LAarslrmt SAL CAMPING EQUIPMENT mil for rent by and dress responsible my only Tritphonl NW Tm xorun can Unit in cinder iibreriara boat bum tnurr nylon tut sleep rta extra punts beater Vn mom new part ester Static amen um FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES HONEY Comb or In your own eontalntil Grout let Yours er st barns Harv il moon MIPIILIIY can pf ll rods not on is market flood BHOI 0m Dllcma Arms on em and sailed nicked so lam er sano riso penal in your contain ers nowrd Gill sunburn Teielt phone norm DOGS ls PETS 58min PUP months old with lhotr tis Telephone 1le tor further inlurmation rioLer riGrloNs in sale Md Variety Phone TIA751 alter pm GEMIAN shepherd and hordes Collie puppies or rate rnrim ate it ween eio each Te epboue LABRADOB rural myenim that one MARGFSmlmnuar oid bluk unt inl Ind allow etntn Telephone 7150618 ranmrns MRKE DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Smaii animals removed free For fast service PHONE BARRIIE 7287751 IIColletti or ask tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 9H NO CHARGE all hours day days week RR Foxmend Ontario License No 198w NIcIr Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Suppilu Ir Service Case New Holland David Brown Bentty 176 BURTON AVE 7mm CASH TRADE TERMS COMBINE Mittenpolls lioiine torri blno for rate pull type motor driv en with pick up in iirst elass working order that completed ts eater harven 7154751 BADGB FOILAGE honest and blower Mellent in bovine used Dlon blower rro short ho er pflced to roll within it Utopia Telephone ivy one HEAVY DUTY WAGON Donoon utopia Telephone Ivy 6N also 250 feet or iitier carrier track Telepborro ltdmo FEED SEED GRAIN QUANTITY oi hry ior rate Apply to import licGrath Telephone IJrluz DENISE WHEAT imm register on ssed pollcr cleaned iinest aus iliy 5225 per bushel Tricphona adios strand evenings POULTRY 8s CHICKS azoo DLKALD layers ior rate months lay also sou second year lay Telephone Kid24M rod noon laying hens all cents each to take the bunch Also pile oi lumber square pieces and one inch seeiry Highway all int Utopia LIVESTOCK FOR SALE won chunks tor sale and one large York hour Telephone moonlit daytime or ivy like aster pni nzGiamnD Holstein lieilerr for sale rrerh Registered York shire pom aerncechie age Arthur Morrow to highway cooiutown AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE JByronGraham Motors 119 amronn sr Barrie 7284061 Our name means great deal Will RAMBLER l7gtGownn St moon nanmum Amrnoan vinyl top wlndshleld washers new row tirel telephone 7W03 1959 METEOR One Owner cylinder Intonaltlcr as good condition Teicpnoue HSZ MOERID Itmlafl Ian IBIG RM new BXIIBaUSï¬ layiem any one mossy lest roancor nle claused needs minor repairs very good ror parts cln be seen at 35 nousweii or or me aster nan Tan Form cylinder automatic new trlllflmLBIOii weeks old Needs body work on one reader mo Telephnns tedious coekstown it mi Manon convertible va stand ard in emuent common taco or best offer Telephone voleras tor anther intonation 59 CADILLAC our door hard top ruuy powered This oar is in excellent condition Telephone 726 5428 Inc 430 Cln be sea It pertain street FORD GALAXIE 5W coraver Whig rldlo VB flutmnltlc white Walls lull Wheeldel blue dilk blue interior in exceptionally clean condition 4495400 evenings 449ml LANIJrioleI was wheel drive in exeelient condition we Iron and rear uauer hook up extra tires personable Apply to Holratr burst 1962 VALIANT for rail Mun automatic door nest cash otter Telephone mam HINT FDR Tim BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for terrific furniture and up piiailce bargains nrily powered pdvrtr AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE IIJIIRIW lit in It new or automstte adtn radio methane most use mom Belatr tor aair VI wbmuc not In Md con dition body lair lien arm at glad Apply Elli 1W Strut or telephone Tarm1 leer colwurt MONIA white red interior radio beert rests seat brill whit II tires timer Um Mutt In also be bl vaNcIItId an