Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1967, p. 11

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ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS BOYLE Xen Ind Sharon an happy to compare the Imvll or their dlugmu Katherine Danie mutant 1t ponder on may done is 1967 1050 pm at new Ilnqlltaf Mb DEATH Herbert rmw away St Joseph nueiph on saturoay Mr 1m llnoert poems in his 70th year uclorrd husband or am iiunrsr al suvrnron strut Guelph pear nrber oi sterliru Guelph dear ninaramerhi Kim berly Aunt Brother Tim liodxlilsi Guelph atth and Anna both manna Hosting at Toveu Fun Home 15 Tarmouth street Guelph IOI funeral service to held on Tulsdzy Immooa at oclock Intentlent ilrotorv car dais scllrint new Evan Suddenly at Barrie on Sunday September to 1967 Reverend Bali Stth Iosooriate minlsier or Central United Chunm Deloard husband or Chrhtlne Schr1 loving rather oi noun or Cameron raiir Sylvia Illra ii siconowt oi nuriinaton Anti Guen Iiirr Gearm ol nundns onlbrio nesting ii the Printer Funeral name in Bay nrid st nrrric until 17 noon on ivcunesdni Soltic In central Unltcd choreh on Wednesday 11th is at p111 inirlmeni nurlintton ouL COMING EVENTS Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY SAND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT ADMISSION soc In support of the Barrie Branch Navy League 111 Canada BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday at it put NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond ORILLIA 110061655 BRIDGE PLAYERS WANTED for MARATHON BRIDGE Sponsored each year by the Kempenlclt IOD Contact Mrs Kilimer 725 Mrs Dilval 7282723 IiIRS GORDON BLAKELY of EGBERT wishes to invite friends and neighbours to TROUSSEAU TEA for her daughter MARIE to be held at her home SATURDAY SEPT 16 1567 to and to Inl WELL HELP You WRITE want ads that get resuile Examiner Ad Iakers will be happy to help you write your classified ads To place your next want ad dial moors direct line to the Want Ad Dept CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 72824l4 CANCELLATIUNB and Uni to am ior mine all at who MINIMUM ctassrrmn ADVERTISINGCash plscount nates Ipply it paid with to days sinnlc inrcriion to per word Two consecutive nrertlons the per word pcr insertion ram consecutive hiscruona 4c per word per urscrtlon total 52133 str eon secutivc insertions no word er insertion totul $51M iiultiolc scrtians may be ordered subicct In cancellationivhen eatlsiactory charge so cents is nande ror result obtained it nor ecnt dilihnal charge if nntpald within uvcndays nlmoiiit on CURRECTIONS All piicno Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertiser Thorcroru the Classified Advertising ncparnncnt requires au advertisers to irindiy recheck mell advertisemeot immediately alter lint insertion in order that any error or omissions may be re portod beIora up in order that same may bo reclined for tho fol lowing days motivation The are rie lxammcr is responsible tor only and incorrectly Pflnkd Ibsen tinn or any advertisement and then only to the extent portion or ad that Involvm tbo misprint Erroll which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not 01111111 or correction by moiregoods The Barrie Examiner reserves the ntht to My revise or Telnet Ina wlm Id BLIND Lament nox REPLIES uao or an Examiner Box Number Identity or Box Number user is strictly coniidentlai nepiier tn rTaetIer Boxes will bdndd only 10 day aflor lost data publication claannod advnruponienta and natt 105 or these one moat be re celvcd by day preceding nuhucauon WI the exception or gtClasslfied Dim ndvcrllaemtni which lnuat be by 1100 noon erasedIna day Check Your Attic Sioreroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 111E HARRIS mTUESBAY SEPT 11 fl REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FORSALE Cholkan Co Ltd 10 Collier St 7284401 010150 llLS sysimi harlover reps to give 011 aster results VANCOUVER CODRINGTON 1700 square feet of luxury living large living and dining urea modern kitchen professionally finished rec room and pc wash room large ched lot Terms can be arranged VLA PAINSWICR AREA Large modern btdruom hurt galow with attached double gur age acres of Iertilc land Many utras Early possession LAWRENCE nilWI BAKER 7201796 6185 GIBSON