mam vuvmnvï¬r FWnmmuwwwvflmqw ltvv twoa rrnvzaw MW iIWF mu rvrmusomwr met no as you P11 BQSIdvéngeh 187C omwa arroar MW enthusiasm Now AHomequ RC Order Slaughter At Polls ldBayiiold street linoleum um mu vs murmur warmerweed arbormar Politicians Fear muahmaddltien as on thodeethoiharnlo norm JULY not NH nod homestead ta Barrie this quarters tor the Iistm titer tartar by whom it salt dalaea attiremrwuoutltths trot about induadw 11 in Hill 1de Bank to the mlwuede PATRICK NICHOLION both PM um that the be hot Barrtaitoe the itemoi eel Im the afï¬nlrgddbflid 3mm 0mm rto would total atluat It amt flu am prom lian rotors hlve would Mud 3r at $3111 ï¬rmltmnaior thee 3mg mwhzmw mfg that oi the cabinet such so am 34 um Irma doul Woo and in Tbreato to mom mi Ni mwm tr Pearsons close irtend It the am sleetom slate 11 °°t It It lad 10 when at this heuthlul idltrlct Elmo more Mini te Walter Gordon aloeaimleiuempus Mm and mad hunter silteuui iished tom salient broomm more Mum are Ottawa Vlil the low years no 1hr Examin it harem 1m In in those accounts were men 8w than Niccole commented on owing re ueruuimalnraururmuo HUM runny1 other important will Toronto would blow tarBJorIOa btltlu men hia holma in the me two inelud mud mum only hem otan rrte my and stirolive home as Rimrd Mara Woodlands MM Wm It to the llebec border did he herons World senlar Gwens Ovanden mid the floor holda It it on smaller as uld the thlnitlu voter mark Henry Ind John strathy John obiIn me one oi which ennth var1 DWI GMIO 000 till will reside thou nu lieue lam amount of interesting is Halt Coot Astronauttil smug htgtititiium trillw wfuiamezrlm iri 3713 built in sloby Mrs MIMI Hardin the town PM 3mm Al 97 my antes within both old parties tlal pins In ebae province iaél ml or oi lire William la that Globe story wu til Boys Jamal man struttit are how seriously oxaminln There they want to via amduï¬mggma sot humurmaflmqm antigngoyï¬tgmangw irunrmch ltla 1mg flusieatuimm theI Clouetlllil shan In in mum we Mm hm mm 5mm All Imeheniin ea come in irorn the Nu and we both Mike and Die must yo bo imrn the Swede oi thoiine homes in Candue problbtv the boot Situated CID thlitl Hlmton honour tare Parliament Hill alh tale yup it in ma it is upon an elevated luu Cr Little haneuua Korirlalt broom reenabiecgmuior low mmmn here but ml number at Wale rer iaeinx south and over hing Iiartta Johnson diaries Drury cohduaing the nation buei git Lima Dir Tmnto Wok Klmbontelt Boy own drain Witter Rather Schulber nose with oenildence restorod Col ii Campbell Jame Car Ihle location tor residence can at Bottlwelllalton Mocarthy in mm mum side and outside Canada negie manager Bank or com hardly be conceived An emi tlatar BoyatDr Billuko But at the same time then the Liberal pert Irmdinl mm William Coulter wm last picture is yen in this is PM Charles lie Muslin1 mflpl iranllly admit to this survey woodsink ironl tern halide Rev Ihomu lie Illa oi inclli which is MW Mlclnlflnirl mm ILllithn liee substantial br mention and Ardua ibomaon James are turbine 171°th ttgdynr would 3mm to mefl um mo mm by is an excellent type of Ellu whirl Odd Fellows Home mute uce liar Immlmmwmm Th ml Hmofl wh lmin imihum Bdmllie Wnixild sum Dymn Trillium would suitor urvaitvea who now have 91 tall until it wealtohianlloulin Wt Whmmmtb WW Gm tom amulet in auto would rise to ill The lclmtmii mud miï¬mmmmfl wicalr irinilimmsmï¬ lure dtltrtots through tblplan NrwDamocratle Party would ap wean or Mr an than sold to Hugh denood mm mud Gm Plum mingnldlilllinaiuï¬ romantflyah$nnlmbm trim wholived there until rm Altar will htmutmmttt numb 34 mum yieldgll ls Froneh and lame would and up us being vacant for elnhtyearee it mm mm mg Canadian deman mail as the it now la with 17 seats th was leased in role to Ward Am owns gm Véfly pension plan changes the lu Caouetitsta would drop item Pricedoib Eon agd wu oo Adjoining thlsproperty UIHI euigieseiniilnervbn 3133 Illring livawylnd01lm to tour MPI all from null 33 Inauglmn it In belullzul noufldl covertaa Jonathan Henderson and others um um me lo 0mm mm be an seven ems well wooded and home at the above mentioned hutch Muller to Mt to MN an excellent youn 0mm nieu baekmom circles oi in June leer it was looted by mid 1h homes were noted more or their rounds than