IiliD ii SQUIIIT Agriculture Minister Harry ilnys in pink hat with It taehed milkmaids braids mpmvnnnm new wry mills Jersey cow Sunday during brewing oi Slllsbub It his annual Stampede breek Heewweékendneeth Toll Ontario Leads Provinces 0P 00W JUICE an in Calgary ice wrre phhto TRAWLER ARRIVE HALIFAX tCPiA Russian Few Thousan friends Out For Breakfast CALGARY CF Agricul ture Minister Harry Rays and two Calgary buslnasmen in vlted their irienrk out to breakiaot Sunday and the asoo who turned up bad real urngding Fflme Minister and Mrs Pearson arrived about am an hour alter the Klondike Slx began belting out When the Saints go marching in it wasnt long before hall doren bands were rtntggilng to be heard over the skirt til bagpipes the rattle oi hooks tonk planes the strains oi an ancient eailiope and dosen other instruments sea of white eteisons swirled over the grounds ol Mr Hays tuners ierm now green island in the midst of suburbia ior the annual breakisst bash that has be come the highlight oi the Cal gary Stampede celebrations The Stampede oilicialiy be gins today doa normally have this kind oi experience on Sum day explained the stem clad prime minister as he looked down tom the back vi truck am Merrill set ting ready to go to durth about this time But he and Mrs Pearson threw themselves into the inn oi things along with dozens ot other dignitaries who joined the barnyard breaklast IXTS BIG SCEAMBLE The 350 down eggs scram bled in gallon earls were being turned with shovels on huge heated pans About to ooolrs kept the tried potatoes coating along with ten pounds of sausages Everyone was in western logs most had cowboy boots and low carried six shoot era Deleaee Minister Paul Hellyer wore huge stctson that sat iirmly on hlsesrs Former heavyweight chairman Roda Marciano had iar headdress and so did Walton Butterworur United States ambassador to Canada John Russell tar ol the TV series The Lawman was busy signing autographs throughout the morning and Mr Pearson signed his name to dozens oi stetsonl Mrs Pearson wore wide skirt and running shoes The breakfast party reached climax when Mr Hays made his annual batch oi ailinbub ounwetioa oi liquids that boiled like laboratory exper imam me wild FEARS PIGTAIL she agriculture minister wearing Maneter pigtails beneath ink stetson mixed the cats in bowl carved irom ice alter be led Jersey cow into position be hind two ipers Nobody seemed to what all the bottles contained but some originally held iaoa lotions The linai touch came when Mr Hays took some ireah cream from the now and let Mr Pearson pour it into the mimiure Mr Ienrson took small at and grimaced Mr He or traditandlooiredcoai Commonwealth Nation Malawi Gets Independence BLANTYRE Bolsters The new black red and green Ma lawi state ling fluttered out here at midnight Sunday night sig nalling independence ior tha tanner Nyasniand protectorate alter 73 years of British rule Representatives at more than oouatrlesincludlng Canada etched the independence eere nronles at Central Stadium The flag raising ceremony elimaxed independence ceiebra tloas that began with ailshour display oi national dancing and eluded ï¬reworks display Theaew 36000 squaremlie state at Malawi means i1anaes uiatltln of 4000000 Prince Plriiigl Elisabeth nrlunK 2an at Butler lrulye innards Nansen ears as deialne ambassador to Cairo win on ovan the celebra represented The European white is no longer over us and thereiore there ls no cause ior irictlon between us and the Europe WARNS 0F TROUBLE Herald anyone in Britains government who wanted to give independence to the present Southern Rhodesian government masking ior trouble Nyasalnnd with Northern Rhodesia whidr becomes in dependent Oct 24 as the slate oi lamblHndSouthern Rhod esia comprised the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which broke up last Decamher alter to years was Southern Rhodesia ruled by white minority Bands laces difï¬cult task lnLdipio mucy and stabeamnnship hes cause more than to peasant oi Malewis imports comes irom Southern Rhodesia and Bands supports the black nsuooailst movement the rpendentstaie in Malawi will remain witth commonwealth and them panrdnca oi Bundu as head the independent staieywili be the gommonweaitin prime ministers conierenee ng in ndonWednesdsy ispesklng at the unveiling ol sacs monuarsnt hm nsN carer DENVER polo AP Last Christmas morning Mrs Rose Urtado tl was shot to death as she opened theiront door at herhdrne in stop ganglight outside The death ieltrrz moth eri midfGlIVIiiJ Uri gr astrcken lath Poll loundUrisdo banged Sunday lh said he mrmtkallled arsell iahis with Greek iroighter Wednee day crawled into port here irb day esoortod by another Soviet vesseL The vessel suilered trash in her starboard bow ares alter oo in MMuIlldins or with the two slriiocltiens Moe bad it lstslitlu with persons dying la trellis Ie closets one in drowning Icel dent Ind one struck by light alag Manitoba had two deaths in trsilie and two drowolnsr Ithree mas died on British on highways and two on New Brunswick roads in Al bertI there was one drowning and one hisbwsy death Ssskstmewnns sole acciden tsidestbwssinthecruhois single engine Ilrpisns our Prince Albert and in Nova Sco tlsonopereoadiedia tell from bridge Newiouadlsnd and Prince Ed wugrd