milth MARION NEWMAN 7700892 DEVEAUX ANGUS 4105090 GARNER 7737605 Photo MLS RcJIIar ROSE APPRAISAIS MORTGAGES RENTALS 15 OWEN ST 7732370 NEW AND BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL HOMES EXCELLENT SELECTION OF NE IIDMES Located on Herding Avenue Charlbrook Avenue and Cundies Road and bedrooms with or without garages Price range from $16300 to $21000 Down payment as loiv as $2700 These homes must be sent to appre ciate the Value you receive for your dollar Call now for an ap pointment to inspect BEDROOM BUNGALOW Dream kitchen clitru cup boards finished rec room lut completely landscaped Close to scpanate and public schools Im mcdiatc possession CENTRAL This older storey home dose to downtown is in first class condition throughout suitable for two families It carries for $100 per month principal and interest Taxes only 5795 NORTH END With 59572 mortgage and only $1500 doivn payment you can move into this bedroom home it is one year old with full base ment storms and screens and paced air gas heat but 60 GUTHRIE Threebedroom bungalow with roll basement laundry tubs aild loLs of closet space forced air all heat On lot 79 200 Low down payment Al Rose Res 72011116 Bill Macknes Res 7260726 Russell Smith Res mooss Mary Vair Res moored nw Dick Hartley 72am CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7107419 93 Dunlop Si lst and mid mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present 131 and and mortgages LETITIA STREET Executive style bungalow in beautiful condition Built in stove and oven plus many ex tras in kitchen including gar burator in sink laige bed rooms broadloomed throughout Few basements as nicely tiniah ed Large trees both back and front of this attractive home anr garage with paved drive Excellent terms STEELE STREET Attractive bedroom bungalow poptdnr diningliving roam stone fireplace family sized kitchen Trees in secluded back yard Attached garage 50 ACRE FARM $12000 Large painted barn with excellent siabling painted driv ing shed large trees make an attractive setting for new home Choice clay loam Excel lent mortgage arrangements ABEL MARSHALL 72118603 bIAIiGUmnE MOORE must GREIA 11mins mam IAN YOUNG 12124711 LAVEANS mun Alostcn imsri PEIEE Gunners 71am Eric Pboto Nils Dewsniap natal ESTATE 17265366 HANDYMANS SPECIAL acres with compact room home Well with pressure sys tem Owner requires immediate sale 52000 down balance on mortgage Su ble leims Full price $7000 SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS Owners have owned and opera ted this business for many years and now wish to retire fine opportunity for an aggres sive younger man to have his uwri empire or would be good partnership operation Central ly located in Barrie with full line of shoe repair Equipment and stock Full price 55600 with $2000 down balance to suit pure cItasei FOR BETTER BUY Give Our Service Try Richardson tin6147 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD IrREAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sate SHELSWELL and WILLSON IS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS I110 011an St East 731421 or new IMMEDIATE WION $18700 for this fourbedroorn bunge low on edge of city Modem kitdicn panelled living roan recrea lion room with fireplace Forced air oil furnace large lot Inns orlly $150 Call Mrs Atkinson mm No 11667 EXCEPTION IVsstorey brick with attached garage on almost ball we lovely landscaped let full living room dining room kit chen bpieoe bath on main floor plus ielevision room and sun porch Three bedroom and timepiece bath on second floor This property has large lot and utnild qualify for VLA Call Keith hie liIaster midi or 1495608 N0 11157 0m Brown Manuel Term Deed Atkinson Nonb nether loan Lana Gladys Sinclair lteetaren lietlh uasinnrr loo Inertia Everett Shelnrell zvcntt MUM 11 Willow Norman sheirvcu CAMPBELL rum 1115 REALTOR 12 HIGH sr mom RES 127339 SERVICE STATION SNACK BAR GARAGE This is pralitoble btnlncss Iiist outside of Barrie on busy high way Pinnplng good gallouage lot is one and half acres in slac also bedroom apartment In tho biillding Business could be substantially increased SUBDIVISION PROPERTY IN CITY OF BARRIE Good soil to excavate landscape etc Excellent opportunity Call us Chortle Read 7207717 Don Campbell 