Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1964, p. 4

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Teams earnv ranw Wells Publisher or burrs examiner Ii Wilson General arunosr sour eieu Pagei New US Civil Rights Low is Not Magic Formula The strongest US civil rights law In nearly century he been signed Pre sident Johnson and is now in eilec On section deferred is that which deals wt equal opportunities in employment The twenty million American Negroes in whose interests theglaw was largely enacted are awaiting results with keen interest Their top leader have promised to take test cases to court ii specific in stances oi racial discrimination come to their attention Undoubtedly such instance will occur By signing the historic bill the resident has not waved magic wand new not will not eliminate hatred and prejud ice irom the hearts of some whites and the Negroes in the US lnflamed passions of this nature cannot be washed away overn ht by eech and pen of the chief execut vs nation The not however does give assurance of government backing oi equality for the Negro in hotels restaurants schools and universities It promises him the status oi tree men with rights to carry on level with the white man But legislation alone will not give the Negro the status to which he as es un less the people oi the United Sta so agree individually and collectively to an port the new law Some people wont at is evident There may be more Incidents more heartache ior the Negro and per haps more bloodshed Nevertheless in true per ective hi toric progress has been me There is growing in fact mushroomingisol ing in the US that the Negro has been treated disgraceiully He bu been sec and class citizen erred lar ely from white society curbed in bus esa and the professions and often beaten when he attempted to assert his rights as human being The law says that he he the right to advance economically and culturall with only his own personal limitations set his pace This law could not have been passed unless there had been growing accept ance oi the Negros ri his Congress lt seli would never have ven its sup ort Ii there had not been clear reallza on at proiound change in peoples thinking Legally at least the emancl atlon of the egro has come to pass ere will be pockets oi resistance especially in the South but the trend today is unmist akable The Negro Is comin Into his owu with the rig ts and pit eges of decent citizen Will the American people recognise this new trend and abide by the law that gives the Negro these rights We believe they will Ii given time and if the Negro is prepared ior some setbacks and disap pointments in his advance to equality DOWN MEMORY LANE 60 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance July 1904 in absence or Mayor Boys Alden man Donald Ross Is actin chiei magist rato At closing mee n5 oi Barrie Collegiate Literary Society ebate was held on subject Resolved that Russia is justified in her present course oi ec tIon Edsgar Clartonwas chairman Gordon onehouso oi Allandale young carpenter died in hospital from injuries received when his bicycle collided with horse and bu gy on Bradford St He was trampled by horse before he could be rescued by the driver Rd Miller woman from Greniel has been lodged in counTtyl jail here on charge oi insanity town bylaw against expectorat ing on the streets should be eniorced Nat Dyments Barrie horse headed list oi winners at Buffalo last week with almost 00000 Surveyors for Canad ian Pacific Railway have almost reached towu Rpport is new line Toronto to Sud bury wt cross Owen St near Welling ton where the station is expected to be located Barrie strathconas baseball team trimmed Toronto 113 The city oros had trouble with the curves of Barriee promising young pitcher Arch is Burton Members oi Slmcoe Forest ers Regiment have arrived home from Niagara looking almost as bronzed as our Boer War veteransJ Wonder how those iorel Scotchmen out in Ore will vote in hex general electioni In this present anticl arette crusade we have another oi those patient attempts to repress criminal law that which is not crimlna Charlie Campbell oi Aliandale had his nose badly smashed by toul tip while playln baseball It is time catchers were force to use masks lnnlsfll Council appointed David Wice athmastsr on Tel endal road as Ish is leaving township Broad view Boys of Toronto are camping at St Vincent Park Passen er steamer El Lewis is on re or run connect it Barrie and Allan ale withBl Ba Pant Jacksons Point Bell Ewarg and Orlllie Ruiierfleld foundry on Brad ford St almost demolished On Sun day the roof oi the Walker House In Al landale took ilre from spark drop by engine in rail yards but was qulc ex tin Ished Art Overs is adding bat com to his shaving srlors Lord Dundonald was ri in his expo sure of Mr Fishers oil in mm mam cal lnterierence OTHER EDITORS VIEWS STUDENTS MUST HAVE FUNDS St Thomas Timesiournsl Nearly 11000 university students across