error pm me aintctiitY Port has conver title vihlte red interior black top Ile One pmr 20006 ultra rattler Uru NM or beat pliers lad maka vialoo or Lid2m TRADE OR SWAP 196 an VI motor min $17 or hut volfer Trim name liter an AUITLI for ï¬le pod WI irsmtrrioo has radio Body bribe need Ms PM no em after ml owsarpuiLz tor rota door bard topa rubrvmaiie porter nd rtre ng good mod Idvï¬l Sell TETzPDdlll mm 1958 MERCURY Inp nest olIer For lurth Tara ithaiion telephone must rumManama bu ex res condition 130 orirlnet all Telphone males SNOWMOBILES THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Service BAY VIEW MARINE Lakeshore Dr Barrie rtemt AUTO REPAIRS to iirtr waurro expenses and incentive DIIAI prefurod and able to learn quickly ability MAtr HILP SALES REPRESENTATIVE For well established company calling on chains variety stores grocery and coolecilooery wholesalers Salary car allowance Applicant will cover Barrie Orlilia North Bay nlllogwmd and Lindsay dress but must live in Barrie Some experience Please rend punpleto resume to nox BARRIE madam Are You Age 2210 30 WITH AT LEAST GRADE XIII EDUCATION We have an opportuth for you to be trained la counsellor on estate problems and the Canada Pension Plan lielmneration up to $600 plus month to start Early opportunities for management CALL WILSON CLU THE IMPERIAL LIFE 756515 FROM 500 To IN PJI or an appointment or write Po Box 393 Barrie Ontario PRODUCTION MANAGER We have an opening or yoiuig man to take over the complete unciion of production manager This man should be under 46 years of age live years experience in production control selfdiarier Usual benefits liveday week salary comritsurate with WRITE BOX F89 BARRIE EXAMINER MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTIIIENT Equipped St Stalled To Service Any Make 0i Cat Our Expert Mechanics ARE STILL ON THE JOB TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 72845558 MOTORCYCLES im HONDA cu iso blue in ex cellent condition toot miter ms they be seen at Barrie Motor Sales or telephonn iremt nirhtr PERSONALS RH El FAN Stylist iivmonucronv sracnu 35 I350 PERMS $750 VIcks Beauty Salon 45 DUNLOP 7282980 RE FEMININE Superfluous hair removed by Electrolysis The safe scientific method Our CertuicdvElectro loglst is available for consulta tioniivithout charge SYLVIAS SALON Fred Grant St Barrie Ont name an you EITI annular problem Ind Wlnt help phone liiY time 71547131 HMS mama acciherrn We will prur sure detailed survey and vlarr at tho alto niltlhia tor court pun oosrs interested parties pleart field Construrtall orilila no FIND THE BIBLE HARD TO UNDERSTAND Our tree Bible course may help you WIlie Christadriphians Box 27o Barrie INSTRUCTION PIANO Lasaorls taught by com mystery trained teacher Reason anla rater TZMZEH LOST FOUND ALLEY BAG coniainln narrie Bx amirser carrier Boy collection mun ey rut aarrie in vicinity or Little Ave Ind nuronia no at approximately on Sittuthr garage looI award more no lo HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL calla tor children in my own home Five days week AD gus area Fenced yard ror safety Phone Goals Wm Loux aIter two proreboot children in my own homoildondr tn FrtdIy lnnissu street area Telephone red1m MALE 8s FEMALE HELP Do You Enioy Serving People Are You Friéndly nd Courteous HEN MAKE SERVICE YOUR BUSINESS Sdlool hasestarted and now there are ian avail able for full time employment We theA St DRIVEIN sill ply uniforms transportation complete training program and excellent wages No previous int perlehce necessary Call now 7290941 puartvracv cumin part timo leanineinio lull time Apply in person to Vanguard Ls Dunlop street West spans women or men if on hrs hteruted in making $4 per hounrutlsr may am territory available In your am Telephone norm MAN 0R WOMAN For part time work in your own home 10 to 15 hours week Carl make substantial liacrvtnu to Your income Experience not nee cssory but manual dexterity an ametnvo will train you Must be II to 40 your hmdlblo and able to work without