4872121 Doug Campbell 1mm Smith Campbell 7187309 mull Tull MI mesa ilugri Plowman 7266429 Ron Atllui 450531 Bud Watson 7700915 Fred Taylor mlzos ROGERS CT CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone nil5568 QUEEN ST 91 VINCENT DISTRICT MODERN IBEDROOM ZSIOREY WITH GARAGE 519500 in handy location for sdrools and shopping here is rug brick centre hall plan with attadled garage The first floor plan cormrlses very spacious living room dining and line mod eru kitchen Upstairs there are beer and ceramic tiled bathroom Hos lull dry poured concrete basement with laundry and cold room 616 mortgage carries for $114 including taxcs fill for appointment NOW to view this very corniortable family We EVENINGS CALL Council 72119705 Rogers 7203537 Fred Epleit 7mm Ed Green 7284121 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 50 Bayfield Street PHOTO ILLS REALTORS 716605 Mortgage Funds Available Freourstomor Parking CODRINGION STREET SCHOOL AREA 315300 Storey and half abedroorn brick semifinished base ment aluminum storms and screens good storage throughout Low taxes mortgage carries or $119 Principal Interest Taxes Very reasonable down payment To learn more ot this one and only call Margaret Moore EVENINGS CALL CURLY 100mm more MILDRED sloonls MARGARET 11100an mam KLoOsTlrnhlIiN GLORIA KossnTz 7253750 101 GOEDEIIIONDI IRENE Fonnls 72M GRANT ilrcAliTiiun BIDWELL Real Estate Photo MLS 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7284430 LOW DOWN PAYMENT broom winterized cottage bedrooms fireplace in large Iivi room separate dining room kitchen Good well Early possession Minets Point area Priced to sell $500 Call Wilma Bidweil WILMA BIDWELI mmzl ELAINE INFSON 7284284 MARY MORRISON 7709933 mam lvv atns mew 7200631 ERANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 BAYFLELD STREET 7761409 STEEL STREET Very attractive 3bedroom bungalow with paved drive and attached garage recreationroom Broadloom in living and dining rooms and hallways 011 attractively hedged and treed lot Good 57 mortgage Carria for $11900 Principal 111 terest Taxes Call us to inspect this better tbauravcrage home EVENINGS CALL res997s non SAW Cookstn tam mason 111x12 nmeu Tiatics one 4675716 rosrzn mason EMORY MILLER MLS REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED 67 Dunlap St West 7261001 BRICK mIPLEX VICTORIA ST This older lilostorey home has been converted into apartments roofing for $15582 and $75 mergihly Forced air all heated private drive Call Gard Spencer 728 348 LARGE scanraver HOME 11 CHUCK conAN lliANK NELmS CECIL 1111115 Kitchen living room and dining area bedrooms and double bath room Lower level has family room bedroom and wnhroom Could be used as living quarters for senior member at the family Double garage and breezeway nice landscaped lot $6000 down Telephone Percy Ford 72379110 Ki DOWNSVIEW $13900 Semidetached brick 3bedroom yearvold bane Living and dining combination family size kitchen rooms in basement nicely landscaped yard Carries for $91 month ly including taxes Near East Plaza Call Rita Scandrett 7204855 NEWLY REDECORAIFED 7bedroom bungalow on almost acres of land planted in berries and garden Many varieties of trees add to the picturesque setting This is within city limits will frontage of 316 feet For further particulars call Ken Miller 436 1314 SEMIDETACHED with apartments all rented Full price only 79700 If interested in goodiuvesturent call Harvey Weber its 3815 70 VICTORIA Older home in excellent condition livmg and dining room modernkitchen bedrooms sunruom andmodern bath 30day possession Call Bob Flawelling 7mm Gordon Spencer 77115748 Rita Scandrettr 7734065 Emerson Swain 77517515 Peter Manton 7206500 Kenneth Miller 4301314 Marg Wakefield 4405465 Harvey Weber 13031115 Les Lovegrove 44501112 Karl Marshall 7289917 Peicy Ford 7207930 Robert Flowelling 7285808 Emory Miller 7750563 CARSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7268481 BELIEVE Ill OR NUT modernrovbedroom home with three bathrooms for one large family or two luxury apartments Priced to sell Call Norm Synnott THIS NEWLY PAINTED HOME gt would make very camiortanle home for retired couple or for income properly $0500 Large down payment Cali Russell Carson Norm Synnott 7202533 Russ Carson 7760101 Bill