11 mu DARRIE MONDAY SEPTEMBER ii ill DISTRICT wartim Clear Cool Is Forecast ICONTROVEBSIAL AUTHOR MARBIES Author lleary Miller 75 and Hoki Tokuda 2n Japancse pianist anti vocalist sample the wedding cake alter their marriage at the home of friend in Beverly Hills Cnlil The marriage was her ï¬rst his iiith lliu books include the controverslnl Tropic of Cancer AF Wirephotol Weekend Accidents Claim 72 Lives By THE CANADIAN PRESS Seventytwo persons dicrt in accidents across Canada over the weekend 53 at them in trai iic mishaps Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight Sunday showed seven persons died in tires our drowned and three died in other accidents British Columbia reported 17 dead l3 in car accidents and tour in tires In Ontario 15 died in cars and one person drowned Nine persons died in traiiic accidents in Quebec and tour drowned Onc boy was hanged accidentally laul Eversun Kirklield when struck by car near his home Fire took the lives or three in Saskatchewan Three persons died in tratlic accidents apd one drowned Alberta reported lnur dead on the road one dead in glider crash and oncperson electro euled In Manitoba there were seven trailiedenths in Nova Scotia tour and New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island were fatality tree Industrial and natural deaths 24 Hr Service Close to CNR 255 Bradiord 7285517 known suicides and slayings are not included la the survey SUNDAY Christine Paga 63 of Bur iord Out in twocar crash near Scotland arlen Rickard ol Brampton when she tell from car into the path or an oncom ing vehiclenear Brampton Daniel Graham is of Inverary Ont when struck by car on his bicycle north of Kingston Marlon Elliot oi Pontiac Que in cartruck crash near Arn prior William Tonmi ii at Sud bury when struck by car in lront at his home SATURDAY Jacs Hand 24 and his wile Judith of Slmcoe Ont in twocar headen collision near Port Dover Verle Glen Ruby 24 oi Shakespeare Ont when he lost control of his ear and it crashed into field near Kitch ener Michael Ohanley 16 vi Ottnv wa when his motorcycle collid ed with car in Ottawa Pitney Henry Thomas drowned in Lake Cuuehiching near Oritlia NIGHT For Your Food Freezer Larll= Volume nuylng gives you lowest pacer ln criteria 78 Alfred Gibbs 71 at Vnys bow 6a otter being thrown from his car when it lelt the road near Colhornc Lloyd Edward Fechey 21 at Brownmill when his ear ilipped over and landed In three feet of wotcr in the Black River three miles south oi Sub ton FRIDAY William Henry Knapp 72 ot Seeleys Bay Ont when his car left Highway 15 and hit tree near mnlths Rolls Bert Steube Sr 62 and his wile Margaret 56 in car truek crash near Sault Ste Marie RAT HUNT FLOIS CHESTER Pa AP The rat tail hunt in Chester flopped The hunt was organized by itluyor James who altered bounty oi to cents or each rat tail collected He tig ured the City could eliminate 10000 raLs for $1000 But in 29 days OI huntingif the 63mm residents of this industrial city outside Philadelphia did any at allonly dozen tails were turned in Another cool nlytt is forecast tortbcnraaatlcaetmtho weatherman says Daytime tour pelotum tonnrrow shouid be littletwnrmer The weekend low downtown at the Examiner Oiliec was in degrees the tear pcraturc at 150 cm was 44 degrea lOilONTD CF Oiiitinl torecnst issued at 530 am EDT Synopsis The high pressure area responsible tor ihu cool weather over southern Ontario Sunday night will still be the dominant feature tonight Mini mum temperatures will likely be only low degrees warmer than those oi this morning Across the north inc increasing southerly linw over lhu north ern regions will continue the trend to warmer weather This warming trend will aliect southem Ontario on Tuesday pushing afternoon temperatures gear normal for midSepiem er LakeSi Clflir LakcErle Niagara Lake Ontario Georr glan liay lluliburton regions Kllluloe Windsor London Hamilton Toronto North Bay Sudbury Sunny and littlu warmer today and Tuesday Winds light Algoma Timagnmi White River Cochrune regions Sautt Ste Marie Sunny with law cluudy intervals and warmer today and Tuesday Wind light becoming Iontherly l5 thk morning Montreal and Ottawaacgiou Sunny and little warmer today and Tuesday Risk oi trust in the lowlying rural areas tonight TORONTO CPLForecast temperatures nigh Windsor St north London Kitchener Mount Forest Wlugham Hamilton St Catharines Tomato Sault Kopusirusing White River Moosunee Timmlns GAME GROWS OLD Coll has been played in some form or other for more than 2000 years Roman golt bulls carried the game to northeast ern Europe on their wars of conquest Iudicial Inquiry Opens Tomorrow In Alberta EDMONTON CPlA judi cial inquiry into oliegntions ot impropriety in the Alberta gov ernment begins here Tuesday The eommisslon will investi gate charges brought helore the spring session of the legislature that cabinet minister and lormer cabinet minister used or attempted to use their public otilees for personal gain The charges were madeby Garth Turcott then New Demo erntie Party member or Pinch er Creek Crowsncst against Hlnmnn lormcr provin cial treasurer and Hooke then municipal aifairs minister and now weltare minister The Commission is headed by Mr Justice Kirby oi the Alberta Supreme Court