suphrvtsttm All ropiles will be considered and cor reopoivdrnoa oontldential write iiilei or ousiiiicrliorm and and to Box Barrie Examiner PRINTING PROBLEMS see Nelle llaeinnes commercial Printing division Tho Barrio Ex Itnlnrr 15 Blylicld BI 7266517 Ii YOU NG MAN Wanted as apprentice to learn all pha sea of the printing trade at The Barrie Examiucr Sonic know ledge ot typing preferred This position alters secure future and all employee beneï¬ts Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to pmdally CARPENTERS and CARPENTER IIELPERS wanted or bridge construction Good wages Apply on lab on Highway 21 miles north of Barrie at Willow Creek Bridge ask for Kurt EXPERIENCED hbourrr tor pirrs terer culled Pleas call 7140391 after pan MEAT MANAGER Irnulrnd for In dependent store Writs stating us and qflllllklllona Box Ill BAB Ila Bummer MAN WANTED to work in ruirrery tram nnrk good wages Apply Cookstown Nurseries Limited ILii cookstonn or telephone medal AUTO MECHANIC thtcd experience on In rtl necessary Contact Mr Benn at mom QUALIFIED MACIHNISTS lrnrriedlhk operators ror nuaiIfiea mutunialn study employment rood working conditions Telephone Lindsay 22mm MAN WANTED to work on hog itsm Good wager Heated house Is supplied Apply to lur Coohrune int Angus or tele phone 4356601 PLUMBER WANTED mechanic with licence ror oiumhlnr instal Iatiorl rise oil burner service and repairs Writs Box rot name Examiner IWD PART mm ldveriIsllrg no presentatives auaiuied appoint mentrover 25 with car minor to make to calls weekly interested in earning its weekly and up 72a 99 sTor wonrwrNG about debts pay them by rivios mwlelgli Ser vice in Barrie unplanned Iotrtes Easy to start No money requ rr vrito naveiris Dept Liners loos ldoheheu st st Henry Montreal WE ARE loom for oneskipper and one Inteflypp operator 0in nulliï¬ed person need IPPIy marge benrlits mood wa er study We ml MiaWI frlntehdeifl Max Beeril Oshawa Mmd 10 MIDI REQUIRED FOR PartTune or FullTime onus can be yours New 53k Must be neat In appearance own car and willinc to meet the public Between We 51 70 35 Telephone MM 3or interview PUBLIC RELATIONS Ballrtailti nhouid have some expereuce is new media lipid and public sputt ing able to record minuter or executive meetings and edit month Ly news manatlue experience in munlrupai neid an advantage some sales work tor advertising involved must be free to travel Georgian Bay Regional Develop ment Council PO Box loo Mid land out Tel 7056754632 FEMALELHELP WANTED NEED EXTRA MONEY Showing our beautitul line of Christmas cards to triends neighbours relatives is one or the easiest and latest ways of earning extra cash You dont need experience because our big illustrated catalogue vltrl over 300 items shan in tail colour helps you to get plenty of orders write today for Christmas cards an approval and tree catalogue Monarch Card 07 Dept 211 Cannon Hamilton WAITRESSES Woman Full time and part time Excellent working conditlons Uniforms Supplied All Company Benefits Apply WAYFARE RESTAURANT Barrie viii3461 IIIDRT ORDER Mk ï¬llld for reauunnt Hours pm is pan Apply to hire nutter 726nm 4s n5 with FEMALE HE DIETITIAN SALARY $620156515 member or the CDA is rtn quired by Metropolitan Toronto for Home for the Aged in Newmarket Permanent posi tion lobr week goodfringo benefits Apply Personnel Olflcc mid Floor East Tower City Hall scissors Toronto or lot Eagle St Newmarket SALESIIELP Wlltlbd Ifll store Apply to 00 unitï¬ nIIn game Wuli fll IIIGDDOHC 71a IIOUSEKBEPEIL wanted or upset ant mother in light housekeeping duties or suburban Tomnto home school In chlldren Telephone no iriT between vrao am end in WAITRESS WANTED Livtnx nuortm vided Longs nertauran Hwy IIAISITIRII Telephone saloon FULL milt experienced mall and drug clerk line opportunity Ior the right perktr Apply Mr itavrry vooinorth Depmment Stem arATtmr ivnaiaN rs rs requir ed immediately or snack bar Br ccllrrlt ivrkiru condltlonl cxpcr fence orclcrrcd but not essential Write to box rot Barrio EunIncr MIDDLE AGED lady for