or their hm ed by the older at nova All the nteeaaa bulld Redeem the Redemptoriatina inn and throughout ellyew the Md mm mm or chrd ndi gm monastery my 331 at Pï¬ogmmrm Film Elmmad Mai THE made by recent owners and the mow we spent it became the mm FM nestled in his memoirs REPORT FROM UK BIBLE THOUGHT GOH once egar ed We will roioioe lu lay nin AS For Homlndlnthenuneotour ï¬dfldflgwfl people EAL IOYLI who werent 4mm Mill PlM up to the wolf Mfg Here is another banner vlllo one thing in Its Menthol Wm Britons To Hit Hooligans T°W°rkInCanada Winsome rearranging it as synnrermrns soon paid an will ml gown gmgtffltiflï¬a mbdoratbertbante here Hurts Most eoc et grammarrm dihtiiiihï¬pmm moma th hi it ed in ii at the tune oi childhood beeu In Windham ents ironl Glasgow Univerilty mm um 01 The hooliganism shown in Britain in age from mm 100 pounds equivalent gay cgait tahchartertd Plum 101 winging Jvfigevdngdm hither Flriday by 33 End imn to nod for you and blend waited the seaside demonstrations oi juvenile to $56 and 3280 Compensation payments mist g6 geivaflmmll Inga lone They Just do not ialllniine laia mama bonltre ins ramb The dentist was pleaed tl ioolrwirdlo Jean Harlow mm by the Mods and the Rockers were raised by the same amount magma jabgthki with what know at Canadian ling building in suburban am you bniahod your teeth at every redhead like clue new at Cfacton and Margate seems to have Rejecting alternatives oi birch tits liltl work And am very lby was deatm ed juu before night and morning Even most they had secured before their so aroused the perhaps too tolerant author ing and couiiecntlon of motorcycles Mr pllratlons or in mm werdyltr flremï¬ wanpglï¬Ã©ogiflfmwglï¬ 313 tum tiles Brooke says Ibelteve mature pflnctplo mitt monument1W Clllldl rliber dhllluatoned admirliairatioii urge There was diliorenoe ho Home Secretary Henry Brooke has an of exacting restitution or damage done their Prospecttvt Jobs in Cana trounced the governments intention to along with the salbtllty ofasu stantial wk Shiirmriwéffldflfl hit the hooligans where it hurts most fine will bet it reassure the public as PM mm til Md in the ecket well as deter oollgans mrï¬dbcï¬qï¬ amt 87 mï¬llgz MM it His or fines and restitution pay The Home Secretary has setup an ad tn ooniuactloa with sscoo WWW Im it ates base ibo only men iood served xtalents as announced would cost viso committee on uvenlle delinquency lrevel aseaay on such in re as In ball arid liti the borne was too monk troublemaker up to 200 pounds sterling whic he hopes ilnd long term ans Acurdlni to the club oiileiall Hlstory IS In Blg Huny the or from diversion and most oi it notional theequivalent of $560 tor ramp were to why youn boys and girls band mm mP nude in high lehool English classes there is wide variety in the was looking up the nauahty Olatory was still widely 16 lnvolvln dams ato roperty togetherin rogue ou sDeprecatlng mm In EgTm out go shrug that hooliganism condemnation of of end youn aters w°bdumlhmfmflfï¬nd£ Rhodes in mm WW WW Mb does not pa the minister told the Brit out at hand Sec Brooke mild ad in their lo weeks holiday tri Shakespeare me wire couldnt mu stir ish Houseo Commons dad We are entitle to ask them all to to CMIdIrJttdslnitrom melt WV Mom of speech was men Houses Rhodesi in my hardly worth voting tor To deal with tans regarded brewln remember however that behaviour be hardewtldni 11°wa em There was an mater thrill Kuhn Wm BI haamlalnetlaIn ud he prope noun known as Emaildale lially 5E Since Theyve Been Kind Enough to Show An Intesreat You Might lit Least Be Corteous Enough To Have Problem SCOtilSh Studen Conunonwealth rime ministers Item hither wind had for weekend trou to out August Ban which may seem amusing to them can de mv aw hieh opens id button next was 23 T1533 mitten it she showed up Holiday the Home Secretary llnasteppad velo into an unialr arid intolerable in VARIED roas Mow AM who mm Wodnudayl 10 in mm Minimums rod ital up the maximum fines for malicious dam true on upon the pleasure or others 10de in In at of mqu mm mum One auisertton limited by pnrtmonte sod ladder 9° at which these students will hm man who has laysd part wagon Only the verylweaithy wont ï¬kh°tr mwm W0 in mom Medicine it it was to do you 14 It ltd WW ifA