island were without istsllr The survey doea not include known suicides slayings or in dustrial deaths The Ontario dead SUNDAY Diana Joan Nelson is ibr onto when the car in which she was riding was struch by train Leslie liaii 12 Maynard near Brockvilie when his car leit the road and overturned rte miles east oi Brockviile Koyo Nirnarl 22 Toronto James Gibson 56 and Wil liam Booth both oi Sutton in twocsr collision near Mark ham in miles northeast oi lbo onto Evelyn Ducharma rs and An geio Anal as both oi Sudbury la twocsr collision David Laloado 15 Stoulvllie suiiocated in ilre in car It sturgeon Falls Maris Decicco Toronto in ihmato hospital alter she was pulled irom swimming pool at min Falls 80 miles west oi lbroaio Breads Margaret Sawdruk 19 months St caihsrines mu grows bschyard srtlliciel llsis CheryillscDoosid st CIthrinu sullocsted when bicycle loll across her throat Benjamin Kenoplcl7 Olse gow station Ont drowned wmhil swlarmia la lags ag as as non we Ptmbrohe Ralph wib 1hrner Tor onto whea pulled Into Keaaisil Lake near Nindea Iiter his troll la as ea in the or ollhls boat mp SATURDAY Edmund Adsrossl so lnr liiiW PRESIDENT Ird irodermsn was named president at the Chris tian Science annual meeting in Boston recentlyy Several thou sand members traveled to at tend the meeting held in the First Church oi Christ Sclenlt tlst the new president was oncsvieeprerident oi Chl cago bank but resigned 15 yore ago to enter the public rnetico oi Christian Science eating lie is currently true tee oi the Christian Science Publishing Society EATONS RECORD BREAKING aiglï¬Ã©ih or DAYS ronour EXCITING VALUE PACKsn ICIRCULART nEuvrrrn ro Younnoon AT nwsav rm PAPE DNESDAYJULYJTHm so runrusaMoMevreAvruoVALUE We lea obit cor Peter vIa der Bade Owen WdhrhoieiiirornIdock into the city harbor Johakheman so Easter so raliee north oi Motion In two csr collision our Enter Robert Guy stilngs Cam ledtie our Semis when struck by car near his home lire George Alton Gor betton when the ear in which she was riding struck tree near Dundslk to miles west at BIrriI Gioryi Lindsy Amer 15 At wood when car she was riding In plunged late gravel pit near Wlagham as miles northwest oi Strstlord FRIDAY Martin Erin Towns 11 llsm ilton when the car in which he run riding went out oi control is leit the road near Kirkland DOCTOR PLAN STRIKE MUNICH AmMunich doc tors have threatened to strike lot higher tees under West Ger manys compel health serv ice The heath Jim rovider compulsory insurance or any worker or emioyee with In in coma up to marks 0th rnoathiy The countrys doctors clamoring ior higher lee it Jill 3A3 mmuonsr Picture Brightens MTAWA CF general bomvement in the iiosaclal mi aw il car as noted by them Brood caistuiioverunorwery ii lmM snausl report1 made public this weehurd shows In increase in orienting rollts lot the malar ity at rude and television sta tions in rare although some re corded operating losses 1h re rt giving survey oi made as stations revenues and lures is based on in iorms supplied byl the III tione to the EEG details In given concerning individual stations Among television stations the in rslloa beloann mo in an aggregate not pro lit in root at torer mm plred with $51000 the previous year Seven oi the Is stations 1963 Newspaperman Drowns In Lake hilNDEN Ont iCPt Rolph Wile nrmsr telegraph editor oi the lbmnlo Star was drowned in Koanlsis Latin 20 miler northeast oi he while lishlas with his niece Police said Mr Tamars troll ing line caught in the propeller oi the boat Although the niece MsnhI Carter ii grabbed ior his hand he tell overboard when the propeller pulled rAaArrs SUMMER 1040 pm time and place for PHsener arrears AtwAvs nms nun PLACE run PILSENERHad slough day on the job Head for your favourite tavern with enjoy Pilaener from Labattsl So some friends and the lively lager ou pickthetlme and the place But be sure you always plck Plieaner For tastetheres nothing onoot four great Lebstt brews ior summer dosi sparkling good like Pllsener For the momentum variety in been look no further than Labano however recorded losses in in rear the aggregate loss oi it at these TV stations In oeeded the total proiit oi the other menses VINUI tenement lacuna in total brodusting menus ior tho rtIUons wss reported last year over rm repress In in cresreoi to per cent roar rest l0 l9 Returns train is TV stations which rtsried operations alter the end oi rm showed tour with so operstln loss in ms But the board eye the nine new second TV rlIti which began operating liter mo in the msior markets have pIrtici psted in the general Improve ment in the industry Between 1m and 1903 total broadcast revenue harassed tn mmooo from limitH000 or by to per cent An ssmnu loss at 300000 in ml was converted Into an IIKNII pro it oi last over 400000 in 96 The no radio istlons which were in operation It the end oi 1959 showed an olshtperosnt incresra In operating proilt in loss over rm representing an overall increase oi per cent lrom rear to 196 Hanover the EEO says the in crease in rollts in rm and res would tumors than restore the prolit portan in rest Thirtyone oi the its stItioas had an operating loss in ms Eight oi it stations which be gsn operating sincelm and re ported returns ior rm showed an operating loss ior ls year FOr Private Radio