light housekeeping and companion good home Apply to Captain lrrcLennsn 171 Yonlla street Midland HOUSCKEEPEIL required ior At iandaia home middle and to live in adults ample time oil Dril Ies to commence immediately Tel cphohp mam ach pan ruthen Territories now available lor housewives ilorty new marries ti items to still porn extra money in your apart time lot in galli nolhliu to lose Telephone mom for Interviews IMMEDIATELY iii ure woman with good typing ity and per manshlp tor small oitiee Good atoning were neiereneer writs nox Barrie hammer nsuAuLs aauysmrn required in my east end home ror pna pr schooler and one kindergarten day who anr to prrr ne £32m pretense Telephone no LADY mn concession booth in theatre About hours evenings steady employment Telephone 8263 nrytlrne BABYSIITER required in Patna wleis dlys week to live in expectant mother welcome Tele Phone mentor Trtr ERWAILE has openings or 933 line and lirIIIlme demons rtratora in this area Highest mm mission paid For interview In the privacy or your own home contact Marla Blaker Ivy nu INTERESTING permanent position open for typtst Duties to inciudo general correspondence Hung and receptionist Complete compllw ben tiIIl with weeks vacluon after on year at setvice Reply to Box Elld Examiner stating age dilution and experience TRADE SCHOOLS Paul Poguo Beauty Schools iliAlN tor highly paid suture hairstylist cpsmotnloglat salon manager or rater represen tutlvc Learn to met under hero sonai guidance Call or erII Paul rogue Canadas Leading iiain dreslng School m1 Yonge St anrrnln Ont 5372101 or Tie Queans Ave London out motor ii LEGAL TAKE NOTICE that at general meeting of the mem bers of the KOLMAR CANA DA EMPLOYEES BARBIE CREDIT UNION LIMITED dilly called for the purposa and held on the 1th day of September 1967 resolution was passed authong the voluntary dis solution of the said Credit Union as of September 7th 1967 un der provisions of Section 50 of the Credit Unions Act 1953 On tarioi And Further Take No iee that on and aiicheptemher 7th i561 no lurther withdrawals or payments on shares or do posits may be made by any member and no new loans will be made Proof of any claim against the said Credit Union must be tiled with the Treasur er witliln thirty days oi the date of this notice after which time the assets of the said Credit Union will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto having regnrd to he claims of whichthe credit union then has notice Tar swarms WANT ADS mgr II LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate at DAVID PEN NINGTON labourer retired deï¬ned persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned data of RA No Cookstovm in tho Ceuntyol Sims coe who died at the Village at Cookstown on the mo day of June 1967 are required to file limo 58mg with Ihire under on or ore lath do otï¬tctober 1W er that date the Publle Trustee will proceed to distrib ute the estate having regard shall then have had notice DATED at Toronto this 3th day of September 1961 PUBLIC TRUSTEE 145 Queen St West TORONTO Administrator AUCTION SALE of new and used farm mach mery parts trucks tools lawn mantra garden equipment office equipment etc The undersigntd auctioneer has received instructions from Tolton Equipment Limited Massey Ferguson Dealer 0o Highway ll lwomilea south Barrie Friday Sept 15 AT 12 NOON SHARP to sell the following TRACTORS 710 John Deere diesel 00 hours Iully hydrau lic power steering front end loader one year old Massey Ferguson as Diesel new en gine Ford Dextrh DiescInow transmission Ford Jubilee new transmission Cockshutt silt gas 2Ford Ferguson tractors John Deere Massey Fer guson BE executive garden tractor with it mower and snow blade Antique ma Mas sey Harris tourwheel drive tractor Gravely Ikactor new with electric start snow blow cr mower and tiller Gravely used with mowers IIIIPLEMENTS IIIF Post Hole Digger Various plows new and used mounted and pull type Cultivators used Cal houn forage wagon self unload ing complete with box ycar old Model 