Canada will soon be at the end oi another term According to statistics their chances at finding summer employ ment to finance another term are grow ing slimmer all the time At the some time university tees are expected to rise Commenting in reportior the Can adian Scholarshifi Trust Foundation Dr Deeks rock University vice resident said earnings from summer obs accounted ior 40 per cent oi stud ent income in 100057 The figure drop fled to 31 er cent in 100102 and Dr eeks pre cts it will be down to 14 per cent by 1070 As student earnings drop ed contri butions by parents increased from 275 per cent of student income In 105657 to 347 or cent in 100102 Despite the fact is years students are receiving some 010000000 In scholarships and bursaries from governments univer senta less than six per cent oi the total student expenditure And by 1000 the tavern cost at year at colle ex pected to reach 02000 The Barrie Examiner Authorised aausm sesameores bruit snndeye and secretory negates remnantaura HUI WILION 0mg All IMHHIIDN IIIfling HIM MIIIAI BILL lunlllsl MWBII Dflxllll CIIIIIIIHDI Mllsl sensation no son by no one so vau smithuéllm hmflihfi month Wilma Dntarto 110 you Gills anus Brith it we Vonaerona no Yllll use us rerun 01M ll Univerelt Strut Hamil An Toronto us not mu adieu silk slties and Industryhthe amountrtpre intas hssbeconie The dismal picture ls hardly one to encourage young peo is from average income families one to continue their education beyond the seconds level There is anohvlous need ior dltional financial aid it this count Is not going to be deprived in the in ure oi the iu use oi some oi its best brains NAMES FOR OUR HIGHWAYS Ottawa Citizen proposal to designate lli hway 401 with name as advanced in Ontario Legislature the other day should be im plemented Mr Charles MacNaugbton he Minister of Highways has said he will give sympathetic study to the su gestlon made by Mr Thomas Wells mem ber for Scarboro North Perhaps at this stage that is as tar as Mr MacNaughton can go But the issue should be pressed It Is true that as Mr MscNaughton has warned there are administrative dti flculties involved in name But way can have name and number is is often done in the US the Skyline Trail and the Mohawk Trail are examples For administrative purposes and ior maps the number could be used But road markings could includethe name and the road would become generally kno among the public by its name ra ther hon its number name should hel reservee high ways historical assocn one or its apef Ia geographicslgieatures Highway 11 from Hawkesbuiy to Sault Ste Marie is designated Ihe TransCanada HI way Ottawa Vslleyltoute It could be named mostappropristely the Chem allele Trail Highway 40i running from Indsorto the Quebec border couldper hapsbecalledU or Canada Highway or the blame Tra orthe Seaway ne The use of the names of livin politic Ian hould be avoid thought In lapse common in re entyears Otherwise it would appear as though ahigbway asbulltss person monumentto cone in oitlceli ms ricel genome fialsbciatl are Intain asui ent numberof nam available forevery prole is suited 17323 It is The Inalienable Right 0t Every Individual To Conduct His Own llilairs In His Own Way LETTERS TO EDITOR YAVOM RED INSIGN Dear sir have read your paper ior finite mother oi years have ved In Sirncoe County or most oi my 01 yea wsa born In Mulmur Ibwns In 1m and am at present visiting In Call iornls USA One oi your bai Iots on the lag question has been iorwardsd here to me since feel very strongly on this eublcct am very much in lever oi the Red Ensign and It Is just as the Americans here to whom have been talking say What on earth Is wrong with the Red Etielgni It Is bomb iul flag on the whole world recognise and knows It has lntemational meaning and tra ditionl Sounds like Commun ist Inspired rot to usl THINK RACK we will but think back to use when Alexander Muir drew the Ensign we will recall that it has been most distinctive Canadian emblem has proudly gone through two great world war at the mast oi our ra nownsd Canadian Navy when our Canadian boys showed with their very lives and blood to the rest oi the world that titers were not anybettsr than our own Canadian sailorsl And these boys served under that Ensign The same true oi our Avia tors end oi our Csnsdian Sold iers all at whom served under that same battlestained Reg Ihmareetllithoseoius who do not forget so easily and whootlll vividly raoali lots to lots when our boy marched oii in our deiense singing We will never let the old Flag iall For we love It we love It the beat oi am And we have not forget ten that they never did let it ialll But there are now those who hava ceased to remember and would gun It down wet ohed an American broadcast lust low alghts ago and was horrliied to ace socellcd Can adians trampling our fraud En sing into Canadian ustl And it people like these who ols mour ior new ilag when they can not even respect the stand one that was held