Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1967, p. 11

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AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLES HONDA Cl 100 His La lx girlsat tonalloo miles stay as ma at Burk luster sacs or teleoan mm aunts PERSONALS BE FEMININE Supernuoul hair removed by Electrolysis The scientific method Our Ccrttiled Electro lngist is availablefor consqu tioo without charge SYLVIAS SALON it Ired Grant St Barrie Ont mom Andie ml alum ro in min Boy Mme mom masts TRAFFIC ACCIDENT WI will PM lute dltalied sum Iltd also DI Iii Lusi Iofnfvuflulnill Imth pt 21 Constructair Drill 526 FIND THE BIBLE HARD TO UNDERSTAND Our rm Bible course may lull you Write Chrisladeipaianr no 21 narric INSTRUCTION rIANo 1155ch taught by Cory senators ullnrd learner Rustin aola rllel Home WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIILDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY SIC 7736961 LOST 13 FOUND Ivirms KlTIKN lost In Peel and weitlnrton Street ma Cbtldl pet Tclryhone mien alter no no ALLEY IIAG containing Barrie bx arnlner carrier any collection mon ey all amt in vicinity of uitlr Ave and iruronla na at approximately pro Saturday filial m1 award more == IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL calls or children in my own llama mo days week as am Fenced yard tor solely Phone some WILL LOOK alter the areschool children in my own name ilondax to Friday rnnlaill Street area Tclcphnne mlzzl ACCOUNTING Young man with re years exper lcac in retail attire and barlth would like Eamon ln narrls ielaA poms 7181 SALES HELP AGENTS CAREER OPPORTUNITY Local distributor of hearing aids has opening for aggressive sales man This is an excellent oppor tunity for mature dependable man with car 25 40 to earn better than average income by liberal commission Active and profitable territory will he as signed Write Manager ilnico Hearing Service Ltd 850 Yonge Street Toronto or pholle WA 42752 MALE Sr FEMALE HELP Do You Enioy Serving People Are You Friendly And Courteous THEN MAKE SERVICE VVOUR BUSINESS School has started and new there are jobs avail able for full time employment We the DRIVEIN slip ply uniforms transportation complete training program and excellent wages No previous ex lperieaco necessary Call now 7230941 EPAltE mil women or men II you are InturEsled in making 51 to per hour Puller may hav territory available in your area Telephone steam MALE HELP LOCAL MAN REQUIRED need representative for my firm in this area This opening may be worth up to $800000 yearly for the right person Full or PartTime Age 21 to 70 Can you make short auto tripst We hope you will start soon and stay with us long time Con tact Nawl Geo McCormack so Napier St Coiiiagwood Phone SM35 CARPENTERS arid CARPENTER HELPERS wanted for bridge construction Good wages Apply on job on Highway 27 miles north of Barrie at Willow Creek Bridge ask for Kurt FLUIIWER Wm meebsut with licence ror plumbing ion15 IIIIOII I150 oil burner service Ind ylrepain Write Box no name HINDIIKE QUALIFIED MACHDIISTS Insured eta openings for qualified Lindsay ModSell emu nxcuam opportunin no no perlenced bookkeeper lvrefemaby innate is interested call mom or npply In writing to nor Sod comm united Box me At uolon Ontario MAN woman to work on iron sarm Good walls Heated aolrra lea0 WECdfiAthy to err woolMm gm Angus or teie rwo pans more advertising rs yflesautatives qualified Appoint OIILI over 15 with cu Willinl to make calls weekly Interested Ewemin sis weekly and up anocrmv CLERK required or pro gressive independent store Expat lance preferred Good starting sal ary and rrhlvla hrnolILI Apply in person to John Christie Christies OA Road PUBLIC RELATIONS existent should have some experience in news media rich and public speak ing able to recoil minutes executive meetings and edit month 1y now mlsatlnc cxprrisncn iII mfg rinks advantage es war or advertlrtluz involved must bl iron to travel Geargtnn Ely negtonal Develop ment Council 130 110x lilo Mid raod one in monsoon I0 HELP WANTED Mate Mate SALES REPRESENTATIVE For wall established noolpany calling on distal variety stores grows and coalecttoaery wboi expenses and incentive plans casters Salary car allowance Applicant Irili cover Barriel Orlllis North Bay and uadsay Irus but amt live in Barrie Some experience preferred Please read complete mum to BOXEYI mm PRODUCTION MANAGER We have an opening for young man to take over the complete function at production manager This man should be under to years of age five years experience Ia and able to learn quickly Usual benefits ability xrnnimczn labourer or plas trrrr unulud Please call noon alter pm ilinAr MANAGER ulna