60 John Deere Blow er with pipes tor til it slip year old No is John Deere corn harvester row year old New Koogskilde Cultiv ators New Beolty chain har row New IF PTO side rake used rakes Ci manure spreaders Antique 1918 Massey Harris spreader Power Mow ers Tractor Distal Front end loaders almost new hydraulic dump buckets MF 59 rotary cutter new MF 16 grader blade new John Deere pull typo combine Massey Harris corn picker George White snow blower new Dominion snow blower used IHC corn binder Massey Harris grain binder Land roller Diamond harrows Belt Pulley VEHICLES 1963 GIIIC Truck SCIton platform 2v cu in speed no spin Willys Jeep with snow plow Land Rol ler with snow plow 5ion Tip ping bed tagsalong trailer brakes duels deck 16 motor and transmission Chrys ler 354 Heml OFFICE EQUIleNT Un derwood typewriter Steel tiling cabinet drawer legal size Oak desk Odd chairs antita bles Cash drawer Payst ter cheque writer machine Clocks Antique telephones llali tree Counters Shelves Bins New show room shelving New steel bins Coca Cola machine Literature stands Palis hook racks Hardware and OLISIHIIIS Electric heater SHOP EQUIPMENT Fcis hey tall amp welder with battery charger and all attachments Acetylene cutting and welding outfit Compressor hp De Vilhiss spray guns and regula tor Bench grinder with stand Steam jenny Growler Electric impact wrench Pneumatic hammer Diesel iniector lestrr Quantity welding rod Plumbers torch Electric drills Special Massey Ferguson tools Elccs trlcal testing equipment Hand and power tools Work benches Floor stands Joyce flour jack Lion Chain Iall Linn Hydrau Ilc jack ttoh Wheelbarrow Compressor tank micrometer Dial indicator new EI ectrie pencil MISCELLANEOUS Riding lawn mower Hand lawn mow er new Sprayioil sprayers New tractor cab suitable for ME 35 Electric motors new and used McCulioch chain saw is cedar strip boat with controls and steering Quantity scrap iron Quantity railroad ties Quantity steel drains Quantity tires new and used Quantity parts accessories and attachments new and used Quantity oil grease and paint Tractor umbrellas Toy trac tors Ceramic shower base new Quantity used tractor parts inailer axle Terms cnslr Financing at site day of sale by prior arrange ments No reserve as Mr Tol tnn has given up the Massey Ferguson dealership Owner or management Will not be held responsible for ac cidean on property day at sale Please Notice If weather is cover Frank Webb clerk JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Phono Barrie 7286449 750x REPLIES While every endeavour will Ir made to forward replies to hex numbers to the advertiser as roon as possible we accept no lllblll in respect or loss or damage leged to alias through either fall uro or delay in orlvlrrdintt such rcpllcs vrwrvcr caused whether by negligence or otherwise only to the claims of which he bad the hale will be held under BISHOP GREETS Auxilliiry Bishop of Mont real Cirnlchella llelt greets Italian President INNISIIL NOTES By At special meeting of own cii last Saturday thrca tenders were received for delivery of 10000 cubic yards at fill rte quired to build the new road at the southern end or in side road Bidding on the tenders or loading hauling and levelling were Keith Maxwell at ISJS cents per cubic yard Dalton Lowe oi Stayner at 45 cents lsIIII Watson Consirucilnn oi Stroud were awarded the work at 4112 cents The distance to be hauI cd is less than half mile as the material is being taken from pit in West leIIIImbury with top coat crushed gray e1 this will leave the road fit for traffic Superintendent John Cowan compared similar job of carih moving which is being done with carih moving mach inery at cost to the township ill 25 ccnis per cubic yhrd for distance equal or greater than the recently let truck hauling work The earth machines do good packing job while plac ing their loads This till is being placed on the loih line and taken train pit acquired lrnm the Bowman Allan prop crly CONVENTION DIG SHOW We were among those invit ed and