarer with such guesses is part at the basic strategy oi deienae and layouts who regularly misses ruch op portanilies is selling himseli short strangely Enough ll declarer plays the and properIY he makes the contract regaldlesa oi where the ace and jack oi dia monds are located Ailhshastodoloassure the contract is lead the tour ci dis monds to dummys eight at trick two This uploy guarantees two diamond cks against any lie at the cards ii the eight holds low dia mond to the queen reduces second diamond tric ii the eight loses to the jack South later overtakes the queen with the king to establish two dia mond tricks Finally ii the eight iorces the ace South again has two diamond tricks to show inr his aileris Consequently all roads can be said to lead to Roercva declarer has the presence at mind to lead low diamond at trick two But it he makes the mistake oi leading the queen and West is on his toesWest can present South with mighty dii iicult guess AT THE LIBRARY Having in mind the Iiarrle Antique Show on Sept 21 and 23 it seems appropriate to mention few at the books on antiques and pioneer living which have come into the library lately as well as one or two very useiul and popular out not quite so re cently published Although older antiques are much sought alter they are be conlng harder to iind and now many people are turning to the newer antiques as well ANTIQUE FURNISIIDIG By Gordon Rea is not book on interior decoration but is an en tertaining excursion into various ilelds oi whimsical antiques which make interesting conver sational pieces in modern homes it hos such items as candle stldts oharnher pots smoking caps and armorial pottery ink pots ewers great variety oi objects from many eras This is gnaslpy yet learned book or people who do not mind judic iously mixing the old and the IICW OLD CLOCKS By II Lloyd is called practical handbook tor collectors it is history ot clocks mainly European irom the iourtEéIIlh to the nineteenth century great many types are decribod including the astrolog ioal iantem long case and re gulator clocks Many mechanical details are given as well as in formation about the more osm ous oiodrmahers PEWTEII COLLECTING FOR AMATEURS by Kenneth Wyeth This fascinating book covers all aspects oi pewter his tory collection identification ni various makers and the care at OFFlCE HURS pieces The history oi the pew tere turtle is most interesting In addition the book has good illustrations THE COMPLETE BOOK OF AMERICAN COUNTRY ANTI QUES lly McCllnion covers American country antl ques tram colonial times on such articles are described as tinwarc wrought and cast iron copper brass churns homespun and pottery The items are pri mitives which could he found in farm houses or country store This is basic reading ior amna tenr antique collectors ihesu no tiques are now mudl soughtai ier by todays collectors COTTAGE ANTIQUES By Therle llughes Again we have antiques oi humhlcr origin which would have been found in Euro pean cottages oi the last three centuries There are chests cup hoards spinning wheels chins ware brass copper pewter and aunt The book is well written and well illustrated FIREARMS By Walter Ditchi At last book for the men which is both history and des cription Do you want cannon hnnd gun ior hunting or iishing riile atchlccié machine naval iircarm ingenious pistol or musket Or do you want in tind out how they work and how they revolutionized society Man has displayed some of his great est ingenuity in flierinveution of firearms GUIDE 10 cents cana DMN cuss By iiiidn and Kelvin Spence and ANTIQUE GLASS AND CHINA By Geol irey Goddcn are two books to remember Mtnulntllllr niunnmmuui Kn run Silicatr was WM an rnmcd lllliill As retired employee Franklin youre giving our retirement plan very bad reputation DillLY CEOSSWORD hostess Wrens stone Melville character Embodng 10139th LLSubstded 12Aiuat 143mm 16ronoun 11 Compass point 1Antlered new docu merit £thth 5Mosiern title c3ywuat means 7Aiablarl gar merits 8Church official 1114am Kipling 136w aawood 1le crim inates pain among 25 Becomes brittle 21Piead museums 3L Greet 34lowoiian bird 35Grlt aiSeoiorttaa aflirmatlve SEWI title to Specimen 43 Civil wrongs 481mm weight tnIndia mer sloth Judi indefinite fittmspn DOWN 1Middieinan AIK gaspiyztjnuurpl fig 19 Before 20 Wealthy 23 Kiran adjunct 24 Spreads grass $0411 26 Mun sheep 28 Main 29 Ten doc Spongy 32 Alt 83 Wait hoods as Appoint meals as Cartmn iai no son sauc DIRY recs noes Yeaterdlya sum 41 Bill rowing animal 42 Scheme 44 Sandys headgear MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK msannmxxamamuoarsmunh5 haulmsw 11mm mama CASTING GRANDMA SECRET AGENT X9 Corrlgan relurnshome from his briefing at cadquariers NOWILBJR DONTGO BACK in MY GARDEN BLéNDIE THAT PESKY YOU MADE ME MISS HIM WHOSE 5IDE ARE wu ON DAéwocDlt MlNE OR 1145 THOUGHT meson ETTA COME HOME AWHILEAGO HEIZ DATE IS PROBABLY SAYiNG 6000 MlGHT HOW CAN WOMAN TELL WHAT MANS SAYING WHEN HES Kl$SiNG Hens READ His Lips BUZZ SAWYER Am ORNIHG iiERE AM IM TREEU vBUFFflLOBUT FE ERREFUL HES MEAN WHfiSCUFFiE HOW ill THE WORLD

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