for in deperldmt no WH lilting all and qualification Ia an nar ria auraalas FEMALE HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA MONEY Showing our heautiiul line of Christmas cards to friends neighbours relatives Is one oi the easiest and latest ways of earning extra cash You dont need experience because our big illustrated cataloguev with over 300 items shown in full colour helps you to get plenty of orders Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free caistoguo Monarch Card Co Dept 217 Cannon Hamill Do you WANT TO SELL it is easy be success and earn good money with AVON COSMETICS For particulars write MRS TONI SIIIOLUK PO Box 485 Barrie Ont Phone nasssi WAITRESSES WANTED Full time and part time Excellent working conditions Uaiforrns Supplied All Company Benefits Apply WAYFARE RESTAURANT Barrie 7283461 SHORT OIIDEII cook uired or restaurant Hours pm in in am Apply to Illn Miller mason SAMElm wanted for mil and store Apply to loo Grill loo Dun mfl Street West or telephone 72s IIOUSEKWPIJI wanted OI lellcir ant mother or light timekeeping dutlcs ror suburban roronlo aome school are children Telephone no loll between mo am and pni animals WOMAN is on rennin rd Illirllcdietrly to snack bar P20 cellem working condition or tence preferred but not essen aI Write to Box 112 name Exlaltaler suns um experienced cvsalcttc and am clerk line opportunity for the right person Apply Mr gtva Woolworth isobaruncut um IIOUSEKEEPEII Nuulrfld or AI IIndiie home middle aged In live III ldutls ample lime all but ins to commence immediately Tel ephone TIE2111 alter mm FULLER Territories now Ivlulilil ror housewives lusty new cosme Uc noon no krill iaorn extra money in your spine time lot to gain nothfrlg toloss Telephone visem for interviews nimlznumir stators woman with good tvotna ability and Pan manahin tar small cities Good stutter wage neierenoer write Box Barrie Examiner RELIABLE BABYSIIIEII required In my ear end home or one we lchooler and one Idndernltlrl day week am to arm Ile ggml prelemd Telephone 718 mrmsmus prrroaneni position npln tor tprst Duties to Include general correspondence filing aou recrptlooiss complete company benr iftts with wearsmatron alter one year of service llova to Box rm nanla Miler riauoa sic education and experience ashram required to Polish wish any weir to live in emchnt mother welcome Tele Phone nobles atoms wanted sor chamber main duties noun daily day wEelr Toiepnooe mm between 1030 am no pm TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST Part time mornings pm oiavr week Write to BoxFl15 Barri examiner htmnm AGE woman to live in with Idultl duties Ittlht house keeping and companion or elderly July in xchsrifll for rivlte room with home privllrg Telephone mice between pm TRADE SCHOOLS PAYRAISE more lor free 1001mm booir telll you now to train at home for top paying jobs obuk your mun Ailr calmm momma clam wnmNG coma nusmiss mam poor momma canmll fiveday week prediction control seilAstsrter salary cameraman with WRITE BOX BARNIE MINER LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDTNRS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ROWE GUNNLAUGUR LAURENCE EDWARDS DECEASED All claims against tho estate of Roscoe Guaniaughur Laurence Edwards late of the City at Toronto in the County of York who died on the 25th day of June 1981 must be filed with the undersigned on or betore the soul day oi September liloi after which date the estate vnl be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 11th day of September 1961 JAMfi ROS EDWARDS Administrator by his Solicitors Condor Sugg and Bigclnw Owen Street BARNES Ontario I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE or cottage Iumtture and appli ances etc for ALS CUITAGES Wednesday Sept III at pm sharp At 1th Avenue and Linda Lane Wasnga Beach Complete contents of cottages Terms rash No reserve Colts Hes sold ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Thursday evening September 14 at 630 pm sharp at the BARFJE FAIR BARN Sale of all househnldfurailure including refrigerators hot plates electric heaters dishes bedding linens tables chairs lawn furniture davenporls chesteriicids mattresses pots and pans large quantity of c1 ectricnl equipment and tools Terms cash No reserve as the owner has sope out of the tour ist business JERRY COUGIILIN auctioneer =2 IIIPUBLIC NOTICE VESPRA RATE PAYERS 1967 Taxes are now due and payable at the bank at Nova 15 lilifl interest will be added at the rate of per month or been mailed EAilL RICHARDSON Clerk 17 Owen St Barrie WELL HELP YOU WRITE Want 56 that get resulBi Examiner Adv Takers will be happy to help you wrim your classified ads To place your next want