Commission counsel is Carl Clement at ton who says the inquiry should last month but it cbuld last longer because of the number at enun scl involved Represented by counsel are Mr Ilooke Mr Hinman Mr Turcott and Alberta NDP Dead er Neil Ileimer the NDP the provincial government tho Progressive Conservative party the Liberal partyI and Dr Allard an Edmonton doctor and businessman The inquiry lirst convened June 15 and was adtonrned until Tuesday alter receiving 125 exhibits litany were documents intro duced into the legislature by ON THE Town rerunmm we wowe keep Wpflbes donII Double your money bnek guarantee on all lrcsh meats red and blue brand steer heel only FOOD MARKET Angus HARRIS FLOWERS Barries modern downtown independently Owned 4455411 lower shop Flowers for alloceasions Members FTD and 99 Dunlop St RULES Each week tar to weeks you cin will mm on the Town with the compliment or on oartlclplt in businesses on thb advertise ment All you are reuulml to on is read ttlrough each advertise To CALL ran THEBEST auv ON YOUR INSURANCE HARRY PROMM 14 Davidson St Harrie 728110 STATE FARM lruuum comnrnlu Mflflfm militiamen OPENING SOON Note New Location Robb Cameron Ltd Mllea on llny oo ment carelnily There will appear in number or the advertisements eatb week tn letters lorrnlng an rlnnw or one oi the plrttclplt lng businesses Correctly identity the business mu week ruo sand your nnswernionfl with your name uld raurorr to Nizht on the Town Contest Editor co The Barrie nununor no rust correct Inswer drawn anon week outwln Night on on Town entrlu must be received no later than many noun of each Wilk nuavs BEAUTY SALON Expert Hairstyling Permanent Iintin ouelr os Dill Tues noun or en Open nlon maul UFC 7266401 WHAT Y0U WIN Ladys Hair Style oomph ments or Rubys Bounty Satan ACorsnge complimentsflnr ns Flowers Taxi Service compliments Allundnlc Tail Co nlnnrr tor 4on at Maude Kourys Two steaks compliments oi Food Market Angus Theatre Tickets to the Roxy Theatre Wash Job at Taylors nun PETERENE PAINTING PAPEEIIANGINGI COMMfliClAL uexlDeNTlAL lNDUSTIilAL Nokjob too small or too btr Only experienced Lrnaesmenu rum leatool cr lasvou Wallpapers gtTnneCraft Paints onres 82 Dunlop 7255270 Custom Framing TEDDY BEAR RESTAURANT nnclauunr in Chicken Ind Dim snack or toll uurln meal 17 BRADFORD lion to Turn 1111101 pan FrL to sun to nlonrrnt reviews TEXAco Class Mechanic Major Minor Repairs Firesione Tires and Batteries ashes Acccssories millo next iueozt lira r5 Kounvs STEAK HOUSE LilllCii Dinner aint in clenncu luv 15th century cannulan or outrun decor 126 eouibr st 12Han Mr mu during series at events that began almost year ago It year ago at special ses sion at the legislature Mr Tur coit tried to get the matter debated but his rmtion was rejected During the throne speech debate at the regular spring session be introduced some or the documents and called or judicial inquiry Alter liveweeks the govern ment announced the documents contained no evidence of wrongdoing and Mr nlrcolt was challenged to bring in spe ciiic charges and supporting evidence He lullowcd up with more documents and the inquiry was called CANADAS weather picture today was relatively normal tor early September Showers were reported in widelyrepun ntcd areas and both saskntctr Wall and Manitoba had no degree temperature ibrecast highest in the country GP Wirephoto PM Stdnlield Plan Meeting 35 OTTAWA CPI Prime Min ister Pearson has told Robert stuniield ncw Conservative leader that he wants to meet him as soon as possible to dis cuss matters at mutual lateral Mr Pearson sent Mr Stare iietd telegram Sundny cun graiulating him on winning the leadership nnd one or best wishes to outgoing Conservative chlet John Dielenbalrer Observers here assumed mat ter tor diseusslon would include the reconvening at For linment Sept 25 and the possl bdlty oi byeiedian to give hi Stantletd an opportunity to win at Commons seat and tnke over as parliamentary leader at the Opposition in his mmsago to Mr Dletcn baker and his wile the prime minister said My wife and Send Mrs Dietenbaker and you our very best wishes tor the days cth as youluave thclcadcr ship of the party which you have served over so many years with such devotion and distinction Kindest personal regards Senator JanConnolly said in an interview he thought Mr Dinenbaker would have been better olt it he hadnt contested the leadership You dont like to secpcoplc who have served disavowed likE this ZCARRIER Miss You It your llarrle Examiner carrier has not arrived by poll please phone 1232433 And Copy oi The Examiner Will Be Deliver TuYonr Home by plrl THERE is NOCHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS BUILT rrnsr mm The ancient Romans spent considerable ettort in building huge tisb pends nometlrnel directly connected with the sea which were stocked with rare and valued lish WERE FtATiEitED macro our Theres only one Welcome Wagon imitation tis said is the iinest ot compliments And as Imuetetmltatclt organi zation weve certainly tint tcred not us many have learned the reasonabln facsimile too otton tails short oi the real thing So beware of substitutes torinersisnolealsubstitntn lor the services or and the beneï¬ts pl vldad through Welcome Igon unitingti