DOWN MEMORY LANE it mammoth our cw em or mu Wealth it not lull weeks aid vaea shown it lwdat7°gedlmltgeugtr termini as veaas seem TOWN Murray Mills elected to high offlcslnllev One student for instance has 23 giant TQ¢ Go and tern were bott rte everwm at on aim Barrie Examiner June 291939 With bekah lodge Assemblg for Ontario alanad up to work are waiter brtablvnortitiar tailinationeu 55W Th0 were days Mr tension mountln in Europe over Adolf Collier Street United hurch on June 28 Overtmt Exyreu train hm mutilate iayed largely bywe iodo member1 orvtce between Toronto and my fly Hitters antics are was great activity was scene oiweddin oi Helen Elizabeth d1 hm at Camp Borden Training was intensiï¬ed Garrett of Barrie and William Russel Mc wflngï¬ geek in them Rhodesia and at the air force base and tank msaNew Life Of AVEfliflg mv Ernest Inns P91 in NlluloildY with Smith still in Job He says that the round trip cmmh mm um much to building fender were being fanned ceremony Barrie beat Owen tram Toronto to Winnipeg and mm eluding plans for manled quarters It Sound in senior baseball Pitcher Ha buck will hit dfly FM Now almost overnight it RCAF Genera Manager Ken Mor Emma allowed only live hits Local bat gnbgkmnwï¬knf 33 seem the blank majority is risen reported general business increase at We 990789 Id Gm Leaeï¬ll m5 mm way companys luxury hotels in mofluwhr¢h an In 31mg 11 my ca 33 down Doug Ramsay and Eddie Stranaman my according to hi Human mgaltacsgles Hdn lbr JwSimpson Barrie lawn bowlers led Allandaia by 12 be will be receiving olas tor our ii dd points in weekly Berger Cu series day work As one who has lived mwmu OtMiniteoEdu ess algnfllnllomaetlsngf Misaagg hairs Jonea gï¬l andCSlmcoo mesteflis Igtt £0313 m3 hyguï¬gnï¬ï¬‚fflï¬dfltM tunahuge rim mm th Cid ell eteb ed 60th wed gala 0mm 691 was liral lznivgrsdiy Fodrtnurses Mary Chimes M9338 MC r°i Staynermlth mm mm mm mm mum have aom tear that hernia be Hooper one Sinclair Dorothy Wood and Mayor Gordon Longman of Barrie sec dislppoilltgd mm to er in ire hits Velmalrelandgraduated from Royal ondtncommand Comï¬lny commanders other students reported to belt li rd tlltth all 35 flmmxmd vmH mnHAK wereaamp osa oy moieties Home onto any wdfh giaesidgdd Smiih ibwgtdldierPilo lor turney Fleahenon Miler WW iessor JJackson of Toronto roposed Kenn 0W9 sound M310 1M1 £23£iulrlir Pugghm who unification or all Canadian rairways as Clarkel M31 William Thom which they npect will read dependmce next Monday can solution to financial problem Presid 59m Penetanhv home P011 9011 their eoralnrs to om aweok claim an luldlaouted leader in mi Frank Craig gave his vaiedicto ad tinned cra wn ondulcehall drinking Dr Hastinll Banda dress on retiring as presidentoi one it That E1101 6mm Rhodula to Wm an Gilfldi ll lllldld elu Meeting held atBlg Bay Point Ho Flynn tn Dodge City tGranadar Jane is do r15 eiwrboiisui on KW been one oi the great Aliteens sirn or presb re on Withers in Boy Friend At Imperial they will do very well durllll Young Pebble held yenï¬byaï¬gedeyeldldgr 539k Oakle and 14101119 BaumAnï¬b91 if in cam athmgmï¬te loarwbï¬ boattflp Mannheim any Mmy scr students staged Shake ares WulIhommftmflgghï¬ï¬ the Mrican elite ndther as You Like with pup eta dï¬geoted mad if V1 lei maernaolm looming by iixnrsueppurororou eluded Paul ï¬ï¬‚ï¬wgmfgat mag mamagm mgmv the McPhall Joyce Reid aPlowman weeivAppsrenlly theaalary mmmmmm Robert SarjeantMa Bagulay6abriel rate or stenogrepbers must Pukalo Mrraine He irony DonnaHSuth V0 Md new we eriand Mamet Brenna Beatrice Mc Quade Ca Mtl hVDoli in ion Bernadette Stbgafd andla Armstr are expected due armamentsm uni bandlul at atudentow dormer IllL Aoeoaltnl Pick will No mamas saunter mutation mu oasrlt earlmsbemormmta au insecure muyma euoeeripuea rm datty by nutr toe wukiy iavortte baltoi Canadian 11m From time to time smith so stflusaofltau ï¬rm1 in Quintin men they haverbeenioldr conquern mum my will ulu 05 grammar Month ed at alibi rmMapendfliu uuliulmiiy but gt In awe back because arrebelllolle v69 aiaraimyiny moot ioo it hem lnterferewitlith lev Em eiul lilaoi treatins 3200 an Sam Kayviile our in the burrent national gins coat we anthemlamented ile éeludemwfdldrutfmhik lutflmpalated on sub mmm mm Some trtuwttt user at oarterminate