ad dial 72114414 direct line to the Want Ad Dept selvililm sedan status or PERSEIIS BKALSE ME volslore mar us was AN moomoo or 7716 error EIIMOPHER DRAHING mum Foan CAREER SURVEYING cAilslm CANADIAN INSTITUTE 05 SCIENCE murmur um Suite 251 Adelaide Wu NAME my EXAMINER worn ADS PHONE 7283414 Sootta Harrie After September portion thereof All tax hills have BARN EXAMINER MONDAY 11 1N1 11 WORLD News Ill BRIEF PROAM WINNER CINCINNATI AP Dale Douglass slender Denver Colo pro and his amateur partner Hale irwta at Boulder Colo shot second straight to Sunday to win the $33000 US proamateur golf tournament with whole total ol lSOIll under par over the toesnuviila Country Club course 70 ON ICE QUEBEC CPIAbout 7n playcra are expected to take to the lee today as Philadelphia Flyers oi the National Hockey League and Quebec Area or the American Hockey League area training camp Keith At no coach at lhe Fiyers one or six new clubs who will pin in tha NHL this season and to Slasl Ink coacbol the Aces will direct the training camp THIRD SKEEI WIN LACADIE Our CPIEddie Two of Montreal broke 100 straight Sunday to win his third City at Montreal izgauge skeet championship since inception of the molar shooting tournament live years ago WINS TRACK EVENI EDMONION or Jhilll Eccleston oi the Edmonton Olympic Club won the Canadian 10mile tr championship Sunday covering the distance in 55410 at the University of Alberta stadium TORONTO CWEdgar Cross 71 past president of the Canadian Association of Con sulting Engineers died here Saturday lie had earned rep utotioa as an expert in deter mining the causes of collapse of different structures particu larly subway construction APPLIANCES DEARER LONDON Oat CPIPrices for producls produced by Kelvh naior of Canada Ltd will be increased on average of two per cent effective Oct Woxman Kelvtnotor president ond cn at manager announced here Saturday Kcl vinator makes old appiaiances TORNADO STRIKES ST NICHOLAS Que CPI tornado which lasted about one minute causcd an estimsb ed $300000 domoge Saturday night In St Nicholas 30 miles Brandon Downs Nanaimo Luckies BRANTFOIID Ont tCPl Brnntiurd as rl downed Nanaimo Luckics 2010 Salur day to take the Canadian Senior lacrosse championship best oifiverfinal in three straight games The Warriors took 94 first period lead and stayed ahead all the way Roger Smith ImitlieEant ford attack with sit goals Pete Powless Vic Generoux and Cup Bomberry each added two had Smith Bill Squires Rod Camplt bell Jim Squires Jack iiill Charlie Thomas Wayne Smith and Sam lgaatczyk added sin gles Sirens Wall OTTAWA CPLA ruptured cable caused air raid sirens to wail in Ottawa and centres within mmile radius ot the city iust at midnightSatnrday night Hundreds of telephone calls were received by radio stations and city police as the eerie soundspread through heavily populated arca on both the Ontario and Quebec sides of the Ottawa River Bell Telephone Co responsi ble for maintenance ol cables linking up the system or sirens said break occurred between Ottawa and the supersecretv underground communications centre at Carp ll miles westol here An investigation waSundet way to determine what set all the sirenswhicli wakened thouo sands ot people from their sleep and caused many to empty into ttieatmets to see what had hair penedn Ripleys BELIEVE IT OR NOT AGUANA RI near SantarldgK Spain HAS CARVED WI OF GREAT NOW USED RMWRLY ID CROSS II loulh ol Quebec City No one was Injured in the windswrm but twostorey house was destroyed and motel was heavily damaged TRACE HZAVIESI ATOM LIVERMORE CallI titew tcrs ITbe dhcovery of the heaviest atom definitely ideall fled by man was disclosed Sat urday by Dr Glenn Scabor chairman of the 115 Me Energy commission The Italn Is an isotope of element 101 known as mandelevtum and has us mass units ACTRESSS CAR BURNS CHICAGO APIThe show went on even though the stars car caught fire Actress lith Roman leaped from her burn Ing auto Sunday night and Jumped Into cab She got to the ivanhoe Theatre on time to appear in Beekman Place DEATHS By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS WarsawGen met all Polnh general who defended Warsaw against invading German troops in Sep lcmber 1959 QuebecCoL PA Piuze 1s former grand prcvost of the Canadian army at heart attack TorontoEdgar Cross 73 past resident of the Canadian Ass otioa of Consulting Engi nears Windsor OntJudge Low rencc Arthur Dcziei 57 senior judge of Essex Colin Dull Roblin To Resign WINNEPEG ONDull Rob IIII who iinlshcd second to Pro mier Robert Stanfield in the race tor the national Icadcrship at the Progressive conservative party said Sunday he detiniteiy will resign as premier of Maui toba gt About 