ll BARN WEDNEDAY am 1m BEATLES VOTED NP mutantThe Beatles today were voted Brit alns top musical group tor the third successive year Readers ot telody Matter magazine gore the accolade in annual poll and named the looxbatred toursornea Sergeant Pepperl Lonely Helm Club Bend the years best longpinyin record READY TO CO0PERATE BEIRUT Lebanon Reuters nie second oi South Arabias rival nationalist organisations met tederal army deadline Tuesday night by announcing it is willing to cooperate with its opponent spokesman tor the Front tor the Liberation oi Occupied South Yemen said the Emptianhacked nationalist group is willing to Join the National Liberation Front in arming caretaker govern ment in South Arabia The NLF earlier said it would cooperate SEEKS MORE FUNDS LONDON lltcutersiPrime Minisler Wilsons rulinizLabor party today announced plans to seek more iunds irom unions to help modernize its volecatch ing machinery The decision was announced shortly atter the Trades Union Congress can demoed the government or its handling or the economy An estimated 75000 persons may be out at work this winteri PRESIDENTS CONFER WASHINGTON Reuters President Johnson and Presi dent Giuseppe Saragat oi ltly said Tuesday peace and seeu rity in the Atlantic area were gr based on an equal partnership gt between Western Europe and 1I North America The two presi dents in Joint statement alter holding two contorenees at the White House also emphasized theimportaneeotNATO OIL POLLUTES LAKE CHICAGO ReutersiAn air sea and land investigation started Tuesday to tind the cause ot giant oil slicks pollut ins Tamiledong Lake Dalkelmperlectiy color Michigan anloii Bacon sweaters skim Slims genersl superintendent ut Chi iblazersi1npeccably tailored described the massive oil secp agelttaigcllaiithgalsczpbpilllidfg in the ever seen in body oi gt it manner Select your most gt becomingcolor Italian Magazme States gt yBlueflaItan Green 13 éhfnggrlï¬sodd Chocolate Brown or Light Navy and put yourself NEW YORK AP The Pope is quoted in an American gt all manner magazineI asd llnking nuclear armamen an con raeeption as antilite forces that can change 0f Ways the lace oi the worldl in both easns they are inven lions hostile to lite and directly contrary to the primordial pre cept of Genesis Increase and multiplyD the Pope is quoted as saying in an article in the Fine gauge Bethany0 wool current McCalls magazine The article consists of excerpts from Dialogues with cardigan Sizes 36 to 40 Paul book by Jean Guit ton of the Florian Academy 1200 Wool worsted The cï¬inversatlons with Gultton gt span years Plum pm is and as in sheath skirt Fnliy lined ep oring in another conversa lion what he called the degrad Sizes 12 to 16 1500 ingpot the word pealce eaee is not bind pacit hm Botany wool pullover Peace is the fruit at con crate continuous and unani Jewel mous eltori the construction at local and universal community iounded on human solidarity in the search tor common univ versal go WW Inï¬ll sh Busulrss BRIEFS By THE eauaman mass re PLANT OPENED gt The largest color picture tube blueblullylhodssluo plant in Canada was opened in gt ï¬idlafd niesday by industry inis er Drury The $25000000 RCA Victory iaetory was established with the helpot Irant from the industry W001 departmentl through its area eve opmdn program toi desig noted pinata unanimous ACQUIRE srocx Circle Canada Ltd said neokthrooquarm Tuesday it has acquired all the capital stock of Tubeo Lam gem Parts Ltd otTilronlu circles length 91 is subsidiary oi Circle industries at Trenton Nl gt large manufacturer ot wiring devicesr gt Dams EBy THE cautionary PRESS BrusselsM Altred Wil salt ea Ontarioborn Dodgebei less society matron and phi lanthropist Home Jaw sashHarold Davies65tormer editor of the ltloosa law TimesHerald and staltmernber for is years MontrealLeon lrepanier 36 journalist and historian who specialized in Montreal history and vasedltipg book ontbe subject WinnipegJohn Draper Per rlu 77 president oi Harvard Mines Ltd and4Queinont ingCurp who had long er in inlng finance MoscowSergei lievik lid one or czarist Russias Vtop opera stars Ilflson Bay flaskGary Thode 34 twice winner of the an is schoolboy curling championship royalsxamnm WANT on etasaw Wow Lh