isuonoo Damageln BarhIiremsmntv lOSrd Your No Barrio Guthrie Canada Thursday September l4 I967 WEATHER Continuing my Worm Cool nights low tonight 50 degrees H1811 Friday 75 degrees For convicts simmers see page to Not mm Thln 10 Per Copyl6 Pogu smcos come LlBERlltS LAUNCH canines Bruce Owen centre Lib oral candidate in Slmcoa Cen tre in the upcoming provincial election receives encourage ment from Robert Nixon lettl provincial leader of the party and Delence llllnistcr Paul Ilellyer They hpnke last night at Iiaunotj the Liberals campaign dinner in Barrie Examiner Photo BY CHINESE Indian Trotops iven Annihilation Threfat NEW DELHI CPIChinese trnops on the SikkimTibet fron tier today broadcast threats in use aircralt and annihilate every Indian officer and soldier on the border unless the Indians stop firing by tonight An Indian defence ministry spokesman said the warning came after Chinese troops shelled Indian forces facing them across the Nathu pass for the laurth successive day The warning was blared in Hindi and other Indian lan guages over loudspeakers nor mally used to broadcast Indian music or the thoughts at Chinese Chairman Mao Tse tong across the border in the high mountain passes of Sik kim The spokesman said the vthreat had only been made locally and had not been broad cast from Polling The spokesman said the defence ministry attached no importance to the threat of Chinese air raids This is Pekings way at res pnnding to our ceasefire call in said Gangtok It air miles from Nathu took it defence action including blackout Wednesday night for the first time since the Chinese invaded India in 1562 in border dis pute reports from Calcutta said They added that civil defence action intensiï¬ed in Calcutta and other parts of West Bengal state in eastern India Indian government sources indicated the Indian death toll since fighting broke out Mon tday rose to to in Wednesdays clashes which followed 1L India propostid ceasefire hour lull The Chinese said as of Tuesday and susgaslcd meet their border guards were killed ing at sect commanders or wounded in the first two days of lighting Peking radio lled lndias pro posalfa gross eceptinn Thant Threatens To Resign Pjost BMW AP UN Secretary General Thant has threat ened to resign unless the United States and the Soviet Union make more serious efforts to solve the problems and difficul ties confronting the United Nations and the world the semiofï¬cial newspaper Al Abram reported today In dispatch from iLs New Yorkcorrespnndent Al Abram said Thant made the threat to the USond Soviet govern ments recently Thant was especially hitter the report soid because of the failure of the United States to heed his advice on Vietnam His chief recommendation has been for halt in the bombing of North Vietnam Al Abram said Thant in his recent communications to Mos cow and Washington noted that whenhe reluctantly accepted another fiveAyear term last December he had three major international problem on his hands Theireport did not say what these were But Thant the report said told the CAPSULENEWS Indonesia Expells Diplomats JAKARer Reuters Indonesia today expelled two Chinese diplomats they charged were responsible for the shooting of four Indonesians during month mass raid on the Chinese embassy here last Wildcat Strike Sparks Violence PITTSBURGH AP wildcat strike by private truckers has interrupted steel shipments in three states and touched off some gunfire tire slashing and windshield smashing 0ne man was badly injured another shot lolice seek Toronto Bomber honours mi Police are looking for man they believe blew up an eastend Toronto home Monday investigators found tracesof gasohne and spent shotgun shell at the sceneoitho explosion on Rainslord Road They also found trail of blood lead ing rom the wreckage indicating something went wrong with the ï¬boteurs plans Identity Crash Victims LONDON Out Provincial police today identiï¬ed an elderly American couple who were killed Wednesday when their car crashed mtq alieldheside Highway 401Bestricesl3ockn as Was driver of the car Her husband Arthur Buck79 was pas senger Both were from Norwalk Conn snows US and Soviet governments none of them had been solved and fourth problem thatnt the Middle East has been added Tbant arrived in Kinshasa the Congolese capital Wednes day night to attend the closing session of theiAirican summit meeting At Abram said he intends to express these views in private meeting with Airi can leaders Unemnhmeo Down lln Illugust OTTAWA CPLCanada cut its unemployment rate