Hamilton 71875775 Rupert McGnrth Elmvale 7301122 Charles Hepworth 7796487 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE LEITH WAGE FALL SALE Swiss Chalet Insulhted lined furnishedonner must sell real beauty bede cottage log siding nicely used and lbndsctglcd $5000 Now lorgo cottage nil conven Iences double lot LAKEFRONT wTIAGIS SIMCOE Ncw bedroom bungalow in sulated lined full bath all 011ch considered bedrooms fireplace flill bath electric heat excellent sandy beach private road WlS Lilio Simcoe lakefront 112 frontage 295 deep excellent shoreline 510000 Buildirlg lots with access to private sandy beach filitI park excellent area for children $1700 to $2000 10 acre lots near loltc $3500 Contact Ed Wood 010 Station mm 131 Egitnion Ave East Toronto 11 PETER and WiLES LTD nezilo INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT 12 acres in the city with wonderful View of all Bar rie Only $2000 an acre IGRIESBACH Broker 7289844 FARMS FOR SALE 515900 67 here hobby farm Ora $18500 20 acres sharp bunga low good barnr $26000 070 acres Noituwasaga $30000 150 acres 0rd good beef farm barns 75 acres choice high way farm modern house good buildings INCOME PROPERTY Attractive homo close to East Plaza featuring tun 2bedroom apartments EXECUTIVE HOME 2000 square feet bedrooms bathrooms 30 foot recreation room fully landscaped ground approximater one acre Be sure to see this one EVENINGS CALL III BRIGNELL 7268100 BETlSl 4872517 LADDIE GRIESEACH 7209041 AND CO OWEN ST mates MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo M13 Realtor EVENINGS GORDON o1 cormsTums WALTER COWS7207311 SANDY camsminer OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTON awv 17 Telephone Ivy 291111 gt RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFELD 51 77459451 SPECIALMING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call LEO CAVANAUGII 77517 LARRY TORPEY 7260715 BILL RAWN 774511999 MLS Realtor WHITE 109 Bayfielii St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENlNGS unilit 11 WHITE mirno JOHN COLE 7750017 STARR We Sell Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE McLEAN Cooksbown 45044116 linNDVAnin Two apartment house business property suitabi tor otticer or smlll business cen irui location Also at room house telephone 7753594 REASONABLE down payment mon cm three bedroom bungalow blur ion Crescent attached nrnge rc creation room bmndloorn corms per cent mortgage principal Iri tercst taxes 99 Principal only mTlat RESIDENTIAL bedroom brick bung111w nn profanionully lurid helped tot Hanover kitchen llclel Inn room paved drivewllr large ennui lot This house Ll II yearn 0111117 rwner Carrie 7101911116 cipa increa In 11 cm monore Walking dlaunce in all $00 pllzl ml bus line 710 CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTSI REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Murmur 111in bedroom nreoiuf Into1 ly heated ee no mm rzqntrcnseau MM vacant METHOD tors FOR SALE in acne trennw nude rim nor rid narri Elmkiu LOTS WANTED BUILDING wr wanted south or parrte wnie to 111 nun RR wantoncheat INSURANCE MOVINGI Dont forgetto transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind coo STEVENSONS DUNIDP ST 71301 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes ltd Genera Glendale Iravclux Parts and Service Cuborlermsupio7lfears 170 BURTON AVE moose ml GLENDALE luobila home to any rammed bedrooms nsoo For runner particular tel nMnI 4240671 after van or all day Monday BUS OPPORTUNITIES NEW BUSINESS Excellent chance to take on very profitable business as Vistex applicator and distrib utor Vistnx is the amazing newone stopseamless mar blising process used for flooring vanity and countertops panel ing patios etc Small invest meat from $3700 to $5600 re quired to cover inventory equipment training protected area etc Write or phone Vicsian Ltd 300 East Ave 11 Hamilton 0111 5250579 5491794 Mr Pet ETSOI PART TIME OPPORTUNITY Own your own profitable part time vending business Com plete traihing with continuous assistance company supplied accounts $1500 investmoht par tial financing available Reply 3011 Barrie Examiner TRAVEL TRAILERS 15 FOOT nocitET trailer with hitch Also it loot boat 25 horse power Johnson stator and trailer Telcphone 7212671 MORTGAGES MMIEIATE lst