so high and which they are reaching to pull down REMEMBER PIONEERS We would have our Canad ians remember the pioneers those hardy souls who cleared out land under countless hard ahl with work toll and sweat stunt was they who opened our country up to lay the inunda tion ior this great Canada oi ours these were the men and women who literal sweat blood andsuiiered untod hardships they who cleared the land and made it resdy ior the plow first under the Union loci and later under our Ensign They were proud to give It their ioyaityl These builders oi our Coun try dld all this while the ma jority oi those who are clem ouring for new ilag had not yet started towear diapers nor can they possibly under stand the pride with which the Red Ensign Is revered by those who do know since they evi dently have never teamed the depth of ieellng one can pos sess for proven bit oi bunt lnll COWRED HUNTING firrthermore what would they give us What have they ever given us They are ailer ing colored hit at hunting and that is alll Where Is the tradi tion behind it Has any man ever laid down his Ilie to pro tect it Or Ior the principle for which it stands Nolndced notl The Ensign carries the em REPORT FROM or Death ran Brings Demands For Roads tonne building endior the shaman noon wNDON The record death toli resulLoi accidents on the highways at the recent Whit sunday holiday weekend has beenthe means oi stirring up massive demand for the build ing oi more motorways and the improvement generally ot the road systctieln Britain The iin al Iigureslahow that over 100 le lost their lives in trniilc lagcfdents over the fourday per iod oi the holiday weekend And anrnnalysis of these accidents reveals two major cause for the accidents These were bad roads and Inexperlenced drivers One at the noteworthy points which Is being hammered home byIhe advocates oi drive ior better roads is that not single one of the fatalities oi that hol lday weekend occurred onihe countrys motorways This lsbe Inglmpressed on minister of transport Emeet Marplee as telling argument irons ssiety standpoint for more motorw onemmm nose tstrongest demands for dlmprovementareoomln orgrinlsailons associated with roads and with molorln the Pr minister to adopt plan which it has put forward for another 17000 mg oi motorways and ms ways The much more militant Mot oring Deicnoe League is demand ing that responsibility ior mot oring be taken away from Mr Marplee and lot the appoint ment oi separate minister oi motoring its administratorer or Van Rant said We are nobanlIMarplee as ministerlei transport but he has proved himself completely Iliad equate to deal with moiorlng problems Hehanded the rail way problem to Dr Beechlng ahd now he shouidallow some one to tackle the chaotic road ltuetlon From the RoyalAutonIobile Club come this stateme The only solution In to im rovelour roa mploy more raiiic engineer give great er attention to the education oi new drivers spokesman for the Automo bile Association saldr This is shockingp Ice to pay tor line weekend We can not aiiord to rely solely on hu man judgment which has too lien proved lobe ialllble And irom the Royal Society ior ltrillion oi Accidents com blems oi all the dliierent pro vinces tund ii any are leit out they can be placed there These agitators may say We are looking to the iuture but theyare in tact really disregarding the part this past that has been ulld by the very men and wo men who brought our flag into being Did these men and wo men earlier and die in vein that our proud flag might live on and fly ior Iuture generational And now they ask us to iorgetl With Gods help we never willl They did not die In vain long live The Ensign and The Union Iaclrl Yours inths cause oi true Cnnadianlsm Ralph Black Cookst Ontario TODIIY IN HISTORY The Independent Republic oi the Philippines was pro claimed on this date in 1040 in accordance with an act assed by the US Congress ms The Philippines were visited by Magellan In 1521 and con uered by Spain in 1505 Fo swing the SpanishAmerican War the Islands were ceded to the United State by the 1090 Treaty oi Paris is an oc copied the islands tween 1912 and sees ibisThe Statue oi Libs erty was presented to the US by France laidThe ilrlt train to reach the Pacific Ocean irom Montreal arrived at Port Moody 30 BIBLE THOUGHT The Lord any shepherds dun not went Psalm sin This Is the testimony of every true child oi God President Johnson winds up signing the Us civil rights billvlnrtbe can Room oi the es orraws REPORT Write on Gordon lit Next Election ly PAiRItK NICHOLSON OTTAWAThe Liberals today Eve in médinntfi IE1 uoxi mmone more to give them the berest mathematical nulorlty here Is not single Liberal MP who does not riveter wish as Health hi stcr Judy Lehiasii rccenlly admitted out loud In the House Give us to more membersl So lnevltably there is lot of last iooiwork going on be bind the scenes starting within week oi the its election we saw evidence oi the struggle