to flat three per cent in August lowest in nine months At midsmonth 7000 men and women were looking for work decline of 37000 from July and fsubstnntial drop for this timeiotyear said todays joint report by the man power department and Domiu ion Bureau at Statistics big factor was farm employment up 23000 from July Some tubs npenedyup in manulacturin construction and trade but the gains were offset by layoils in the service industries The unemployment role in Julywas 35per cent of the labor force lniAugust last year 29 per cent HERBS ONE First Inmate you doing Second Buying old wella sawingthetn up and sell ing them for post And what are AID rooourotc HIKED av FRANCE MILWAUKEE APlGougs of white youths pelted Negro motorists and police cars with rocks bottles and bricks Wednesday night in fourth straight night of violence on tho virtually nllwblte South Side The crowds had gathered for second successive night in anticipation of march by Negroes who stoppodshort of the South Side neighborhood Police finally broke up the crowds of white youths with repeated barrages of tcar gas and smoke bombs and with the intimidating blasts of riot guns and revolvers but not before several police cars and vans were showered with flying debris Three persons were injured At least zowore arrested WANTS OPEN HOUSING The violence came despite decision by Rev James Groppi white Roman Catho lie priest and the Milwaukee youth council of the National Association for the Advance ment otColdred People to steer clear of the South Side where their march in support of desegregated in vas greeted wlth bottles and bricks Monday night It was the 17th straight night of demonstrations by the priest and the council which he advises The council wants the city to pass low ending dis crimination in housing in Mil waukee of virtually all wbltc and Negro neighbor hoods SAIGON lAIlBSZ bombers again struck inside North Viet nam today at hidden sites where the northemers were preparing to put up missile sta tions in an effort to halt the damaging blows from the Stra tofortresses along the demilitar ized zone The 352 said three miles inside North Vietnamese terri tory was one of threeheavy strikes on the socalled buffer zone The heavy pressure in South Vietnams northern provinces wosretlected in last weeks casualty figures announced today by the US command The number of combat dead were the highest in two months and at least twothirds of the the coastal town of Tma Ky and 150 miles to the north on the fringes of the demliitorized zone The 15 command said on Americans were killed last week 1450 were wounded and seven were missing South Viet namese forces rep 250 killed while North Vietnamese $1th Cong totalled 2193 uern BIGUNITS Sihcethe South Vietnamese presidential election Sept brought an end to twomonth lull in ground lighting the northemera have repeatedly committed big units to battle TODAY Ann London7 City News2 Classifiedll 15 ComicsIo Debuts14 District5 Editorialt openss Theatre5 Listingth Weather16 Americans killed were around Wednesdays violence was at first directed toward Negro motorists many of them on their way to or from work in South side industries Police fired tear gas earlier to disperse the crowd after about 300 white youths had marched on the residence of William Cousins the Roman Eothnlic archbishop at Milwau cc Pearson White Gangs Subdued By Milwaukee Policies The youths were demioding for second night in row that the church censure Father Groppi ADDRESSES GROUP The archbishop came to the front lawn oi his residence and spoke briefly to the group many of whom seemed undcr iii Opens Centennial Tour ESPANOLA Ont CF Frime Minister Pearson began tbreeduy centennial visit to his Algomo East riding Wednesday and immediately caninto two sorprtscs First he was mistaken for John Dielenbaker by is small boy in lids community heart of the riding that has elected Mr Pearson to the Commons seven times since m9 As the prime minister climbed from car the unidcn tifled youngster leaped from the crowd and stood staring at Mr Pearson The boy beamed when Mr Pearson said Hello there how arevyoul Areyou Mr Dielenbakc the youngster asked Mr Pearsnn chuckled and Hidden Missile Sites Target For 113 Vietnam Bombers and hurled continual mortar and artillery barrages at the marines holding the line south underground fortress at Don oi the demilitarizedzone The Thien has been repeated tar get replied No Im Mr Pearson have you heard of him With perplexed look the boy stated flatly No The trouble with that little