and 211d Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL 110m FARMS AND COMMERCIAL resonantins 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money 0T0 conroudaio dabta oil existing monglnl mortgase comfnl dill 0an improvementr Any worthwhile use Write or Phone 72m Mortgage Funding me SimpsonSears 129 DVNLOP er Member Ontario Moriau arclrsrr Amountfnn Have you money to invest on first mortgages See colony MELER Real EsiaiaIBroker gt69 DUNIDP ST 7261001 WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple idiom Upmatflnofyourpm party value Low moutny pay ments to titteai years to repay any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate 96 Dunlop St 72192419 no YOU own martruot head cash available to purchase name We will even land you money on your mortgage nodules lilortrago Binding 7700901 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY T0 INVEST in Manuiacturinn business Write Box BmieExInlIncl RENTALS HousE OR APARTMENT WANTEDI Tunisia anonomu house or apart meni wimch to rent by October North collegiate area prelemd Please telephone 7204016 HOUSES TO RENT limisn uriilurolniied two large bedrooms piece hath no svlzious living room and idlehen down Full basement $105 Avllllble Septem ber so Telephone m5th alter t1 pm 11an NEW electrically beaten bedroom executive home located between harrie and equip wood on huutinri river lot Sui couple with one small chtid $175 Call Toronto locum alter 5311 pm or write anEIT BInIo Biminer HOUSES WANTED nannoonr house wanted nut bmmnm or Europe or both If pol GEORGIAN PAINTING RENTALS APARTMENTS WANTED IEDIDOM lash1mm Mun Etienne 11qu maple no mum11 rewind mall one or two bedroom apartment ror wu vionun Ind two Itool dawn Tame Mir utter pm manna bedmiu spare meat or home manned by bonnet Inn beta tunkm to norrte PiaI to no no lurid laminar APARTMENTS TO 11st BEDIOOM abutment for rent wand1e child ncicomc ibdro mice and beat Included 1100 month with reimnoen Write no no Dunc intminer zbnnnotm updairs Ipmnlelil the privat mantle Winn fl elli Close Io downtown and bin noo sainu enlrd wrioornr Iivairrbl immediately Telephone 11am ROOMS TO LET nmmsuui 110011 to rout located on Blah street Televith Hanoi or either intermiuon CENTRAL LOCATION Clean unaltered bedroom to rent Telephone noun tor iurther Momlion LAMS CLEAN nilattired room or rent central location Piuao taiephom mmt SLEEPING nooll or rent dare to downtown linen an lied Parsing am Telephone 125 or iurthtr Intonnluon cm ruminant bedroom in older home close to downtown Gentleman eeriereed parkinl na 7561 after pm nUcKwonnlqueen area vicinity of high and public leliooii close to bus route bedniling room light houuircepine lencrrl horoa rlvilcgu and parking suitable tor linear or protectioan dirt Tele phnn moooo purerably alter van ROOM AND BOARD 110011 AND RDAlLD for Kmtlelnm ccntmitv located Teiooironc 7W antr 111 pm 1100 AND BOARD gentleman Fre lerred paclr Iurochcs do rant laundry parking in driveway Tel options 7246655 STORES FOR RENT drool AREA ior rcot luihbld Ior Imnll rcpir acryloe stillage etc 360 per month so Eds Rd nude Telephone motor SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR SALE ROOM wirilcrhed cottage for min £06111 nay Paint Tirephone ARTS FORSALE NORTHWAY RUG co LTD Tho house at no broadloom DOMESTIC AND iIiDORiED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and prices 65 Collier St Phone moan McFADDIflI FURNITURE 8r APPLIANCES 7289233 Highway 27 North Refrigerator door 10 cubic foot one door refrigerator Automatic dryer A11 used and in goodeooditlon ROBINSON HARDWARE have good selection oi colour television sets stereohii re cord playeri radios AM and PM transistors 31 DUNLOPST 7282431 Toot nnx mists with tools as inch mattress oblong playpen navy blue party oresscs 1320 Winter cont camel sired the la isklrk size is no is until pm mmsrcN rqu hoe sale wooden approx 32 tact in Kood condition also tricycle for or Sales For Fall Will Rise If You Advertise Classified Dial 7232414 ARTS FOR SALE WASHING MACHINE Vining er eeucni narration nut after 17 rccisircctcvconu Tilll 15 inch and fibula he further intermailed illswa no flier lam nun Timur oil heel and zoo nLion kill for ale Good 101141 tlno Telephone Mam am 71min at Ibi hind us its sides Merlot 