attending the big polite ical convention in Toronto last Friday Two busioads were lain on down to hear the speeches at Maple Leaf Gardens and we were the guest at Wallace lic Cuicheon His supporters from thisrldiug were to parade in grnilp from the Westbury Hotel to the Gardens carrying balloons and wearing straw hats We had straw hat but could not got IllcCutoheon ribbon Our group over too strong was blocked at the rear oi the Gar dens by one or another eanrli date and hot sun helped the gas filled balloons to get bigger Remembering the air cooled committee rooms we had Visited earlier we allowed our balloon to soar over the apart ments and worked our way brick to watchthe goings on on TV Plenty at coffee and other stim ulants were available for those who might refrain from voting in IIIIIISIII next week Our cah diilatc fared pnurlyVat the Gar dens and retired soon alter the voting started bus scheduled to start home about 6pm look ed inviting and we came along with exReevn Lockbaat and six ladies mulling up the load Thelasl bus came after the final show broke tip and the lnnistil contingent stayed to the end to enjoy all that was going littles lranchise Is Reinstated WHEELING WVa AP The Toronto Iranehise in the Continental Football it was reinstated Monday night by the leagues club owners il commissioner Sol Roscn said the Rifles ile play their remaining games away from home under league super vision hntil new ownership has been established Buhba Marriott will eontiou as head coach at Toronto Boson added VThe Rifles were suspended week ago for notsmeeting the tire uits franchise commit meats Rosen said the league is in no way threstened by Torontos financial difficulties 13 AUCTIONSALES AUCTION SALE of cottage furniture and appli ances etc for ALS COTTAGES Wednesday Sept at pm sharp At 7th Avenue and Linda Lane Wasaga Beach Complete contents or cottages Terms rash No reserve Cutla gcs soiri ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer egvavinagoeyqé ITALIAN PIIIISIDEIIT IN OTTAWA Giuseppe Sarath right at banquet tor the ltallon visitor at Government House at Oil or free and support our host who was called rare bird CAIRN FOR PLOW MATCH The historical and centennial committee of the international Plowing Match is responsible for the display of relics at that event They plan to erect cairn on the site with com memorative plaque built inioeit This will be moved and placed at the innisfil Township building after the match and remain as lasting memorial to the year Innisfil WM host to the big in ternational occasion INVITE FOLK BACK ii any of our ratepayers know the address or someone who has lived in lonisiil and now resides elsewhere write them and in vile them to be here the week oi Oct it to it Better than that get the spare room ready and invite them to be your guests the week when Inhlsiil will host the Plowing Match There are many homes in Innlsiil where no one has slept in the spare room for some time and now is an opportunity to get it back into service or course theBil leting Committee is anxious to have room available for visit ors The motels and other ac commodation will be booked up well ahead with those who will Iim Morsman Named 1968 Paddle Coach TORONTO CPIJim Moss man oi Toronto was named coach of the Canadian lush Olympic Games paddling team Monday by the Canadian Canoe Association Mnssrnon will take four pad dlers to Mexico City site of the 1966 Olympics next month or DreOlympic competition The four are Jim Simonyik Lachine Quit kayak singles Chris Hook Dartmouth NS no it bnat singlesf Bill Robert and Rob Roy Carter viile Quin Canadian boat tan dems The paddlers will he used as performance yardstick in the high altitude at Mexico City On the basis of the pieOlym pic competition it hopes to have enough informa tion to form tbahssis of training program for the Olym pics tawa Monday Ghvernor Gen eral lilclicner centre looks on CP Wirephotol Stroud Firm Gets Road Fill Contract be working at the liaich but strangers will need in stay