boy is that hes been watching too much television Mr Pear son said in recounting the inci dent at an evening civic dinner in his honor vlihodesia ls Marking Time On Economy Butler States MONTREAL CF Rhode sias David Butler may not be up there with the leaders in the world Flying Dutchman soiling championships but he claims to be doing fine in the diplo matic field lve won form of rceognb tion for Rhodesia joked the yacbismanpolitlcian who led the last white opposition in the Rhodesian parliament Canada and all other cnun tries have withheld diplomatic recognition of breakaway Rhodesia but Mr Butler is rec ognized as Rhodesias repre senhative at the mntry sail ing championships being held at the Royal St Lawrence Yachting Club ThreeeYear Plan Increased lTenFold In Education Field QUEBEC CPIEducation lilinislcr Alain Peyrelitte of France to ad night unveiled part of threoycar glob cooperallon ctween France and Quebec will be increased tenfold Speaking at to confer cncc which followï¬lks with Premier Daniel Johnson Mr Peyrefiile said the amn unt spcnt by France this year under the education and cultur nl agreemcnts signed in loss will be multiplied by to in the threeyear period Ilo stressed that he disliked the word assistance in the con text of nameQuebec relo tlons and preferred to refer to glenoperation between two equ sli The French minister has been holding private talks with Que bcc oiï¬cinls since Monday when he arrivedhere saying that his visit was intended to bring practical consequences to the July visit of President de GaullIL the other in Quebec the government school for The number of scholarships provided by Ironco tor Qucbec students would be increased to 1000 within thrcc years from about on this year it pool of French teachers spanning tho range from kin dergarten to university would be made available for Quebec to draw on according to its needs Tw° FranccQuebcc teach er trnmhig centres would be established one in Farts and FranceQuebec bank of educational films would bcse up France would Establish in Quebec centre at which Quebecers could write examina lions for entrance to Francos Boole rationale dodministrotion civil servats France expressed interest in sclentlllc research lnnortb cm Quebec Mr Peyreliite said he was giving few examples of the new projects to show you the spirit in which we have worked neopirit concrete realistic He gave some examples of the expanded exchange pro gram he announced and said complete statement will be issued Friday outlining about 75 clauses of cooperatio Among the examples cited wereihes Though Butler 40 enloyed chuckle over this oddity there was nothing amusing about his picture of the Rhodesian situa tion and he still feels that rebel Premier Ian Smith blundered bidly Rhodesia is marking time he said of the African countrys economy in an interview Wednesday night By his unilateral declaration of independence of Britain Nov 1965 Smith threw down the gauntlet in such way that Britain had to take it up Mr Smith offered us an end of uncertainty and begiiming of investment What happened was end of investment and the beginning oi uncertainty and based in immediate achievementfw gt Asked to disclose how much France is spending now Inider the two 1965 agreements he said he did not have specilio figurcs Radioactivity Is No Threat vTo Astronauts CHICAGOtAPSurveynr which landed on the moon Sum day to make the ï¬rst chemical analysis of the inner surface has sent back information Indi cating the radioactivity present there would be no threat to astronauts it was rep rte Wednesday Prof Anthony Ttlrkevich University of Chicago chemist and chief investigator of Sur veyor saidthe background radiation was higher than expected butit ismy impresv sion that the radiation level is still far too low to be dangerous to an astronaut from Lesion turnstiles suuuvnaoon venom About an veterans from Sun uvbmok Hospital in iomntv yesterday visitod Barrio Bronch 147 of the RoyalCahw adinn Legion hnder the spon sorship ot the Ladies Auxil iary Theimen arnv atrif campaign songs They were am andwero treatedtoluucb guests of honor at banquet in the atternoon they met at tinoand thenlett for Aurora MayorLesCdoke watcheda ibefora returmng to Sony film of last gt years Sianleyv brook Seated are Percy Max Cup played cards and gather well Beer war veteran and ed around piano to ping somewaaomwmflwu birthday today standing from lelt or Charles Lawson Leg ion president Tom Trevelyall recreation supervisior at Sun nybronk second World War vet landMsyor Cooke