150 Collin 7W IPACB irnAnit and 00 han oil tank Also cover or hock at Vi ton tenet vit Chevrolet 1960 to 1903 Telephone 713406 liter MI 175m FORCED Alr Turncu or ale to cod condition no lur tlgff nlnlcnlan when ru nimx 1110 with went and mat trecc single bed troeult with ldex Ind mattress also dilldl dealt Telephone 72541171 uteri Pm ADMIRAL burner electric stove Used one mnnLh mo also high daire Mrllcnidr in exeeiieoi con dition 10 4211754 SINGER Tmmter erceilcot con dition used only iew times one year old rao Telephone mean one on cubic tent can Tor carrier box to II rangetic lam sin tr cier bamboo iLshinl rod oceir air Phone SIGN BALE 10 11 Se pk whit cardboard axmole on to Rent irone for sue etc Available nurn minu mucus oiilcr NEWSPAPER MATS air in ideal for lipid chicken cocoa lilies ran cr etc eeriect insulator Only on Anni Barrio Examiner snileu illician reed110100 zleAn mes cater Service Laur ence Swim and Knittlnl Centn 72w user vAcuUttis ell mike and modell reconditioned tie and 11 fish sTIter Queen mom or 311x121 sTANmNO timber rot in hardwood Applvxiinltely as 11 miles north of Ell11 For tir thcr deioiia write nox no Barrio uranium mine Gibmu 17 string acoustic one month old Telephone mm or mm CHROME TABLE 1nd loll chill clcctnc Burner myc Wm machine DC bedroom note swivel thaIr pair of lamps and other things mlooo and white colour Final clurr nose on 1917 modclz Low down payment singer tcnns singer of norrib Te ophonc 7w LANDSCAPING warn cameo Now is the tEi to spray your daredeilonr whom etc lilo tertiilre wur Ilwli Airo Barn yard manure ior nie Tele phone Ivy lint BOATS 8t MOTORS it NOT cedar strip boot and it no motor complete with controls slso Telephonc raisins is room clulnv cruiser iuiiy corrinpcd good condition This cur boncerl at Carleya Boat House 5096 or out otter lE MOULDED Plywood mnabout with is hp miniode motor all CDIILTOIS running lights MINI lire jackets paddles Ill in Al condition Phone viam1 PLYWOOD ROWBOAI vbottonr good condition eom piete with ours $5000 walnut corner cupboard giasr hoot 65 Phone 7266219 ARTICLES FORRENT nAltGi tents or rent rai plow tng match Te 00 or 70 it To call mam Barrie ARTICLES WANTED we any and rell old Items Win hiva will The Antique Cellar rs nuoiop near Anna 7mm WANTED rnroiture Stoves Ap Dilances Dishes Antiques Roth 5130 hand Shop toadsIo ar TREES 8r SHRUBS nLnn SPRUCE or rate run and small also luuxho Pine sailing year old Telephone 7214591 titer 7m PAVING PAVING SPECIAL asphalt drivéwaya and barldns Iota Free estim ates year wmmneunnhumn MANIER PAVING Phone Will frtinieriyrof TorOnIo our customorsateourbest ari vertisers Japanese paving eli perbs Asphalttots driveways etc Written guarantee for three years Calimosts PAINTING and cxterior Moderate charges 17 Anne St Dorrie 721mm laminan interior exterior paint down expert nanerlnc mar roe tibial Can Shaniy Ball 7200346w MOWER REPAIRS human11m Serviu Ind wu makes air cooled cri nlnsr edigrn Mower sewleo rear 171Bllrton Ave 7231121 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Sales and Service TORO GRAVELY and Lawn and Garden Eumpmeni ribie within 15 mile radius or Cunp hordcn one child Lt Von item Unit room PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Totonto St 7206440 SERVICE interior very refillable Now 57 the tin to planti Telephanc mean REPAIR These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready enWorlr On Your Job Immediately EAVESTROUGHING Enmmpuanmn nooflnr flash inss chlmncyn Grnbam Bros sheet Metal 7751451 JANITOR SERVICE 100mi Fol flour cleaning homes Oitlces SIM37 Elam cleaning service7707133 momma momma $2 per basket warble arid ironing $350 10 shirts Pickup and deliver 7260553 DRIVING SCHOOL Modem neivtng thooi Learn To privolThc iroaern way commons moors LAKESIIORB nruvmn scnooL Licenced instructor and 1111qu tees Phone nuflsanyume INSULATION ntowmd METHOD insulation lree cstinmcs Guaraniaca week Telephone Scott hullr 77131161 CARPENTRY ALTERATIONS renovations house construction Ev IIniMened trader men 4496105 Anglia mom BOOKKEEPING GRAVES ans Admin inatali Bookkeeping Sysmm in coma Tax Planning moors wetts Ccdarglen WELL REPAIR Telephone 7201061 We 11b Dyskl PM RCA vrcmit Televillorh Black

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