to realign the minority parties and achieve working malority for the liberals that was when we heard oi the efialr oi mthe Sis elx Social Credit Lils irons Qucbu whose names were al llxed to memorandum ed draased tomthe stigmaGe er prom ng auppo or Hbersl gmmment The Six subsequently with draw that promise but later they bmlrs away mm the So cial Credit pm under the leadership oi and ionned the purely Quebec Social Credit Rally under tbl leadership oi Real Ceouette Then there was courting at individual me at the 1homp eon gm with approadlesbe Ing ma to Rob Thompson himseli to Guy Merton and to othersapproaches so din creel that they could be denied NEW DEMOCRAT WOOED Then there was the wooing oi the socialists This took place on two levels vlnclaliy in Tomato and orally through clandestine meeting in the Ottawa apartment of Finance Itlinlster Walter Gordon In addition to Mr Gordon NDP leader Tommy Douglas and the deputy leader Douglas Fisher were present even Prime Minister Pearson was expected to attend but he was kept at home by influenza and Instead he merely telephoned during the meeting Rut even these negotiations tailed to client merger ber QUEENS PARK MaySelect Museum its Centenary ProjeCi rononmrr you were to erect an Ontario memorial ior the centenary what would you chooeel It should be something lym bollc oi course something that wmodfltflbenfllfm hgnlus ye reoo som milrig preiersbly that will be useful and something that will be oi value to all the people The government be given this thouflat and apparently has come upwith protect that comes close to illllng this bill The word is that it has de cided to mask the oentary with museum of science and tedanology It Is expected there will be an oiiiciai announcement when Premier Roberts returns from overseen The choicebeing choice wlll be criticized other people will have other Ideas in keep ing with their interest But as symbolic and useiul monument lcdinologicsl rou scum is probably as good thought as there cotsld be ior Ontario dlrmmahlydit will trace tihe eve ant Industry 35 eluding agriculture in the province and this PRESIDEliT exerts ownRIGHTS BILL AWhIIcHoure other gestures are John hiccormnok Speaker nurse and cannu Thompson withoutameli runny vHrlu cvpgwmgmauwmw tween the lberais and the New Democrats The more obvious my in Ihldr the Liberal might hm expected to win mnlori through is mnolhs oi oi ectiva and popular government fol lowed by another election Bub private modes and public polls Indicate that iar irons gaining seals in an election this year the Liberals would prob ably lose small number on balance with some gain In French Canadian district but with heavier losses In OntarioI ONTARIO PICTURE iind that Liberals and Com aervatives Independently some with ve similar estimates what wou happen In Onta rio ii an election were to be called now Among the Liberals written doomed are Mr Garden llrade Minister Sharp Red Kelly Pauline Jewett Walter Fey Ioe Greene and ii others doubliul are said to be Health Minister LeMarsh John Mathe son Dr Harry Harley and Jim iorgle sale as houses on tbg other band are Bert Badanal Lucien Lemmrcux Mlke Pesoi eon himseli Rodger Mitchell ill he does not retire Ddence Minister Paul Hell er Forelih Minister Paul Iiiar and Mines Minister Bill Benlcllchon In the West Agriculture Idio Iaier Hm Hays would whipped lnlfallery but Alisficn Argue wou recapture bola ior the Grits Unlike the 1001 and lit elections the Disi enhsker image is now slipping among the better Iniormed vot ers in the West especially to urban districts according one western premier The no cred and New Democrats not the Liberals would benefit irom this Little change is ioreseeo tn the Maritimes So It appears that neither by merger nor by snap election can the Liberal succeed to set ting those to more members they would so much like to add to their voting strength In the House oi commons ucstlon Is the key storyoi On nrloe loo years particularly the latter sleds oi thank it We are an Industrial prov lnoe You could say also to large extent we are deilan sign province 1i this is not the whole plo ture It is the big picture We are province dominated by our big cities particulnily Toronto And the civic emblem oi this metropolis well oould be the dollar sign It Is the standard of merit it can be regrettable that there is not more in cultudsl way that we can recognise and proudly put before the world Rut well at least we can pay tor the iruit oi the cul ture oi others In WI 1ty our command proper recognised pro vines there can be the hope that local governments canpsy attention to the loss bursts ac cots oi oesr marscter It would be reassuring to see them pay tribute to local hi9 tory The smaller and more pen sonel achievements tothe grwdhoiihet irltusl silty of goodwill Indtpundcrsizitdinz which today we find in the centsu er den President protempiirc the Senate AP Wircphoto

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