over Du think oi someone to write and ask back to the township GAUL TAXI LICENCE With sailsiacinry report re ceived twin the Police Depart ment regarding Gaul oi I104 gray new owner of the Lctroy inn the temporary taki licence will be made permanent VISITING AT ST PAULS Mr and Mrs ch Atkinson of Sussex England will be mak ing short visit to friends and relatives around St Pauls lIirs Atkinson is the former Gloria Webb well known in the vicin ity and in order for her friends to have an opportunity to grcet the couple potluck supper will be held In the Parish Hall of St Pauls Church on Sat day Sept 16 Everyone acquain ed with the bride who has been living in England for several years is cordially invited to join the gettogether APPRECIATE PARK Mrs ill Ward supervisor at the Girl Guida who camped in the Centennial Park this sums mar has written to thank the township for the privilege She said their stay was greatly en oned and appreciated An aps pilcstion was read for the use of the park for an EMO group The Rev Geddes wrote to thank the township author ities fur the assistance in or rangements made tor the joint religious service heId for the Centennial program Over Stalin or famine relief INDIAN SUMMER The lovely harvest weather the past heck has been real god send lo the Iarniers Never in so much harvest been still stand ing in fields this late in the season Every day of sunshine is worth millinrls nerds this part of Ohurio good crop with wellfilled heads of grain is awaiting the garnering Corn is stillgroiving and inches are added in the warm sunny full days It will be wonderfulii all the grain and hay still out can be safely stored SPECIAL ANNOUNCEIITENT Deputy Reeve Eben Sawyer has announced his intention ol being candidate for the Reeve ship of Inniaiil He claims his supporters insist that he on deavour to step up Finley Attempts To Settle Kansas Bali Club Dispute NEW YORK tAPl Kansas City Athletics didnt play hase bail Monday but they went into extra innings on the labor rela tlons front playing to an appar ent scoreless tie For nearly i2 hours television cables snakedacross the floor of baseball commissioner Wil liam Eckerts outer lattice and reporters slept on couches as inside the conference rooms Athletics owner Charles Finley tried to settle dis puip with Ilisplayers About the only thing the var ious parties to the argument could agree to was to meet again today Eckert called the session in the wake of the light between Finley and his players that had left pitcher Lew Krausserus pended and then reinstated iirst basemanloutlielder Ken Harrelson traded and manager AIth Dark tired Meeting with Finley and Eek ort were American League president Joe Cronin Jack Alter Kansas City pitcher and player representative Marvin Miller director of the Major League Players Association and couple of Finieya lawyers FILED CHARGE Miller has lied an UlipiEch dentad unloir labor practices charge againstFiiiIey with the gt National Labor Relations Board and Eckerts avowed purpose was to end the loud belnre it got as far as that nnnlbasebaii body The tight between the volatile club owner and his players started last month when Finley suspended Krausse after an alleged drinking incident on plane The players incensed at Fine tins issued statement Izing him That in turn led to lengthy meeting during released Harrelson who later signed with EDSWn Red Salt Krausse was reinstated when he issued statement saying Finley was instilled in iining and suspending him Later the statement saying Hes through scaring me Miller thon tiled his charge with the NLRB stating Finley Ulluftelled individual employ lees in an attempt to coerce them into withdrawing their pending grievances The players and Finley both rciltaed to shy ekactl what had been discussed at meeting Monday or if the two pariica weraciose in settlement ooo wasturned over to Oxtan the memory at most of its has wlilch Finley fired Dark and though Kraiisse charged Finley had coerced him into making appealed to Eckert who