200 persons gave Mr Robiln and his wile subdued reception when they returned from the Conservative leader ship canvention In Toronto Asked at an airport news con ference about his plans once he resigns as premier Mr 110an said Its matter for deci slon on another day He said the party has good man in Mr Stanfield IIIr Rohtlll said he will not resign as premier until sac cestor is selected provincial leadership convention is expect ed to be called soon Oakeley Takes Sailing Lead MONTREAL CPIJohn Oakeley of Britain won Sunlt days race to maintain his lead in the overall standings hlthe world Flying Dutchman sailing championships Oakeley who won Saturdays opening race in the weeklong event heiddovvn first place in the standings alter Sundays race with no points on the Olympic scoring system Jeoii Smale of New Zealand who finished In ninth place in Sundays race was second with ill points Craig Whitworth or Australia was third with 197 and Verhagen of Holland fourth with 20 Pope Addresses Gathered Crowd VATICAN CITY AP Att ing Pope Paul appaared in public Sunday for the first time since ailing iii week ago In trembling voice he expressed hope to cheering crowd in St Peters Square that he will soon recover The Pope appeared at his sin dio window to give his Sunday noon blessing 18 hours alterhis doctor announced that the ill ness was acute cytopyelitls inflammation of the urinary system Dr Mario Fontans said it was hoped the poatiit who turns 7a on Sept 26 will be Iuililss lioni BEIILIIH FLOWS BEACH HOUSE T0 SEA Workmcn secure beach lab as the posted south of Beulah Ls now headed for the house that was blown from its foundation by Hurricane Beu Poace 1711 Bead houses are used as weekend retreats Repolt Encouraging Results In New Cancer Treatment NEW YORK AP Bathing cancers or the arms or legs with heated blood is producing some encouraging results can ccr researchers reported Satur day ihe hotblood treotmcnt com pletely destroyed cancer inlo oi 22 patients and shrank arm or leg cancers in five others they said Three to 28 months after treatment most at the 21 were alive and apparently tree at cancer Six had died all lvithia two weeks of treatment The rest were alive but still had cancers said the team at liai ian and American scientists Before treatment all 22 patients had faced possible anvplroation of limbs or death Irom recurrent cancer spreads ing through their arms or legs But all patients required intensive can to prevent coupli cnttons and only eight escaped any complications The six who died succumbed to heart attacks shock blood trainin sion reaction blood poisoning or kidney failure in three patients the treat mcnt apparently had no effect Inonothcr four tests could not determine lhatther they had benefitted at all The new treatment is described in the September Issue of Cancer journal of the American Cancer Society EXPEL CORRESPONDENTS TOKYO AP The Chinese government expelled three Iap anesa correspondents in Peking Sunday after accusing them of consistently writing biased dis patches about China Dominican Republic AP ercphota TOOK LONE WAY Tile is ous Long March mode by the Communist Chinese to 1935 covered about 6000 miles northward Kningsi to Yenaa BARRIE SEA icons Restaurant For the Finest Fish Chips In Town 109 IIradlord St 7iaosoz OPEN SUNDAY PM TO lo PM CLOSED MONDAY You have until September I5 to so Retroactile Interes willie PremiumSoviligsAtcounl utToroiitoDominion calculated onminimum MONTHLY balance able to resume his normal schedule as soon as possibl NoPolicy Change Calouelte States ROUYN Que CPlCredl tiste Leader Real Caouette said Sunday night that In electing Premier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia its national party leader the Progressive Con servatives have not changed their policy only their leader Speaking in an interview Mr Caouette said the only one among the candidates lvhowas straightforward was Diefcnba ker The others were skating between the two nations theme fThere is no place for the Conservatives in our province he said and the Liberals era losingground Mr Caouelto sold the only solution for tho FrenchEnglish problems lacing Canada is deep reform in ourmonetary system which Is responsible for the divisions existing in Can ada He said he does not expect national election Ilefore early Milliellie niove today AccountsopEned this week receive it lull Retroactivelateral from Sepiemberl GOJAIlend peeple bank on TORONTODOMINION 30 Dunlap St Maple Avs Barrio TheBonk where people maketllelciillerence 64 Dunlop St at Owen Sh Barrie EDMUNDSManagar 263 Bradford 5L Barrie Itandsle Branch CLARK Msnsger LEGGETTMananer

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